How to sharpen all your DRILL BITS in Minutes!

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hey there folks this is Josh Stoney Ridge farmer welcome to another tool tuesdays here on the Stoney Ridge farm we're gonna have some fun today so I don't know if you guys are like me but if you have this problem with about 80% of your drill bits then you've got a problem do you find yourself going to the hardware store and always buying new drill bits because you wore out your own ones and you're throwing bits away or you're like me and you're way too cheap to throw em away so you just throw them in the drawer with all the rest of the dull drill bits well there's a solution to that it's called the drill doctor and that's what we're going to be showing you today on tool Tuesday the same company that makes the work sharp makes the drill doctor they're a great company they're good people we're gonna have a little bit of fun and share coupon code with you sharpening all of our drill bits here on the farm today all right [Music] so let me start by welcoming you guys to the channel welcome to the Stoney Ridge farm channel this isn't all we do but we have a 200 acre farm here that we're working on we're building a nice first generation farm and on Tuesdays we do a feature called tool Tuesday so welcome to the farm so this is the drill doctor we'll be showing you the 750 X and there's a 750 X and there's also a 500 X to 750 X we'll take a bit bigger drill bit it's a little bit nicer machine the 500 X will only take up to a half inch and the 750 X will take a 3/4 inch drill bit this will work on coded drill bits this will work on black oxide this will work on carbide this will work on masonry drill bits it works on any kind of drill bit basically that you can find it'll also work on those drill bits with the split head now you may have to take a little bit more material off and then it will allow you to split the head on the drill bit also so splitting the head on the drill bit can provide about 70% more cutting power for your drill bit so if you look and you go buy expensive drill bits most of the time you'll buy an expensive split head bit it helps keep the bit from walking all over the middle just like this guy right here walking and it helps the cutting edge so this thing will allow you to sharpen the bit and it'll allow you to take a standard bit and turn it into a split head bit and we'll show you how that's done real quick so I think the first thing we need to do is talk a little bit about the anatomy of a drill bit so this right here is a standard drill bit you can see the head right there and this is a split head drill bit and you can see that the head is split on this guy and that makes for one heck of a cutting edge right there but you can see that that thing is fairly worn out let's talk about the parts of a drill bit so I'm going to break out the dental tools for this right here if you're at your dentist's office and you ask sometimes they'll give you a free dental tool so I asked for this so right here we have a standard drill bit normally that's about 118 degrees and a split headed drill bit is normally cut to 135 degrees pretty cool stuff a masonry bit it kind of just depends let's talk about the anatomy of a drill that so you've got right here is a cutting edge right here you have a chisel tip is a very tip of the bit you have the heel the heel of the bit is where the sharp edge meets the cutting edge or the full shaft of the drill bit and then we have the relief angle and we have the cutting edge so the cutting edge is right here where it gets that bite that's your cutting edge this is your chisel tip this is the relief angle right down in here right there and that relieves that just basically kicks out the shavings this is the heel right here and your leading edge is the sharp edge right here on your bit that's your leading edge pretty cool I had no idea there was an Anatomy of drill bits however it's all written down right here in your instruction manual that comes with your drill doctor so let's talk a little bit about the drill doctor and all the parts the anatomy of the drill doctor so right here you have what's called the alignment port and that's what you put your Chuck in so this is where we mount our drill bit in and we'll basically insert it right there and that aligns the drill bit appropriately and then right here is our sharpening port and basically inside there is a diamond cutting wheel that will sharpen our drill bits inside here is a little dust cover you pop the little dust cover off and it simply pulls out and this is the area where we will split the heads of our drill bits and we'll show you how all that works - pretty fun this is our first drill bit victim and look at the head of that bit it is horrible absolutely horrible so what we're gonna do is we're gonna insert it into the Chuck here and we loosen our Chuck just like so this is all a high-quality plastic and see how that opens up we twist that and opens opens opens and it'll go up to 3/4 will drop our bit in just like so you can see that our bit goes right in there we want to leave it out and leave a little bit loose where it'll slide we've got our drill bit here in the Chuck we're gonna slide it forward and there's a little release button right here and you see these little clamps these little clamps need to align right on the cutting edge drillbit so we'll slide it in and we'll align it right there it needs to pinch right in in the appropriate spot I'll get you a close-up open these up slide it in and it latches right into place on the grooves on that drill bit I want to touch that nut right there and then we'll tighten down our Chuck so we slide our Chuck all the way forward engaging it here and we'll Snug it down just like so right onto our drill bit will release and our drill bit is ready to go into the sharpening port right here so let's show you a little bit closer how this is made you see how that has a little rise in it and we roll it around and it has another little rise there so that's what we're looking for what this is gonna do is go dink dink dink inside right here and we want to slide this in with this little white mark pointed toward the 118 degree mark and this is fully adjustable so we can loosen this guy up put it right on that's 135 mark we'll slide it down to the 118 mark and we'll tighten that down and we're ready to go inside here and basically just turn and this is going to sharpen the bit for you just by turning just like that and you'll hear it here in a second and you'll know when the bit is sharp when it stops grinding on it pretty cool let's fire it up we'll drop it in of course we need safety glasses for this I'm back here behind the camera with safety glasses with this turn that bit was pretty bad it's a really bad bit like this sometimes it takes 15 or 20 turns we want to turn in an even number of times see how it's getting easier and easier cutting less and less material right off that bit all right turn our sharpener off and voila that is one nice sharp bit awesome awesome stuff look at that no complaints there let's do another one so same procedures before we're gonna loosen this will release our brand new nice sharpened JIT drop this count we're gonna try a bigger bit we're actually going to try this thing is so old and rusty it's hard for me to even see I'm gonna say it's it's close to a half inch bit we're gonna open her up a little bit wider these little grippers will hold it in place we'll open it up nice and wide and we'll slide our bit down in there and we'll Snug it down to where it doesn't like fall out in other words it's not really loose there we go so it's no longer loose but it's loose enough to where it will slide just a hair so we'll slide it back into our alignment Chuck open that guy up right there slide him right into place there we go and we want to align these little grabbers with the grooves on the drill bit this is the groove that we want these to ride in to open it up a little bit turn my bit right there aligned ready to rock and roll I'll tighten my Chuck down just like so release and we're ready to load up let's take a look at the tip of this this is the before and look at that that is SuperDuper awesome now let's take this bit and split the tip so if we're splitting the tip we'll take the check out of the sharpening port and we're going to be moving it over to the split tip port which is on the side here so we'll pull off this little dust cover it just pops right out and then we'll fire up our machine and we want to line up this white mark with that little notch right there go right in see how that lines up okay so we'll turn on the machine a little on/off switch over here and then we'll get the grounded we'll go nice and easy all right you can see what we're doing here it's starting to cut that second angle in there pretty awesome okay so that's splitting the tip on one side now we're going to flip it over to the other white mark and do the other side you can see the difference here flip it over still aligning the white mark so there's a white mark on this side and a white mark on that side nice and gentle start it again show you again it's just going right up against that wheel okay we split the tip on that drill bit awesome so I've got a nice thick 5/16 piece of steel here and we're gonna show you just how dull the bit is in this drill and then we're gonna make it cut like a mack daddy all right here is a cheapie cheapy Harbor Freight type drill bit absolutely nothing it will not cut this metal for lack of better terminology we're going to put drill doctors money where its mouth is we're going to put this thing in the drill doctor and see if it works if it takes this old crappy drill bit and turns it into something awesome we are not going to split the head on it first we're just going to sharpen it we're gonna try it without the split head and then we're going to sharpen it with the split head and try it and see if there's any difference [Music] so we took that piece of garbage cheap bit and we made it ultra ultra sharp well loosen up our Chuck just like so and pull our bit out straight from the drill doctor right into the drill another other videos out there showing the drill doctor but there aren't any other videos showing this let's take this bit and we'll put a split tip on it same procedures before we're going to split the tip tip on this bit is now all right back in our old school doo-wop grill this is 18 volt Dewalt drill an old drill from like 1999 and I've got the upgraded adapter kit for it right there I'll post a link down the video description so you can use the new style batteries with the old-style drill I don't throw anything away there's no use in throwing away a great drill that's gonna last for years and years and years let's get busy split tip does it make a difference they said it'd be 70% better with a split tip and it shouldn't walk around in other words it shouldn't walk around on the metal anymore we really need some cutting oil for cutting something this stick here we go oh yeah no walking the split tip did a better job - we do need some cutting oil in order to cut through this without damaging our bit we're gonna have to sharpen it again well proofs in the pudding guys sharpening this bit did a great job I think it's actually a wood bit that's why I didn't want to chew through that sharp metal so we're going to try a couple of other bits we're going to sharpen basically every dulled bit here on the farm but if you're tired of wasting money buying new bits when it comes down to it you can buy this little tool and you can sharpen all the bits in your garage and I guess about 20 or 30 minutes depending on how many bits you got we've got about 20 or 30 bits to take care of ourselves it takes about a minute and a half per bit to get them all in there sharpened and ready to go back in the drawer there'll be a coupon code for 15% off down in the video description the coupon is 15 Tuesday and it'll be scrolling across there right now in case you're watching on a smart TV but there's a link down the video description for the drill doctor if you want a discount on it and there's also going to be a link down here for the work sharp knife sharpener that we reviewed I don't know probably about a month ago same company's same people they do a great job they got a bunch of cool new tools coming out and hopefully we'll get to try them out on tool Tuesday and show you guys and pass on some savings and should be awesome please don't forget pound that like button subscribe to the channel on your way out the door here guys we want to see you again on the Stoney Ridge farm if you want a stupid should hurt shirt there's a link down in the video description - these are Stoney Ridge farmer original stupid hurt shirts so stupid hurt stupid does hurt believe me I felt it see you guys next time on the Stoney Ridge all right [Music] Pearse we've had some way supposed to be stone Tyrion Oh doctor doctor give me the news I got a drill been to shopping for you see you guys next time get her done [Music]
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 374,446
Rating: 4.6929016 out of 5
Keywords: suburban farming, chickens, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, farm tractor, trucks, drill bit, bench grinder, drill doctor, how to, twist drill, spade bit, sharpening drill bits, sharpen drill bit, drill sharpening, knife sharpening, knife sharpener review, drill bit sharpener, drill bit sharpening jig, drill bit sharpening by hand, drill bit sharpener harbor freight, drill bit sharpening machine, drill bit sharpening tool, drill bit sharpener review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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