"Amazon's Cheapest BOW" --- BRUTALLY HONEST Review... Is It Worth Buying?

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[Music] do you guys remember like a year year and a half two years ago when everybody on YouTube was obsessed with coffee everybody was making their coffee videos I'm not gonna make the video about coffee today but I will admit it's good welcome creams reviews it's been a super long time since I reviewed a product I reviewed the cheapest arrows on Amazon about a year ago and honestly it is a pretty bad review just because I didn't have the equipment I needed to give a proper arrow review but we did make an impact after we reviewed the arrows Amazon took them down and raise the price to double so let's hope that doesn't happen with this product today but we're reviewing the cheapest bow I could find that had a strong enough draw weight for me I'm gonna test this bow to specs I'm gonna see if the draw weight is what it says it is at the draw length I'm gonna test arrow speed through a chronograph I'm gonna test smooth of shooting I'm gonna show you the up close of the bow to see if this bow is actually worth it it's gonna be an interesting bow because it's 54 inches which is extra short it says it can draw back to 35 inches that's kind of crazy we're gonna see how this boat works and it's actually accurate on their description online and if you're interested in buying a cheap boat maybe to get into archery this could be the bell for you or it could absolutely suck this boat right here was purchased on Amazon with my own money it is a let me get the sticker off now here is how the boat came in the middle look how short that thing is it's a K&O key how do you say that I don't know how to say that but it's a one-piece longbow they advertise it as a bow for kids teens and adults so it's supposed to reach everybody depending on which pound did you choose I got the right-handed version that's a 45 pounds it goes from 15 to 55 pounds on the draw weight and it goes from the smallest draw length all the way up - it says don't draw past 35 inches which is insanely long for a 54 inch bow like this says this bow has reinforced tips and can use a fast light string they do include a D 97 string in here that looks like it's not a Flemish twist it is an endless loop string says it's got a bamboo core and that's enough about the specs on this bow let's open it here it is the bow and the string let's open the string up and see what we got you can see how this is an endless loop string they serve the ends and then it's just all the strings in between they serve the middle you know popular string we'll see how it shoots what do we got here okay and okay draw eight multi different options 28-inch draw 54 inch long bow max draw length is 32 on line says 35 so that's a little different whether arrow rest was included there it is they show you how to string it and that's it [Music] so I'm gonna try to give an honest review on this and not bash it too much or say it's really good or anything but the first thing I do notice is the glue lines they're not all very good there's even some voids and some gaps in it which is a Bowyer myself I know how hard it is to get glue lines but I'm actually kind of surprised how bad these are I understand that it's not gonna affect the shooting of the bow but I definitely need to shoot some superglue in there to cover up that and then I could probably Rees and it to make it look good that's the first thing I noticed is there just definitely some gaps in the glue lines secondly it's a pretty round handle it's not very deep for the hand to set into it nicely but it feels fine you can also see how there's no taper on the limbs and they're exactly the same width all the way down that normally reduces speed when you shoot so we'll test it we'll see how fast it is again it's got a bamboo core with fiberglass on the belly and the back there reinforced to limp tips is definitely just extra fiberglass there which is fine I mean this is an extremely cheap bow and then on the handle we've got some of the Redwood right there that's rosewood and then we've got beechwood and then also sample I really do like the contrast I like it how they use different woods there and they definitely didn't have to do that and it looks like it's actually two pieces of bamboo laminated together you'll see here at the handle one piece of bamboo goes right overtop of all the core wood in the handle and then one piece goes right under it and then that's smashed and sandwiched together with that black glass I also noticed the fade outs on the lens are pretty long like the working limbs gonna be pretty short so we're gonna have to see how that shoots another thing I definitely notice is the big sight window a lot of people like a big sight window and that's exactly why they took so long on the fade out so they could get a big sight window they also cut the handle past Center this means it's gonna be a center shot bow which they normally shoot really well with a center shot bow though you do need a stronger arrow because there is no archer paradox really going on because the arrow is going straight along the string your arrow will flex and Bend but it doesn't have to bend around the riser they did right on the handle that it's a 54 inch bow out of 45 pounds and so they did send me what they said they would send me so we only have one thing left do and that's to test the spec shoot it and see how it actually feels it's always a good idea to use a bow stringer kind of like your leg don't get mad at me alright there it is last thing I don't know if I mentioned it's a reflex D flex design it's definitely not a recurve if it were to be a recurve the string touches the bow that's what makes it a recurve on a reflex D flexed and you can see the string doesn't actually touch the bow there's no string group in the bow for it so it's just a flip tip reflex D flex bow I'm kind of scared to draw this - 30 inches it says no more than 32 so glass is pretty powerful so it should hold up strung up it seems like the brace height is a little shorter than I normally use it but we'll see if this works for this bow so after looking at this for a second I notice immediately that the bottom limb has a lot more bend in it so I put a tape measure to it the deepest point of the top limb is seven and three-eighths and the deepest part of the bottom limb seven and a half so there definitely is a difference in which limb bends more the bottom limb bends more well let's see what kind of design they used 25 and a half so the arrow rest is not in the center of the bow that's okay they have the center of the bow where your hand is that's actually how I like to lay out my bows so we'll see once we've been this if it should be different but if anything the top limbs should actually be the one bending a little more than the bottom limb let's put this on the scale and see what the draw weight is so what we got going on right here is something I use to make bows it's called a tillering tree it allows me to see the draw weight at the specific draw weight just by setting the bow up here and drawing it down with pulleys alright the scale zero it out let's start drawing this top limb on the right the bottom limb on the left I think the bottom ones bending a little more wow look how much that bends at the handle I'm honestly like terrified that this is gonna break snap if I tell her to bow like that with all natural materials it would definitely break should I even fold this 2:28 what if it just breaks in there have used done like now first attempt to draw it to 28 inches and remember they said it should go to 32 there's 28 inches at 30 no 40 pounds 40 pounds on the dot it's supposed to be a 45 combo so there's the first discrepancy in their description is that it's not a 45 pound bow I have about a 30 inch draw it says it can go to 32 inches so I'll probably stop a little early for my first shot and then I'll just if I feel comfortable I'll draw it back all the way we got nothing else to do but throw the leather arrow rest on and take it outside you know it's interesting when purchasing things cuz lots of times you get what you pay for but sometimes you don't and personally the way I normally buy things is I would rather not have something and save up for a couple months to get something of high quality that will last a long time then something that'll break or go bad really soon forgive the tractors and construction in the background but we're out here we're gonna take a couple shots on a bow like this though there is no tillering that really happens what they do is they pre measure the wood glue it together and send it out which is fine the only problem with that is when you evolve wood in the equation not every piece of bamboo is gonna be the exact same so they could have had these measurements with a different piece of bamboo be at 45 pounds but this piece of bamboo for whatever reason is a little different wood is natural material and it's not all the same even if it's the same type of wood it's not all gonna react the same at the same thickness so that's probably the reason there's a discrepancy I'm sure they made a bow that had 45 pounds draw weight with this thickness of bamboo when they put it through their thickness planer in their drum sander but for now we're gonna deal with a 40-pound bow we're gonna shoot this into the target let's see how it works I'm slightly nervous gonna short Java the first one let's uh give it a go again it's like dead on center shot as you can see so if the arrows in line with the string in line with the target which is a good thing a lot of people actually like that to shoot short draw for a shot after nah sound good I honestly feels like a child's bow alright let's try it again the arrows I'm using are not tuned to the bow at all so they're shoot and crazy when you first shoot a bow or when I first shoot a bow at least it's uncomfortable it takes me a while to kind of get used to the feel about each bow feels different so if it doesn't feel like a previous bow you shot for some reason it's uncomfortable for me and as a bow you're I've broken enough bows that like I don't trust in you bow okay further draw that feel better first shot felt really weird but the more I shoot it no more I'm liking it so maybe I need to get used to it I'm gonna take about a hundred shots and I'll get back to you alright taking about twenty twenty five shots I'm gonna throw it up on the chrono to see how faster this alright test number one through the chronograph 153 148 152 153 152 up to this point I've given my first impressions I'm gonna shoot this two or three hundred times is after you shoot a bow for a while you can get a used to it and things can change so let me get some experience with this bow and I'll let you know what I think [Music] [Music] after shooting this vote for a while I think I formed my entire opinion first thing is I probably shouldn't have been worried whatsoever to draw all the way back the more I do it the more I got used to it and it just feels so much different than the bows I make but it feels really good feels really strong after shooting about a hundred shots I found that I could get a lot more consistent it's so much about the archer and not about the bow and saying that who is this bow for I think this bow is for somebody who wants to get into archery but doesn't want to spend a lot of money I think this bow is for somebody like me in high school or junior high if I would have gotten this bow back then I would have had so much fun but right now I don't think I would buy this bow again personally for me because of all the bows I can make this is the type of bow that you can give to somebody that they don't need to know a ton about archery and they can throw it around and bang it around and it's not gonna break there's a place where but if you're really into archery I would save a little more money and get something more expensive something a little nicer something that might give you a little bit more joy when you pick it up now there's nothing against this I'm all about 100% about people getting into archery and if this is the Avenue into archery that's that's it go for it get this bow make your own bow for ten bucks you know do what you need to do to get into archery that's the goal but as a bow review I want to recommend this bow to an experienced archer or even as a second bow probably as a first bow maybe the first of all you're ever gonna use but for how cheap it is it's insane like you can't really go wrong with that so there you have it the cheapest bow I could find on Amazon that had the draw weight of over 30 pounds very fascinating let me know what bow you'd like me to review next and I may pick one of those awesome well also stay around this sort of bow and other bows I review I don't have much of a place for them here because I make somebody boast I would love to give these away to you guys so subscribe to the channel hit the bell and you will be notified when the bows go out for a giveaway it's been a blast having you here and we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Kramer Ammons
Views: 884,628
Rating: 4.8353081 out of 5
Keywords: cheap amazon bow, cheap amazon recurve bow, cheap bow review, amazon bow review, bow review 2020, is a cheap bow worth it?, cheap amazon bow review, bow and arrow review, longbow review, cheapest traditional bow, traditional cheap bow, cheap traditional bow, traditional archery bow reviews, traditional bow reviews, trad bow review, traditional recurve bow review, traditional archery longbow review, archery bow review, cheap traditional bow review, cheap longbow review, archer
Id: opF96_Zxua8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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