How to Grip a Pistol: The How and Why

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hey guys we're talking about pistol grips today and before I jump in and talk about it all I wanted to show you the difference of muzzle flip between a bad grip and a good grip so here we go here we go my muscle is barely moving at all let's have some fun I watched the muzzle flip and the hand placement on this one I'm just going to turn on the buzzer hey guys here my friend JT and we're gonna talk through how to hold a pistol properly pistol grips have evolved over time so the way my grandparents shot at yeh to them but we've become better and better as we've just looked at the science the biomechanics of shooting and we're shooting faster and more accurately than we ever had before and a lot of it has less to do with talent and a lot more to do with just the biomechanics so what we shoot nowadays is something called a thumbs forward grip and I wanted to demonstrate why it works and how it works so we have a empty pistol right here JT can you go ahead and confirm it's clear and then point at this wall ball back just a little bit let me get over here alright fantastic now the thing about shooting a pistol is it's pretty easy after you've mastered some basic fundamentals to shoot accurately accuracy is not the real big problem the problem is is I need to be able to shoot accurately and quickly and under stress it's always those variables under stress the difficulty is is they're just going to present one-handed when we shoot the recoil pushes the gun up and then you have to find your sights find your sights find your sights when really under stress you're just gonna go up up up up up and with a quickly recoiling gun that's dancing all over the place you can't hit your target and that's what people have run into so our support hand when it's coming to marry up the goal is for the gun to ultimately just run like a sewing machine just pop up and it's barely moving at all to do this where we place this hand becomes very very important let's go ahead and make sure we're clear one more time I'm good to go and allow your slide lock through very good so here's just a little test and he's doing a proper grip and when I do intro to pistol usually I'll have somebody come up for that class to teach it at tool or group but they come up for this class and I say ok alright just give me a grip right here and let's test how well this support hand keeps the gun still alright so to do that I'm gonna have JT remove your right hand get it out of there and now just hold on right there okay so this is the test don't bend this don't bend this and if it slips out of your hand I got it okay here we go so let's test the grip Oh JT that's failure that's terrible here we go alright let's test this grip oh you're failing it like alright so here we go let's try something different let's pop this up here to where the hand placement will be for the thumbs forward grip and JT is gonna grab just like that now let's try it alright and no problem was that much easier yes are you nervous so you see when he bumped his hand up right here it was a it was allowing him to have a far stronger grip the grip the gun just felt like he got exponentially stronger now to place this grip what I want is this metacarpal right here this is kind of the key to be as high as possible and back far so when this hand marries up up there's no space here this is high this runs generally parallel and some people drop this thumb down the thumb isn't as much important as this bone right here needs to be as high up as possible just like that and when this has this lock out it has three major advantages that I've identified that I'll go ahead and walk you through JT you can bump out I know you're ready to get out of frame cool thanks man I promised him a warrior-poet sticker for doing this demonstration this works for three different reasons well one is you noticed the contour of my right hand right here this grip doesn't take up as much space as something like painting the hand forward does you see how this it's like South American Africa just born for you to just slide right in there and take up all the space and the goal here is to put as much friction on the gun as I can so it's not slipping and dancing out right so that's one is it's just taking up the most amount of space and that's a good thing secondarily is this gun when it starts shooting all the actions happening on peers so as the the gun is the slide is cycling this is acting like a big lever that's going up and down and the higher I can get my hand you know for higher bore axis here the less that leverage is going to be kicking the gun back so being high up again there's a second great reason the third reason has to do with the locking in an unlocking of a joint JT can I get you to come back and frame here alright so we're gonna do just a little experiment JT go ahead and lock your arm out just like so and I'm gonna push on this hand and your goal is to not let me Bend this arm got it you can move but this shouldn't bend here we go good good good all right very good he moved this didn't he did a great job now let's try it again let's go ahead and put a little bit of a bend right here now I'm gonna do the same thing watch for a bend right here that's what we're looking for ready aha gotcha I'm the better man there we go very good so he's a failure at life in all three of these but really the problem is is because it's not locked out when I hit him as a surprise this way doesn't matter it's already locked out similarly just like this this can work the same way so if I have a locked out joint here and the shot comes as a surprise because it's kind of pinned and locked out it won't allow the wrist to unbuckle and the gun to be able to flip but if it was just a little bit just too tight right there that's enough unlock but now it'll allow the risk to be surprised by the shot and break up there's three good reasons guys why the why the thumbs for grip works very very well and I hope this was informative you but I hope this was informative for you train hard but train smart see you guys
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 725,565
Rating: 4.9547448 out of 5
Keywords: pistol grip, how to hold a gun, firearm, training, shooting, proper grip, pistol, john lovell, warrior poet society, glock 17, thumbs forward grip, shoot fast, manage recoil, world champion, competitive shooting, swat, special operations, SFOD, delta, best grip, great explanation, instruction, how to shoot, basic firearm instruction, learn how to shoot, firearm safety training
Id: n4c7JDXQOB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2016
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