How To Sing LOW | Your Questions Answered: Part 1

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let me answer your two biggest questions right away one yes you pronounced my name Jeff and two the reason I can sing solo is because I have long hair I have to admit that I was a little surprised by the amount of comments and questions I got on the last video and I was going through and leaving replies and it just seemed easier to make a second video that answered some of those questions so here we go let's jump right in vocal fry' there was a little confusion in the comments about vocal fry and what that is and how you do it is it a breathing out technique is it a breathing in technique it is definitely a breathing out technique and you are barely breathing the way that you find vocal fry is by trying to imitate a like a creaky door or somebody whining or if you've seen the ring the the ghost girl on there samara she does this like a thing we just barely popping your vocal chords together that's vocal fry' and what I recommend is frying down as low as you can it's like I said I think the lower in my experience the lower that you can vocal fry the lower you'll be able to sing then that leads us into some harmonics if you are practicing some harmonics and your voice is getting tired I think that's pretty normal you're asking your voice to do something that it is not used to doing so it's gonna get worn out kind of quick over time you'll develop more about tolerance for it what I recommend is not spending a whole lot of time on it all at once ten minutes at a time take a break maybe 20 minutes and then come back otherwise just working on throughout the day is totally fine you will get better I can't stress this enough that it takes time and practice and patience it is not easy to do if you're having a hard time finding the subharmonic range you may be starting too high in the scale or too low I would recommend getting with a piano or using an app on your iPhone or Android phone and starting at a place that is not too high or too low you're gonna have to figure out what works best for you I think I mention last video somewhere around at a orgy is usually a good place for me and then make sure you're not using too much air or too little air it's an extremely fine line to walk and the only way you're gonna figure it out is by practicing practicing practicing so like if you're starting on on it like for me D would be hi mmm you could just hear like it's just I'm never gonna get it it's too it's too high for me there's a lot of cracking and popping so that would be a note that I would not try to do in subharmonics but like I like a G it's fine I can get away with that one pretty much all the time there were a lot of comments about making the subharmonic louder that makes me think that there's a lot of off-mike acoustic singers out there watching this video I don't have a lot of cause to sing off mic these days voice play always performs on microphone secondly doing some harmonics off mic is not a thing that I would provide that even I would probably do I'm just not there yet maybe with time and practice sure but but for all of you out there that are trying to make it audible off mic stick with your strongest notes is what I would say and really work on those to get those as audible as you can know what that feels like and just go for it see how it works how do you make the sub harmonic smoother and more consistent sounding this is a good one okay so I can recommend once you find the sub harmonic range in your own voice so I would start on whatever pitch is easiest for you wuji for me and then slip into and out of your sub harmonic register so [Music] and then once you get good at that you can start moving up the scale or down the scale so was it 50 that's ID I was talking about earlier look at that yeah so that would be one way to do it obviously it's gonna take time to get to that point in your subharmonics as well but once again practice practice practice where do I place the note where do you place the note where do I place the note is I feel it up here in my mask but I am making very very very sure to drop my larynx out of the way like if you're watching mmm you can probably see I don't know if you can see it on camera but look my atoms at my larynx is it's pretty low that helps for some reason I don't really understand the anatomy of it maybe somebody out there does but yeah so that's I'm not really sure I'm answering the question where do I place it I feel like it maybe starts up here somewhere and then moves back here sorry can subharmonics help you sing higher good question I am probably not the person to ask about this that I believe is called a vocal whistle or a whistle tone there's lots of people out there that can do it one of the most popular ones is Mariah Carey or she used to be able to anyway there's probably some YouTube tutorials out there about that if you search around you can probably find something but once again I'm not not the guy to ask sorry there were a lot of questions however about is the subharmonic technique something that that females can use I don't know I've never met anybody or seen any females that can they can do this not to say that they can't I assume anatomically we're pretty similar in there give it a shot let me know if there's any women out there watching I'd be super curious to find out for myself he cueing I am NOT sound engineer however I did mention in the last video that when you're doing the growl technique you need to EQ the air out of it what did I mean by that okay first of all I should have used a pop screen or a a windscreen in the last video and I didn't that would have helped a lot that cuts the air dramatically secondly on the EQ what you're trying to do with with EQ aroud of it is basically just dropping all the high end and for this technique you're boosting the low end so for example like the end of daddy sang bass in the sky or in the sky in the sky in [Music] and obviously the the better you get at that the less air you have to push and that just helps the sound overall what can you do to lower your voice naturally first stay relaxed what do I mean about stay relaxed if you are pushing to hit low notes or if you are straining for volume your vocal cords are going to tighten up and then you're gonna lose your lower range everything's just gonna get higher so definitely stay relaxed if you can do some like some light stretching make sure these muscles are loose for tight that's gonna be a problem yeah so stay relaxed secondly practicing your vocal fry' in your lower register will help you achieve some lower notes and help you round out whatever lower notes you have that being said you're probably not going to increase your vocal range in your lower register a whole lot you kind of need to be happy with the voice that you have I would rather have a super loud low C van than the a or the a flat if I could sing that off mic and knock somebody over from across the room I'd be very happy with that so I've learned to work with what I've got practicing your vocal fry' and your lower register will help you with that so for example so just start as low as you can or wherever mmm and then move down that's kind of that's one way that I know of I also know obviously sulfur hexafluoride is the thing testosterone injections are a way to do that as well also I should mention you can induce light trauma to your vocal cords for example if you are out at a party one night and the music's kind of loud and you're talking with your friends and you're having to talk at a higher volume and you're putting a strain on your voice for an hour hour to something like that and then you leave the party you go home you go to sleep the next morning you wake up and you notice that your voice is maybe a little sore but also a little louder a little lower a little more resonant this is what I mean by you've induced light trauma your vocal cords were not used to doing that kind of activity for that long and there's been some swelling over time if you do that a lot that's a really good way to get nodules so don't do this a lot but I have noticed that it does work if I know I have to sing a really really low note for an album of her recording I will intentionally try to wreck myself a little bit the night before so when I wake up I can roll right in here and just slam a low G or a low f-sharp whatever I need to do it does work temporarily like I said use this at your own risk also sing all the time I've noticed in my career that that if I'm working consistently if I'm singing a lot then my I'm able to do the things that I want to do with my voice my voice is also more consistent if you're looking for a place to sing I would recommend joining a barbershop chorus or an acapella Society you would be so surprised with how much you can learn singing with other people it's a great great great thing to do and I cannot recommend it highly enough if you're looking for something there's some links below in the description finally you can wait males and females alike your voice will change until the day you stop breathing your job as a singer is to keep all of your range and not just worry about the low notes you want to keep the high notes and the low notes if you've seen any of voice plays videos you know they make me use every single note that I have thanks boys finally who do I think is the best bass out there well I think it's pretty obvious and you guys probably agree too there's really only one answer I mean come on it's gotta be you
Channel: Geoff Castellucci
Views: 255,932
Rating: 4.9892311 out of 5
Keywords: deep, deeper, voice, tutorial, geoffcastellucci, bass, growl, subharmonic, technique
Id: RW-s5fotJNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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