Club Digweed, episode 1

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so here we are today at Greenfield shooting grand story at Canterbury the club dear to my heart I use this club regularly on a Sunday to what I call practice but it's a competition ground where they shoot a competition Norma 100 birds every Sunday so I come here compete in 100 bird competition which gives me an element of shooting under pressure they put on good targets they don't usually do stuff or big range but one of the things I want to do with a club is to go to certain grounds and extract targets out of those grounds where perhaps regular Club shooters are having problems we go to the stand have a look at the stand see where the problems could occur and then going forward from there off coach my way through that stand and how I would approach it and how probably a club shooter would approach it and where the mistakes could be made so let's go inside see Scott the general manager and see what happened last Sunday and see where the problems with drugs film for the club today I didn't shoot the competition on Sunday but I hear there was a tricky stand or two about yes it was yes yes we're sure spent in there was a quartering standard and the quartering back to upside down which is a very unusual target for us and afro here so cool a lot of customers out which Gary really pleased because it's because it was all registered shoot so caught few people cool yeah I'm sure hey um every now and again he gets out of bed on the wrong side and you get one of those more difficult shoot so that was one yeah it was yeah it did pretty very tricky for all sort of the real customers there was a few you know people that shot well but not to their averages so yeah it was good - excellent you're the first target we've got here is a standard target thrown off a primary trap on the curl you can only see a part of a clay and it's thrown on an angle so it climbs to start with and then dies fairly quickly the second target is a Batou target now the Batou target is thrown from the same direction but it's thrown upside down so it gives a very regular flight pattern where the target comes out it dives very quickly and turns in midair so it gives you only one possible place to kill the target in a correct fashion where the target really opens up what we're going to do is we're going to analyze both targets individually and then we're going to shoot them as a non report double so as we would discussed earlier on we've come out to the stand now and this is the trap as you can see it's on a Pro Matic trap and the target instead of being square is on one of the Pro Matic tilts so a very clever idea throws an exact target every time the beauty of the Pro Matic traps is they've got knife edges on the plates so the target falls down sits on the knife edge and is thrown in an exact manner every time if you look at the trap from here you'll see the element of tilt on the target and then if we throw the target you'll see as it goes through the air the element of the fact that the target is appearing to the shooter at 45 degrees rather than 90 degrees or horizontal okay the second target is the Batou target this is a batter now then the correct way of throwing a bath you talked it was there's no correct way you can throw the correct way or upside down both fly in different trajectories if you flip if you throw the target in the normal way it throws a very long straighter target with a loop at the end if you throw the target upside down it comes out looping right from the very start obviously you can see there's a dome side and a concave side okay now he is throwing the target of this very old Pro Matic trap as you can see in an upside down manner so the target will come out and it will arc immediately it comes out of the trap it'll turn in midair and die a very very good target for a call setter to beat people with not so much distance okay so here we are in the stand now and what we've got is the two targets which are right to left the standard to start with followed by the bat ooh both targets climbed to start with and then immediately start to drop off on the angle neither target shows a complete face you must come through the target from behind otherwise you won't get the line of it and if your feet aren't correct you will go over the top now the reason I say your feet aren't correct is because if your feet aren't correct your body will not be able to keep up with your rotation as you come through the target and automatically your shoulders would turn in the wrong way let me just give you a demonstration of how that will work so I'm going to come into I'm coming into the stand here and if I stand and face the trap and I'm going to shoot this target here which is right to left as I go through the target for me to stay upright this shoulder will have to drop so as this shoulder drops my gun goes up in the air the targets trajectory comes out and starts to peak and drop away so literally as the targets coming out and starting to drop my shoulder because my feet are in the wrong position is causing this shoulder to drop and as it causes this shoulder to drop the gun comes up in the air okay so from the front view empty gun I'm stood facing the traps and I go to rotate through the target and that's what happens that's an exaggerated version of what happens but it's only got to come up in the air that much for you to be six foot off line on the target Paul Paul a top-class shooter will read the target and his feet will go into position straightaway where he can force the gun down on to this knee by turning and turning my feet so that I'm Square to the target rotate my left knee come back in my shoulders remain square and I can push the gun to wherever I want down on to the target the best thing about a good sportsman a roger federer a rory mcilroy they keep the head still and their shoulders square because if you don't if you're off-balance if you're offline the target and your gun I'm never going to be at one so here we are we're stood in the correct position now which is I opened myself up I can rotate to my left knee the trap is out here on the right I'm going to come back below the line of the target so that I can come up to the target as opposed to starting here and making a double movement I'm going to start below the line of the target the target is going to come I'm going to come up through the target looking at that bottom left-hand edge when I touch the bottom left-hand edge I'll pull the trigger and keep the gun going let's try one pull try that again pull oh-o-oh now the whole object of me breaking that target in the man and I've just broken it is my feet are correct my shoulders are correct the gun position is correct I'm not making extra movements that I don't need to do I'm just coming through the target from behind touching that but specific point on the clay pulling the trigger and keeping the gun going so it's it of lis the economy of movement is breaking the target as easily as it's just broken there okay we've broken down the first target the standard now we're going to move on to the Batou looking at the batter and seeing the trajectory of the target obviously it comes out in a fairly straight line and drops off of a very quick pace as we spoke about earlier on the way I'm going to approach this is I'm going to wind myself back I'm going to keep a very similar stance to the first target that way is a non report double I'm not rushing and changing my feet in between targets I'm going to keep a similar stance but I'm going to let my knees and my body do the work come back to the target and I'm going to look to attack the target in a way where just as it starts to come off its peak and open out I'm going to shoot it slightly earlier than perhaps say a club shooter would and the reason I'm going to do this is a club shooter and a slightly less experienced shot will always try and shoot at the bigger picture so they'll always try and shoot at the batter when it's opened out completely here when the target is opened out completely rapidly dropping so not only have you got to work out the lead you've also got to work out the line and the fact that it's dropping on a curl is very difficult for me I would attack this target and shoot it in a slightly earlier manner than normal for a normal battle when it's opened itself out and shoot it when it's sort of half open and the reason I would do this is because the line is fairly straight now by shooting this with a line fairly straight I can actually approach this target as a crossing target rather than a batterer type target so although my picture is I'm only going to see half of the target it's actually a more consistent method of shooting it because I'm shooting it on a straighter line then when it drops off okay so what we're going to do here to shoot this batter is I'm going to rotate my left knee back in and drop my right knee out and as the target comes I'm going to transfer my weight through give pushing my right leg on and dropping my left knee back so that my shoulders stay square but my body is creating the movement which allows me to move the gun freely so that is the movement that I'm looking for pushing my left knee in dropping my right knee out as I go through the target okay so we've got the set up completely right we're going to come in here we're going to rotate our knees and we're going to come through the target so obviously I'm going to be holding here at the edge of the cage I'm going to be aggressive with this shot and I've got to look back as far as I possibly can to try and see that batter which is a John and difficult to see in the trees away from the trap obviously get a slight I can see the arm come around I can see the trap I know when the targets gone so I can preempt that movement slightly but I'm still looking specifically for the target I'm going to let that target go because it's fast and I'm more aggressive I've got a faster swing that I would have for the standard target so my body is going to rotate through the target and I'm going to get that speed of swing from my body not just my arms my body is going to help me as I come through the target I'm going to shoot it as a flat crossing target just as it opens out so as I'm coming through the target because it's naturally dropping off I'm going to be looking at the bottom left hand corner but probably in a position just underneath that so instead of looking at the target I'm going to be coming through and almost underneath the target looking at the target but my barrels I'm I'm sort of looking at a Channel three to four inches underneath the target so that my gun is always on the bottom side of it that way if the wind pushes it pushes it down I can go with the target let's just ever look at that so I'm set up my knees back I'm going to hold here I'm going to look back at the trap I'm going to see the target off the arm and I'm going to come through it in an aggressive manner Paul let's do that again Paul so I'm looking underneath the channel looking at the bottom left hand corner and as I come to that bottom left hand corner I'm pulling the trigger and I'm killing the target before it has chance to open out and drop off okay so we've shot the two targets as single targets now we're going to shoot them as an on report double in doing so we're going to stand for the second target what I'm going to do is I'm going to stand to shoot the Batou the first target obviously I'm going to have more rotation by standing to shoot the second target because I'm coming back further and I've put more body movement in it so for the first target to reduce my gun speed I'm just going to hold my hand slightly further down the forend that'll allow me to come through the target in a nice relaxed manner bring the hand back and come through the bat oh absolutely as we've shot it as a single you by standing as we as we are for the bat ooh I can get away with the first target and I'm in comfortable position for the battery which is the harder target but doing so it allows me to have a perfect swing keeping my shoulders Square for both targets now if you get an on report double and one target is slightly harder than the other one if you haven't got time to move your feet which you wouldn't have here although it's not a very big movement then I would suggest you set for the slightly harder target and counteract that with your first target either hand further down the fore and farther up before in too slow the gun down or speed the gun up what I'm going to do in showing you that guns empty so I'm going to set from a bar to target come back here I'm going to hold man just a little bit further down to fall in so from here I'm going to go to there it just slows the gun up slightly for the slightly slower target once I've shot that I'm going to come straight back to here for the battery which will speed the gun up so I'm going to hold here there's for the first target shoot the first target keep my feet exactly the same bring my hand back and shoot the batter pull oh oh for me this stand isn't is a straight forward stand where you shouldn't miss a target for a more experienced shot it looks good correctly and you have the correct technique so we're going to stand correctly we're going to keep our shoulders square come through the target looking at that bottom front edge when we get to the bottom front edge we squeeze the trigger keep the gun going and finish the shot off for the bathroo we're going to look just underneath because we know it's going to drop off it's upside down a little bit quicker and you have an ideal scenario with a sound technique to put 10 on your card straight away now as we said before there's going to be a bit of fun in the club and one of the fun sections I want is the hello George section for all of you club members out there I want to hear from you if you've shot badly or if you shot well and an email address is going to come up on the bottom of here that you can send all of your photos and video clips to as it's the first show I've asked a few of my friends to do it and here's their captions Oh George sorrow can come to the white gold cup with you yesterday I'll busy being the best man going over being the best man it's bit I don't you to me you much weekend I mean I'll get the groom's of the church on time take 46 bit like a get you to the shoot sometimes I'm gonna make sure I've got everything in place everything ready you like I did you get your gun in the cloud she's ready why more standing in a cop hangout trying to do things for you and then the end other to stand up and make myself look stupid in front of 150 people it like most weekends really good luck with the club dickweed really looking forward to it it's crop year I just want to wish you all the very best with your new TV show and your club I know a lot of people and get so much out of it so I'm gonna be part of it too Sushil met George rob here from enjoy Church oh just wishing you all the best with club dickweed hope it goes well maybe you're thinking of you and look forward to seeing all your members here the shooting dancers hopefully though managed to catch you up on the ability steaks just make all of us like village or okay I'm here in Canterbury Kent I just wanted to wish you good luck with the club dickweed I'll be the first person signing up when you launch it on Wednesday all the best mate you deserve it morning Georgie James here from Cape Town South Africa summers on its way but what we're really looking forward to is the launch of club degree this week we sure it's going to be a fantastic success for you it's something which the the shooting family really needs and you'll have a lot of support from all of us and all the shooters around the world good luck and see you soon thanks very much for that everybody now we're going to interview Sam Vitti who's the shooting instructor chief instructor at Greenfield shooting gun we've been shooting here since 1947 the ground started on this lower field and then we moved up into the top field which is that same size as the bottom here so we probably got 60 or 70 acres so the entries in those days were taken in a small green Caravan which stood over to my left followed by what was an old newsstand and then in 1991 this Clubhouse it we can see here was then used and was then extended again in 2002 I always noticed a huge amount of have a go on shooting on on a Sunday morning effect they're probably the first here at 9 o'clock and there's normally a big queue of them out of the have a ghost end right away through until the finish of the day how do you advertise that and how do you get people to come and have a go a shooting well originally the have a ghost and we'll set up obviously bring lots of people or as many people as we can into the sport of clay pigeon shooting from there yeah we try and develop those people into moving on to getting their shotgun certificates and then moving into purchasing your gun and becoming a regular here at green fields I see you sell quite a lot of air weapons and that sort of thing in the shop and you've got a specific piece of ground out the front for air rifles is that something that's taking off yeah definitely air weapons are our good business for us here at green fields we have or we now host the Canterbury air gun club which is a separate entity to green fields but they use ground and air facilities here in the clubhouse as chief instructor of the club are you capable of shooting place with an air rifle yeah I've tried and not wishing to sound big-headed I hit just about all of them we're a state again fantastic one other new thing that I've noticed since I've been coming up recently is the addition of the new claim eight system we play make things yes George we've got the new claim eight system now installed throughout the ground if they've only an hour or so to spare they can come up put their card in the claim eight system and shoot to their heart's content if you come up in a group as a rule you can still come up in a group and shoot round on the claim eight system it just saves you being escorted round by one of our scorers and the group size going round now is much reduced and your shooting time is much reduced and yeah it's been well received by pretty much all about holes beautiful see that you're registered events growing and you see the champions ball hopefully coming in a manner that you can hold some bigger shoots you yeah definitely the registered shoots have grown since we started doing them about eighteen months ago we started in earnest doing them every month and yeah it'd be great to be able to do some more bigger championships the County sporting championship is it is always a good event we've now got also the sport trap layout put in and hopefully we will be getting that into full swing very soon excellent well I wish you all the success in the future thank you George everybody release one of the big things with the club is that I want it to be worldwide there's there's a club shooters all over the world and experienced shots all over the world and they're not brought together the triple-a pro class shooters are not going to want to go online and see what George Digweed is up to and see what he's been doing but I think you know there is a there's a massive band of people that want to have some fun and and I think they can learn and benefit immensely from the club and that excites me I've produced DVDs before I've written the book now it's all about social media and the internet and and speed of things so you know for me to bring this club online offer the benefits online offer the instruction online offer q and A's online you know that that Club whereas before it was it was either Europe or a miracle you know Australasia now it's one club and it's worldwide you want to come on and become a club member and learn then you will learn plenty of stuff and I will dissect each then I will go to different grounds each month I will talk about you know problem stands at that ground see we're probably mistakes were made dissect that mistake and then shoot it as I would or a pro shooter would would you know approach that stand the other thing we're looking to do is is after certain major shoots is perhaps high the ground for the day after so people can extend their trip for one more day and I will coach people around some of the problem layouts and problematic targets that they may have experienced in a British world or European Championship or classic or something of that of that ilk you know we've spent a long time thinking about this and we've gone through every avenue and every aspect a standard Club membership is going to be 250 pounds gold membership will be a thousand pounds we we're still working on the corporate structure at the moment and that won't be probably launched until the beginning of 15 but you know they get a huge amount of benefits from that through the club and if they're an active clay shooter and they've got you know a lot of clubs in their area that are giving back discounts it won't take long for them to recoup their money well guys that pretty much concludes this week shows the first show it's the first show of many one thing I would ask is if Club members can email in any questions they've got shooting related to me on the email address below and I will try and answer as many as I possibly can hope you've enjoyed the show see you next month
Channel: Fieldsports Channel
Views: 318,210
Rating: 4.853354 out of 5
Keywords: Club (Organization Type), george digweed, club digweed, shooting, hunting, Shooting Sport (Sport), clay shooting, instruction, clay pigeon, fieldsports magazine, shooting organisation, shooting association, cpsa, basc
Id: jeN6j1KSp-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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