My screen printing tips to coat, burning, and washout screens.

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome back to another video if you're just starting off with you looking to screen print some of the things that you may have to do is you're gonna have to coach the screens you've got the burners panes and you got to wash your mouth so this video is gonna be for someone that is starting off like myself I've been doing this for a little bit I haven't been doing it for a long time so I've had some people ask me how I cope my screens burn my screens and then wash them out so in this video I'm gonna be showing you guys how I do that I remember the screen press I'm gonna be using this really cheap this is what it looks like right here and then also this is gonna be the like that I'm gonna be using whenever I get ready to burn my screen and then this is a washout booth that I made so I can wash out my own screens at so if you're new to my channel I don't have no fancy thing where I store my screens this is what I use right here this is my table that I made for my screen press and then underneath it you can see on the bottom when I open up the door there is some racks in there that I made where I store my screens whenever I code them so that's where I put them in something simple something easy for me alright so that's some of the stuff that we're gonna be doing in this video like I always say in my videos um there's plenty of ways to do things everybody has their own way of doing things this is just the way that I do it because of the setup that I have right now and then if you watch my last video I told you total link solutions was gonna send me some inks so we got the we got the package in right here so they sent me this right here and then they sent me this it looks like a screen they did ask for my logo so we're gonna open up the stuff and check it out to see what's inside of it side of it actually I sent the predator white ink bright white Gold I think this is the same gold that I already have we'll see some it green I have I have holiday green here's the holiday green and then they sent me the mint green so we'll try those out this one another white Oh purpose white so that's three white I think I have some of these White's already bush and then the last one that's in there is a purple alright so to show you what they sent me again this is the one that they sent me they sent me this bright white you've already seen me use it because there it is right there so they sent this one but then the next one I sent was the predator white I have the predator white already so they got that one and then this this gold right here is the one that they sent me 24 karat gold I think it looks the same as this gold that I've been using in my other videos you've seen me use all those so basically the bright WA the all-purpose white the purple in the green the mint green everything else you've seen me use now this is a glitter this one's glitter so this is this purple is glitter so we're gonna open up this one and look at it according to the invoice this is a screen now they were asking for mine my logo so let's not piss [Music] on screen this is a 30 mich screen which would be for the glitter so that's gonna be I guess we could try this purple one here we give that a try in another video so this is some of the stuff that totalling solution sent me so I appreciate it we'll be giving these things to try later on in another video I just want to show you what they did send me so told egg solutions I appreciate you guys sending me this stuff we will be using in another video and I'll let you guys know exactly how it worked alright so whenever I bought this screen printing kit setup thing it came with this light bulb right here this yellow light bulb is what I use whenever I go ahead and I cut my screens I'm in the garage I don't know if I really need that cuz I don't have too much light I mean I'm using my lights but I wouldn't use these lights whenever I'm coating my screens cuz they're too bright but whenever I am coating my screens that trough all lights in here and I use that light and it gives plenty of light so let me show you how that's done alright so here's the light that we're going to be using this is like I said just a yellow light it's on a fixture that I have screwed to my bench right here you can do whatever you want if you have a fixture inside your garage you can use that or if you just want to use a lamp use a lamp whatever you have you could use it so this is a two-car garage and this this lamp this light gives plenty of light to go ahead and cut your screens right so I turn the light on real quick I just wanted to show you the type of emotion I'm using this is from Ryan at the pink emulsion this is all that I've used since I started it's already pre-mixed basically this is all I know I know there's two different types that you can get you can get one that you got a mix or you got to put some kind of additive inside of it this one's already pre-mixed that's why I like using it I don't wanna have to worry about mixing it and not mixing it right so with this one right here everything's all ready the mixtures already included or eternity it's already mixed so all I gotta do is just coat the screens and it's good to go so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna turn this light back off and now we're gonna coat these screens with this right here this one actually came with the setup have hominin again you can see this you can see that it is pink whenever I pour it out so this one's almost done we should have enough here to do I'll just we're only doing three screens so it should be enough to do these three screens that should be plenty because whenever you put this on there I try not to put a really thick coat so whenever you get ready to coat screens on those of you that do this I know you guys know but those of you that are just starting off you want to make sure that there's no grease on the screen because what that could cause us pinholes so I use this stuff right here it's called the pink stuff and with the pink stuff what it does is it eliminates the haze whenever after you print something you'll leave like some ink stains on there so the pink stuff will eliminate that and then it also decreases the screen also so this is what I use is called the pink stuff it's pretty good stuff right alright so I'm trying to give you an angle to where you can see the way I'm doing this right all right so if you can see this right here the scoot coder you can see it has this angle right here and then it's flat right here so so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lean it here and then I'm gonna tip it so whenever you tip it you want to get this angle touching the mesh I'm gonna tip it like this and what I'm doing right here is I'm letting the emulsion drain to the screen so once it coats or once it gets to the screen down there all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring it up then when I get to the top it's gonna be a thick piece up there's like a thick line in it so I'm gonna tilt it back see how I tilted it back like this and then I'm just gonna do like a little saw motion to get the remainder of it off so if you think you got too much on there what I usually do is I go over it again I just just come back and do it again that's just the way I always do all of mine and I've never had any problems with it that's how I do the print side now we're gonna flip it around and do the other side the inside where the inks gonna go I'll put it on there again and do the exact same thing tapi war needs to go alright so here's what I look for whenever I do my screens I just look for it to be like nice and pink if you look up here where you see us hell it's very dark that's okay because as long as it's not where the prints gonna be it's good so I look to see there's anything really thick there's as long as there's not it's a good to go the outside the bottom is all good as long as wherever you're gonna put your image it has a nice I guess you could even coat so mine looks good so I'm gonna go ahead we're gonna stored away alright so here's where I'm in a storm I don't want to leave it open too long but this is where I store them I mean I just closed this up I didn't closed the whole thing so that it'll stay dark in there you just want to make sure you don't put too much emotion on there like I was saying because this will happen I have done it before as you can see I put too much emotion on there and then when I opened it up the next day they had dripped everywhere so make sure you have a really nice thin coat on there so that this doesn't happen right so that's the first part putting it in motion on the screens and then storing them wherever you're gonna store like I said just don't put too much emotion on there you really can't mess it up make sure there's no grease in there so you don't get no pinholes and then the last thing I did was I watched the cell so before you wash this out you can get these little cards right here usually when your water inks they send you these or you order emotion up as you can see this card has the perfect angles so whenever you go to scoop your emotion out you can just scoop it right back into the container or whatever you're putting it into so we got some leftover like I said we did three screens and I still have enough for probably one or two so make sure you clean this out so the emotion doesn't get hard in there then it's gonna be really hard to clean up alright so real time I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to do these screens but camera time editing time we'll be right back alright so here we are like I said the second day or real quick editing what we're gonna do now is we're gonna check out these screens that we did yesterday I'm gonna shut these lights off right here we'll use the lights in the garage hopefully it doesn't harden the emulsion with these these lights that I have in here but these these bright ones we're gonna turn them off so I'm gonna show you what I look for whenever I get ready to burn my screen so let's go ahead and chop these lights all right so here's one of them right here this is one of them that we're gonna be doing as we can see that was a little bit too much of a motion right here did you see it it almost dripped but it didn't so it was good you just don't want it to be wet whenever you pull this out you can have like a little tat to it did you hear that that's how I know that for me they're good everybody else everybody has their own way of doing things that's just the way I do it it has a tech like that I know it's good and then I'll always touch it somewhere where I know the prints not gonna go so this feels good so the rest of them are gonna be good so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna show you my little washout booth that I make all right so here is my washout booth these are as you can see from the looks of it right here or this picture right here it's to tote so if you look this top pieces of tote there's bottom pieces of tote then you can see the side here's the handle which would be for the top in the bottom and then the the legs that were on here I don't know what I'd do with that Pike throw them away but these were too like the interlock them so you would just lock them in this is what it looked like just like this so what I did is I put some bolts in here if you look right here you're gonna see there's a bolt right here a bolt right there a bolt like right here you see if you can see this one right there so I just did that all the way around I put two three four and then one more on this side all right so once I put all those together now I have like a solid box this sides already cut that's why I'm showing you decide so I could show you what I did I didn't make a video whenever I did it and then the next thing I did is I came up here to this top corner or whatever corner you prefer and then drill a hole inside of it the hole that I drilled was big enough to stick a jigsaw blade inside of it what the jigsaw is went across went across and then I just went down all the way down and all the way around but whenever I got to the bottom I left like a 1 inch one inch lip on here just to hold the screen in there so I might turn this around I'm sure what I'm talking about alright so here's the other side right here as you can see nothing fancy just 1/8 er and I went across with the jigsaw like I said this was the pie the hardest part because I was cutting through this stick stuff but it ended up working out so like I said all the way across all the way down and then at the bottom I left a little gap down there we're not a gap I left a little lip down here in the bottom so that whenever I put a screen in there I don't have to worry about it falling out just so they can stay up in an upright position or whatever position that we're gonna put it in there that's not how you want it you can go ahead lift this up however you want to put it it's gonna stay in there and if it does end up sliding it's gonna slide it's gonna hit that lip right there and it's not gonna fall out so this is what I mean water alright so where does the water go like the water here where does it go does it just go everywhere does it contaminate the earth what am i doing right so this is what I do you you can't probably can't see it but down there in that back corner over there I drilled a hole probably a little half-inch hole if you looked down there towards the bottom you're gonna see that yellow bucket that yellow bucket we have ket's so I accumulate a lot of these dang litter boxes like that move not litter boxes but the little containers that hold litter and this is what it looks like just like this nothing fancy just like this to hold some water in there there just to spray out your screens and now that the water draining through that one so then what I would do after that is I would use a screen an old screen over there I'll take this top piece off I'll put the screen on top of here and then I will use an filter an air filter from my house that I have extra ones and I will put it on top of this and then I would drain the water into here and then I'll put then I'll switch that to the other one and I'll switch it back until it starts to clean up I know it's a process but being that I'm doing this out of the house garage for a beginner this is the way I do it alright so that's the way I do my screens whenever I get ready to wash them out is it the right way no it's my way this is the way I do it people will pie say I'm doing it wrong but everybody has a way of doing things this is the way I do alright so there it is this is little washout booth the only thing that is not good as it doesn't have a light so you can see whenever you're blowing it out or you're washing it out but once you put water on the screen both sides I usually turn the lights on so I could see what I'm doing and I'll show you that part in a little bit whenever I get ready to wash out one of the screens starting off and you can't afford a four or five hundred dollar washout booths 15 bucks and you can control the water and then you can filter your water off on the side and then dispose of it the way you need to dispose of it alright so here we go this is what we're gonna be using right here we're gonna be doing a recoup job so we're gonna be using these right here we're gonna be doing the three color it's gonna be silver this is gonna be silver this is gonna be gold this one is going to be a little touch of red you probably seen the last video that I did the last time we got an order for an extra five more hoodies so we're gonna be going ahead I always save my transparent films for occasions like this just in case they want to do a repeat order so that's what we're gonna do today so what I'm gonna show you now is how I line up my screens alright so then what I'm gonna be using is I'm gonna be using the blank blank screen I'm gonna show you so you can see how I line it up and then whenever we use the ones with the emulsion I have to turn this light off right here because I don't want it to make the emulsion hard so we'll have to change out the lights so then I can line those up but for this I'm gonna show you how I line it up so what's these lines that I have on here so let's go ahead and do this alright so when it comes to putting your prints on here you always want to put whatever side was printed facing up and the way you could tell which side was printed it has that little squeaky fill this side you listen as the squeaky - I'll turn it over this side it's just gonna be slick so whenever it comes time to printing your films also you always want to do a squeaky side or you could just take your finger like this put some water on it or lick it whatever side does that right there whatever side does that is the side you want to print on alright hopefully you can see right so what I'm gonna do now is I am going to this is going on the back of the shirt well there's something that I use I use a fine tip sharpie because the registration marks like I made on here are really thin I didn't make them bigger for a thicker sharpie so I use the fine tip Sharpie to make my lines and everything lines up with the fine tip Sharpie really good right so in order to get this to stick up to this up here you're gonna have to use some tape so you use some tape like this whatever you have so basically I'm gonna cut a piece about that big and then from here I'm gonna cut it into little pieces somewhere so that the screen whenever we lay it down on top of this will touch the tape sticking this stick in the film to this the actual screen up there so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna line this up alright so this next part we're gonna use this this line right here that says back this is the back of the shirt we're gonna use this cross the intersection of this crosshair right here with this one that we have right here for our registration mark here so we're gonna line this up just like that making sure everything is straight once we got it there we're not gonna mess with it we're not gonna mess with it so that it stays straight alright so now that we got this lined up though that we want to what you don't want to do is you don't want to slam this down because this thing could move just a little bit and just a little bit moving couldn't mess up your print especially with this set up that I have it doesn't it's it's very cheap and it's very hard to register stuff if you don't get it right the first time so you have to make sure what this if you if you do go with this press screen printing setup thing that I have you have to make sure that you do this correctly cuz if not you're gonna have trouble with it and everything's gonna be off so we're gonna line this up make sure it's good and again whenever you're doing this you're going to be using either your pink emulsion or your blue a motion or whatever color motions you're gonna be using whatever you're using but for this for just to demonstrate what I'm gonna show you is to make sure that whenever you line this up whenever you bring this down you want to make sure that these lines once you stick this tape on here so you're gonna do is just come here with the tape is at and attach it to the actual screen all right so now that we got it attached to the screen right we want to make sure that these lines didn't move because if it moves to the left if it moves to the left or moves to the right or cants one way or the other everything will be off like I said so make sure everything stays straight before you remove it and then you're gonna have to redo it again you just loosen these up and then your print will be on there just like this all right so like I always say this is the way I do it you know I mean there's a whole bunch of other ways you could do it this is the way I do it alright so here we are right here we've got our pink one or pick the Mosin on there then I'm just gonna go ahead I'm gonna come over here make sure that this thing is lined up bring it down lay it into place and then I don't know if you can see this I'll try to zoom in but you were looking for these lines right here to stay lined up with cash flow streams alright so now that we have all of this sticking we're good to go then we're just gonna go ahead and we're gonna lift it up alright now that we got it how we want these lines are all good to go I have my number they didn't come numbered so that I could make sure that I stick this one back on this arm right here so I had this one labeled at number two so I will be putting this one back on number two I usually put like a little number on there so that I know exactly where to put it I think we're just loosen this back up once we pick it up you're gonna see that the image is on there alright so I showed you guys the light I was using earlier - it's just the plugin doesn't have a switch or anything so I just plug it in everybody's time is gonna be different so I'm looking to you well I do it for this amount of time and then you do it for that and it doesn't work so you have to learn your own light system and how it work and go from there then I have this piece of glass that I like to put on top um I guess we could say this piece of glass works like the vacuum what is doing is its pushing the actual image onto the emotion and then with this styrofoam that I have on the bottom actually helps also push it in so we're gonna go ahead we're going to start this all right so that screens almost done but before we pull it out I just want to show you what I use whenever it comes to washing out my screens I just use the shower shoots like this and this one is pretty cool cuz as a lever right here so you can move it up or down to change the pressure that you're shooting out of it and it does really good so that it doesn't blow out your image so this is what I've been using I do have a pressure washer but I usually only use that whenever I am cleaning my screens that's when I usually use the pressure washer for washing out the image this is what I use right here alright so our image is done burning now you just go ahead take this and pull off and then what I do is I put it here you know I hit some water washing it out hopefully you guys could see the image as it starts to come out right so as you can see this one came out pretty good well actually came out really good it didn't mess up the the font didn't mess up anything like that did both sides of it they were good to go so a lot of people have been writing me and asking me that way after they go ahead and they wash out their stuff but they see all these streaks right here the streaks are okay don't worry about it it's just where the water was running that's all it is once this thing dries off it's gonna be good it's not gonna have none of these streaks and it's gonna look clean and it's gonna get hard so however you want to do this right now is dark outside or I will take this outside so that it could dry off really good however you want to do this on what I usually do sometimes is whenever I have my flash drive run I just put underneath the flash drive and it dries it really fast because of all this water so usually I'll stick it back under the light for a little bit right so my battery died but I went in and replaced it so what I was seeing was with these streaks on here you don't have to worry about it too much because once this emulsion gets hard and it dries you won't see them no more so what I'm going to do is I usually take them outside and put them in the Sun but being like I said it's dark outside I'm gonna stick them underneath this light right here right so with the heat you're gonna see some steam coming off of it cuz of the water with the heat but it's gonna go ahead and it's gonna dry the rest of this mold check this out all right so it's been under here for a little bit as you can see you should be able to see some of the steam coming up and what it's doing is it's drying up the water and it's gonna harden up the rest of this emulsion so we should just leave it like this for a little bit and you'll be good to go I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start doing the chest pieces now so we got two of them that we're gonna be doing for the chest pieces [Music] all right so that's it in this video I just wanted to show you guys real quick how I cope my screens how I burn my screens and then how I wash them out I'm also want to say thanks as totaling solutions for sending me that box and in that screen that they sent me with my logo on it so I'm gonna be trying that stuff out in the later video so we'll see how it works later on but again like I always say this is the way I do things this is just the way I've taught myself to do it because I don't have all the big equipment you know I do have people that I can reach out to to ask questions and and I'm very thankful that whenever I do ask them a question they always answer me right away so I do appreciate that alright so that's it we're not gonna be pressing these right here I just want to take you to the process of how I did my what we just did right there alright so make sure you hit that thumbs up button it helps us as creators as youtubers it helps us if you hit that thumbs up so thank you guys for watching thank you guys for subscribing and until next time keep pressing [Music]
Channel: Heart and Hustle Printing
Views: 37,756
Rating: 4.922936 out of 5
Id: OhNKsrXwVrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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