How To Set Up The PERFECT CS2 Config!

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hey what's up guys this CH here and today I'm going to teach you guys how to set up the ultimate Counterstrike 2 config so I have view model settings I have radar settings I have everything that you need to get started also I have the best settings to get the most frames possible all right let's go if you're going to be playing native res just put it on your regular resolution make sure it's on full screen and not full screen window cuz that can add some latency and for refresh rate put it up to the maximum refresh rate of your monitor all right and then go to Advanced video for Boost player contrast you always want to have this on it just makes it a little bit easier to see enemies pretty much in any situation think adds latency so I would always turn that off so obviously you can turn it off but it adds a lot of jaggin to like the wires up here and it makes things look a little little rough obviously you can put it on eight times which makes it look super crisp but obviously it does hurt your performance so I think 2x is probably the best middle ground for Global Shadow quality if you put it on low you can't really see the animations of the Shadows so this actually puts you at a big disadvantage where you have less info to work with if you put it up to medium it's a little bit better but it's not super clean clean high is the recommended where you can pretty much see every little detail you can see the thing moving around I'd say high is probably the best thank for your buck for texture filtering mode with 2x I'm getting about 425 frames a second is with lows of down to 100 actually the frame rates are very comparable it's a little bit lower yeah it really seems like the setting doesn't really matter too much at least for my PC but I'd say 2X or 4X depending on your PC I mean whatever it recommends for Shader detail you want to have this on high so you can see the best Shadows possible for particle detail so here I'll just throw a Molotov and as you guys can see the fire can be kind of hard to see through but if we put it on low and then throw a Molotov oh it's pretty much the same wow to be honest High versus low doesn't really make the biggest difference I'd say just go for something in the middle you can do medium or high I'll just go with high yeah for ambient occlusion you can just disable this to free up a little bit of extra performance for high dynamic range I would recommend putting this on performance and then for Fidelity FX this is essentially like AMD upscaling so if you put it on performance now obviously oh my God the game looks so bad it looks so pixelated my frame rate doesn't really it seems to be around the same it looks so bad though everything is just so pixelated let's compare it to Quality quality definitely looks a lot better and it seems like the frames are around the same and then if we just straight up turn it off frame rate's pretty much the same uh actually frame rate's a little bit lower but the game looks way way way way crisper so I mean this setting is just if you're on a lower-end PC and you're really struggling you could put this on quality balance or if your PC is really really struggling you can try performance and then nid load latency is kind of a weird one typically for a lot of games this does a really good job of reducing latency as much as possible but I've noticed in CS2 especially you know with the servers and everything and the sub tick rate it seems to add more latency if you guys want to use it just be my guest and try it out and let me know your findings in the comments but personally for the most traditional Counter-Strike experience just put it on disabled hopefully in the future valve fixes it let's talk audio so master volume just crank it up to 100 if it's too loud you can turn it down a little bit okay so EQ profile is kind of weird so there's natural which kind of sounds normal there's crisp which can make footsteps sound a little bit louder also it makes the gun sounds louder but to be honest like if I were to actually play with this like I would go deaf after like two games and then smooth is kind of in the Middle where you can still hear footsteps they're a little bit quieter and then when you shoot you know it's a little less harsh cuz I think they bring down the the highs and the mids so crisp enhances the mid and high frequency bands smooth reduces the mid and high frequencies you can either go with those two or you can just use natural cuz that's pretty much what csgo is like and then LR isolation this one's kind of interesting left behind right it's pretty much the audio you would expect from Counterstrike let's just turn this up to 10% left behind right yeah it seems to actually enhance the surround sound a little bit all right just for fun let's crank it up to 100 and see what happens this is there's no way that this is going to be good left behind right yeah honestly that's a little bit too much for me so I think 10% is a good middle ground just leave on perspective correction streamline push to talk this is another one so so every time you press the push to talk key if your computer keeps hiccupping or lagging I'd say just turn this on but as for music though main menu volume I like to just leave it on zero cuz I just don't like to hear the main menu volume round start volume doesn't really matter round action volume doesn't matter I like to leave these on zero round end volume you can leave it up but like 30 40% you know make sure it's not too loud MVP volume crank it up to 100 no uh leave it at a reasonable level like 30 bomb hostage volume 20 10 second warning volume so this one is absolutely essential so you want to make sure it's loud enough to where you can hear the start of the music but not too loud to where you can't hear footsteps so I'd say anywhere between 10 and 15% is perfect and then death camera volume irrelevant game settings now we're getting into the juicy meat and potatoes you always want to enable the developer console so you can just press the Tilt key open this bad boy up you know say something like that the console has so many incredibly useful commands and we'll be going into it pretty soon but first install the Counterstrike Workshop Tools so depending on if you actually want to mess around with the hammer editor V2 just make sure to enable this but if not then just leave it off for HUD scale so if you Max it out the HUD is a little bit too unwieldy it takes up a little bit too much of your screen and then when you make it too small everything is just so tiny so I'd say 0.99 to 1.03 anywhere within that is pretty reasonable because it's big enough to be readable but it's not too distracting and then for your HUD color you can do any color you want so team color kind of either gives you yellow or blue depending on if you're on T or CT which is kind of interesting but personally since I do have the pandor boxes I just prefer to use purple cuz it just matches everything so much better if you have like a red or blue or whatever themed inventory this can be a great addition to it they have delay sniper rifle UNS scope after shot so let's just turn this on and grab ourselves an OP by default it's pretty much the same as it was in csgo and then when you turn it on when you shoot you stay scoped in for like an extra second so you can you have more time to see if you hit the shot or not however though this can lead to some awkward scenarios of course all this stuff does come down to personal preference if you like it then use it if not then don't use it another interesting one is auto resume after sniper shots so let's just turn this off when you shoot after scoping it doesn't scope you back in like personally I might actually try this for a little bit cuz I it is kind of an interesting idea cuz normally you would automatically like after shooting you would it would scope you back into where you were before so I mean if you're holding an angle and you need to like quickly rep peek it and you don't want to make like all that extra noise I mean you shot an OP like there's no way you're trying to be stealthy but like if you just want to do like a oneand done kind of thing this makes it so you don't have to Quick switch to cancel the animation the radar is very very underlooked by default it's kind of like this where you can only see in the general vicinity of where you're at so from here you can only really see part of donut however though if you press tab which does block your screen you can see the entire map but I think there's a way to do it better okay so increase the radar size to you don't have to Max it out just something reasonable like 1.2 Zoom it all the way out turn off radar centers the player I mean you don't see literally everything but if your teammates start pushing OD a and you see four red dots you can immediately start pushing up and you don't have to ask your teammates for info or whatever cuz you can see it all right there on your radar because having a radar where you can see the entire map at all times is one of the most underutilized things in Counter-Strike prer is kind of interesting cuz now they have classic classic static and Legacy so classic is basically like the super useless Crosshair yeah so like a Crosshair like this is not really that useful in my opinion unless you have a center dot now if you have a center dot it's a little bit more useful but personally I find it to be a little bit too distracting oh yeah Legacy is kind of similar but when you move you don't really get a penalty but when you shoot that's when your Crosshair really starts to move if you're a newer player and you want to just have a little bit more visual feedback like when you're going to be accurate or not this can definitely be a good way to do it but once you get to a certain point though classic static is by far the best cuz no matter what your Crosshair will always stay the same and the whole point of a Crosshair is to be able to know where the center of your screen is and if you have one that's super reliable that's just always in the same position you're overall going to have a much better time you can change the length if you want to have a huge honker of acrossair personally I like to keep it at some reasonable level thickness you can make it extra thick or you can make it nice and thin the Gap kind of affects the the Gap in the middle of your screen so if you want to have a huge gap you can do that but I'd say with a huge gap you're probably better off having a center dot as well cuz then at least you have some reference point for the exact center personally though I prefer to play without the center Dot and then I like to make the Gap around the size you know kind of like this so there's a hole in the middle of your Crosshair and that's where you want to aim for the head basically outline so this can just make it a little bit easier to see in certain situations let's just say I'm using a white Crosshair and I'm looking at the sun you can't see the Crosshair at all right now however if I put an outline on it then the Crosshair becomes immediately visible so it can basically just help make your Crosshair regardless of color make it more visible tea style is kind of interesting cuz it kind of makes your Crosshair like it makes it like an uppercase tea instead of a lowercase tea uh for me though I don't really find it to be super useful I like it to be more of a circle than a half circle but if this is your favorite style of Crosshair then by all means go for it cuz that's the beauty of Counterstrike you can literally do whatever you want for me I like to just reduce the red until we have kind of a bluish Crosshair alha essentially it allows you to change the opacity so you can either have it be almost invisible or fully visible again it's all personal preference and then follow recoil is one of the most interesting new changes because instead of the Crosshair staying the same no matter what it actually follows your recoil so wherever your bullets go the Crosshair will follow if you're spraying just try to keep the Crosshair as close to the enemy as possible but it's a little uh it's weird it's a weird setting use it at your own risk in csgo you need it did a jump bind but now so walk right here into this corner aim right here and then essentially you want to just jump and let go of mouse button at around the same time and if your character makes that little noise then you know you did it correctly the jump throws are 100% consistent without a bind which is amazing now I got some view model settings so if you type in view modore fov so I think you can put this on like 55 or something so it basically Zooms in your weapons so it takes up more of your screen I find 90 to be like the best middle ground it allows you to inspect your weapons and pretty much see the entire thing while standing still without you know being too overbearing view model offset is the next one there's the X Y and z- axis let's start off with X so X determines how left or right it is this is a little bit too much for me so zero is kind of more in the middle but I'd say like two is pretty good cuz it stays out of the way and you have a little bit more real estate in the center of your screen and then when you inspect you can still see the entire thing why essentially brings it forward and back so if you do two it looks like this and then if you do negative -2 it brings it farther their back like so it just depends cuz if you want something that takes up less of the screen -2 could be great but for me since I do like to inspect the skins and I like to have it be similar to my old config I do negative -2 and then Z is actually the most impactful this affects the up and down axis if you have it on two you literally hold the gun like an absolute madman and then if you do negative -2 it brings it down but for me like it's a little bit too low so I like to go for kind of a a middle ground uh yeah negative 0.7 there we go for me this is the best view model two inspect skins in Counter-Strike 2 anyways thank you guys so much for watching if the video was helpful make sure to drop a like leave a comment down below letting me know your thoughts and subscribe with the Bell if you haven't already anyways guys stay safe thank you so much for watching it's terbo and I'm out peace
Channel: TurboMotionZ
Views: 227,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo, cs:go, cs, go, counter strike, counter strike global offensive, TurboMotionZ, Gaming, cs2, cs2 settings, cs2 config, cs2 config guide, cs2 how to change crosshair, cs2 how to change viewmodel, cs2 viewmodel, cs2 viewmodel settings, cs2 best settings, cs2 best settings for fps, cs2 best settings for low end pc, perfect cs2 config
Id: 09PV3HpBVew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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