How to Sculpt Fire and Flame on Swords [Greenstuff Tutorial]

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hey guys today I'm going to show you how to sculpt Flame on swords I mean you could apply this to other objects but it's gonna have to look a little different when you're doing it just because when you're sculpting flame on a sword it's kind of 2D because you know if you look along the blade Edge there's really no like proper shape you're really just drawing with with the green stuff um for example I've been working on this demon Prince for a while here doing kind of like uh rising from Flame Phoenix kind of look these are really twisted kind of like chaosy Flames that I did and these are obviously way more different to skull than flat sword Flames but we can always do that in another video I don't mind um but yeah so today we're going to be doing the blade the hell blade on this Herald of corn that I made I I mainly like converting not much of a painter right now um but yeah converting 100 my thing so this is why you know I want to share how you make flames it's just cool so all you need is some green stuff a bladed sculpting tool maybe one with a flat end as well or just you know any other flat piece um there's two ways you can prep the blade um first of all get your fingers really wet um with the green stuff I like to use a darker mix some people like using you know lighter green stuff mixes but I I tend to use more blue than I should just because the putty is a bit harder um so it's easier to like sculpt on with that being said there's two ways you can prep the blade four flames you can make tiny little balls and what you would do is just put them on different parts of the opposite blade Edge that you're cutting with um you would put the balls there or you can make one long sausage piece um but this one's a little bit harder four small weapons if I was doing like a massive like ax or something on a character probably just make a sausage um if you look at the one I did earlier you can kind of tell where I put a Gob of green stuff like here here and here and here right those are the main flames um so this isn't one one whole piece it's actually multiple tiny little little beads um but yeah so let's just get started by putting some beads on the blades first and it might be a little quiet because I gotta focus and make sure your fingers are wet like I said make sure your fingers are wet because if any of these tiny beads stick on your fingers while you're sculpting them or on your tool uh it's gonna be really messy it's just a headache and I really don't like trying to remove green stuff when it's already on the plastic it's kind of annoying so like I said put the Gob on the blade Edge don't put it on the flat side because it's gonna it's gonna blend out um as we sculpt your gobs where you think you'd like big pieces of flame it doesn't really matter where honestly artistically speaking because I mean fire is it's a pretty random element so it's not like there's a correct way to sculpt it anyways it can look like anything you just got a painted red and white and orange and yellow like that's the honest truth but having a good shape you know it matters um so yeah what we're doing now wet fingers we're gonna smush it into the blade Edge and then kind of smush it on each side here and just pull it down a little bit and this might be a good time to use a flat tool um just to kind of flatten it into the metal of the blade so it starts looking like something but don't make it completely flat try to like draw ripples like waves into it because fire is kind of it's kind of like water or it Ripples and it waves the way it looks um which is funny because they're opposites but they're the same I'd probably sculpt the water the same pulling down adding some ripples you pull it a little you don't have to be too gentle with it but you want to be slow you want to draw it like I said so if I'm a little slow this tutorial it's meaningful okay with the bladed Edge kind of try to Define it more maybe pull some some little Tails let's try to get it focused try to pull some little Tails down just pull some up you know because it's supposed to look natural can't look uniform fire should never look uniform looks wonky if it's uniform and you know what pull some material off show some of that blade um same thing with the other side here try not to ruin your work with your fingers on different sides and again just kind of pulling the green stuff I Got a notification that was me not you all right come on buddy okay so now that we've started making our ripples um this is the fun part so what you got to do here get your fingers wet and all you have to really do is pull start pulling pulling a little tips little tails for the Flames here and like I said it can be wild there we go and if you look really closely now those incisions we made in the green stuff start kind of making it look like you know the bait sorry about that I had to cut for a sec um so yeah so now that we have um our beads pulled and we've kind of pinched the green stuff into flame tails we start getting the shape of the flame and you can add more Flame or less flame it you know it's up to your personal taste um from here you know you can almost sell it as flame already um this particular piece I did you know I took a while maybe like 15 minutes on this one um but yeah the last part really with some clippers is just cut into the into the Tails you've already made and kind of just pulled them a little you know remove some of them remove some of the excess make them a little smaller maybe spread them out a little make smaller Tails because it doesn't have to be one big flame you know it could be a bunch of tiny small ones just kind of pull it here if anything kind of trim it when it's on the blade edge here because then it'll look a bit more aerodynamic fire dynamic I don't know at this point you're just really trimming I'm quite honest and like I said um at any point this could literally sell as as fire you usually paint it it's quick and dirty way to do Flame and one thing that might be beneficial to do if you see on my on my really good one I kind of cone them out give them a bit of a 3D shape which you can do let's do it on this this one just for the sake of knowing how to do it so what you'd want to do is you want to grab it right around the middle here push it to one end and pull the tip towards the other end and try to make different like s shapes right and then that kind of gives it a bit more life makes the Flames look more alive this one here is a little ugly I'm gonna talk that guy away like I said just trust the process the more you do this the easier it'll look I mean the easier it'll be to do but I'm just trying to make sure it's focuses on the camera geez I'm using a mix of techniques here and there we have it because I'm flames one thing I'd like to mention is if you find your flames are a little thin just repeat the process wait for the green stuff to dry or do it while it's still wet doesn't matter just add more beads and eventually you'll be adding really nice thick layers of flame onto your blade and everything will be great there we go cheers
Channel: Traitor Forge
Views: 9,354
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Id: Z-FH858vnU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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