How To Scan Documents On iPhone And Send To Email

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Let's scan documents on your iPhone and send them to your email now if you wanted to basically have a document maybe it's a lease a contract whatever it may be you can always scan that and then email it either to yourself or to whoever you want I'm going to walk you through all those steps so the first thing that we'll do is open up the notes app on your iPhone it's a default app so tap on notes here and we're going to tap on the pencil and paper at the bottom right now on here you can see a little camera icon I'm going to tap on that camera icon and it'll give me the ability to scan documents so tap on that and then basically you can just hold your phone up the camera up to a document it will automatically recognize that document and scan it once you're done you're ready maybe you scan one document two three four five and when you're ready hit save at the bottom right now this will dump that scanned PDF into your notes but if you wanted to email it all you have to do is tap on it and then at the top right we'll hit that share icon now make sure that you do tap on it because otherwise you'll be sharing a note with that PDF in it but you just want to share that PDF or email that PDF so now let's tap on the mail icon here and it'll just pop up with the ability to send an email with that PDF that you just scanned you can send it to yourself you can send it to whoever else that you want and it'll show up as a PDF which is a really nice feature hope this helps you have any questions on that leave them in the comments down below I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Trevor Nace
Views: 145,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apps, iPhone, android, ios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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