GOING THE DISTANCE | How to reach waves on a Skimboard W/ Blair Conklin

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These are really helpful videos. Thanks for posting. I'm always amazed that the beaches where they film are almost completely deserted. Over here it is always super busy, even in winter. Just people walking up and down the beach.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/malde- 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello again lair complan here and today we are going to be running through the steps of how to water drop and we're also going to be learning how to side slip or plane as we call it [Music] what to do now let's talk about the water drops in some previous videos we kind of just talked about how to drop your board on sand and you can do a lot of things skimboarding by just dropping your board on sand but in order to really get out with a lot of speed and to carry your speed through your turn on the wave you're gonna want a water drop and water dropping basically just means that you are dropping your board on on a thin layer of water that's over the sand that you would normally drop on you're able to run out a little farther when you're dropping your board on water so you know instead of dropping your board on the dry sand which is further up the beach you're gonna be running a little further out closer to the wave that you're going for and you're dropping your board on that water a big difference between dropping your board on dry sand and dropping your board on water is how you're gonna hop on your board you're gonna you're gonna want to have your weight more distributed towards the center of the board when you're when your water dropping so when I'm dropping on water I want to get on my board as efficient as possible and in doing that I'm gonna put my foot a little higher up so that my my weight is centered more over the over the middle of my board if your weights unevenly distributed you're leaning back too much or you're leaning forward too much that's going to create drag what you're waiting for is you're waiting for a wave to break and you're waiting for it to wash up the slope with the beach a little bit the timing to dropping your board on water is important because you want the wave to really like flatten out you want it to break crumble wash up the beach and then there's gonna be just a perfect flat area to go and drop your board on if there's any little bumps or any little waves you don't want to drop your board on those bumps or waves because oftentimes your rail will just catch an edge and I'll send you flying off alright so we're gonna run you through a water drop and just gonna try to talk you through the timing of when to go for a wave so we're waiting for this one to break we're gonna go run drop the word on the water I think the mics broken so yeah you're waiting you're waiting for this for a wave to break in for the water to wash up and then you're going dropping your board just on that thin layer of water I'll run it I'll run you through it one more time [Music] I think I see one so see this little wave we're waiting for that one to break we see the wave after it we're gonna go water drop planing out so kind of oh don't do it that's way you don't want to do what you want to do when you're planing out is you're gonna start off with with water dropping you don't ever really want to turn your board sideways on the dry on sand because your rail catch the sand and then you're gonna go flying forward so when you are trying to get out to a wave that is pretty far out there you're gonna want to water drop first and then to help carry your speed out to that wave you're gonna want to turn your board sideways and you're gonna want to transition your weight to the middle of your board right around here when I'm planing out my feet are basically right here my back foots here front foots here it's kind of just in the middle of the board and the reason that planing out helps you carry your speed is because when you're just going out to a wave like this you have rocker in your board so the board's not perfectly flat and what happens is water will kind of catch and it'll create drag but when you're planing out there's no rocker in your board so the board's completely flat this direct this direction on the skim board so if you're just going straight out to a wave the rocker of your board is going to slow you down because water is basically catching catching under here but when you're going sideways see how the board's completely flat and it's gonna help you slide out and not create as much drag as if you're going straight up so that's the explanation of why side slipping works and how it helps carry your speed and now I'll just kind of go through how you want to place your feet on the board and how you also want to you you're gonna want to do some transitioning of where your feet are so when you're about to go for a wave and you know it's gonna be a hard one to reach you are gonna want a water drop first so you're running you're running you're dropping your board on water you're putting your foot not too far back because it's gonna make you slow down but you're putting your foot more towards the center of the board and then what I'm doing is I'm getting on there and then I'm turning my body so that I turn my board sideways you're looking out of the wave that's hard to reach and you are gonna time it so that that wave crashes starts to wash up you're gonna drop your board on water and like I'm doing here so you're gonna drop turn your your shoulder back and then that'll get you in this sideways position it's all it's all kind of one fluid motion when you do it fast [Music] [Music] it's all very it happens really quick so you're running dropping on water and turning boom boom boom you know you're just doing it another way to explain how you're turning your board sideways is you're kind of pivoting around your front foot and you're you're moving your right hip forward if your regular if you're goofy you're gonna be moving your left hip forward I like to think of getting in the planing position as a pivot around your front foot and moving your your right hip forward so pivot and move your right hip forward that's how you do it if you want to look real goofy you can just practice on the sand like I just did yellow so I played hope someone's watching me do this right now I'll be freaking awesome I'm gonna explain the posture and how you want to be crouched down over your board when your side planing when you're going out to a wave you're gonna want to have both here your knees bent in and you're almost gonna want to have them touching I like to have my my back knee kind of a little lower than this knee and it's gonna help me also and when I have my back knee lower it's gonna help me do that turn off the wave you don't want to be in a squat position like this it's not a good look don't do it you're gonna want to have that center of gravity as low to the middle of the board as you can and in order to do that you're gonna want to have both your knees bent in as much as you can so ya just crouch down as low as you can keep your Center center of gravity over the middle of the board it's gonna help you with carrying your speed out to the wave so you're gonna be planning out to a wave with your board sideways and then as you approach the wave and as you get closer to it what you're gonna want to do is scoot your back foot further back towards the tail of your board and you're you're kind of transitioning your weight back a little bit and then what you're doing is you're going back into the straight position so you're originally going out to the wave and you're most of your weight is centered over your board and when you get out to the wave or when you're about to get to the wave you scoot your foot back and then turn this way and then in order to to continue turning it's kind of all just one motion of okay transition your weight back turn and then maybe drag your hand in the water a little bit to continue the turn so when you're turning back around you're trying to carry your speed off the waiver you're trying to to start doing that turn after you've been side slipping or planing your hands going to be a really big help in getting you to complete that turn we've been getting a couple questions about accessor we have on our gopro and this is the bodhi floaty we've been using it for getting POV shots because the floaty itself doesn't get in the way of your chin when it's in your mouth it's also nice to be able to look at the LCD screen and actually see what you're shooting while still protecting your GoPro I'm making sure it doesn't sink to the bottom the ocean so this thing's pretty sweet oh that's not a good one it's bad alright if you found this video helpful we would really appreciate it a little subscribe over here if you'd like to go check out some of our other tutorials you can find them over here that's that for today's lesson those are just hurt those painful for me man painful dude when we go for a long swim to Catalina
Channel: Skid Kids
Views: 607,299
Rating: 4.9549518 out of 5
Keywords: Skimboarding, how to, professional Skimboarding, pro, paradise, waves, shorebreak, blair conklin, Skid Kids, Surfing, Laguna Beach, Glassy shorebreak, gopro, 4K, skimboarding out to waves, learning to skimboard, riding a wave on a skimboard, how to skimboard
Id: r9Uk_n8h8do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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