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yo what's going on guys it is kojimo here back with another video today we are going to talk about the best video settings you can be using in Counter-Strike 2. I am going to give you the settings that professional players like simple bonusy are using as well as what almost every player in type inside the top 500 000 in the world is using and we're gonna get you set up for Success so that you can be the best player possible in this new game so before we get into it guys hit that subscribe button I'm trying to hit 10 000 subscribers it would mean so much to me if you join me in this journey and I'm gonna teach you everything I know about Counter-Strike 2 and you can come alongside me to the top so let's get right into the setting so we're going to go up here to the settings menu and click on that and you might be on this new tab at first let's go ahead and click on video and we just have a few things to take care of in here now first let's talk about brightness brightness and Counter-Strike Global Offensive I always had it cranked up all the way but honestly with Counter-Strike 2 I don't feel the need to do that as much so I just leave it at 100 right but you know if you want you can crank it up if you're feeling like toasting your eyeballs a little bit but I think 100 is fine you don't really need to change that where we get into some more uh you know details as the aspect ratio so I would recommend if you're brand new to the game you play a 1920 by 1080 this is called native and this is going to be your best uh you know resolution that you can play on it looks the best it plays the best but this is where it gets a little tricky because there is personal preference involved I personally love playing on 4x3 1280x960 I love the way it looks I play on stretched it feels amazing and if you guys want to learn how to play on 4x3 stretched I I've made a video up on my channel explaining how to do that I've also explained how to play on 16 by 10 resolutions right but I'd recommend playing on either 4x3 or 16x9 right uh like I said if you're a new player play on Native put on this resolution if you're more experienced player you've played on stretch resolution before you like it then I would recommend playing 1280x60 or 1440 by 1080 or 1024 by 768 stretch I would recommend one of those um but make sure you guys have your display mode on full screen always have this on full screen no excuse not to and then make sure your refresh rate is the highest it can possibly be always have it on the highest uh it's gonna be the most beneficial for you so yeah that's about it for the video settings now let's go to Advanced video this is where we get into the details of things and we get to make our game look very nice so the first thing we have here is Boost player contrast now I have it enabled but right now to be honest with you guys a lot of Pros have this disabled so if you want to play like simple monocy other people have this disabled but at the end of the day I had this enabled and Counter-Strike Global Offensive and I liked how it worked I think right now as I'm releasing this video it's a little broken so most Pros just have it turned off but it is a good feature usually now wait for vertical sync make sure that this is disabled we do not want this on um go ahead and throw this on custom but it's it should be on that anyways we're going to change all these settings so um current video values will be on this um let's go ahead and look at the individual preset values now first one we have here the multi-sampling this is a little bit of preference I'm not gonna lie almost every Pro right now has it on eight um 8X msaa that's what they have it on they have it on this setting but personally I've played on four before I played on Two And I've given a none it literally just comes down to personal preference with this and it's going to make your game look very pixely if you have it on the lower settings and if you have it on the higher settings it's gonna make your game look very on pixelated like very like high resolution High detail so just keep that in mind it comes down to personal preference for this but you have a lower NPC probably playing on none is going to give you some more frames and you know give you that better feel so just depends on what your setup is now one thing that you absolutely cannot change please do not change this is global Shadow quality so in Counter-Strike 2 now it is very important to be able to see Shadows because they give away the position of your opponent right so you need to know where the Shadows are where your own Shadows are so have this on high or very high almost every player right now is playing on high I'd recommend that but whatever you do you have this enabled you cannot turn Shadows off or you're going to be an absolute noob now module texture detail let's go ahead and throw this on low it's going to give you some more frames and make your game run a lot smoother um you know that's just the most optimal way to play same thing with texture filtering most Pros are playing on bilinear right now you don't need to throw it on any of these higher options by linear is going to get the job done it's going to be treating you right and you're going to be playing like an absolute Pro so keep that keep that on bilinear now Shader detail like don't get this confused with the Shadows Shader detail does not matter at all as much literally like almost every Pro I know has Shader detail on low because it doesn't matter right like it literally doesn't matter because if we throw this on high it's gonna degrade our graphic performance uh hardcore so there's no reason to necessarily have Shader detail on hi and shout out to JT I saw him over here sorry I just got distracted but shout out to JT men's killing it all right particle details throw this on low we don't need this on uh anything else either same thing with Shader detail both these go hand in hand we don't need them at all anything past low it's not going to give us any sort of advantage that's worthwhile instead we're gonna optimize our amount of frames and make sure our PC is running as smoothly as possible so ambient occlusion make sure that we have this either you know it just depends you can either have this on medium or you can have this disabled and it just literally depends Pro by Pro what they choose like right now simple as playing on medium but then monus is playing on disabled so you know is one better than the other I guess we'll have to find out through time but right now this setting is not very important to be honest with you and it doesn't matter we can just have either one and we're gonna be chilling just fine so no it's it's not going to be too much of an issue so for a high dynamic range this we're gonna flip on the the default setting which is quality I know it makes sense to have performance but trust me you're going to want to keep it on quality for the uh just for the image and you know how things are going to be looking and running in your game so it's it's you know it's tempting to put that on performance but trust me just keep it on quality and you'll be chilling now the Fidelity FX super resolution we want to make sure that this is uh going to be disabled right we don't want this on because it's going to be very bad I like it the game looks awful if you don't have this uh on either Ultra quality or disabled right it looks awful because at first I was testing around with it on performance and it literally makes your game look awful like I don't know if you can see it up here right now it's not that noticeable maybe but when you're in game it looks so bad like it looks like you're playing Roblox when you're moving around and shooting so as tempting as that is as well we're gonna keep that on the highest quality even though it might make it so that we have less frames I know it's sad but it's just what we need to do in order to make sure that we can actually see the players when they're swinging and we can see the details and the information because like you know Counter-Strike 2 just is very intense on your PC and it sucks because Counter-Strike Global Offensive was you know a game that you could run on a potato right you could literally run on a potato and you'd be chilling so it does suck that Counter-Strike 2 is more intense on the frames and makes it so you have to kind of have a beefier PC to play because I know it's it's sad at the end of the day but also guys uh we're gonna make sure that Nvidia reflects low latency is disabled there is very few Pros I I do see a little bit of mix on this where they have it enabled but to be honest with you I've been finding a lot of success playing with it disabled and you know I think it it works perfectly fine without it being on so at the end of the day it again is just comes down to preference and you can mess around with this one a bit but just just keep it on disabled and you'll be fine you know it's it's going to be what Pros are generally playing on so you'll be set but yeah guys at the end of the day that's all that matters with these settings is personal preference and finding what works for you this is right here is going to be your key to succeeding though these settings are going to be what you need to be using in order to thrive in the scene and play better see your enemies faster make sure that you see their shadows and everything's going good so I wish you guys luck in your games keep grinding let's make it to the top together and I'll catch you guys later in my next video peace out
Channel: CoJoMo
Views: 51,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to rank up in cs2, cs2, counter strike 2, counter-strike 2, cs2 rank, how to rank up, counter strike source 2, cs2 ranks, cs2 fps boost, cs2 pro tips, cs2 pro guide, cs2 rank up guide, counter strike 2 tips, cs2 tips, cs2 tips and tricks, pro cs2 players, cs 2, counterstrike 2, cs2 nades overpass, cs2 new update, cs2 pro settings, cs2 settings, cs2 best settings, best cs2 settings, cs2 video settings, cs2 game settings, cs2 optimization, pro cs2 video settings
Id: TQiPLPF6liw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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