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so the first area of good technique is obviously your stance and your posture you'll see this when you see an archer walking onto the shooting line and international finals match and you'll see them step onto the line take their stance and then start their shot so this is a key element to start with use a square stance it's much easier much simpler and it's much more straightforward to get everything else correct and keep your posture and over time if you continue with your archery and want to develop more then you can start using different stances and experiment exactly what works for you but start with a square stance and keep it simple now this square stance is basically you just have your feet square along the shooting line equidistant from the shooting line and this is the square stance so this is a great starting point and is a simple way to get started and get the rest of your shot correct the set position is the second part of the shot and you'll see this when an archer starts to lift the bow and begin their shooting process so you'll see them attach basically the two hands their right hand if they're right-handed would be the draw hand around the string and their left hand would be the bow hand this is for a right-handed archer so very simply put you have these two points of contact and you want to make them secure and you want to get the correct technique for the rest of your shot so what you do at this point is you simply have the bow very roughly in the right place you have the bow on the leg you have the you have it very roughly in the right place and then you simply put your fingers on the string and then come up to your set position string position should be the string should be in the first joint of all three fingers has a good starting point so you simply put the string in the first joint of all three fingers like that and you can see that that's a good starting point and allows you to get your hook nice and firm now a key thing with the set position and this is something you should do right from the get-go is to make sure not to close yourself down what I mean by this is a very common mistake is that the set position archers will effectively try and just simply push the bow out with the left arm and pull it with the hand like this and what this means is the hand is very close to the body and it's closed down you can see this from this angle this is a super common mistake very close down and they'll try and lift up and draw like that so that's a super common thing right from the get-go in your lesson make sure to keep this side as straight as you can and not kink the wrist focus on that at the set position this will help you massively so make sure at the set position when you come up don't kink the hand make sure it's nice and straight here through the arm and the hand and then keep that as you then lift up so this is a key point where you can really make some gains in your first lesson and get your technique correct from the start another thing you'll see is when the archer opens the bow you want to make sure to keep that wrist angle again so when you lift the bow don't focus on using your hand and moving the string to the face this is what most beginners focus on and this is actually what a lot of beginner archery lessons teaches just to move the string to the face because it's very easy to reference this but think about moving the hand to the neck so not the string to the face the string to the face causes what I was talking about earlier string to the face causes this and it causes really bad wrist angle and then a bad anchor as well which I'll talk about later focus on that hand to the neck is much better so what you can actually feel to get this is the thumb against the inside of the neck here so you can come in and feel the thumb here because when you then come and draw the bow this is the point that you'll see in you know most international competitions or in films you'll see the archer at full draw in recurve Olympic archery you want the hand alongside the neck under the chin and flush with the the face and the body basically so focus on the thumb against the neck and you'll get the hand in a nice position you don't want the hand floating up against the chin here you don't want it back here you want to make sure that the hand is against the neck and the string is also on on the face as we said but by thinking about the hand against the neck this will make you much better right from the start and will improve the chances you'll get good anchor position so the most obvious part of the technique for a recurve archery when you watch the Olympics or you watch films is the release and this is obviously when the string leaves the hands that arrow leaves the bow and then the arrow goes to the target or in the case of films probably some unlucky person downrange but if you make sure you get the release correct to start with then it's much easier to get it correct in the long term as well so a typical beginners lesson you might come up to you know your anchor and someone might say release the arrow but if you've not done that tree before you won't know what this feels like you won't know how to release the arrow you will just go like that an open hand and you'll probably do that and then this will cause a bad release and the arrow flight will probably be bad and it's not good technique so to start with what you need to do if you want to start the correct way it's to learn the feeling of the correct technique and then basically you have the feeling so then you can replicate this so very simply you can get your two hands place the thing the first finger pads of each hand together like this so you can just simply place the finger pads like this together simply like that so you're hooking them together then you bring your hand to that anchor position I was saying with the thumb against the neck bring that there now you're in this good anchor position now all you do is you increase the tension increase the tension so you're just pulling with both hands increasing the tension and then as you do this you just let the fingers slip off each other like that so you can increase the tension you're squeezing your squeeze and you're keeping the fingers and then at the same time you let both both hands you let fingers slip off so you just go like that notice now how you're learning the correct technique and you're not you're not doing that you're not needing to release the string because you can do both sides what this teaches you is the correct way to release the string like this and you can keep your release hand hook correct and then when you do it with the boat and the string in the hand you'll then know the feeling much better to release it rather than coming in and going like that because you don't know how to release so this is a great drill and do this before your first archery lesson and you'll have a massive advantage and you'll really hit the ground running another key thing with archery technique for beginners is to make sure to keep the body and the head still so you don't want to be drawing and moving backwards and forwards and you don't want to be leaning back like this you want to make sure that you've got your body straight with the square stance you keep everything nice and you simply have the technique in a nice T shape so your body is the stem of the T and then your arms are the the actual T shape and this is the good posture you want to get this a great way to get it is to simply stand on the shooting line put your hands out to the side like this in a crucifix so you simply hands out to the side look to the left and look to the target it might be right if you're left-handed so if you're right-handed you look to the left where the target is and you simply just bend the walls there but you bend the right hand basically to your anchor position and that is a good starting point for your general posture notice now because I'm not had to draw and do all this I'm not contorted I'm not moved around he's just simply there so that's the posture you're aiming for and you should be able to replicate that with the bow once you do it now when it comes to actually gripping the boat and holding the boat what you want to make sure of is that you put the bow into the correct position with the hand you don't want the hand really far over like this so you want the left side of the thumb pad see this lifeline here you want this side contacting the grip you don't want this side contacting the grip so you want this position here is good you don't want that and you also don't want this that's too far round so you want the thumb pad side here placed on the grip so you can make a V put your hand in the grip place it down here and then notice as well as I'm not losing the grip round like this I'm making sure I'm pushing through the thumb the knuckles are back and then that's the correct position I'm also not grabbing I'm not grabbing the bow and tightening the grip like this that's not correct either so you have the correct grip like I said and that'll be another massive benefit and a massive advantage you'll have right from your first lesson another thing you should be aware of is don't move around on the shooting line between arrows and don't shuffle around and move so very often at beginners course you'll see archers that come and they'll shoot an arrow and then they'll shuffle their feet and shoot another arrow and shuffle their feet and move around or maybe move the body around and stuff at that once you go onto the line you put your stance as it should be then you stay there that's it you move your upper body you shoot the arrow get another arrow shoot the arrow but you don't move in between arrows there's no need to move it it's not going to do anything good it's just going to make it worse less consistent not as easy to replicate what you're doing so that's one key point as well finally another point for your beginners course and when you're first starting archery is don't believe the target too much so what I mean by this is just because an arrow went into the gold doesn't mean you did the right thing this might sound funny but when you first start your technique is not going to be good like everyone so trust your instructor or your coach whoever's delivering the course and do what they're saying in terms of the technique and make sure your technique is good and enjoy the obviously the scoring and the hitting the target but bear in mind the fact that you know they have more experience than you do and just because the arrow went in the 10 doesn't mean that arrow was perfect and you did everything correct because you're still learning there's a lot of technique that you need to improve so bear that in mind and enjoy it but be aware that you know your technique will take time to develop and it will be extremely rewarding when you get it right and over time mastering this discipline is really really good and super super exciting sport as well so bear that in mind and remember to you know trust your instructor and do what they're saying in terms of that [Music] [Music]
Channel: Online Archery Academy
Views: 180,646
Rating: 4.9367261 out of 5
Keywords: archery, recurve archery, target archery, olympic archery, archery technique, recurve archery technique, how to shoot a bow, recurve archery tips, archery lessons, archery course, learn archery, korean archery, how to start archery, beginners archery, how to learn archery
Id: 5_c6K_DYpRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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