Which Drill Bit Sharpener is Best? Let's find out! Chicago Electric, Drill Doctor, Bosch, Goodsmann

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/buffalomarket 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
whether you use cheap drill bits or very high quality ones one thing for sure is they're all gonna need sharpen at some point it's very expensive just to replace a drill bit just because it's lost its cutting edge or the chisel is a little bit worn so today we'll be testing six different brands to see which brand is the best well first see how long it takes for each brand of sharpener to sharpen the twist drills once all the drill bits are sharpened we'll see which twist drill is the fastest drilling through a piece of half-inch steel a price of only $4.99 is this drill master drill bit sharpener twist drill size two millimeter up to 12.5 also 560 force up to a half-inch 100 grit grinding stone requires a power drill that operates between 2000 and 3500 rpm the twist drills that will be sharpen are 3/8 inch and this one is pretty chewed up I mean use a black marker in this twist drill so we could see where the sharpener is down to work place drill and a bench mounted jig for stability place drill bit to be sharpened in correct drill guide slowly push drill bit towards the grinding stone keeping it in the guide do not use excessive force [Music] for $5.00 tool the drill master actually didn't do too bad but does take quite a bit of time to figure out how to get to work I found that I couldn't just leave this drill in a stationary position I actually had to rotate it a little bit during the sharpening process to get the leading edge as well as a chisel formed correctly it still does it look the best and we'll see just how well it performs a little bit on the drill press costing $21.59 is this general drill grinding attachment in order to use this you'll need a bench grinder 1/8 to 3/4 3 to 19 millimeter remove cradle nut from base by removing angle adjustment nut if you want your twist drill sharpened 118 degrees you'll have to select 59 degrees on the tool loose binding screw place drill and cradle adjust rest until it extends slightly behind the cutting edge of the drill drill should be extended to approximately the length of the diameter beyond the nose of the lip rest adjust the rear bracket to hold the drill in position tighten clamp beat and secure lip rest using slotted base move drill grinding attachment towards the flat surface of the grinding wheel until a point of the drill just touches the grinding wheel when grinding use a light test to swing the drill grinding attachment back and forth on the pivot pin advance the drill gradually through use of feed screw D until entire surface is ground if the pivot pin is tight loosen the tension screw on the name plate avoid grinding too much in one sweep as this will cause a drill to burn Wow much better than the drill master that's for sure the gentle tools actually did a very good job putting a leading edge on this drill as well as a really nice chisel obviously use a little bit of bluing with the steel and that's my fault for being a little too aggressive with the grinder fussing $29.99 at Harbor Freight is this Chicago electric drill bit sharpener handles bit sizes from 960 force to 2560 for sharpens carbon steel and high-speed steel drill bits 120 grit [Music] select a clean bit to be sharpened and match its size with where the holes in the head put the bit into the appropriate hole and twist until it locks into place leading the bit towards the number on the outside of the hole turn the unit on while exerting a slight downward pressure onto the bit get a little progress but this is definitely gonna take a while adjusting this knob raises or lowers the grinding stone that's inside this housing I've got this lifted all the way up to where it's actually rubbing on the housing and it's still not making contact with this twist drill as a twist drill is leaning in the outward position as described in the instructions the only way it's making contact with the twist drill is if I lean it inward which goes against the instructions [Music] the Harbor Freight Chicago electric sharpener it's a little on the slow side took me about 15 minutes for this one twist riddle costume $44.99 on Amazon is this goodman drill sharpener 1/8 through 25 64 or three to ten millimeter fully lower the sharpening stone to do this turn the rotary switch one in the down direction as far as it'll go insert the drill and the smallest suitable drill guide on the drill sharpener press the on/off switch turn the rotary switch up until you hear grinding noise turn the drill under slight pressure loosely and quickly to and fro to the left and right about ten times pull the drill out turn it 180 degrees and insert it again until it meets the sharpening stone if necessary repeat the whole process until the cutting edges of the drill are sharp Goodman definitely seems a little bit faster than the Chicago electric taken about eight minutes to sharpen his twist drill compared to 15 with the Chicago electric costing ninety eight dollars and ninety three cents is this Bosch sharpener two point five to ten millimeter 118 degrees now this sharpener is actually powered by your own drill once the sharpener slides over the front of the drill it can be used to sharpen twist drills [Music] shorten the drive element with the metal saw ensuring that the clearance is a hundred and ten millimeters four and 5/16 inches plant the drive element into the Chuck of your drill press the drill bit sharpener firmly against your drill and tighten clamping screw at the same time set the speed to two to three thousand rpm insert the bit into the smallest fitting hole of the drill bit sharpener swiftly twist the drill approximately ten times back and forth between left and right stop while applying light pressure sharpening the second cutting edge of the drill bit pull the drill bit out a little turn it 180 degrees guide it back into the grinding wheel twist the drill bit as described under sharpening the first cutting edge of the drill bit both the chisel and the leading edge look terrific costume hunter $28.99 is this drill doctor 750 X drill bit sharpener storage bag [Music] this Twitter girls really chewed up this will really put this drill doctor to the test insert the bit into the Chuck and close the jaws just to the point where the bit slides in and out step 2 insert Chuck into alignment port press the alignment button down that opens a bit clamp arms insert either of the alignment guides on the Chuck into the 118 degree notch on the alignment port we're gonna sharpen 218 degrees but if you want 135 degrees it's one notch to the right with the clamp arms held open slide the drill bit forward until it touches the drill stop now release the alignment button releasing the clamp arms step 3 adjust the bit position turning it inward will result in it taking off less metal backing it out will make a more aggressive cut since this twist drill is badly damaged I'm gonna push it all the way in check to ensure that your bid is held in place correctly the clamp arm should be holding the drill bit at the narrow spot if they aren't turn the bit slightly until they fall into the flutes step 4 lightly tighten the Chuck hold onto the chuck and tighten the Chuck knob until it is snug this little window shows the drill sharpening angle you are now ready to sharpen the drill bit keep the Chuck in contact with the can pin at all times as you sharpen only light pressure is required you hear a grinding noise as you complete each half turn and each side of the bit face is ground the sharpening port will rock as you rotate the Chuck Wow hundred two minutes to get a very nice looking cutting edge and chisel I can't believe how much damage we had to this twist drill and how quickly this thing went to town we just made 118 degrees without a split point one of them do now is make a hundred and thirty-five degree twist drill with a split point starting off with another twist drill bit that's in bad condition since we're going 135 degrees I'm gonna move this one not to the right [Music] wow this looks really nice line up one of the sharpening guides with the splitting guide on the splitting pork crusted chuck slowly and firmly into the splitting port remove the Chuck rotate one half turn and repeat check the tip by the bit carefully to determine that both sides and a bit are split equally okay the drill bit to the left is the 135-degree with the split point the one on the right is the 118 degrees without the split point the amount of time it'll take to sharpen a twist drill has a lot to do with user experience and the condition of the twist drill I did not include the amount of time for setting up the equipment only the amount of time spent actually sharpening me the drill doctor proved to be the fastest at two minutes for a standard point the general tools drill grinding attachment was quick but I did overheat the drill the boss was pretty quick at around 5 minutes while the drill doctor does make quick work of sharpening grinding the split point adds quite a bit more time the tester drills have just sharpened I went ahead and added a wheel to these levers to make sure that we have an equal amount of downward force when I apply weight to this wheel the amount of downward force is going to be consistent throughout the entire range of the drilling process the drill press has a speed chart and according to the chart 3/8 of an inch should require between 600 and 650 rpm semaa button set this at 650 rpm for some mild steel I've got a 10 pound weight attached to this rope I'm gonna go ahead and apply the downward force to this drill press to see how much weight is actually on the drill itself okay a 10-pound weight translates into 77 pounds of downward force obviously it makes good sense to use a cutting oil in most instances but in this case I want a rule cutting oil out as the factor that could involve cutting speed so I'm going to do is just run each one of these twist drills without any cutting oil to see how they perform the test these twist drills have been sharp and I'll be using a piece of half-inch mild steel this drill bit will be testing first has a lot of damage to it and has not been sharpened it'll serve as our control [Music] okay that drill bit is very dull it obviously did not do very well okay testing the $5 Harbor Freight drill master [Music] unfortunately the drill master just didn't do a very good job a person who's used the sharpener a lot could probably do a lot better job than I did sharping this twist drill Tennessee the twister oil that was sharpened by the general tools drill grinding attachment and then it in 51 seconds is the time to beat we'll see if the next twist drill can beat this time testing Chicago Electric Harbor Freight the Chicago Electric definitely did better than the first Harbor Freight sharpton we test it but still just didn't see do a very good job let's see if the good news chopper can beat a minute in 51 seconds a minute and 21 seconds with the good news sharp air attacks a new time testing the boss ok about 2 minutes and 4 seconds for the Bosch well test the drill doctor on an 18-degree without the split tip first and then we'll move on to the hundred 35 degree with the split tip a little over a minute and 30 seconds with the drill doctor up next we're gonna try the drill doctor with a hundred and thirty-five degrees split tip testing 135 degrees split tip [Music] okay minute and 21 seconds very impressive up next I might ride twist drill out of a 15-dollar dwop drill bit set that I have not sharpened in a previous episode on twist drills twelve different brands were tested and wall as well as Bosch came out on top so this is a very fast twist drill and just for comparison we're gonna see just how well this bit compares against the ones that we've sharpened okay 43 seconds for the dwelt as you can see it did a very good job with 77 pounds of downward force applied to the 3/8 ends twist drills the factory sharpened Walt made very quick work of the half-inch steel at only 41 seconds the goods Minh and the drill doctor with 135 degrees split point took 81 seconds the drill doctor with a hundred 18 degree point took 96 neither one of the Harbor Freight sharpened drills were able to get the job done and this could be partially my fault for not doing a better job using the sharpeners to make this more interesting and adding another five pounds lever in a drill press for a total of 15 pounds this translates into about a hundred and twenty pounds of downward force on this twist drill which is quite a bit [Music] unfortunately I just wasn't able to do a very good job scharping this bit with the drill master even with the extra 40 pounds the original drill master hole is about the same depth as the one we just attempted to make testing the general tools drill grinding attachment next [Music] about fifty seconds this time so it definitely helped to add a little bit more weight the second hole I tipped the drill is slightly deeper but not very good 31 seconds with the Goodman sharper very impressive job it just took a little bit more force in order for this twist drill to go to town 53 seconds with the Bosch much better than the first attempt okay 49 seconds by the drill doctor 40 seconds for 135 degrees split point testing the factory sharpened a wall okay 23 seconds for the duel adding 40 more pounds of downward force made a huge positive difference for all the drills reducing the time by about half the Duat went from 41 seconds to only 23 the goods Minh 31 drill doctor 135 degrees split point forty seconds drill doctor 118 degrees 49 general tools sharpening adapter 50 and Bosch 53 when it comes to drill bit shot nurse there seems to be an art and a science and I don't think I'm very good either them with that being said I never thought I'd be recommending this $22 adapter but it did a really good job in my opinion for the price now obviously you have to have a bench grinder and it's going to take a little bit of a learning curve to get it right it took me about 15 minutes to assemble this thing and sort of figure out how it works so it's really not that hard the drill doctor in my opinion is by far the best sharpener we tested but it's also the most expensive what I like most about the drill doctor is it takes a lot of the art out of it and it has a lot of science built into it with the way it functions the Goodman start nurse seemed to do a pretty good job of sharpening twist drills but the range of twist drill sizes is rather limited and it's a very very slow short rib which is the biggest drawback for me 100% of my video ideas come from viewers and I really enjoy the interaction in the comments section so if you have a video idea I hope you take time to leave a comment just want to say thanks for watching the video please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,265,361
Rating: 4.8985615 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, drill bit, twist drill, drill bit sharpener, twist drill sharpener, drill doctor 750x, drill doctor, work sharp, harbor freight, harbor freight drill bit sharpener, general drill bit sharpener attachment, drillmaster, drill master drill bit sharpener, bosch, bosch drill bit sharpener, drill master, goodsmann, goodsmann drill bit sharpener
Id: pmr34sUFpK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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