Raspberry Pi 4. Retroarch 64bit with Vulkan.

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[Music] uh [Applause] okay so recently i did this 64-bit retropie video it was a build that monker had sent me and it included gamecube and wii and i was really impressed to see it running within retropie in the comments uh i had a suggestion from ruben chevez unfortunately it got deleted uh because it had a link in it but lacquer now supports dolphins 64 bits with vulcan on pi4 it will be worth trying so let's have a look at that link so it takes you to here uh so you can see that it's what using the latest version of retro arch 1.9.4 and if we scroll down as a few fixes as well fixed audio issues on raspberry pi 4 fix full motion video issues with ppsspp misa has been updated to 21.1.1 and vulcan is enabled in dolphin and ppsspp on the raspberry pi 4 and if you've got a nintendo switch it's enabled on that as well so you can see here there's an official link to the lack of download page but i went for the nightly build so if i click on that and scroll down there's two versions here there's an rpi4 for 64-bit and there's also a 32-bit so i downloaded the 64-bit version which is this one and i downloaded the image.gz which you can see is 470 megabytes okay so that's just finished downloading so if i minimize that i can open raspberry pi imager and i've got a 32 gig micro sd card in my pi so i do choose os and custom and then find the one i've just downloaded which was this one lacquer rpi4 arch 64. hit open choose my storage device so you can see here it's this one and then i would hit right i'm not going to hit right because i've already done it so that's written to my sd card and let's go for a nice big overclock i'm going to use the settings i used in my recent pie news pie news 31 which was the 2350 overclock so let's open this up i guess it's in this one the config.tx no probably the other one then so config.txt let's find the settings so i've added in these four lines so arm frequency 2350 gpu frequency 850 over voltage equals 15 boot delay equals one and force turbo i need to change to one so let's save that and my roms are on this usb stick this is one that i use uh for loads of different builds batter sarah recall box all sorts of things so in the retropie mount folder we have a roms folder and i've got all sorts of things in here i put some more gamecube games in here uh and also uh played around with uh psp mini i like uh and so there's a few games that i put in there although it doesn't seem to recognize it in the same way but i'll show that in a minute and i was going to add another rom to the usb stick which is on this physical hard drive but i'm going to have to um yeah i want to use this a bit differently so i'm going to i'm going to boot from a micro sd card because these take quite a lot of power from a pi and i'm going to be plugging in two usb storage devices so it's probably safer to just do it that way so i'm going to shut this down and we're going to boot up raspberry pi os from an sd card this one will do so i'm going to unplug my uh ssd drive which i was running twister os from pop my sd card in take this one out for now because it's got an operating system on it in fact take this one out which has got the roms on it for now so i'm just going to boot up with raspberry pi os first off and then i'm going to plug this in when it's booted up because they do use a reasonable amount of power and i often plug it into usb2 just because i'm not worried about the file speeds but it tends to use less power so we'll just let that boot up from an sd card i've had this recently where my display doesn't work sometimes when it boots and if you unplug the hdmi and plug it back in again it does and i don't know if that boot delay maybe would help that anyway so 500 gig standard hd drive and you could possibly hear it spin up uh so it's recognized that and i'm going to plug in this is an sd card reader and i've got a 32 gig micro sd card which has got lacquer on it the one that i've just overclocked so let's get rid of all these and go into file manager and this is my 500 gig hard drive confusingly named sd card but that's because i formatted it with raspberry pi imager so uh retropie mount let's see if i can find a rom that i was looking for it's actually an arcade one and this takes a while because uh it's a physical drive that has to spin up so i guess it's just in the arcade folder and here it is bullfight.zip so let's copy that and i'm going to put that on actually i haven't plugged it i plugged in the wrong drive so i'm going to put it on the desktop for now there we go so there's bullfight.zip uh now i need to eject some of the other drives so let's eject my physical drive and i might as well eject lacquer because that doesn't need to be in there at the moment and let's pop in my 128 gig usb which is the one that's going to hold the roms so we can open that and let's navigate to where all the arcade roms are so retropie mount roms arcade and i'll copy and paste it into that folder so copy edit paste and there it is right so now we can shut down and restart with lacquer okay so it's a good start so it started out with the 2350 overclock the first thing you need to do is to show it where the roms are now i've already done it so you can see that various different systems are showing here all sorts of things but if i go back over to the left hand side go to plus and scan directory so the only one i've got that's different is that arcade rom i've just added so i can navigate to that so retropie mount but you if you were doing this for the first time and you had a load of roms in here you could scan this directory so the roms directory and then it's going to pick up everything that's there but that does take quite some time depending on how much you've got there but you can see here this is the one that would have had that bull fight in it so i'm going to scan this directory so retropie mount roms arcade and we might see it down the bottom left hand although there are other things in there yeah i did see it there flash out very very quickly okay so scanning of directory finished so now we go back by pressing the a button and then if we find arcade on here so it's not showing up at the moment you can see some things are uh so we've got punch out showing up made in 2003 but it's not showing that bull fight game so let's do load content start directory there's my usb stick so retroprime mount and roms arcade so there's bullfight now it might work straight off uh so it's gonna so because it's arcade there's loads of options i'm gonna go with main 2003 i'm not sure which one it's supposed to be but i'm just going to go with that one as a start okay so let's insert a coin usually select inserts a coin yeah one player start arcade games just have a great sound and a feel to them now i don't really know this game very well i'm trying to think what oh nice start i'm doing better now i think you have to wait for it to get tired i don't know like it's hard to keep close to it oh that didn't work so well oh i've got my got me sword back oh it's quite difficult actually but then arcade game a lot of our games were very difficult well that's probably a fair result right so let's try something else so start select and the home button gets you out to this menu and i can do closed content i can launch games directly so if i go to something like say a dos game and the incredible machine actually another game i don't really know how to play the incredible machine but you'll get the idea of it so back to mouse and keyboard because this is a dos game so an old pc game but you can see i haven't done any configuration everything just works so you can see here that make the basket will go through the hoop so we've got gravity is on freeform machine i probably should watch the tutorial on this so i've got a mouse wheel which i guess would drive these and how many i've got three of these as well oh yeah that works and then we've got these slopes here which i guess are probably going to need two of those but i don't know if that's it uh obviously if you know the game you'll know exactly how to do it or i could just watch a video and see how but as i say i don't know if that drives that if they're linked in any way and obviously why are these balls here so gravity turns on well let's just hit start okay well that was fairly uneventful but good to see a dos game working so let's quit out of that i know it's got very good ratings that game so i do mean to have a look at it at some other point so i figured i'd try animal crossing uh which is the gamecube version i think this was i haven't tried this before i haven't played animal crossing i know it's very popular and i just figured it would be the sort of game that maybe even if performance is suffering it would still be probably all right to play because i get i get the impression it's quite a relaxing game to play although it doesn't look like it's launching now i've restarted it because i've found this um where some of the gamecube games weren't launching and it was down to the vulcan driver in my instance so if i go to video you can see it's on vulcan if i put it on gl uh i'm pretty sure the same game will launch and you can get these see it's got recent here these are the two games i played recently so if i click on animal crossing usa and run fingers crossed yeah it's launching i'd love the music slower than usual so got a little bit of distortion to it all these menus seem alright the music sounds right in the background i'm ready to go so if i want a house i've got to stand outside and press the a button i don't know how if you know this game you'll know how fast this bit would normally run uh oh i can actually oh i can run anyway okay so i'll try something else but yeah that does it for this sort of game i would think it would be absolutely fine so let's try something a bit more taxing so let's try a bit of smuggler's run and see how well that runs okay so the audio has been fine but as soon as you launch the game it goes a bit scratchy or resume game so let's see what the overall game play is like so it looks pretty decent but it is a bit slow you could hear on the voice then that it's pretty slow just needs a bit more work uh shame the vulcan wasn't working for me although i think i did have it working before right so let's quit out of that and i'm going to go back to the main menu and i'm going to turn on vulcan and i'm going to try ppsspp so video and vulcan so let's try a bit of this motocross versus atv so didn't like that i don't have my vulcan i my vulcan was working so i might need to re uh install this let's try that gl and let's try again yeah it doesn't seem to work with the vulcan but i think i might try reinstalling it because i was playing around with settings i didn't necessarily find the vulcan was better than the opengl now i put this on two times resolution which sometimes on pps spp really affects the performance but i found on this game it was pretty good and overall pretty smooth although the controls are a bit full on on this well that's better it's better with the analog stick digital sticks really jerky so yeah sounds perfect psp is a is a great one uh for the raspberry pi it's always been really good but it's nice to see it at two times but running nice and smoothly right so let's quit out of that and i wanted to show uh dreamcast because the dreamcast emulator i've had a look through and it looks like redream is no longer in retroarch or lacquer it is in lots of retropie build so you can still get it on the pie and i've got loads of videos showing dreamcast but if we go to uh here it is and what i have found though is it's played and that it's launched and played some games that i couldn't get to play with redream so sega rally 2 which i can't get to run with redream at all runs on this not great and i have put the resolution down to a lower resolution i think this is on 320. i might switch it back now i'm overclocking much higher but generally the redream ones when it comes up with that powered by ce window ce they tend not to work so there's quite a few games that don't run with redream but the ones that do redream has excellent performance okay so the audio is pretty bad on the menus well i've seen slower but um but yeah pretty slow not a great frame rate on that so let's quit out of that and let's try something that i know it'll be fine on uh which will be playstation one and we've got a few here the beetle one um i haven't tried much i've tried pcsx quite a bit so let's try beetle and see how that runs i haven't done anything with uh with bios files uh okay so let's go back so i haven't put any bios files in so let's close that one set core association so let's try it with the other one pcsx and run i haven't put any of the bios files in the right place pcsx has found there's no bias file but it lets you play anyway okay so oh yeah the speed's fine on this it looks like do a few of these challenges yeah running nicely yeah there's nothing wrong with that that's exactly as i would expect it to be so let's try something else so talked about psp mini games earlier on and you can see here these are all standard psp games if i go back to the very beginning we can open content and we can find all those psp mini games it's probably a way of putting them in here i haven't really looked into it load content go to my stick and retropie mount and roms and psp they were in a psp mini folder but i moved them over to psp psp and say for instance something like 4x4 jam there you go so you can see that that looks pretty decent and the speed feels absolutely fine and the graphics look pretty decent on two times i don't know what other psp mini games i've got so i don't know what days of thunder is as a psp mini game so can you get into first place first rival this actually handles all right really it's not got any slide to it um but it's but it's quite enjoyable to play because it is quite quite fast i'm in first place not for long probably oh yeah he's back in try a bit of toy story on the n64 and see how well that runs you can see we've got two n64s here i'm going to go with the movement 64 plus just give that a try yeah i would say this runs at a pretty decent speed okay so let me know in the comments if you've had any games working particularly well on this build or if you've had any settings that work for you but i've been using this on a passively cooled pie at 2350 and it seems to be coping with it pretty well okay so i hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like and subscribe you
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 33,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameCube, Wii, Raspberry pi 400, Dolphin emulator, Raspberry Pi 4
Id: S6HoYGd3y7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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