Massive Darkness How to play

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two can play that game is proudly sponsored by nice game shop calm the place to go for rare and unusual Asian games hi I'm Michael take seat and I'll teach you how to play massive darkness by seaman this is a cooperative dungeon crawl game for one to six players where the players are each taking on the roles of light bringers these light bringers are basically the forces of good who are gathering together to defeat the darkness and the darkness is all the big bad evil in the world let's gather together on one side if you win you save the world [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so the first thing you want to do when setting up this game is pick which questioning to play and the book has ten quests plus a tutorial the tutorial is what I would recommend you start with and if you have the Kickstarter version there is another six quests in the Kickstarter material but as I say start with the tutorial so once you know which quest you're going to do you're going to need to set out all the game pieces the board doors and bits like that as per the quest page just follow the instructions on there once that's done you're then going to need to sort out all the cards starting with the playing card size ones take the ones with this method darkness back these are your player cards and just set them aside for now the rest you'll split based on their backs as well so you've got your guard one deck you'll need to shuffle that your guard to deck you'll do the same with that same with guard 3 4 and 5 the final two decks of regular playing size cards are going to be your roaming monsters you've got to separate these and shuffle them as less a monster and greater monster then with the small cards again separate them into their different decks based on the backs you'll put aside the starting equipment and the artifacts decks you'll shuffle the treasure decks individually and you'll shuffle the door an event decks then take the hero cards that you set aside earlier and have each player pick one of these to be their character in the game now it doesn't matter how many players you've got each person still only takes one of these you could optionally take multiple if you wanted however the game is designed that you do only take once this then placed here in their dashboard the player will then take free pegs of the color and the corresponding base color the pegs will place in the zero spaces of the micro XP + XP track the micro XP track is only used for story mode they'll then also place one on the five of the health track here if they have any bonuses to health from anything they were could go to six or seven they'll then take the corresponding miniature for the character that they are and insert it into the base that the color they've chosen then they pick a class for their character which means taking one of these pads of paper here the name of the class is at the top they'll then write in their hero name the amount of XP they have and the planning on these you start with two things a starting free skill and then also a signature ability that costs XP to use the columns here represents skills of different levels and on these you have the cost given it's important to note that for the first game it's recommended that you just use the class stated in the recommended class of your character so for Siegfried here we're going to go with this pit fighter Berserker the final thing our heroes need before they can begin their quest is starting equipment so take the starting equipment cards that you set aside earlier and find the life bringer card this is not belonging to any single player but you'll sit it on the table with two health markers this represents lives so when a player runs out of health they are able to come back to life by using the Lightbringer item and removing a health token from it if there are no tokens left on the Lightbringer item you can't come back to life at the start around also this means that the game is over in this game there is no player elimination all players must finish the quest or the quest is lost then give each player a leather armor armor will go in this space here when it's equipped and it will give you bonuses to defense as stated so whenever you have a colored number in one of these spaces there are absent a die that it gives you so in this case overall blue dice every time they roll defense they then also pick one weapon the weapon they pick is up to them this isn't randomized in any way shape or form so Siegfried here likes hammers but there are no hammers so I think the sensible thing is to either give him a mace which is a one-handed weapon or to give him this two-handed axe here because that gives a red attack dice which is better than the yellow attack dice however this reduces the defenders defense I think what we'll do is go for the mace because it's one-handed and will then be able to pick up more items in the game finally place the hero miniatures on the starting space here represented by this token and then give one of the players the first player token and you're ready to begin the aim of the game will depend on the quest you're doing and this will be stated in the quest objectives so in this case we first have to pick up the key and then escape through the exit there will also be potentially special rules for example here to pick up the key you have to pick up the library token which is shown here there are two ways to lose a game in this and that is firstly to not be able to complete the quest anymore in this case that won't be an option however you can also fail if anyone dies and you're unable to bring them back using the life bringer the game is made up of rounds consisting of five phases and the back of the rulebook here does give each of these you'll start with your players phase where you're at players and heroes will take their actions you then have the enemy's phase where they get to attack you followed by an experienced phase where you're able to spend experience on your class skills here and then an event they follow finally by the end phase so let's start by looking at the players phase and the options of what a player can do we'll start with the first player who has this token and they will perform free actions once they've done their free actions any enemies they attacked who are not dead will get a chance to counter-attack before it's been the next players turn you'll do their actions and so until all players have taken their actions and then it moves on to the next phase the choice of actions that a player can do is they can move for each action they use for moving they gain 2 movement points movement points can be spent to simply move to an adjacent section of the board which is highlighted by the lines you can see each board here is made up of nine sections you can't move through the walls the artwork makes it very clear where those walls are you also can't move diagonally only orthogonal movement is allowed if you're in a space containing tokens you're able to use one point of movement to pick up all the tokens there that would include quest tokens or these treasure tokens here and you'd pick them all up and resolve them all but we're not there the other option is we can open a door using one point so we've used one of our two points from our first action to move to here our second point will open this door so we flip the token so it shows that the door is now open because we have not actually been in this chamber yet all the doors to it have been closed we will reveal an open door card if we had already done this and open this chamber and we were saying open this door because we've already been in this chamber we would not reveal a new card so you simply flip over the first card and this will tell you how to populate that room if at any point you need to flip over a door card and there are none in the deck you'll simply shuffle the discard pile to be your new deck each of these cards has free segments that tell you how to populate firstly it tells you what enemies are there and secondly what treasure the free segments represent the free sections or free spaces of that room starting with one being the one closest to the open door so in this case we'd put free treasure tokens there two treasure tokens there and to treasure tokens on the third space and we'll be spawning a guard card for space 1 and space free the level of guard that you spawn is determined by the quests current level so at the moment we're on tile 1 so the quest current level is 1 if we had reached the second tile we would instead flip this over to its dark side and flip the 2 up to its lip side and we would now be on level 2 but as well never 1 will simply draw the top card from the guard level one deck you'll reveal what this card is and this card will tell you the type of enemy it is which will either be a mob or an agent so here we have an example of a mob and then for our third space we have an example of an agent so these are very similar here you have the health of the creatures for a mob it will always be a fixed number in this case they have one health each and for an agent it will be dependent on the number of players so here it's 2 times the number of players so it would be 2 for a one player game four for a two player game there's another bit of information on the mob cards here which is how many of the minions there are so in this case it's 1 times the number of players so there'd be two minions in a two-player game the other information on here is abilities that they have followed by the stats for their attack and defense so we'll now get the miniatures out for these and place them in the corresponding spaces so here we have the dwarf defender boss and one dwarf defender minion because we've got just the one hero and here we have the Goblin agent we'll go on this base the next part of spawning a creature revolves around guardians which are agents bosses or roaming monsters so a guardian gets a piece of equipment to go with them again corresponding to the level of the quest so you take the treasure deck for that level and you reveal a card so in this case the dwarf defender boss is carrying a lesser healing potion as it's consumable that will have no effects to the gameplay but it does mean that if you kill the boss you will gain that card the Goblin agent has a great sword this will go under his character and means that he has the abilities of that sort so for example on his attack he'll get two yellow and a red dice and he gets this attack ability as well if it was an item where he did not already have dice in that category such as this bow here sorry javelin here then he would not gain any benefit so he does not gain a ranged attack because he has no ranged attack dice normally but let's say he has the sword we can then get rid of our duel card we have resolved that spawn the player now will continue with their action so they'd actually quite like to attack the enemies here however because they Creed only has a mace and a mace is a melee weapon it has a range of zero meaning he can only attack things in his own space so he'll have to move to be able to use that if he had a ranged weapon he could attack anyone in spaces adjacent to him or further away so it's a 1 plus range you cannot attack someone in your own space with that with a magic item if you had magic attack here then the range would be between 0 and 2 so he could attack people in his own space or up to 2 away and then of course you have defense so he will use another point to move now he'd quite like to pick up the treasure here how that you can't do a pick up action when there are figures in the square also he wouldn't be able to now move away with his second point of movement because you cannot leave a space with enemies in it either so that second point of movement gets lost he now has one action remaining which he we'll use to attack or attacking he works out what his attack dice are which is one yellow dice he then works out what his defenders dice are which is two blue dice he rolls these all together to find out the result of the attack any swords counts as hits any shields count as defended so these neutralize each other meaning that the attack is completely defended if say no shields were rolled that would be one successful hit which would mean he would do one damage the damage is dealt first to the minions and you can't attack a boss until the minions are dead so that one would actually be enough to kill this minion if he'd done two damage for example that would be enough to kill this minion if there were multiple minions he would kill two minions for example but actually it would be enough to kill the minion and the boss too because there's only the one minion however you can't attack the boss at all until there are no minions so the fact that there was a minion there when he performed this attack means he cannot hit the boss in any way shape or form he would need to do another attack on the boss in order to damage him that would then be all three of his actions used up so we then have the counter-attack he attacked this mob without fully killing them therefore the mob gets a counter-attack this works just like normal attacks for the enemies attack phase which I will explain in a moment with regard to moving with regards to the actual attack and rolling dice it's the same as when the hero was attacking you determine the number of attack dice and you determine the number of defense dice which for Siegfried here was one blue and you roll them all at the same time and this determines the result of the attack so in this case the villains got for attack and sikri got no defense so he would take four wounds for a hero you will track your wounds using the dashboard here so four wounds would put him down to two health it would then be that was counter attack it would then be the monsters base you activate the monsters in the order you choose if they are not in reach to attack a visible hero so if there's a line of sight hero that they can attack they will if not they will move one step towards them if a hero is not in line of sight and is in shadow then they count as being completely hidden and the creep monsters won't actually move towards them so you can see some of these have light sources and the lighter than others these are the shadow spaces these also come into effect for character powers if you're in a shadow space then you get your shadow mode skill so the agent moves he still can't attack therefore he will move again that's then the end of it it's trying to attack move try an attack move if after that second moves they could attack they still don't this boss here of the Dwarven defender would then attack again and I actually rolled the wrong dice for the Dwarven defenders attack last time it should have only actually been one yellow and one blue which we see is actually defended this time I was looking at the wrong card if there are no heroes for them to move towards they'll move towards the starting space if they've already reached the starting space they instead move towards the exit that would then be the end of the enemies phase you'd then move on to the experience phase but before we go on to that let's go back to the our hero's actions phase because there's some actions we've not covered yet first some effects will stun a creature causing them to be placed laid down they then need to use one of their actions to get up another action you can do is reorganize and re-equip you equipment that you have so when you pick up equipment you'll be able to immediately equip it now in a non-story game the level of the equipment it doesn't matter you can always equip it and there in story mode you can only equip items that are of the level of the quest you're on so you can use an action to change equipment outside of picking up items if you have three pieces of equipment you don't want then on your turn as a free action you can transmute them which means that you discard those free items and instead draw an item of the level higher than the lowest level item so in this case they were all level one but if this was a level two and these were level ones you'd still only draw a level two item and throwing that item you've gained an item you can immediately a quicker if you want the final thing you can do relates to your character and your class so each class has a signature ability that they are able to perform this is again a free action that they can do and it costs one XP to use so you have to have experience there in order to use it so have anacs-- yet explained how you gain experience so whenever you kill a minion you'll gain one experience so Siegfried actually gained one experience if we were in story mode he would gain a micro experience if you're not in story mode you'd gain a normal experience in story mode whether you reach 5 micro you gain one normal experience to use a signature ability costs micro it XP in story mode but normal XP in the other mode each signature ability you can only use once in an activation if he'd managed to kill a boss then all heroes in the game get free XP if you manage to kill an agent all heroes get 4 XP and if you manage to kill a roaming monster all heroes get 5 XP only the minions XP goes specifically to the per and who kills it so let's now skip ahead a few rounds and say that Siegfried managed to kill the agent and the boss there and he's now on 8xb so that we can go through phase free-spending XP so the skills you can buy you can only buy a level 2 skill if you bought the level 1 skill that is on the same row so in this case there are no level 1 of these so you can buy these as soon as you're able to afford them you can buy a skill of any level however you can only use skills of the missions current level so if you buy a level 2 skill you will not be able to use it until the mission reaches level 2 to buy a skill the cost is given in the left here you'll simply then tick the box above it to show that you now have that skill and you lose the XP that it would cost so if we buy charge it would cost us free XP if we bought the brutality here it would cost us 5 etc and we just go down to our free XP and then we carry on with the rest of the game which would be phase 4 event in this you'll simply turn over an event card and do as it says so in this case you would spawn a guard card and place it in a zone with the token of the current level minus 1 ignore this card if you're on level 1 so we were on level 1 we would ignore this card the next card would mean that you activate a roaming monster that's on the board or if there isn't a roaming monster you would spawn one this spawning works the same as spawning guards if you're on level 1 2 3 you'll spawn a lesser roaming little stir you simply again turn over the card as it's a roaming monster is a guardian so it will get a piece of equipment and then you place it where the event card says to place it the roaming monsters are the hardest monsters in the game in the end phase you'll simply pass your first player taking to the player to left and they'll begin the next round there may also conquests VFX that will activate at this time and that's how you play massive darkness by Simona do you hope you've enjoyed this video and found it useful you cab please to check out the rest of videos on the channel as well as subscribing and sharing and otherwise thanks for watching and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Toucan Play that Game
Views: 55,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board games, boardgame, boardgames, Toucan Play that Game, Toucan, 2can, two, can, twocan, Play, Game, Board, card, tabletop, dice, Massive Darkness How to play, How to play, tutorial, instruction, Massive Darkness, played
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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