Arcade Stick Controller - RetroPie Input Configuration & Control Mapping Setup RetroPie Guy

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what's up everybody retropie guy here today i'm going to show you guys how to set up a generic arcade stick with your retropie um raspberry pi system so this one connects to be a usb port so first thing we're going to do is we're going to plug this into our raspberry pi now once we've done that we can go to our main main menu using our regular gamepad doesn't matter if this is bluetooth or wired we can hit start we will go down to configure input are you sure you want to configure input yes and now it's going to say two game pads detected so it's picking up my uh currently i'm using an 8-bit dough bluetooth gamepad but the second one is obviously going to be our arcade stick which is plugged in through that usb port so we're actually going to hold down any button on here however first thing i want to just point out if you're using this one is a negation i think it's called it's the brand up here not too familiar with it but i found this pretty cheap on amazon i think it was let's say like 35 bucks or so so first thing you want to do if you have a mode button go ahead and hit that it's going to light up over here if you don't it's still going to connect it's just not going to function properly so that's something that i experienced after kind of playing around with this for about an hour wondering why it wasn't working everything was working properly on here except for when i went to the game collection menus and i was trying to go up and down to you know just navigate through the games it wasn't going which way wasn't it going it wasn't going up so i would hit this up to try and go up to like the game above and it was taking me to the left so it was kind of weird i couldn't figure out i reconfigured the settings a bunch of times and the only solution was to hit that mode button then i went through the configuration process again and it worked perfectly so i have heard that with other generic versions that have the mode you do have to select that so you don't get great detailed um instructions with these when you get them because they are so inexpensive so just a tip it will save you hours and hours of frustrations so all right so we are going to hold down any button on here just so it will populate on our configuration screen so if we hold down this button here you'll see it says the gamepad now we can go through our mapping process so now we have all these different icons here next to each button and all the generic ones kind of have different ones sometimes they're labeled a b x y like the typical game pads this one seems to be more of a playstation controller kind of icon look although it's not a hundred percent um you can still kind of make out the shapes that they were going for here however it's not super easy to figure out exactly what button um needs to be configured with which option in your retropie system so i've kind of mapped out what i like again everybody can kind of go through and create their own options but this is the version i'm going to show you guys how to set up here is what you would do for like an 8-bit oh arcade stick so that just makes it a little easier there's really no instructions out there that you're going to get with a generic arcade stick like this where it's going to tell you exactly what needs to be mapped and how so i'm just going to demonstrate we'll go through the different options here and take it from there so first things first it's going to say d-pad up so we're going to take our joystick we're going to go up d-pad down we're going to go down d-pad left go left d-pad right go right um start is going to be here select is going to be here now for a we are going to go with so for a we're going to go with this button here which is the i believe they were going for an x for the b option we're going to go with the l2 and again this isn't going to be the same for every generic arcade stick out there but if you just go off of an 8 button configuration here you can kind of map these out exactly how i'm doing it here so for the x button here we're going to select this button for the y button we're going to select this top left button here now for left shoulder we are going to put the triangle on this one but it's going to be this button here now for the right shoulder we're going to do the one right below it now for left trigger we're going to do the r1 or the top right button and then for the right trigger we're going to do the one right below it so it's going to be the bottom right button now for the left thumb right thumb and all the analogs we're actually not going to use these so we can just hit any of these buttons here that we've previously configured and we're just going to bypass all those and go down to our hotkey so we'll just hold down this button just to pass through here and it'll say for each one that we skip here it'll say not defined which is fine it's this is more for like a playstation controller setup or n64 xbox any of those that have those extra buttons on there alright so now for the hotkey we can actually select um a combination of buttons or any of these i'm actually going to set it to the clear button here so we'll just hit that or maybe not we'll we'll go and hit um actually the select button makes a little bit more sense and that's going to be the same configuration that if we did the regular gamepad controller where we would hit now we've already used the select button once so now it'll be the start and the select together in order to leave games so that'll be your hotkey configuration we've programmed it to select but in order to use it as a hotkey you'll have to hit the start and select both down at the same time so we've gone ahead and configured this we're going to hit okay so we can just hit our a button which we had configured to this button here that's going to load in the settings save them now we should be good so we can see that this is powering our um system here so we'll go down to quit we'll hit a um we can actually hit our b button to back out of this so we can see that this is done its job here so we'll jump into let's go over and just demo this real quick we'll jump over to arcade since that's probably the best use of an arcade stick would be with the arcade games so we will go into um you can actually do any of these would be perfect but let's go into arcade games we'll hit a let's find something good um let me hit select let's go find pacman a easy one to demo um [Music] of course pac-man's not in this one i think it's in maine yeah so we'll go back hit b select jump over to the p midway games pacman all right so we'll let this load for a second or two and i'll just demo just how this works exactly this is an easy one obviously you're not using too many of these buttons here but you can see in the corner it picked up both controllers so we'll throw some coins in there adding coins into an arcade game so it should be that select button and then we'll hit start [Music] and that's our hotkey that's how we get out of games go back to our main menu here i'll just hit start to close that out so that's pretty much it i just wanted to give you guys um i get actually get a lot of these questions how do you set up something like this just because these um icons here for each button really don't correlate to anything that we'd have on our screen when it's asking for the configuration inputs so i just wanted to walk through that this is for an eight button configuration this is just the setup that i typically use i find it works best for a lot of like the fighting games um you know the capcom stuff like that just works super well and just makes it a little bit less confusing you know a lot of these generic ones like i said before they just don't come with great instruction manuals i mean even the 8-bit dough arcade stick the instructions are actually non-existent for raspberry pi systems and retropie so it makes for setting these up a bit of a challenge so hope this helps if you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel we have a lot of great tutorials gameplay demos and walkthroughs and then we're kind of going through a lot of different things that people have trouble with with their retropie or raspberry pi systems just to kind of make it easier for everybody so definitely check us out on youtube and of course check us out online on our website thanks for watching
Channel: Retro Gaming Guy
Views: 8,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade stick, arcade stick configuration, gamepad configuration, arcade controls, retropie, retropie guy, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, controller settings, controller configuration, video game, gamer, retro gaming, retro gamer, classic arcade, classic video game, mame, arcade, pacman, playstation, nintendo, capcom, sega, sonic, mario, mortal kombat, tekken, soul calibur, street fighter, arcade1up
Id: hew0V7LZzdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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