3-Hour Classical Study Music Playlist: Concentration and Better Learning, Focus Music, ☯170
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Channel: Yellow Brick Cinema - Relaxing Music
Views: 9,009,314
Rating: 4.8497477 out of 5
Keywords: study music, concentration music, focus music, study, relaxing music, studying music, focus, stress relief music, calm music, meditation music, alpha waves, background music, music for studying, brain power, calm music for studying, binaural beats, meditation, concentration, stress relief, work music, homework, intelligence, quarantine, memory, mindfulness, music for memory, relax, music for study work, music to study, zen music, yoga, yoga music, reading music, yellow brick cinema
Id: R0kl9xFVSnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 48sec (11028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 08 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Y'know, I don't even think that's classical. I think it's a fake classical bit written for the video, or stock music.