How to sell your eBook online as a PDF and have it protected

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if you're interested to write a book and sell it online as a pdf or an ebook of sorts then this video is for you now this video is going to cover specifically how to sell it on your own not specifically as a self-published author on amazon or anything like that although you can also do that but in this video i'm going to refer specifically to how to create the book in a way where you can sell it online and also be able to have that delivered to your client once they make a purchase now this is a question that i received from a client of mine and i wanted to share it with you so they asked are you i'm looking for a tool or app for setting my ebook i want to sell it for a certain amount and have people read it but not have them be able to forward it to others who have not bought it what would be a good solution so i'm going to share with you a couple of solutions one is the more extreme solution and another one is the milder solution so the first one is a solution which is a milder option and that is simply to password protect your pdf and i'll show you what i mean so when you are let's say pretend that this what you're seeing right now in front of you is the actual ebook so what you can do is you can actually just download it as a pdf and you can download this as a pdf it doesn't matter if you're using this using google doc to write your book or using canva just download as a pdf exported as a pdf then you go to a website called tiny wow what you're gonna do is you're going to look over the pdf aspect right here and you can see that you can click here on protect pdf now when you click on it all you got to do it see you see where it says add a password to a pdf so you can upload from the pc or the computer we're going to grab the ebook but i just created the ebook the pdf and now i can choose a password so i'm just going to pass it a one two three just for the sake of demonstration abc okay still saying it's weak anyway let's let's um let me just grab some text from here okay so protect and then i gotta do their recaptcha i'm not gonna save this now it's processing a few seconds later because this is a very very short pdf it's already ready to go it says your file is ready so i can click here save to device and you will see that it will download it this time it's downloading it as tiny wow secure pdf now i'm going to try and open it and you will see that it's actually got a password protection so i'm going to click on try to type it in submit and only then it will open now let's just try it again and do the wrong password so i'm going to put something that's incorrect submit incorrect password and now the pdf is protected now obviously it's always going to be the same password so if somebody starts sharing it or something like that then that's going to be a little bit different right like it's not it's not going to be as secure so this is the mild version and there is workarounds people can actually unprotect pdfs and stuff like that if somebody really wants to dig in they can actually go and do that but anyway that's the mod version there is a more extreme version which is um something that i do with my beginner's guide to email marketing so you will notice and this is a software called simple booklet now you'll notice that this is my pdf link now if i share this with you right now you're not going to be able to see it even though it's got um it's this is the actual link it will say to learn more now the learn more when you click on it it is going to take you into my funnel where it's going to basically take you to my lead capture page to sell you the book that's where it's going to take you to okay so now the thing reason i'm showing you that is because the reason this is set up is i actually have it password protected and in this software called simple booklet if you click here on secure link setup you would notice that what i did is enter the web page url where your simple booklet will be accessed so i set up basically a specific lesson inside a course area in my system account where this is where the pdf is embedded now the pdf is simply like this an iframe code like this and i pasted it on the system i o page systemize the software that i use i'll show you in a second now even if you were to click on this and try to now access it here you're going to see that you don't have any access because you don't have access to this right it's you got to be logged in and only people only people who see this pdf while logged in here are going to actually be able to see it there's no other way around that now the link that i got set up here is this link which is basically what's the link for the learn more so if people are saying you know trying to log in and get access they can learn more about it here so this is a great way to drive traffic from your book where people are trying to access without permission into your funnel in order to actually make a purchase of the book so now i'm going to show you how this would look inside if i am logged in so now i am logged in and what i'm doing it is i'm logged in through an incognito window so i'm going to copy this link and i'm going to go to my incognito window which is this one and now i'm going to paste in this link now you will see that i'm actually logged in to the course area and then you will see the ebook is actually right here now what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually minimize me for a moment and you'll see that here i can actually read the book on the actual pdf now i've got it set up also where i explain how this looks and that i recommend people read it by clicking on this button like that so that way i can have them read my book and they've got i've got their full attention basically so this is the only way people can read my ebook in this particular option okay and this is a very extreme protected way um but anyway that's that's how i have it set up for this particular ebook now i can also tell you just you know when it comes to um how people get access to my ebook i also had people who said i like i love it and i've had a few people who said i don't like it that way i don't want to read it as a pdf so what i did is i also set it up here so people can actually click and read it like a standard pdf which is not password protected or anything like that so that's the other option on how people could do it but i wanted to give you these two versions because both versions work just fine but you just gotta decide how proprietary your information is i guess that's really the main point how much do you want shared and stuff like that i can also give you a perspective and i know that some people for example i think there was an interview with robert kiyosaki one day that i saw and somebody asked him is he bothered with his book being shared around and you know people not paying for it and he he was like i i got brand awareness from my book rich dad poor dad so much that you know it doesn't matter like it's free promotion basically so there's an aspect where is your book proprietary enough that you're like i don't able to see they didn't buy it versus if people share it well hey i'm getting free promotion you know so you just gotta evaluate and depending on the book you're writing you know each book is different as well right if you are just selling for example a books and that is your sole business it's books and you don't have any upsells there's no brand you're building around a book and stuff like that well that might it might bother you that people are are sharing it without paying for it but you know if you're somebody like me who you know i i i monetize in other ways as well not just the books that i have like this book that i have it's not like the end of the world somebody shares it you know i'd love for him to pay for it but you know i'm not gonna die over people you know i'm not gonna go sue somebody because they shared it you know what i mean if they got value from this great i'm all happy so there is you just gotta evaluate what is your situation and how that works for you so that's about it hope you found this video helpful just to recap tiny wow pdf protection version number two simple booklet now by the way simple booklet is a company that i personally use and love i do offer also i've got a reseller account so if you do want to learn more a little bit about that just leave a comment for me below and i'll give you the link to go check out and learn a little bit more about that if you're interested in getting that for a cheaper rate and what is available on the actual website so that's about it thanks a lot for watching appreciate you and i'll speak to you soon hey hey thanks so much for watching this video hope you got value from this particular tutorial this is a very typical question that i get in my tech support membership which you can check out there's going to be a link somewhere around here and there's also going to be a little video where you can actually check out exactly how it is that i help people and how i answer these questions i have a tech support membership i answer questions in under 24 hours i've got to support him helping me as well and over 100 members to assist entrepreneurs just like you who are struggling with technology or don't waste your time trying to figure things out and rather ask somebody who already knows we'll do the research for you give you the tutorial so you can save time save money and focus on what you enjoy doing instead of the techy stuff so if you're interested in that you can check it out there's going to be a link somewhere around here and in the description and that's about it if you enjoyed this video leave a comment and also subscribe to the channel so you can see other videos like this and i'm gonna show you some other videos here that might be of interest to you that's about it thanks a lot and i'll speak to you soon [Music] wow [Music]
Channel: Eran Bucai
Views: 12,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell an ebook online, how to password protect your ebook, simple booklet review, simple booklet tips, tinywow review, tinywow tips, how to sell you ebook online as a pdf, how to sell your ebook online as a pdf and have it protected, how to protect your ebook online, how to share an ebook online, how to sell an ebook, how to make a shareable ebook
Id: gwgMFPszTOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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