How To Seek God - Apostle Arome Osayi

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the book of first Corinthians chapter 2 first Corinthians 2 as correctly as Chapter two and my speech was four and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God oh my I'll be eight we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not a wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that commit to not but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory so he's telling us something we never knew existed before that is a hidden wisdom not wisdom was crystallized and kept in stall beyond the reach of access the reason for which it was formulated and kept out of reach was in order to give us strategically it was designed for our advantage it was designed for our glory however hallelujah that means there's wisdom available to run a nation that's a template what is hidden what is available and God did not hide it away from us but he hid it away for us and the access possibility of accessing that wisdom is in the Spirit of God Alleluia that means you see see God is so smart God is so wise he knew that who have need for wisdom so he did not come to ask us what we need because he has superior knowledge he decided to fabricate this wisdom and to keep it install in the spirit realm and did we this wisdom was designed was in such a way that if it is uncovered it will provide advantage we can give it another name let's call it a blueprint a blueprint a way God intended you and I to function which is consistent with his policy direction is policy direction his plan and his purpose and then he decided to hide it away in the spirit so that you can access that which will give you the advantage for your life through spiritual means when God was so highly thing what it does is that he puts it in his spirit because now not that facilities in his spirit they are safe from responsibilities that are bestowed upon us you need to seek it out in the spirit and that's the aspect of Christianity that who are trying so hard to cut off the responsibility of seeking things out in the spirit and we are trying to cut it off by this our fast-food kind of preaching where you just tell people that next week something will change a phone call will come for the Christmas will show up and all of that that's not how God deals with people Alleluia one of the basic things that each believer must become very good at is the ability to seek things out from a realm that is not natural the advantage that God has made available for you to function in cannot be accessed in the natural that advantage will come when we know how to seek things out in the spirit my little exhibition this afternoon or evening is the need and skill to sick teens out in the spirit to seek it out 22 years ago I was a vibrant vibrant preacher Dane and I was pitching from campus to campus and all of that and I came to preach on the campus where my wife today was on a crusade hallelujah meanwhile when I preached the first night in that crusade a dancer sewed the first 100 dollars I ever had in life into my pouch it was put well they do lots there no mean why that I was trusting God to show me my wife now if they if the secret was in the natural rain the $100 was would have been a confirmation and then we can now visualize it and see if this type comes home maybe we bring in money many of you who have stumbled into things like that where the wisdom that you were using to navigate you saw state from the natural rhythm that's why I own that contention the Bible speaks about something that God formulated and kept and the design of that which indeed was in order to give you advantage but you see the average believer doesn't like to seek out things that are in the spirit the way the spirit frame operates is different from the natural rain for goseck in order for you to access something that is in that realm you must have a disclosure disclosure you see spiritual things are first revealed before the eye engaged and so first and foremost there must be a revelation now let me show you something let me show you something I say with me all right so we are going to go through a class that's a study we're going to do I woke up today's Sunday yesterday yesterday I woke up 1 a.m. and I began to pray on my bed like I said yesterday I don't pray loud I pray soft I used to pray loud before he didn't produce results I need results so I changed as a Dupree and soft I'm profiting more from this soft one you'll find the one that works for you my own is the soft one so I was running on that soft soft by 3:30 a.m. I was awake like this not sleeping not even drowsy and behold in my room a woman was standing I was seeing her with my fisca eyes yes a woman and she was time wrapper from the chest ladies and she was not looking at me she just stood animals a lot I was seeing her from the side man who is this duck in complexion she need to be taller than my way you're standing Jelena I was looking at him she didn't look in my direction and the Tina was seen did not just disappear it was there I was deeply supreme and then she now after a while she Nandi like this when she moved on now she doesn't use up here now I began to pray and then the Holy Ghost began to download what I saw which I cannot say in public what if our CP what we give you advantage is in the spirit and you need to seek it out so some of us sometimes we caught some of our sleep so that we can seek out what we give us advantage because this modules way of wisdom were designed for our glory we had an intention to pedestal us he had an intention to take us beyond the limitations that will strangulate people so he decided that he will formulate secrets and hide in the spirit if you seek out those secrets little pedestal you so Paul said that my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom because man's wisdom is from the soul and you are not likely to have an advantage just because your soul is enriched you see physical knowledge has the extent to which you can go high with me the other day I saw somebody in my house and I saw him put on the person's face and I remember in chemistry this is called natural product chemistry what we compound some lives you know use we do phytochemicals cleaning and then we know the chemical component of these the leaves they root the stem and all of that and then we now begin to find what can change that situation so say ok let's mix this and this and this to produce this and then this camp clay chicken pox when chicken pox stain somebody we know what to compound to and the ratio to clay it is just that if we do that you will be a duck but the spots will go all right now that is physical knowledge it has some profit actually but the advantage I'm talking about is the advantage as spiritual knowledge what grant was and for each and every one of us that is sitting here today God knew you were coming and God decided to formulate wisdom that will put you ahead now what we want to do is to find out how to seek those things out and I'm telling you that spiritual things first and foremost must be revealed in order for you to a revelation is an independent decision of disclosure that is as advanced by the Spirit of God because I've had a lot of people have said I want to see Jesus I want to see angels I want to see ya your desire is good your desire is good but the nature of a revelation is such that it must come from God it's not it doesn't count necessarily because you desire becomes because God wants to unveil something to you a revelation is a natural result of intimacy with God the natural result God is spirit so when you start becoming intimate with God who is spirit you are going to begin to have disclosures these disclosures are to help you in religion with God curently so you become used to having revelations used to having disclosures and these spiritual things must be disclosed in order for you to know that they exist in the first place and so let me read a scripture to us before we talk about disclosures disclosures because many of you sitting here today don't even know yourself by revelation that is you don't know who you are I'm not talking about knowing who you are doctrinally at it as it is captured in Scripture I'm saying knowing who you are from the standpoint of disclosures that the Spirit of God has advanced into your life all right let's go the Bible says that we speak wisdom the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God has ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for hadn't known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory Alleluia see I told you how that I had an encounter all right at the age of 13 I was taken to heaven that was where I discovered that I was who deigned by God to be a preacher I did not know that I was designed to be a preacher until I had that encounter in that encounter there was a disclosure of my passing disclosure of my purpose my essence from the perspective of God now in my adventure in my practice as a preacher I have had a lot of opposition from the enemy just like the fact that the wife you married is the will of God does not mean that you not have problems we are going to have problems but the difference between the guy that did not involve God in making that decision is that when there's problems when there are problems in your own case and you go back to God and cry to him God will show up and one of the things that we do is that he will bring one of those capsules of wisdom that he set up before time for your advantage and then he will give you one of them when you begin to implement that capsule you begin to see that crisis situation will be deleted because not wisdom was designed for your advantage that's the difference between a situation where God was involved in his foundation you can always go back to him when it is troubleshooting and he will give you wisdom so I knew that I was called to be a preacher meanwhile there were several symptoms around my life that suggested that I cannot preach because one of which was my stamina so it was it didn't seem so logical that God wanted a mouthpiece and then he reaches out for his tomorrow well you have heard my story along the line God brought a series of an contest that took away mr. money and then in place of the stammering he now put utterance so I now started ministry and then on the part of ministry Satan and came to attack notice that the Bible says that this wisdom that God has kept in the shelf the princes of this world are not aware of it like when Jesus was manifested they the princess of this world there were a lot of gaps about the purpose for which he came because that is a secret is agenda his purpose is a secret all the new was the impact of his ministry on their kingdom they had sat down many many times to dispose Jesus and they felt that the best thing that will happen to the kingdom of darkness was that Jesus needs to be killed but in killing him they set him free today even if you are in Kaaba close to the kappa i you see forgive me forgive me you'll be born again ready you see so because Satan doesn't have access to this wisdom many times when Satan wants to fight the purpose of God for your life he ends up promoting it just because he doesn't have access to this wisdom yes of pushing you ahead and stop advancing you know those days that said I was using chant that I heard me recovering that I was using to do miracle healing people do this do that until I stop wearing my ring but you see thank God that news persecution came that was what publicized those the publicity the publicity we could not pay for the princess of this world na helped to promote it the secrets that governed the implementation of your life from God and such that they are not known to the princes and any attempt that they make are trying to resist you only end up advancing so they thought that they killed him for the only set him free if we check and read your Bible critically you will see say from miscalculations of the devil and I hear that witches would Metis the doctor eyes across their teas that Jackie Jackie look for decision that is most appropriate to attack but when you read the Bible you see miscalculations of the devil one of which is that their kid Jesus they would have allowed Jesus if they had known the secret behind this manifestation they would have allowed him to grow old just enjoy him because the power of his mission was tied to his death burial and resurrection as prophetic as the better of Jesus was it has nothing to do directly with our Redemption it is the death and the burial and the resurrection of Jesus that kick-starts the the protocol of wisdom that was kept in the archives and the devil facilitated that process to achieve the vision of God because it is a secret so the Bible says have the princes of this world known these know that waited for Jesus to grow old and since it is the word that was made flesh Jesus by himself will not have died and that's why the Bible says that now is the judgment of this world now the prince of this world is cast out and if I be lifted up because it's not his own job to kill himself if you allow him you know because it was the war that was made for it just like if this or did not rise now his body would have not easy composed because it was the world that was made flesh not flesh not from the ground to flesh but what to flee that world was TBD so it's there'll be an evidence that Jesus did not have the power to over date if Jesus did not rise and the reason why is body is not dead because he rose long time ago in fact the Bible teaches that one of the evidences that Jesus is in heaven right now is that people can be baptized in the Holy Ghost that was the explanation that Peter gave on the deal went across to justify what was happening he said that Jesus that you please find God in the heavens a coronation service not took place and he has been he has been made both Lord and Christ every time you see the Holy Ghost move is a proof that Jesus was actually insulting somebody healed Jesus was actually at salt and all of these realities came into manifestation by the age the agency of the kingdom of darkness because what was walking was a secret there is a secret concern your life you are not as vulnerable as you think okay because has men killed people 70 people you saw the coffins and when you saw it you not began to wonder so one day me too you had your mind is being spent on the wrong team check your Bible check your Bible check about when Lazarus died the righteous Lazarus when it died it was anxious that came to take him to paradise not demos you don't have any covenant with dead right now yes the engine look check check your Bible check about no body that God called that walk with God died accidentally everyone when they are time to transit comes that we know why because the Angels we can't we before the day of appointment so that is not a rescue strategies a red-carpet reception and guess we come you will you know you will see them in the case of our biological father the end just wait there for two weeks then told my mother cry the Angels have come to pick me so my mother said tell them to go back for now I call my Sunday I ask you I say Mia have nothing to hear not nothing not not interview not no that's not in left of you so it was in case that came to pick him or not demons came to transport him his transportation was in the hand of vengeance the rich man that Lazarus was eating the crumbs that fell from his table demons came to translate him you see when people die they go down like is it have you ever studied the book of Romans chapter 10 the Bible says who we go down to Hades to bring Jesus pop so when Jesus died he went down that down see all or Hades is the waiting place for judgment because the next agenda after death is judgment what you have to wait for judgment just like if a case in court is adjourned [Music] you will wait for it that's no activity you might be in prison waiting that prison is not a permanent place maybe they are put in prison because they are afraid that you might escape so to in the interest of justice remain remain kept here it's not as if judgment as what you do is your integrity is a matter to be here for now that's how Hades is is a place of wit right and in that head is there are two compartments according to the Book of Luke chapter 16 one of the compartments is called paradise paradise is down notice that Jesus spoke to the thief on the cross and said today you will be with me we're down in paradise so there's a compartment down that is called paradise hell it's not an eternal place hell is a waiting place so there are two compartments there one is paradise or Abraham's bosom then the other one is Gina hair there are two waiting places and in that legal system there's no no arrangement for bail there's no bail arrangement so everyone who have to wait until judgment it is after judgment that the eternal destinies will be defined all right so some people be waiting in here and some others will be waiting in paradise now if you ask me a question say pastor would we make somebody anti that hell is not for today our answer no answer subsequently somebody might be acting against a okay sits here is a waiting please can somebody wait in hell and then eventually when the judgment takes place the passing we discussed those matters much more appropriately there are 25 snapshots of the afterlife that we have in Scripture we bring each snapshot out and then form if you know what they call it jigsaw pose will connect them then we see the picture of the afterlife when you look forward and you look back what all these things are secrets so God operates by secrets and that's what a mystery is and the Bible says that we speak the mystery of God to them that are perfect come with me let's do some reading I want to pick two points so that we can pray together as a way of way of staring you up these are the days where we need secrets as believers secrets as government's secrets as nations we need to tap into the economy of Secrets all right now verse 9 of first Corinthians chapter 2 the Bible says but as it is written eye has not seen no a head neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God has revealed them so the first thing if you are going to interface with secrets first of all it must be revealed you cannot apprehend these secrets without a disclosure now so they activity they adventure that you must be engaged in in order to get a disclosure that activity is called seeking the face of God meanwhile you need to understand these symptoms that we suggest to you that you need a secret first of all the Bible says that it is not given unto us to direct our steps so if you are about to take a decision about that we impact many years of your life my poor teaches us not to take such a decision from your brain you must take it from secrets it must be disclosed it must be revealed if you walk that way your walk will be established though it doesn't force by your side because we are operating by secrets you'll be established under circumstances that other people that do not have the kind of access that you have will fail if the circle everybody is divorcing I'm not one of them because the wisdom through which I made selection was not from this world yes and for every wisdom of God as a security there's an insurance policy that safeguards it against against invasion against against decay against against against thieves to safeguard it so when you walk by these secrets there's an assurance that you will survive every season every different time because all those parameters of changes in seasons and time have been factored into the integrity of the secret second the face of God the result of sick in the face of God is disclosure revelation that's a result I know that I need a secret because I've come to a point where I need to make a decision that will impact my future this kind of decision cannot be made aside from a secret there is something written in heaven concerning this particular aspect of my life that I need to access and when I saw access it it would put me on the advantage that decisions that people have taken that I put them on the disadvantage in several aspects of your life it is because secrets were not accessed I assume with me how to use seek the face of God because if we're going to access the crits we need revelations revelations are natural results of seeking the face of God Amen you notice a I don't want to assume that we know teens let's start again building from the scratch so that each one of us can become strong in his own respect what are the basics in seeking the face of God if the business you are doing today it was God that led you into it you should be able to survive recession survive contrary circumstances and situations that's how you know that God is involved our marriage with me and my wife our marriage has gone through several seasons separate teens have a separate challenges even a time came when I was posted away to Legos and because a primary assignment is in this town I cannot pack the whole house and go to Legos because my existence is not about me is about that which God wants me to do and the primary platform location for thing which God wants me to do is here so if the office pushed me away my family was still remain here so that I will be coming to where go as I signed me so we stayed apart for 60s it's very difficult to run two homes a running one somewhere running one somewhere else I am supposed to be a father from a distance that is a proof that is one of the circumstances where that's all just as you need in secret many people came under that kind of pressure to split the home because of official demands and all of that and after three years that transfer led to the brick pop those homes however if you have access to secrets that which might seem as an advantage for the devil to take over the family can become the same situation that will be used to strengthen the family because there is a secret if you have a secret the result of you entering two different seasons will be different from someone else that does not have a secret second if ahsoka now please give me a microphone quickly let's take because we are all crystal I'll be seeking the photographer in London let's find out what it means to seek the face of God because a secret must be revealed the secret is not commonplace is not available on the surface you cannot access it at face value it is something you need to seek out if the thing we are seeking out is in the natural realm it will have been easy to seek it out maybe you sit down and then try to flash back where did I keep my car key okay when I came yesterday I move here at 8:00 here you can trace it back and find out where you because my driver's license is something that I always need to trace back to know where I kept it trace back if it went the natural Ram you can trace it back but if it's in the spiritual realm is a different ball game altogether yes so where's the microphone look for anybody you like his face or her face give the best and the question is how do we seek the face of God you have been a Christian for a long time so this is your life you should not be afraid to tell us your life if you waste time I you cannot find the person you yourself begin to one side so bro what do we do if we want to seek the face of God we're in need of Secrets yeah amen do you need to stand sit down enjoy yourself okay thank you so much yeah we need to seek the face of God we need secrets are our secrets to operate Isaac's sword in the land God told him to so in rises in those famine his suit in dry season and in this area the Bible say he ripped a non hundredfold and basically stands end with him a man he was mad because dry season went on was sowing seed what in the semi he reaped an hundredfold and the Philistines envied him he had gone yes MA in my only to understanding seeking God has to do with deliberately acting God in the place of prayers and waiting for his answers and how I seek God most times is that for something replace of prayers and waiting for his most times he speaks to me the answers of the questions acts in my secret please true these bodies of the world through visions of the night and to opposition's that I see you see you have only helped us with 30 percent of my requests there are many people here that have been sick in the face of God the way you are talking and they have not gotten feedback if you are with me if you raise your hand if if I spoke your mind so what are they doing wrong should I tell you something the answer is correct too but it does not have today because they are doing this thing you see they pray should be my husband shall be my husband there's no feedback have you prayed a prayer don't see oh you have miss an opportunity yeah yep okay that's me do you understand we're talking about their prey to their prey but there's no feedback just let me tell you something that is very fundamental you know in order to cook you need fire but is not a fire the cooks is the heat Rocco but fire will produce heat but we have a way to produce heat without fire you discover that we can cook with a high flame and any woman because I have studied the issue of seeking the face of God for a long time I wanted to see how I could teach to help believers to know how to tap into secrets and I found out that if you have not accepted the life of intercession the ministry of intercession as a baseline lifestyle it will be very difficult for you to access the mind of God the average believer has not accepted the ministry of intercession which is a basic ministry that we have been covered into now this is the this a status quo in the spirit listen to me the word justification is a legal register say world and justification means you are discharged and acquitted it is our justification that makes us have the capacity through the blood of Jesus to stand before God boldly and without any form of inferiority any form of condemnation because of the testimony that is born in the spirit true justification see so the effect of justification is that a constant for God face-to-face the result of justification is supposed to be in connection with God talking with God talking talking so if you're dusty vacation does not translate to communication you have missed a fundamental lesson in your intimacy with God your justification is a standing that you have with God on the account of the blood of Jesus that standing should translate to communication and so every believer has been called in to the Ministry of intercession all right that's what we do that's the life we live if you check the Apostolic community in the book of Acts of the Apostles you are going to see the two fold to fold ministry of the apostolic company what Peter was the one that said we will give ourselves continually to the ministry of the world and the ministry of prayer in fact if you look into those two items critically you'll find out that the Word of God comes into force when prayer is already please so the heaviest molecule of the Christian life is priesthood is prayer so if someone has not yet situated his or her self in the prayer base your access of even revelations into the scriptures will be limited so for many years I decided to leave as an intercessor if I'm gonna travel from here to John's I speak in tongues or true yes that's the life that's the lifestyle I speak in tongues or truth that's why I like public transport I just take my bag and I pay the price and I get a comfortable seat if they are sitting for in the middle row I pay for two seats glory you say god this guy has money I'm looking for connection and I began to sprint homes I began to pray in tongues I began to printer's by time we get to a conga I'm seeing things I did not ask God for many of you I see you in the night I see what I told you that there was not that the I saw it I saw it in Gumby Josie must not pray I would go tease who does not commit teens who stuck on me and if I'm asking God for for something that teen is added to look it than the teens I see each other so if you have not yet established your life on the Bunsen burner called in possession nothing would be cooked there'll be no heat no heat sufficient to cook anything so day in day out will be operating with the wisdom of man meanwhile spiritual things must be revealed and secrets have been captured there are types of God through which your life will be prepared through any season whatsoever if we were running prayer meeting now won't be like this you know yesterday I said as healing a miracle but I'll tell you the truth there's nothing else we are using to minister to anybody other than the fact that we are men après he's in the place of prayer that I got that the spirit of death was coming into the Hall today I did not get it yes Cineplex Oprah a potato because I'd like to see a meeting before the meeting so even the meeting exists in God's secret type you can peep into it there were meetings where I came I already saw the mission already knew when angel would stand so because I knew where the angel was done when I finished I preached which came to a point I told them that you can sack you displease my court once it's the standard she fell off all under one standard she fell it's only me that knows why they are falling secret meanwhile they think I'm a performer all I have secretly there isn't why I'm surprised because you don't know what is up if I told you that coz you do not look strange to you but I'm the only one that knows the sick I will tell you what will be seen the manifestation of the secret you can see somebody's life on that the same circumstances the manifestation of his life suggestibility such as Saint that's the result of the secret is walking with please help me answer neighbor what secret do you have Fulani has been everywhere killing everybody it is the time you need secrets to survive if you have not yet accepted they call as an intercessor don't ask for too much your life won't be too different from what it is now yes the bouncing Bona of intercession is what now puts you strategically me please where you cannot begin to access citrus in my opinion if you are not an intercessor I don't think you are desperate enough for life they are not UI comma comma carefully go you know they do Batman and Superman you are one of them but when you start getting serious you now begin to intercede intercession Idzik you see intercession is not as if you are praying for yourself you have pre God's prayers pray ghost prayers the plane goes prayers that is some of you the places that you are serving the offices having you way just please stay as an intercessor to be offering incense of so that mad people will not use some of those platforms to bring the nation into object poverty so you are standing there sipping so begin to operate as intercessors they say not heat in a spirit so that if the Holy Spirit ones true drink secrets to us we can easily come most of us decided to sign up for a serious prayer life when marriage was at the door and so the reason why are prints because you want to marry that prayer we receive no answer it will generate more confusion because you are forgotten step one you want to enter into step three you will be confused when you label like that is okay I'm look as we finish with labor therefore people become a say God go to him first of all sign up as an intercessor and justice is not looking for anything he just wants to break or spray us right so that's our default mood that's what we do secrets are revealed to incident Assessors if you have ever read the scripture and the Bible says that God will never do a thing except he refuses to his servants the prophets I'm talking about professing active service not prophets by title you know you call them his servants the prophets so that he active service there are a lot of people that have professed are no longer in service so those ones he bypasses them what does kinshasa yes is that because they meet the basic assignment of a prophetess intercession anybody does doing the walk of the profit which is intercession if God wants to do anything he will never do it except he discloses it to the intercessor there is a call that God is making on us since the devil has decided to raise the bar of warfare we also call to raise the bar of a stand with God and each and every one of us that is justified must take advantage of the privilege platform that God has given you to stand before him with a condemnation stand before him without in with without inferiority who must translate that benefit to be a benefit of thoughts of communication and so we must adopt and partake in the call for intercession that's the first requirement for seeking the face of God you must first be involved in bring God's prayers before you cannot start to pray your prayers if you start your prayer life by praying your prayers because I've seen a lot of prayer booklets pria rain and everything is about me now that team that is fighting my life that thing every prayer on that prayer item is personal if you start your prayer and devils from the past not plain you are going to get so confused because the reason for which God set up intercession is not for your personal prayers the reason for which God set up intercession is for his own prayers the prayer in his original form and context is a kingdom activity it is something that facilitates the implementation of the policy direction of the Kingdom of Heaven the Bible says thy will be done on earth as it is done where in heaven prayer now creates an avenue for the will of God which has been decreed in the heaven to pass into the air and the establishing air so prayer as a kingdom team it is required for God to administer I suppose in the earth that means God needs prayer in the 8th for him to be able to implement it's his policy an intercessor is that bridge that gives God the legitimacy to establish his will because in this realm that is governed by humankind we have joined our will to the will of God to see his will come to pass in our space so an intercessor is a veritable tool in the hand of God in the implementation of the purposes of God upon the face of the earth such a person has decided to to be a cool labora with God and because of that level of partnership God once and again discloses to that individual secrets that we put him on the advantage you don't qualify to access secrets if you have not yet decided to become a resourceful Christian by accepting a call to intercession most of your prayers are personal that's why they are not powerful I have been an intercessor for half my life right for half my life actually half my life plus three years I've been an intercessor for 23 okay I can tell you this fact one most of my prayers I pray for people I pray for God's purposes that I perceived as most of my prayers seventy percent of my prayers pray for people I can't be I was in convinced that I seen you yeah most of my prayers that's how it is so sometimes God brings people to me in prayer and I began to pray for them I don't even know what I'm praying about most of my 70 percent of them now 10 percent of my prayers are warfare sometimes God comes to a lack nowadays problem here problem the problem this way since like the one you begin to pray for the passage begins to see the devil begin to speak back and say no I have legitimacy here and then 10% of my prayer sees that way most 70 percent of my prayers is intercession this is what happens I found out that okay maybe I have a deed there are several times I breathed in need into God's presence and then while I'm praying on the need they need does not stay the only clothes who brush it out and bring another thing I've learned by experience that when he brushes it out I leave it I begin to pray on nothing all right a time comes if God needs me to vocalize something for him to do something in my life he brings that my need himself I'll be praying for something else and he brings them and it's a proven dishonor Brina Brina then I began to pray on it and few days later to come to pass listen when I start there were praying I was praying on men eating because right now they are tableting promotion whether we promoted or not I'm supposed to be alright the list is not yet I said and I saw the list I've tried to pray for that promotion he has not allowed me if I start praying that goes from ways I stopped reading I go somewhere so I left it but why we praying here the least I assume let me announce before time I will show you the letter I pass from that what I saw I was promoted no wait first I will add substance to this my declaration with a letter soon as I assume you see and I do pray about it I was praying about salt yes I saw that it may be that somebody has prayed about maybe God I would put that body not somebody's heart and then the person have been laboring and the see you must understand you have to be selfless in the prosecution or prayer if you have not yet come to that point while your embrace intersects many people have looked at us because we pray every day we pray people know pastor be some people will laugh I say oh this day I wanted the weather they do desire church for this man Cody now is different every day now whoo-hoo-hoo sanity's were here but if you take your Bible and look at the book of Acts of the Apostles those guys had no ak-47 but they were able to fill Jerusalem with the adoption is it because there were such wonderful treasures there was something else that was pushing the gates were open that were pushing the utterances that they were speaking so if you have not yet accepted the call as an intercessor you are going to find it very difficult to access secrets number two you must understand that the body needs your body of intercessory people is this when you begin to intercede intercede intercede sometimes God empowers you to become a law enforcement agent by giving you an instruction okay when interceded about the land right now then he gives us an instruction you go and do this thing so when we go and we obey and do that team I hope you know in walking with God that is his spirit it is in obedience obedience to the Spirit of God that leads to the manifestation of his power he was passing to your ears and you obey Him and then upon obeying him his power is manifested that's how the power of God is manifested so I will begin to intercede expect God giving you an instruction at some point yes this instruction that God is giving has the power of salvation in it so if you are somebody that even though you are interested in but you don't follow instructions that come from the Holy Ghost you rationalize instructions your output level is going to be small you see very little and your access to the secret base of the Spirit will be very very little first is the call to intercession second is a willingness to obey spiritual instructions that God releases on your spirit man in order for you to be safe when you have an instruction you need to check with your pastor check with spiritual leader to have that that that instruction we are receiving if it's accurate and then receive His blessings to go and fulfill the instruction why praying today a few instructions dropped in my spirit or things that we need to do as intercessors to safeguard this land Alleluia now the oldest matter I'm saying is is still safe lesson the prayer you pray the instructions you are following he doesn't seem to address your own past not challenged yet if you I believer that has that is obedient to God there is something that God will add on your life and that which us is called favor you need favor to be able to access secrets and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit and had favor between God is God fists have you heard what Garrett said when angel Gabriel was dispatched from heaven to come and give Daniel information and then he was arrested the Prince of Persia kept him in the prison for 21 days and after 21 days my cat was dispatched in heaven because Daniel was deep praying the same prayer as he was praying meanwhile answers to the prayers have been deployed twenty-one days ago there is a malfunctioning somewhere so Michael was dispatched only to discover that Gabriel had been in prison Michael intervened and rested the Prince of Persia opened the prison house say my cathode Gabriel you go and deliver your message I'll be here in the bath when God on delivering the message come and join me so that we can't displace this his evil spirits that was the day that Gabriel appeared to Daniel the first time you know prior to this time Gabriel have been coming in dreams wait for them here to sleep you work here and begin to deliver instruction but because of the nature of the situation Gabriel decided to appear to Daniel for the first time and what was the first thing that gave birth to Daniel they say Oh Daniel Oh Daniel da hai leaf if your name is raining in ever you need that favor to be able to get the secret many of you don't have it so when you are coming the kind of a rumor that comes from your spirit is not a sweet-smelling subtle fifo is like a perfume you know when Jacob was praying for when Isaac was praying for Jacob you know Jacob disguised and came and you see prayer you know he said something he saved my son smells that is the trust man my sauce smells like a field that a lot God has blessed he identified him by smell me why the guy praying was blind but he could smell something that was not in the room he could smell something that transcended the environment he had a smell that his favor is like a smell is that Dalia your name is raining in heaven because your name is raining up in dispatch to give you secrets favor comes when we are obedient to God now if we begin to pray now in the next five minutes which we would do would do practica then we'll see we'll test our level of penetration if you can't reach have only five seconds you can reach heaven in 30 seconds if you can articulate the mind of God in five seconds sometimes you may not have the whole day you might just have five seconds you should be able to achieve penetration access and articulation in five seconds in order for you to do that you need fever you would you remember what you were taught Mary when you came from heaven and blessed that down among what with fever it is obedience to God that determines the level of fear that you have in the court of ever there are several people when the instance of the oprius begin to ascend to to heaven there does begin to disturb God does him again oh and in the prayers he gets someone to heaven and he will hear the whispers of the earth as the stake holders nothing is hidden from him once this aroma begins to come dead if that's fever fever faithful is it God does not have fever eyes God has intimate yes because he's not asleep it's okay I like this I don't know will you become intimate with him he bestows upon you fever so you can see men like Moses that can go and tell God because of me do this because of him it takes advantage of the favor that he has in the courts of heaven the second question we need to ask is a level of obedience your level of obedience your level of obedience most of the prayers have been praying and prayers of personal breakthrough personal deliverance I stopped praying those prayers long ago and now I pray the prayers of God yeah so you begin to hear for some of you it might be strange strange for you to hear the way we are praying for been a state they were praying for Nigeria say well is it needful don't worry we functionaries that are adopted to surface in the author of heaven hallelujah say hallelujah so there's a four-element yes a response to the intercessory call there's a need to be diligent in obedience and then there is a faithful element but investors of pom people that are giving themselves to serve his will and to obey his instructions if we check your life on your living for yourself and if you check somebody's life and a person is living for God and then you want a favor from God so you are trying to go before God you will have a lot of challenges but the man that is living for God because he's living for God he has fever two of you are born again he has fever so he has penetration you can access the mind of God easily but you you can be prayin prayin prayin there's no feedback is essentially because even if it becomes it with one dad on self because that is your intention it is to that orientation that you have you have aligned so it determines the measure of it what are you carrying so first of all spiritual things must be revealed and if we can access these secrets our life will be much better than it is now hallelujah you can have it disclosure is secret a revelation and yet they revelation might not profit you it's not only revelation you need in addition to your revelation you need something else now let's take a scripture quickly and then I round up there I have five points to show us but chapter 33 from verse 12 the Bible says but behold in this dow are not just how we answered heed that God is greater than man why does thou strive against him for he giveth not account of any matters that means God doesn't come on that pressure to give you an explanation if by any means you see him in a bad light maybe something happens is it we had record a Lada steam this is wicked why did God allow it he will never give account he will not answer you he is he is secure enough to allow you to misunderstand him so he doesn't give account of his matters for God speak at once year twice yet man passivated not in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep Follette upon men in slum brings upon the bed then God open it the ears of men and select the instruction now you know what that means this means that God gives you a dream at this.look disclosure but yet it keeps away the interpretation from you you see the vision but he doesn't make any significant input into your life that is Alicia telling us one of the reasons why God is greater than man he will communicate to you in a vision but yet the understanding of it he keeps it just to show you that they level your pretend is more I read the scripture to show us how that a revelation is not you can have a revelation a dream what is the meaning of it that gives you strategic knowledge so we said that if we are going to deal with secrets the Festiva we need is a revelation but the revelation in most cases may not be sufficient you might need something more and that's why they are twin spirits the book of officials doctor 1 verse 18 it speaks about the spirit of wisdom the spirit of Revelation is the spirit of Revelation that gives you the dream but is the spirit of wisdom that gives you the interpretation to the dream it is when the spirit of wisdom has operated that you now have spiritual knowledge is the work of that revelation and the spirit of wisdom that is equal to spiritual knowledge together a special note and it's very firmly that puts you on the advantage now so the question is when you arrive at the point of Revelation maybe you have a dream you have a disclosure you have a vision and there is no interpretation how do you advance when you have a revelation without an interpretation you it means God is calling you to the place of prayer is calling into the place of prayer that's where interpretations come that's what teens aren't they at least I've told you something that I saw so clearly all right I'm Steve the reason why I won't talk about it is because the interpretation is not it's not food sometimes I travel with those kind of revelations like those bodies like that it might take three months before the taeneung opens and sometimes it doesn't go interpret when you enter into this a constant battle a circumstance and situation you not see oh this is what was shown me see because the spirit of wisdom that would bring that knowledge to you is different from this the anointing that brought the disclosure to you so we have the need for revelation seeking the face of God the need for knowledge spiritual strategic knowledge which comes when the spirit of wisdom has acted upon the revelation that you have received did you get the two points all right now what are the two things in practicality give me some two things you need and the state in which you must put your heart in order for you to ascend into heaven first of all if you're a Bible student I think we did that some time ago detecting postures of the human heart that in postures if i insult you i cost you and you allow it to affect your heart your heart can become heavy the heart can become wounded your heart and if your heart is heavy you cannot ascend to high places if your heart is wounded your ability for perception has been affected so if the devil wants to give you problem wants to make you never to access secrets he turn paths with your heart there are several times you would tamper with your heart overnight when you wake up in the morning you don't feel like praying as they happen to me before okay that's not who you are you guys bridge wha you are you're high up there he can pass with your heart it can pass with your heart to affect your navigation there is a split of fact that we need to have in order for us to be able to penetrate high places because that's where secrets are domiciled if we pick a secret from a high place you begin to implement it here the wisdom in it will make it such that if the devil decides to fight you in implementing that security we help you I want to teach you how to position your heart does there's a hot posture if your heart is heavy if your heart is heavy you cannot go pop so when you wake up in the morning the devil is send somebody to you to make that hat heavy so the whole day you are out of sync with God the whole day because they never knew that you had plans to access so he came and put your heart from the money time Alleluia some people know what I'm talking about yeah some family problems you can have is an attack on your heart so that you'll be totally helpless you'll not be able to bring to move the hand of God and bring the warmth of God into this situation so the devil orchestrates somebody that works for him he moves the person in the flesh to come and throw an arrow that will affect your heart all he's trying to do is to ensure that you don't have the ability to mount up with wings like the use let's the state of out your heart needs to be light if you are going to walk with God and it's a bit light very light many times you are going to have to speak in tongues for long to make the Hat light yes 45 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes for they have to become light we are not such a pre no yes I said we are just trying to build a hut you're just trying to heal the heart your heart must be in a proper state because I need to make you understand this if something doesn't touch your heart it doesn't change your life you can even pray pray us on your heart is not involved and you can pray for 3 hours it begins to change your life when you start feeling what you bring you start filling it every spirit transaction you are doing will be ready start on the canvas of your heart if we know that your access to God is a precious thing there are some times when people saw to you not answer because if it has they put potential of dent in your heart you will know it's a great price to pray and so you can allow it go because you have something something that you treasure your fellowship would go now you not allow anything to truncate it hallelujah now so sometimes that's why we pray in tongues long pray in tongues long pray in tongues long so that we can go beyond the week so that our heart can become liked second thing you paid the price of maker hotlines sometimes in interpreting tongues long sometimes we need to go and get a tip a tip where where the frequency of instrumentation on that tip it was taken from the very cocoon of cherubims so it has Terra critical abilities and I jessic and therapeutic our abilities when you put that sound and is watering the whole place it heals your broken heart so those are tips those are tips there are tips that can help you pray so some people's pray I can help you on prayer so you can tip it and you you pollute the entire atmosphere with that vile it will it will heal the disjoint in your spiritual membrane humans even vests in your spiritual adventure you must invest in the state of heart you must you must some of us the reason why is not as if we are not seen iniquity we have eyes too we can be rooted somebody it is we see our flesh likes it but you know what we are not sure if we can rest on this relationship we have with God now if we go for that in so even though it is there we are ready to forego it because in your walk with God you are going to have to make choices when you start loving God you begin to make choices for God many of you you don't consider your walk with God so significant and so you can you can you can make God make him cry make him grief no that's a man that feels is about him if it becomes about God he will make choices that will be suitable for the Lord Tabernacles your spirit hallelujah it's a great price to pay if you are going to access wisdom from God so if you have labour to set your heart in alignment then the last thing to do is to drive the engine you drive the engine I don't know if you are in alignment where you are but I want to also drive the engine in driving the engine that means praying with your spirit they are two ways to pray you can pray which you understand it you can also pray with your spirit right when you have achieved alignment when you begin to drive the engine you must have the focus the focus is that I want to secure the mind of God that's the focus whatever it will be I want to secure the mind of God that's how you set your that's your determination and then you drive your engine by speaking in tongues you drive that your intention you drive that your motive you drive it you drive it if your spirit is light enough the wind from ever will calm just like the wild wind came and he took Elijah and cut him up into the heavens the wind from heaven it will come in your spirit will be caught up that's how I go to heaven now they weaned what so before I travel I touch the car and I I go there okay then I say okay this car will reach where I'm going because from late last year after the crusade I discovered the devil was looking for me to kill me so I added more precaution I checked the route where at this car has a likelihood of reaching where I'm going to find penetration he will send the wind and the wind will rupture your spirit and then you begin to see from heaven not from here it's your heart right all right let's go to God for five minutes hey see as we're going forget about your problem forget about your luck forget about the bank forget the fact that you took your ATM to the DMDC and anything the teen swallowed or I know you are worried forget she healed the heart there's a lot of work we need to do on the heart this heart is a platforms a launching pad satanic God wants to learn there and the devil is aware so he will make sure that it's not in order it's not in alignment sometimes you may need to repent of something may need to repent of some trespass on stubbornness so that your heart can be light light in alignment for navigation in the spirit can we begin to advance just quietly in tongues focus only on Jesus focus only on Jesus be expected Jesus to descend into your atmosphere with a wind with a wind a wind through which you'll be caught up into the heavens cubanelle Kasana Ndola abrazos anatase cabron de casa bhai Luka bata echoes common what we pray that this year you will grant us you'e grant us the grace and a favor for penetration for access that will be rattled by your wind again and again and taken into your courts to behold your beauty we have so God that you met each and every one of us to become addicted to your presence and dig back to your presence addicted to your presence my sama Honda focus on him focus on focus on him and you mighty are your miracles of your Holy Name Lord Oh some gah [Music] you are God mighty are your miracles [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 153,600
Rating: 4.8905048 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Arome, Osayi, Apostle Arome Osayi, Remnant christian network, RCN, Church, Christ, Salvation, Gospel, Preaching, Preacher
Id: aKyVeMSdqiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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