How To Separate Vtuber Models Head | Live2D Cubism Tutorial

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what's up guys it's NYX and in this video I'm going to show you all the different parts of a model's head and the reasoning a wireless parts were separated in my how to draw a YouTuber video it has a lot of tips that'll help with separation such as different ways you can draw your model and so forth so if you haven't checked that one out then I suggest watching that one as well I'll have it linked down in the description so for some quick General tips before we get into actual separation portion of the video I cover these things in my jarring vid but it's still relevant here so for folder and subfolder organization this is really important to keep things organized otherwise you'll get lost each side separated left and right on different layers such as the eye Iris one layer for right one layer for left and speaking of the left and right it's the models left and right which since we're facing towards our model it'll be opposite to ours and since she's looking straight forward at you the left and right will be flipped on everything you're going to need overlapping such as feeling voiced and such make sure each piece is a full piece like on the face make sure the head is filled in behind the eyes for example make sure the void behind the hair is filled and it's full hair pieces to the line art base color etc for the arms make sure there's overlap to account for bending you get the idea Shadow and line art is merged with the base color all in one piece have the expressions in the same PSD file but in their own folders you don't catch out all the Expressions certain Expressions you can rig like shocked expression or anger expression you don't need to try out each of those kinds of Expressions specifically but if you want ones like starry eyes or say heart in your eyes or something like that then you gotta draw out the hearts and the stars to rig specifically for that emo if you make a mistake on your model it'll be okay you can take the PSD file and fix it as a mistake and bring it back into live 2D and you won't lose any progress on it so don't worry too much if your model might not be perfect if it isn't right you'll figure it out and you'll be able to fix it no problem I had a few things I needed a tweak on my first model myself live today is very flexible and it seems like every rigger has their own preference on how things should be cut up and organized so that just goes to show that everything can be done differently don't stress yourself out like you can name the nose eyeball and live 2D won't implode on yourself you'll just blindly confuse yourself and reading the layers at worst so let's get into the separation of the head the head has the most stuff going on it's a bit more complicated than the body with all the eye movement the mouse movement the hair and all that but the focus will be on the head anyways so I guess it's a good place for most of the work to be keep the head Shadow separate this AIDS in making the model appear more 3D when you adjust the Shadow with the head for example on my cat girl when I look up you can see that the lower Shadow becomes more prominent keep the blush separate specifically for emoting on my models I will add a very light flush and merge it with the base layer but this is just a stylistic thing I just I think it looks nice you don't have to do this if I want a emo blush I will draw a heavier blush you'll need to draw one head specifically in a straightforward direction I've had questions asking if you need to draw the other directions like the head turns and stuff but no that's all done with Life 3d rigging so on to the eyes for the eyelashes separates not necessary but I do it because I want to have those bouncy eyelash physics I think it looks nice for the eyeshadow cast which is the eyeshadow cast from the eyelids casting a shadow onto the eye white not like the makeup eyeshadow I have this behind the lashes but clipped over the rest of the eye layers and I set it to multiply I feel like it adds a nice Dimension to the eyes I didn't do this on my cat girl model but I did do this on yokuma's model it just depends on the look you're trying to go for the style and I actually want to go with these layers and details now for the eye white which is pretty much the white of the eyes I have all the other eyelers clipped onto this one I click the other layers here so the pupil and all the other ones they stay in the eye area again on my cat girl the eyeshadow is just merged this part now for the pupil and the iris it's nice to have these separate but again you can get away with keeping it one layer I have it separate on my cackerel model though as I think I can achieve a much better 3d effect with having them separate I just liked having the control and it's just a preference but you could definitely get away with just having them merged and you can mess with the meshes to create a more 3d effect if you prefer so once the eye shines I really go ham with the eye shines it's one of my favorite parts of rigging I just play around with the shizing effects you can get with the blinking it can really transfer a model and bring so much life into it I like doing multiple layers of different shines and sparkles I assume do at least like three to four different layers personally but that can vary depending your style and preferences keep in mind where they're reflecting from you pure symmetry tool in the eye shines will give the effect of the liking from straight on but having a light shot in your model's eyes from different directions can really help make it look more interesting I draw it with a symmetry tool initially just so The Shins keep the same shape and on one side I'll flip it horizontal and I'll position it to match with the other side now onto the eyeshadow makeup I'll have the eyeshadow and liners on one layer behind the rest of the eye but on top of the eyelid part if I were to add Sparkles or say a shimmer I'd make a sparkle layer and I would layer that on top of a matte eyeshadow layer or on top of the eyelid and then I would make a layer with a soft shading in the color that I want the sparkling effect to be I'd have this clip to the sparkler then in the rigging process I would move the soft shading around with the model's movement which would help give me that pretty shine effect for both this model and my cat girl model though it's just a basic matte eyeshadow no shining or sparkles so for the eyelid usually the eyeshadow layer will kind of fill this role for me but I do like to draw an eyelid crease and that crease will kind of give the effect of the eyelid going in and creating the crease effect when your eyes are open so for the eyebrows I personally do two eyebrows right exactly the same on top of each other one is full of passing the second one is around like 40 or something I have the full opacity eyebrows under the bangs and the half of pasty eyebrows over the bangs I do this so the eyebrows show through but you can tell they're being obscured a little bit by the hair this this is just a style choice so you don't got to do this but I just think it looks neat okay so for the nose with the nose line my style has a minimal nose or line or dot kind of style I may do a small tutorial on a more realistic shape type of nose in the future but my models have a more simpler nose the no Shadow I place right behind the nose line it's a small little Shadow area just something to give a little bit more depth and help the 3D look and as for the no shine I have this in the shape of more of a diamond shape and I have this right behind the no Shadow up higher so it looks like a light is shining down the nose Bridge area I feel like it could give a nice shine in Aid in the 3d effect so when a regular nose I'll use all three of these parts and position them differently according to what side the model is looking if she's looking to the side then the shadow will be a bit more back into the side of the line and the line will be more tilted diagonally almost like a dash the light will also follow the movement of the Shadow just higher now onto the mouth for the upper and lower lip I like to have some extra skin around these so when you close your mouth you hide the inside in the back of your mouth so essentially I'll have the skin around the lip merge with the lip line and I'll have any lipstick or lipstick shine or any that merge with the layer as well for the top and the lower teeth for me I just drew the teeth once and duplicated it and then I flipped it upside down and here we go the top and the bottom teeth but if you want to get a little bit more detailed and have more unique looking top and bottom teeth yeah it's just you just draw them just make sure they're separate do not merge these two layers together for the back teeth this isn't necessary but it's nice it adds a bit more depth to the mouth it's a nice touch for my cat girl model I just have a regular tongue it's just a simple curved tongue doesn't need to be extremely detailed or anything but yeah it does the job for sticking out tongue though if you want to have that fancy tongue out physics it's optional but if you really want to have that functionality model you'll have to draw a separate tongue that is sticking out essentially my cat girl model doesn't have this but Yakuza model does have this and the back of the mouth this is where everything is going to clip to this is in the back of the layer order and you clip the teeth the tongue and all that to this layer so onto the hair the hair strands the bangs the side hair back strands back of head the ponytail Etc the amount of hair separate depends on the model style and amount of physics you want to add but I'll tell you the amount I do for my models you don't got to follow that amount if you don't want to of course but this is just what I do for my model so up front before the body and the head and layer order we have the bangs and the front side hair for bangs I tend to separate the chunks about five different layers the bangs are really important as they're more noticeable up front so make sure you separate them really well the front side here is an excellent line it's in the layer order behind the bangs but still above the head and layer order for my models I do about two to three chunks on each side for the separated next we move on to the back side here which is behind the body in layer order because they'll be laying behind the back and will show on the head next to the front side here I'll have about two chunks of hair on each side for this and my cat girl model does not have this part as her hair is in a more tied up hairstyle here I have the back of the upper hair which is the hair that is showing at the top of the head designed for this part changes depending on if the hair is tied up or not like in both of my models here or if it's a loose down flowing hair type of style I have this behind the side here in layer order but in front of the back side here this is because the back side hair is supposed to look like the hair underneath as if it's falling down like the hair is half pulled up kind of thing I have the back strands next which is the hair that is falling down the back this is way back in the layering order behind the body as it falls down the back I have a lot of these strands separated to give extra physics and balance when I start to play around with that I like the extra flowiness that it gives then I have the back hair that covers the back of the head which frankly will never be seen but I'd rather have it to fill the void just in case I feel like it's good practice now depending on your model's design a ponytail or buns I have this way back in the layer order behind everything else and yeah it does for this it just depends on if your model has this type of hairstyle or not so for Shadows cast by the hair the way that I approach this is that I just draw the bangs and the side hair as Shadows underneath in layer order and I have it the same shape same amount of separation and I will rig it the same exact way and I'll do the same exact physics and it should match the hair with the movement so for animal ears horns Tails Wings a type of unique features I just added to your V2 model for horn specifically it's separated with the front and the back which depends on the horn shape of course it could have a lot more separation and all that but for these ones specifically this is how I separate it for ears which again depends on the type of animal and what you want to do with the ears but for my cat ears my basic cat ears it's just three parts the front part the floof in the middle and the back part so that's all there is to it for separating V2 remodel's head consider liking and subscribing if you liked my video it really helps me as a small Creator and leave a comment down below if you have any other other questions about separation of a Vitor model I will link down in the description my video that I made on how to draw a YouTuber model and coming up soon will be the separation of the vtuber's body so look forward to that I will see y'all in the next one bye everybody bye
Channel: Nyxxity
Views: 43,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyxxity, 2d vtuber, how to become a 2d vtuber, live2d vtuber, live2d cubism, live2d cubism tutorial, how to separate vtuber models head for live2d cubism, how to separate vtuber models head, how to draw a vtuber for live2d cubism, nyxxity art, drawing vtuber model for live2d, separating vtuber model for live2d, separating vtuber model, how to be vtuber, how to stream with 2d vtuber, separating vtuber tutorial, separate vtuber guide, live2d, live2d tutorial, vtuber tutorial, vtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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