How to share PS PLUS for FREE! (Tutorial)(Easy)

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hey guys this is dr glitch and welcome back to a brand new video so in this video i'm gonna be teaching you how to share playstation plus for free across any of your playstation network accounts in less than a minute now just to let you guys know this is only gonna work if you already have a psn account with an existing or active playstation plus subscription so just to give you guys an example this is an account that i have that does not have an active playstation plus subscription as you guys can see so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use an account that already has a playstation plus subscription and we're going to use that account to share ps plus over to this account now before i get to the video i just want to let you guys know that i'm going to be doing a huge giveaway for christmas i'm going to be giving away the brand new cyberpunk 2077 to 5 lucky people that participate in this giveaway and all you're gonna have to do in order to participate is subscribe to the channel leave a like to this video and comment down below and that's all so with that being said without any further ado let's get right into the video all right so like i said at the start of the video you're gonna need an account with an already active playstation plus subscription so just press the playstation button on your ps4 controller and switch user and log into the account that already has an active playstation plus subscription and that's exactly what i'm gonna do so as you guys can see the accounting next gen is an account that already has an active playstation plus subscription so i'm going to log in to that account so once you've logged in what you want to do is just scroll up and then go on to settings scroll down and go over to application save data management so once you're on this screen what you want to do is you're going to go all the way down to auto upload and you're going to uncheck this box right here once you've unchecked this box go back and scroll all the way up again and go on to account management go down and click on activate as your primary ps4 now assuming you already have this account activated as your primary account we're going to go ahead and deactivate this account as our primary so it's going to take a few seconds for your account to be deactivated as primary once your account is deactivated you're going to see that you've already logged out of that account and once again you're on this account that you want your playstation plus subscription on so after you've logged out what you want to do is switch user and log back in to the account that has an active playstation test subscription and once you log into this account you want to go back to the account that does not have an active places subscription now i know it may sound a little confusing but just follow to all the steps and you're going to get it right guys so we're going to back go back to the previous account once again so once you're on this screen what you want to do is scroll up and then go on to settings and go on to account management go down and click on activate as your primary ps4 and what you want to do is just activate this account as your primary uh account on your console once it's activated go down and click on restore licenses once the licenses have been restored just go all the way back to your home screen and as you guys can see you now have playstation plus subscription on this account as well which you're sharing from the already existing playstation plus account and you can go and start playing online games right now on this account without any problems and this is an extremely efficient and effective method in order to share playstation plus for free across any of your psn accounts on your console with that being said guys if you like this video and if you find it helpful please don't forget to leave a like to this video and also do not forget to subscribe to my channel thanks a lot for watching and i'll talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: Doctor Glitch
Views: 956,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to share ps plus, how to get ps plus on ps4, how to get playstation plus, Share ps plus on different accounts, share plus from one account to another, How to share a ps plus subscription
Id: qVDvJcofUVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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