How to Screen Print - Screen Washout - Detailed instruction - Screen Printing 101 DVD pt 21

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now we're ready to show how to wash out a screen we'll put a screen in a light safe room in the wash out sink if you don't have a wash out sink you can you know set this up into the side of a garage a side of a house or even a laundry room sink but you do want to make sure it's in a light safe room and if you're doing it outside should I do it in the dim light of the dusk or possibly the shade or a well shaded area and no direct sunlight is hitting to wash out simply using low pressure get the screen wet on both sides as you get the screen wet you'll see the image starting to develop immediately and on one side and turn it over get it wet on the other now once wet allow the screen is set and soak up the water for about a minute this will allow the emulsion to become loose and very easy to knock out especially if you have opaque films if you don't allow your screen to set long enough it'll be a lot harder to wash out the emulsion now keep in mind that emulsion is about 7080 percent water so if you spray it too long with water the exposed area of the screen will start to rinse out and you'll do what's called blowing out the screen basically you'll ruin your image and have to start all the way over with the exposure process on a brand new frame so you do want to be careful not to put too much water on the frames with a proper exposure and a dense enough film your screen should wash out in literally under 30 seconds if you're having a very hard time washing the image area out your film is not dark enough you're exposing for too long or you're not expose or you're not washing out in a light safe area make sure they're wet but on both sides they should be consistent in colored once they've been allowed to soak and wet a couple times for at least a minute now let's go to wash them out now we'll show two different methods to wash out the first is using a garden hose the second using a pressure washer some people are scared to use a pressure washer wash it out I prefer it because it does a faster job it puts less water on the screen and you make sure you're knocking out all the detail with this type of washout what can happen is you use too much water and the motion soaks it up and you blow out your image if you don't have a good enough exposure your screen will not be strong enough in order to hold during a pressure washer so if your screen can't hold in through a pressure washer there's something else wrong if you have a good enough exposure it should be able to hold up to a pressure washer no problem let's first show using the hose using a fairly strong spray little begin washing out screen number one now what you want to do is you want to start at the top of the frame and work down at least one time as you see we already start to blow out some of the image area you don't want to spray one area of the screen too long you want to spray that area of the screen long enough so that you get all the emulsion that's supposed to wash out out of the image area I typically wash out facing the shirt side of the screen of the flat side of the screen I don't like washing out on the inside of the screen because I feel that I'm pushing against the emulsion however you have a good enough exposure time you definitely don't need to worry about you can wash out from either side but be on the safe side as you're starting out typically wash out from the flat side of the screen once our image area is washed out well then wash our registration marks out you keep in mind this screen was exposed using the 500 watt halogen light which can't pick up a lot of detail as will show the screen later once it's dry you'll see that the block area of the image washed out fine but the fine detail on the registration marks or the small fonts didn't really come out this screen is now washed out and ready to dry the first step of drying process is to ensure that you wipe off all the water out of the inside and the outside of the screen do that by using a dry newspaper you don't scrub or agitate the frame simply put the newspaper on the inside and then outside of the frame soaking up all the water this is important especially if your screen is underexposed if your screen is underexposed you'll see a lot of pink residue on the frame on this frame we actually see some pink regice tube it's not underexposed that bad but it is a little bit underexposed that's actually the eye ah so dripping off if we don't drive the screen first what can happen is the dazzo can actually drip down into your image area and block out your image which is not good that way that means you'll have to respray your screen out and try to open that image area back up which is pretty difficult now that the screen is dry we can either dry it in front of a fan or even out in the Sun if it's a one color image drying it in the Sun works great because that Sun both posts hardens the screen by putting more UV light into the screen to harden up even more than it already is and it dries it extremely fast if it's cold outside just use a fan and blow direct directly against the screen next we'll show a washout using a pressure washer when you're picking out a pressure washer you probably need to pick out one that's not super super powerful probably 1,500 psi or below if you using one that's more psi than that you might want to turn it down a little bit you also want to ensure that you have a flat spray and not a pointed spray when you're washing out your screens to start washing out the screen start away from the screen and then work yourself into the screen this is when having a back leg unit becomes very handy come to the side turn on the back lights in this way we'll be able to see through the screen to see what we're doing start on lays on the screen and you work your way into the screen watch how much faster this pressure washer works then the standard garden hose just like that our screens washed out now let's wash out our registration marks once the registration marks are washed out and our screens washed out I'm just going to hold it up to the light and ensure that I got all the emulsion out of the exposed area I have anything that's left there I'll quickly run the pressure washer over it again now we'll dry it out with the newspaper our screen is now exposed and washed out we'll let it dry and then we'll set it up for printing you
Channel: Ryonet
Views: 39,423
Rating: 4.8907852 out of 5
Keywords: Dvd, how to screen print, screen printing, t-shirt, prints, printing, how, to, how-to, craft, ink, ryonet, training, tutorial, youtube, free, information, make money, screen washout
Id: eltrjhpI3Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2012
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