How To Setup VoiceMeeter Potato Correctly!!! (Updated 2020)

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those of you watching this might be wondering Francois but why another voice meter potato video the answer is easy guys the last video I made is extremely boring and it needs updating we're also approaching 2020 so I got to update the video and on top of that guys I wanted to make sure that I had the voice meter potato video updated and made before I make the all in one audio video so expect an all in one video for all your audio needs in the future with that being said let's dive right into the setup of voice meter potato alright in this video guys we're gonna talk about everything you need to know about voice meter potato we're gonna talk about the basics of voice meter potato what you're looking at as far as the virtual mixer goes then we're gonna use the virtual audio cable I'm also going to show you how to set that up with advanced settings on Windows 10 and then at the end of the video I will talk about what you should do if you don't have advanced settings as in you don't have Windows 10 on top of that guys I will quickly show you what I suggest doing for OBS setting up voice meter potato with OBS and then some settings in OBS as well if you're a live streamer or a video content creator so with that being said let's jump into the first step of this video the link for this download will be in the description below what you'll need to do is navigate your way to VB dash go over to the audio apps tab go to the potato tab and hit the install on the Exe file right here also scroll back up we're going to also grab that virtual audio cable I want to also point out that if you donate to VB audio you will get additional virtual audio cables so consider donating to BB audio as well once you've actually downloaded these exe files make sure you go to your downloads on your computer and run the exe file to actually install both the virtual audio cable and voice meter potato if you're using voice meter banana voice meter potato is exactly the same thing except for much bigger and it has a lot of a lot more of user friendly type of things on it I highly highly suggest switching from voice meter banana to voice meter potato it's just better so do it once you open up that voice meter potato this is exactly what it will look like I actually have some stuff set up on it already but don't let that confuse you there's a lot of hardware in puts a lot of virtual inputs we will cover all of that but first and foremost I want you to go over to the menu and toggle two things auto restart audio engine and system tray run at startup a lot of you in my comments have complained about having to go an open voice meter every time you open your computer all you need to do is toggle this right here the system tray run it startup and it will start every time you start your computer alright first and foremost I want to go over the basics of the program on the left here we have hardware input one through five these are our hardware inputs these are actual hardware that we have on our computer for example microphones in the middle we have our virtual inputs these this is a very useful tool that voice meter offers us on the bottom right we have our master section on the left side of the master section we have a one through a five these are going to be our physical outputs or Hardware outputs and on the right side we have B 1 through B 3 these are going to be our virtual outputs another tool that voice Meter offers us also up at the top we have our hardware outputs a 1 through a 5 these are the same exact thing as the physical outputs in the master section except for this is where you select the actual how the hardware that you're going to use so the first thing we setup on this program is the microphone now the microphones gonna be ran through one of the hardware inputs what I suggest doing is running your microphone through hardware input 1 so if you left click on this hardware input it'll come up with a drop down what you need to do is select the microphone that you use what you'll notice is on the left here you have WD m KS mme these are different audio drivers running your microphone if you notice that you have like a robot sounding voice or some weird latency thing going on what you can do is select a different audio driver and it might fix that issue directly below the microphone itself you have the intellibid this is where you can edit the EQ of that microphone on the left you have lows on the right you have mids and up towards the middle bottom half of this box you have highs and above that you have a little bit of an echo or brightness to that voice if you right-click on this panel you have a modulation panel this is going to be something similar to voice mod it's a modulation for your voice so it adds things like reverb so on and so forth so what you can do is drag this around and kind of add cool effects to your voice now if you right-click again what you have is the 3d panel this is going to change the position of the audio coming from this device so you can set your mic sounding like it's coming from the far left or far right so on and so forth we're not going to make any adjustments to this what most people do if they're running the processing on their microphone through voice meter is they set their their color panel to right around that area but what I suggest using is a program like equaliser Apo to do the processing on your microphone below the in Telepan we have the audibility tab this is going to be where we have the compression on the left this is an auto gain compression I highly suggest only using it to not use it because it's basically just a volume booster at this point on the right side here we have a noise gate filter way a noise gate filter works is you're going to set a level a decibel level on this audio this is where you're setting the gate imagine an actual gate opening and closing what you're doing is setting a decibel level where that gate is going to be located so in this instance let's say you set it to negative 15 decibels everything below negative 15 decibels is not going to be heard through the microphone or through that hardware input device everything above negative 15 decibels is when that gate opens up and allows that audio through so if we set it to negative 15 decibels everything above negative 15 so negative 14 to 0 decibels would be heard and everything from negative 15 to negative infinity would be not heard below that we have these special effects in these external effects on voice meter potato all that stuff can be edited over here in the special FX and external effects panel next to the recording tab and below that you have the actual audio meter and the gain fader the fader gain that you can adjust the audio levels on I want to point out on voice p2 potato if you click in this meter here and drag down if you left click and drag down it has a limiter filter as well this is basically the opposite of a noise gate filter it limits the level of audio so I have it set to negative 5 decibels currently my microphone audio is not exceeding that negative 5 decibels if I drag it down it's blocking that audio at negative 28 so on and so forth alright so the next thing we're going to set up is the hardware input - if you like left click on this drop down here what we're going to select is the virtual audio cable now keep in mind what you want to look for is what is contained within the parentheses here the VB - audio virtual cable what is contained outside of the parentheses is what is called the windows label for that driver sometimes the windows label gets jacked up so it might say cable output it might say voice meter output it might say output cable but what you need to focus on is what's contained within the parentheses Vimy - audio virtual cable alright so what we're going to do is take our browser audio all of our browser audio and send it to the virtual audio cable the way we're gonna do that is in advanced settings on Windows 10 so if we go to our sounds down here right click it and go to open sound settings scroll down and go to app volume and device preferences make sure you have audio playing on the browser they you use you most likely use Google Chrome or chromium I personally use Opera GX which I highly suggest getting if you don't have it and if you have audio traveling through that through that browser what will happen is it'll pop up in the in these devices down here on this list what we're going to do is set the output of that device to the virtual audio cable so under the output section we're gonna toggle that drop down for the device and we're gonna select the VB - audio virtual cable what we're doing is telling Windows 10 to send all audio from that browser to the virtual input on voice meter that we set to our hardware input to now as you can tell I actually have audio coming through my browser currently and what you see in the meter down here is audio coming through on this hardware input do so what we're doing is sending this browser audio to voice meter and then we're going to send it to our hardware outputs a 1 or a 2 so that we can hear it now what we're going to do is the same exact thing for our music applications so if you use Spotify I use a Google player a google play desktop player so going back to the event sound settings make sure you have audio traveling through Spotify or whatever music application that you use we're actually gonna set our music to the virtual input 3 the voice meter vo 3 so hit the drop-down on that music player and in the parentheses what you should see is VB - audio voice meter vo 3 the vo 3 input so toggle that for the output of your music devices now keep in mind you might have to go into the actual settings on that application and set the output device to the voice meter vo 3 input all right so next up what we're going to do is set our hardware outputs these are actual outputs that you have on your computer actual hardware what I have set up on my a one is my headphones because I like to have my audio traveling to my headphones as the priority and on a - I have my speakers now what you can do is toggle the browser audio that we set up earlier make sure you send it to a one your headphones and just make sure that audio is coming through your browser and being sent to your headphones through voice meter make sure you do that real quick and do the same exact test with the music that we just setup using the advanced sound settings now the reason I have a one for my headphones and a two for my speakers is because I like to be able to switch between the two very easily so if I want to listen to my music on my speakers and my headphones I can send it both to a1 and a2 same with every hardware input and virtual input so you might consider doing the same setup this might be a good time to mention guys if you are struggling with the setup of voice meter potato or voice meter banana we offer free help when it comes to setting this stuff up also if you're interested in helping people set this stuff up guys feel free to let me know in my discord server we need plenty of people that understand voice meter and are just willing to help people out also guys if you like content like this and you like free stuff I give away a bunch of free stuff when it comes to design animation all kinds of cool stuff like that so feel free hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell to know when I release my next videos alright so the next thing we're gonna do is move on to the rest of our virtual inputs the last two we have are the virtual input one in virtual input to the virtual input one is what we're gonna set for our desktop audio and the virtual input two is what we're gonna set for our communication devices like discord or teamspeak so the first thing you're going to want to do is make sure you toggle the hardware output that you want to listen to both your desktop and communication device on so go ahead and do that first I also want to point out that under each one of these virtual inputs on the sound meters here you have the same limiter function I actually use the limiter on the communication device because it's hard to manage with OBS and discord is the sound levels leveling system is just kind of poor right so what we're gonna do is go to our playback devices what we need to do is set our voice meter input VB - audio voice meter by to our default device and then what we're going to do is set our VB - audio voice meter ox vo to our default communications device so the voice meter inputs going to be our virtual input 1 which we I have labeled here as desktop audio and the virtual input to that we're setting to our default communications device is what we set to our communications audio on voice meter also keep in mind if you're using voice meter to process the audio on your microphone what you're gonna want to do is set the voice meter ox output as your default device under the recording tab now if you aren't using voice meter for the processing on your microphone what you're gonna do is set the default device to your microphone device minds voice mod so make sure you understand that now if you are using voice meter to process your microphone audio and you set voice meter ox as you're recording default device what you need to do under microphone is toggle the b2 selection and that's gonna send that audio to the b2 virtual output the voice meter ox output then what you need to do is open up discord and set both the input device and output device to default device and make sure that it's running properly give it a nice sound check and make sure that it's running properly the output of this device should go to your voice meter aux input on voice meter and the input should be either your microphone or the voice meter aux output from voice meter alright and just to quickly rehash everything that was mentioned in this video so far so you don't get all jumbled and confused what we did is set our microphone to our hardware input 1 and then we're sending that microphone to b2 which is our virtual output voice meter aux output now keep in mind the labels for these b1 is your voice meter vo output b2 is your voice meter aux output and b3 is your voice meter vo 3 output what we did is set our Hardware input to to our virtual well I do cable which in our advanced settings we sent the browser audio to our virtual audio cable and then we are sending that to our hardware outputs so that we can listen to it ourselves in our virtual inputs we set our default playback device to voice meter vaio so that is our desktop audio which is the virtual input one we set the default communication device to voice Meter aux input which is the virtual input to our communications and then in advanced settings we sent our music application audio to voice meter vo 3 which is our virtual input 3 we are then sending all of that audio to a 1 and or a 2 or a 3 or a 4 or a 5 to our hardware output so that we can listen to all of these devices now the reason we're separating all of this audio is so that one you can understand voice meter better and 2 it actually gives you more audio control for what you're hearing and if you're a streamer like myself the audio that your stream is hearing can be managed to the exact decibel that you want them to hear it at all right so the next thing I'm gonna do is show you how I would set this up with OBS and explain why it's extremely useful all right so the first thing you're going to do is go to settings go to audio and disable the all of the devices here the reason that is is we're going to set up our own audio CAPTCHA Bice's also we're gonna set the sample rate to 48k hertz if your internet can manage it alright so in OBS here what we're gonna do is set up five audio capture devices so we're gonna hit the in these sources down here we're going to add a audio input capture device we're gonna add two audio input capture devices one's going to be our microphone one's going to be our browser audio I have mine labeled opera GX audio and then we're going to add in three audio output capture devices the desktop audio music audio and communication audio so make sure you go ahead and set all of those up real quick all right once you have them set up we're gonna go in and make sure they're set up properly so our microphone we're gonna right click it go to properties go to device make sure it's set to the microphone that you're using it's either going to be the microphone device or the voice meter aux output if you're running your microphone through voice meter it okay on that the upper TX audio or the browser audio we're gonna set to the virtual audio cable so VB - audio virtual cable the communication audio is going to be set to the voice meter aux input or VB - audio voice meter aux vo this is the default communication device that we have set for our computer the desktop audio is obviously going to be the VB - audio voice meter vo the voice meter input the music audio is going to be you guessed it the voice meter vo 3 input and that is all of them now I want to show you exactly why this is so value valuable right now I'm not recording any of my opera which I have music currently playing on YouTube as you can see here I have some music coming through on this sound meter now I'm gonna give you an example of how useful this is I'm going to crank up the volume of this video and as you can see the volume on this meter is hitting around negative 30 decibels what we're gonna do is go to the voice meter potato and I'm going to change the volume level of this voice meter potato and what you'll notice is that it's not changing the audio that's coming through OBS that means what I'm hearing myself is nothing well what I'm hearing myself is nothing while OBS is still hearing or you guys are still hearing the music I'm not hearing a thing through my browser the reason this is so valuable is that you can turn music off for yourself in allow the music's to still be played on stream or vice versa do more control over the audio dry all of the audio that's being played for you and or for the stream and the other reason we're separating all of this audio into different sources is that it's actually going to output more data from OBS making the audio quality better for your viewers so it's very important to separate audio like this whether you have a virtual mixer like voice meter or you're using a real analog mixer it's great to separate all of the audio that you have into different sources it just improves the audio called quality and the data the amount of data being sent from OBS last but not least if you don't have Windows 10 unfortunately the only workaround right now is to have your browser audio and your music audio to run through the virtual input or your desktop audio section so your virtual input 1 and just have three lines of audio running through one input which is unfortunate for most of you that's not a huge deal but quite unfortunate alright guys congratulations you made it through the entire voice meter potato setup tutorial if you guys still have any questions or you need help setting this up feel free to join my discord server we offer free help when setting this type of stuff up also we offer free help when it comes to setting up stream your stream and stuff like that so definitely doing in the discord if you like content like this if you like audio related content stream related content or if you just like free stuff I give a lot of free stuff away make sure you hit the subscribe button and ring that notification bell I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video I know this was I tried to assembly that simplify it down as much as possible I know it's a bit of a TD it's a big one and it's it's a bit of a headache but I hope that you got through the video just fine and enjoyed yourself along the way in a future video guys I'm going to do in it all in one video on all the audio information that you'll ever need for streaming for setting up your microphone stuff like that it might take a little bit to get out and it's probably gonna be like an hour long video but it's gonna have everything regarding voice meter potato equalizer apo setting up with OBS all the filters and OBS advanced filters and then setting up equalizer APO filters for your microphone setting up side chains and all that stuff as well so it's gonna be a pretty big video and then like advanced settings and all that stuff so definitely keep your eyes out for videos like that in the future guys and again I want to thank you so much for watching this and I'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: TheFranswah Studio
Views: 256,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup voicemeeter Potato, voicemeeter, setup, discord, tutorial, obs, how to, voicemeeter discord, voicemeter, voicemeeter tutorial, Voicemeeter potato best settings, voicemeeter potato obs, voicemeeter potato, potato settings, voicemeeter guide
Id: WS7v8UKxhJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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