How To Sight In A Rifle At 1,000 Yards

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natural point of aim shooters best friend a man on the target like you just worked let me know when you have it on target target okay close your eyes open them still exactly the same spot yes close them and pull the trigger nice oh my god this dude just hit that is bro I like that a hit dude that was a hit started with this eyes closed [Music] [Music] really fun day today the Iggy farm I'm gonna find out if I could shoot a 6-5 Creedmoor bullseye at 1,000 yards no that's farther than anything I've ever shot that's probably 700 yards farther than anything I've ever shot I mean we're talking 10 football fields 3,000 feet that's over half a mile you could argue that there is no practical use unless you're a military sniper to be able to shoot that far but yes there's several reasons think about it this way if you're ever trying to control a cattle herd or a deer population in some management program on a ranch and you have a thousand-yard shot on a predator like a coyote and you could take it wouldn't you want to know how I don't know how but I have some very special guests today that are going to teach me and when they teach me hopefully they could teach you too [Music] all right we're here ye farm setting up we're gonna 0 at 100 yards we got our 65 Creedmoor Tyler and I both got some amazing spikes tactical rifles and we've never shot them we're gonna try them out right now and then we're gonna flip to the other side of that berm and shoot 1000 yards okay first question what is this what do we have here so that's a chronograph so that's gonna give you your muzzle velocity it's measuring the bullet coming out yep in the speed at the ball speed what you want is obviously you want image from edge to edge and all the way around squeeze it so it raises the buttstock up and then what it does is that way when you get on target you just hold it that tension on it and the reticle is gonna stay right on target so that way you're not having to do do this right and get all all shaky you just gonna use the support of the bag you're pretty 0 so you can go ahead and aim in on the on that same steel we cited in the rifles at 100 yards and so now how far is it 500 561 this will be test number two it this distance you can't even with your naked eye you can't even really see the target it just looks like a black hog yep yep and dude that's no joke like the only thing I would you know look out for overseas - it's just blobs that move jump in contrast yep after the hundred yard shot what changes with me now specifically the biggest thing we'll take a look at is your position on the bench first okay so the best thing best piece of advice is you want to have this rifle be no more than like an extension to your body you want to be is perfectly straight behind as the rifle as possible that way when the recall comes back you're only looking at 6'5 half an inch to an inch of recall fight through that and keep the gun perfectly aligned that way you don't get bipod hop to the left or right biggest thing for like a precision shooter is to be able to see your impact downrange breathing's gonna be key you know what this distance I usually crack my shot at the bottom of the breath give it like three good in-and-out breaths relax relax relax don't think too much put the sights on the target and squeeze and these are really good triggers man watch his side when I do that side starts to foam coming way off to the right for what it is it's the foundation so it's a great position nice and flat feet are flat you can manage that all day and he's gonna be right back on target because yeah snipers are great first round hits are always cool but you need to be prepared for that second round follow up even more so boy got two left to right yep don't four left point six gotcha sending in three two punch in the center circle Oh bro you brought it back ah five hundred sixty yards huh rollin that's all you man you don't tattoo sniper on your arm unless you're serious about this that's all you that is crisp room that is a nice nice rifle dude if we had stuff like that overseas could you imagine oh my god alright so all the language you guys were using for right and left okay now check this do you see that Mirage down there looks like water yes okay and you see how the angle of it is going from the left to the right yes and it's slightly angled you know not much one down there so you want to make the bullet or push the bullet it's like the movie or whatever curve the bullet yeah push the bullet into the wind okay what's going left left to right you want to aim into the wind to the left so you see those those hash marks yes reticle so you see the first number you see on the left two right one of the two yes so to the right of the two as you're working your way back towards the center you see that first large one yes that's one okay so then in between that one and the second one is a 0.75 gotcha and then that very first one that you would see from Center is your 0.5 or your half mil gotcha nice nice same thing here you go on you shot five hundred and sixty yards nailed it I have the advice of some of the best snipers and I'm gonna move back now to a thousand yards here's the money shot 1000 yard to you this is gonna be our shot right along this fence line of the Iggy farm straight down that way there is a berm that is right here is that right there is that visible in this camera so long shot you can't even see what that is if that was a wild hog breaking in the fence at mom's ranch going after a nice food plot that you just planted for the deer did you make that shot yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep Wow yes sir dude I haven't done that in the wall I forgot what a thousand yards looks like dude that's all good spotter right there baby all right lefty coming in came and barely see it good man all right spotter where we yet now you should be good for elevation so I'm gonna give you holds based on the target so if I say left edge hold the left as you see it we always talk about the target as you see it so anatomically it's his right but as we talk about it it's gonna be his left or our left our left is right correct after that little low in left correct ready everything [Music] nice man hekia bro this next one brother just hold the trigger back on the trigger absorb it dude on I think of it like it's a very intimate like relationship at that point right when that cracks like you're getting married bro marry yourself to the trigger just embrace that dude it's it's beauty at that point that's Picasso about to happen right there downrange bro elevation hold just off of the right edge just outside of that right edge through the circle [Music] amazing know that you have that kind of power when someone didn't even know you're there is indescribable that's professional man Shawn in a thousand yards that's crazy all right an amazing day at the farm learned how to shoot a thousand yards the farthest I'd ever shot is probably 300 max 300 max so we just did a thousand use a spikes tactical 6-5 Creedmoor which is unbelievable for this kind of situation and we also had some of the best Army and Marine snipers you could possibly have teaching you precision [Music]
Channel: Yee Yee Life
Views: 396,673
Rating: 4.9411693 out of 5
Keywords: Yee Yee, Yee Yee Life, Granger smith, earl dibbles jr, yeeyee, granger smith vlog, yeeyeelife, sighting in rifle, rifle scope, scope, long range shooting, nick irving, dakota meyer, reaper, reaper sniper, ranger, army ranger sniper, sniper school, sniper training, marine sniper, demoranch, lunkerstv, demolition ranch, matt carriker, robert terkla
Id: oPsJmKK3z04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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