How to Monkey Crawl Drop Skimboarding

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what's up guys Austin Keene here and in this video I'm gonna teach you how to monkey crawl drop and side slope counselor [Music] I'm gonna teach you a couple little special tools right now and how to skim bore it a little bit further out get that distance and reach waves right now two things that are cool little special tools and techniques you can use that you've probably seen me use in almost all my videos or your pricing basically anybody else who's an experienced skin boarder use and one of them which is a little bit more specialized to me and my style which is something I started when I was very young is the monkey crawl method you're basically placing the board down and crawling onto the board rather than dropping it and stepping onto it okay I'm going to teach you how to do that and another little tool I'm going to teach you how to basically plane out and reduce your drag is a sideslip method and it's something you'll see a lot of professional skateboarders do pretty much everybody does it and you might even started doing it without even realizing it and it's basically when you turn your board sideways and if you're using the flattest part of your board to reduce that drag and almost skip across like a rock but a lot of people do this and they don't do it correctly so I'm going to make sure you guys understand how to do it correctly so that it's actually working for you because you may be turning your board sideways but you're still dragging on that tail okay before watching this video if you haven't watched the one step method make sure you go watch that because that's going to be the foundation - so basically skim boarding and that timing of the one step method is going to help you with the monkey crawl method okay you're still going to do that arm swing like we talked about in the one-step method video you're still going to get on back foot first like we talked about in the one-step video the only thing you're doing differently now is you're putting the board down and kind of flattening your hands out right when you get on and then basically crawling on it like a big old monkey okay that's why we call it the monkey cross [Music] [Music] one thing that's gonna make it way easier is monkey crawling into water okay so I'll try to monkey crawl right on the sand I don't even monkey crawl on the sand there are maybe a few people out there who are monkey crawlers that do monkey crawl right under the sand but the reason that monkey crawling into the water is actually way easier especially for learning than doing it on the sand is that if you monkey crawl in there like say knee-deep water you're only putting the board down this bar okay so if you're gonna monkey crawl on the dry sand you're going all the way down here you're almost like not getting that momentum of why the monkey crawl the reason the monkey crawls so good is you can kind of lunge your weight into the water and lunge all your momentum onto the board and one nice fluid motion it's really good to know how to monkey crawl cause if you can do it right in one fluid motion you can get one step deeper into the water you can basically just blast all your momentum onto the board and out of the wave and it's an awesome tool especially for water drops it's actually a nice security tool too if it's a little windy or if the waves the water rushing up has a little bit of foam or choppiness into it it just feels really secure to be able to hold your board the whole way down and no that's not gonna skip or anything like that if you can do it in about just over a wave so right as the waves come in you're dropping it right on top of that wave after it broke you're only putting the board down this bar and then you're stepping onto a back foot first now if we pretend like this is say two feet of water right as a wave rushed up I'm throwing it right down on top of it so I flatten my hands right as I put it down boom flatten my hands back foot front foot and I'm pretty much glued set up for success ready to side flip out to a wave didn't lose an ounce of energy just transferred all my momentum right onto the board so super super awesome tool I'm actually very fortunate I started doing this on it as a kid definitely a great tool to help you get out further the waves and reach waves and get that extra you want to get that extra boost lunge that extra momentum onto the board it's an excellent tool for that so another cool tool in addition to the monkey crawl which we're gonna demonstrate that monkey crawl one more time in a minute but another cool tool to incorporate that you're probably already doing you've seen all this pro skateboarders do it you might have already been doing it on accident is a side slip okay I want to make sure that you're doing it correctly because a lot of people turn their board sideways and it's not helping them okay one thing you always want to do full commitment it's like drop it in on a quarter pipe when you're gonna run for that wave you got full commitment always be engaged don't just kind of wait to see if you're gonna make it out in the wave no you need to like be engaged full momentum going forward and that you need to apply that same attack to side slipping and what the side slip is is after you've gotten on your board and you got some distance in between where you got on your board so where you need where the actual wave is how you're gonna get through all that deep water well if you just stay like this and not move your back foot is probably gonna cause the board to drag and drag is not good okay we want to reduce as much drag as possible we want to try to conserve as much momentum as possible so what we're going to do is we're in a side slip out to the wave and maybe even slide your foot up a little bit so that you're using the flattest part of your board okay so your board has a little bit of nose rocker and it might depending on what you have have a little bit of tail rocker either way you want to take all that weight that you have in your back foot which is basically your control your steering wheel and skimboarding you want to slide it up a little bit so you're in a nice flat area on your board and you're reducing your drag okay and you want to make sure that and I even still perfect my side slip to this day with all these years of experience I'm still perfecting my side slip and I'll even catch myself being a little heavy on my heels and the reason I found that out was looking at a photo of myself side slip and super far out to a wave and I was trying my best to conserve my momentum however I looked at the photo and I could see though there's a little bit more drag on the heel side of the board that's kind of playing it safe and if the water is a little bit choppy you're kind of keeping the front edge from catching which is okay but if you want full commitment and you want to go the distance and some nice glassy water you want to make sure that you're you got your feet in the center part of the board nice solid stance and you just want everything to be a straight line down so you're not too heavy on the toes catching the front side rail and no diving or be too heavy on the heels where you're just dragging on the heel side so just to show you boom and then you can kind of make your turn you can slide your foot back so a skimming you're gonna be moving your feet around a lot you know your board is your steering wheel where do you want to steer from okay the most the ideal stance is probably right here if you didn't have if you weren't gonna move at all you're gonna be glued to your board this is gonna be your ideal stance nice solid engaged core what your balance going all the way down you could even side slip in the stance and I'm sure I've done it a lot of times if it's a nice short side flip so if your only side slipping maybe you know three to five yards then you could probably just be like this see how look see how I naturally and almost leaning my weight on the front more on the front foot because it's in the center of the board trying to take off the Flex of the back to reduce that drag so I'm kind of like this so if I was gonna side slip I'd still if I kept my foot there I'd still make sure that my my weight was kind of in this area of the board what I do when I look at a wave and I kind of have a feeling that it's gonna be a deep-water start for a monkey crawl I kind of move my hand up here it's a more like ten and five so instead of here what I would do for a sand drop a one step I kind of move my hand ten and five like this and you can kind of do that as you're running I can kind of just slide your hands like this you know kind of do a little that so you're running you're running oh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm in a monkey crawl instead of Santa instead of one step boom slide my hands to ten and five instead of ten and five instead of nine and five so boom attending for let's say 10 and for 10 and for instead of nine to five boom run and run and running lunging my weight back back foot first this leg is just throwing all my momentum forward onto the board full commitment front foot comes up now you're set up you want to make sure that you got your sand solid back is straight maybe side slip out of the way this thing's coming up it's a beautiful glassy wall nothing's gonna stop you you got fast water you just lunge all your momentum out of the way come around for a backside wrap what let's get you're getting barreled you're getting barrel you're coming out of the barrel the lifts coming you do a shove it you keep going and you're going the sands coming here to do another show it and everybody's freaking out and you come up to the shore like that was the best wave ever all because you took the time to watch my video on how to monkey crawl you're welcome like subscribe comment tell your friends and check out the other videos on how to skateboard in the link below [Music]
Channel: Austin Keen
Views: 79,726
Rating: 4.9760385 out of 5
Keywords: skimboarding, austin keen, skimboard, how to skimboard, how to monkey crawl skimboard, austin keen skimboarding, monkey crawl, skim boarding, skimboard austin keen, monkey crawl skimboard, skimboarding austin keen, monkey drop, crawl, drake, professional skimboarder, skimboarder, pro skimboarding, blair conklin skimboarding, skimboarding tricks, pro skimboarder
Id: OX_2PVRqBmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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