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today I am gonna be showing you how to set up a skin board [Music] this particular setup we have this is a textured board so basically what that means is the surface of it has some bumps and the board isn't perfectly glossy and so there's some special steps you have to go through to make sure that the board's glossy when you put your pads on and to make sure that the pads are going to stick there's other boards that already have a glossy texture and you won't have to do this sanding slash cleaning process at all some examples of those boards are exz rose which is kind of an entry-level skin boarder at an entry-level skin board there's some other entry-level skin boards like wooden boards they're oftentimes glossy and and not textured like this board is so you won't have to do this sanding process and cleaning process with those glossy boards but with this Exile this is a pro board pretty much it's it's a high performance skin board its carbon fiber and the carbon fiber is actually what gives it the the texture feeling on the on the top so when you're setting up a high performance given board that's textured you're gonna want to sand it and just make sure it's really clean before you apply the pads because that'll ensure that they stick well and and last they're the lifetime of the board so just going to walk you through the steps of doing that today and it's a little bit of a process [Music] the four things that you're gonna want to need to set up a skin board are some sandpaper we have two two different grits here so we have one that's more grainy and textured and then the other one is more of like a finishing so it'll it'll kind of polish off the board and get it really smooth and slick before you put on the pads and we also have some goo off which we're gonna gonna use first to get the finishing wax off the board and I'll explain in a second what the finishing wax is and then we're also going to use it after we've sanded the board down and there's gonna kind of be some like some sanding residue on the board and some really fine little particles of dust so we're gonna make sure that all that is off the board before we put on the pads and last but not least you're gonna want some pads first what we're gonna do is we're gonna be taking off the finishing wax that exile likes to put on their board they started doing this a little bit more recently just to kind of make the board look cleaner and nicer on the shelf so it gives it a nice like glassy look and really brings out the colors but you don't want this finishing wax on your board when you put on the pads it's basically just gonna make the pads more susceptible to peeling off and what I like to do is I'll just hit it with a little sandpaper and you're gonna see that the finishing wax is going to actually collect on the sandpaper a little bit so I'll show you that real quick [Music] I'm just pushing down with these three fingers at the moment and when I pull up you're gonna see the wax collecting on the sandpaper below the three fingers some boards probably won't have this finishing wax on it and maybe when you buy it you just want to ask if it if it has a it has a finishing wax and if you want to take that off before you put your pads on all right we're gonna continue I'm just gonna wax this thing finish waxing all the finishing wax off of it and then we're gonna get get it off with the GU office [Music] so we just scraped off of the majority of that finishing wax that is used to just make the board look pretty and so now we're just going to finish cleaning off that wax with a little bit of goo off so just gonna dump a little goo off on the board stuffs stuffs kind of kind of toxic to the skin so make sure you don't burn your skin with it also you might want to ask your parents how to open these things because having some struggles here but that's a good thing they're childproof so we're just getting dump this on here whoop whoop all right while it dries quick in the Sun that is interesting so yeah you can be kind of generous with this stuff looks like that's all the Grimes kind of coming off nice this is the rest of that wax that was on the board you can kind of see it on the rag yeah there's some there's some dirt and grime on there that you want to get off before you put on your pads it's looking pretty clean right now but we're just gonna touch it up with p150 so it's a smoothing it's basically just use it for smoothing purposes we want to make sure that the surface the surface of those boards as smooth as possible before we put on those pads so it'll be slick and nice for those things to stick the poet and that didn't even notice when I'm sanding you can already see that the dust the sand dust is starting to collect on that on the outer edges of the board so that's good because that means you got that finishing wax off and now you're sanding the actual fibers of the board and making sure that it's starting starting to smooth out and when I'm sanding like I'm putting some a fair amount of pressure on just so it really does like get that top layer of the grit off but I'm also making sure that I don't sand like a bunch because what'll happen is you'll actually sand through the like top layer of resin on the board and that weakens your board a little bit in that area so if you start to see like black fibers you're kind of going a little too hard but go kind of hard on it just give it a nice gradual nice crab you got a little pet you know just a little pressure in the fingers sometimes when you get you your sandpaper a little too sandy or you get too much powder on it you might want to switch to the other side so that that's stuffs fresh you know all right so now we're gonna stand up here this is where my back pad is gonna go it's pretty pretty nice right now nice and smooth and then we're gonna stand up here you can actually feel way smoother here now feel that smooth now feel this up here gritty you know that's how you know you're doing a good job [Music] now all we have to do is put some more goo off to get all this white sanding residue off here and make sure that it's really clean before we put on the pads but we're very close and if you want to avoid doing all this you might be able to give Frankie Orlando a nice tip and he will do it for you at the Excel show all right goo off here we come we're applying more goo off just to get that sanding residue off there you see this white stuff on the board you don't want that stuff on your board when you put your pads on so we're just getting that off right now oh look at how nice it comes off after you done done all the sanding and everything you can just run your fingers over it and you should be able to notice a pretty big difference and the before and after so right now my boards feeling feeling quite a bit smoother and that textured feeling isn't all there anymore so these are chipper Wilson's Pro model pads oh those things look fresh on there don't they I'm just gonna start off with centering the back traction pad and you'll notice that I put my traction pads like as close to the tail the board as I can so you don't want them like hanging off the edge by any means you want to make sure that you're still putting your pads on the flat on a flat surface so that they completely stick on the board but I will put it as close as I can get it to being off the edge and that's just because I like to put my feet as far back as possible because that's how you're using you know this this rail and the tail of your board to do a lot of the turns that you do want to skip boards so I want my foot to be on the back as far back as they can go so I like to just eyeball it when I'm putting on pads it's nice because exhale kind of did all the hard work with like putting this little middle stripe so we're just gonna go kind of eyeball it off that the middle zone that looks pretty good what do you think daters sometimes just gotta go for it and you also want it like once you actually put down the pad and commit to it being centered you want to push it down with your thumb and kind of go along the edges of it and make sure that it really the adhesive really sticks on all the edges it's kind of optional but when these when you have a three-piece pad like this or a two-piece pad even you can you can you know you don't have to put them all in one piece and all like next to each other so I like to spread mine out a little bit and leave a little gap show a little bit of that maroon color yeah that looks sick okay so yeah I just put in a nice little left a little gap there show the board show the beauty metal make sure you don't get any tar on your feet you know that black stuff that sticks to your feet that'll just ruin your pad sometimes so now we just are applying the front pet kind of the last step to having a completed board if you want any other tips on I don't know things you want to learn on the skin board or if you have any questions about types of skin boards that you think are best for your body style or your level of skimboarding let us know and we will likely do a video on that in the future but will also help you out with just answering your questions in the comment comment box below - so good enough oh yeah all right good to go huh that's it she's looking party I thought we were done but forgot one last finishing touch I like to make on all my boards and that would be to finish up the rails a little bit a lot of the times they aren't perfectly sanded and sometimes you know they're just there got the board all all done and everything but they haven't really sanded the rails down perfectly so I like to just take that 150 grit sandpaper and just touch up the rails you can run you can run your fingers along it and you can actually feel like spots where the rails sharper than other spots so by sanding down those sharp spots you're gonna you're just gonna ensure that your rails aren't aren't too sharp and that it it's gonna go as fast as possible through the water I'm just running the the sandpaper along the sharp edge of the rail I'm making sure that I get a little bit of both sides I don't want to like really grind it down because it's gonna make it dull so I'm just really touching it and I'm going all around the board and kind of like you can even just go like this and it's gonna make sure that that the rails you know kind of Bend the sandpaper a little bit like fold it like that and just run it along and don't stay in it for too long because you don't want to bill it make the rail go like I said [Music] thanks for watching y'all if you'd like some other tutorials or skin board related trick tips you can check out some other videos over here and we'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to our Channel so thank you all for watching and we hope this helped with the next skin board you get alright [Music]
Channel: Skid Kids
Views: 177,809
Rating: 4.9614682 out of 5
Keywords: Skim, Skimboarding, Professional Skimboarding, Surfing, Blair Conklin, Skid Kids, Skid Kids TV, Pro Skim, How to, How to put skimboard together, Traction Pads, Exile Skimboards, Tutorials, SHOREBRAK
Id: IubM6ngJfgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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