Exile Skimboards Australia - Choosing the right board: EX0 EX1 Hybrid Blairacuda

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hey guys it's aj here from exile australia i'm here to take you through our range of boards we have on offer first of all we're going to take you through our ex0 so that is our entry level the intermediate board it comes with a gloss finish six different colors this board comes in three different sizes small medium and large it is a 5 8 thickness some people ask is the ex-0 able to catch waves are you able to catch waves on this board yes definitely this is a wave riding board so there's plenty of surface area on this board it comes with this hybrid rocker so great for planing out to the wave and getting plenty of distance so the rounded rails are good for a beginner to intermediate because basically it's safer you're going to get less responsiveness when turning on the wave but it is going to be a lot safer and we've also got multiple design options our next board we have uh on offer is the ex1 so the ex1 is very similar to the ex-0 however it does come with a few more options this board is a tapered uh three quarter to five eight so we have a little more volume through the center of the board uh tapering out to a little less volume so you're going to get more responsiveness on the wave when you're turning a better more performance feel to this board so this board also comes in six different color options and multiple different design options we have three different sizes small medium and large you're getting a board with less weight to it as well so for aerial tricks and 360 shuvits you're going to have more of an opportunity to land those tricks and we have rounded rails which are less responsive but a safer option for the beginner and intermediate level riders so the next board we have on offer is our carbon this is a carbon hybrid model these things come in three quarter inch five eight inch and also tapered three quarter two five eight these boards uh have a super sharp rail okay so the sharp rail is designed to help you um make those really sharp turns those wrap to barrel waves this board is designed to get you out right right far out to the wave so this board has a hybrid rocker and is also our hybrid shape this is the board that we are famous for we have we do these boards in a gloss finish as well as a new textured finish so this here is a new textured finish which means there is uh plenty of grip not so much wax needed mainly your just just your tail pad and your arch bar or front deck options the options for the carbons are endless we have multiple different color options on the top and also the bottom of the board as well as um artwork okay our last option we have for you today is our blaracuda so here we have the blairacudo carbon board so very similar to the hybrid carbon however we have a fishtail and the fishtail is designed for a much more responsive ride um it almost feels like you've got a fin when you ride it um you have two points here so locking into the way there is no issues with finding the spot on the wave this is blair conklin's pro model board and probably our most popular carbon option so this board has more surface area through the nose of the board so just gives you that little bit of extra distance when trying to reach the waves out the back once again this board comes with multiple color options design options you can get your art across the front of the board there and also on the bottom of the board and these boards come in a 5 8 thickness a three quarter to five eight thickness tapered as well as a three quarter thickness you can get these in small medium large and extra large you can also get these boards in a matte or a gloss finish and so our matte textured finish has a little more grip and requires less wax when riding it all right guys thanks for watching uh if you have any more questions feel free to hit us up on instagram and we'll be sure to answer your questions
Channel: Aj Rice
Views: 6,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LhsYzvOHGLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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