How to Save Time Editing with Professional Results in Luminar AI

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hey everyone in today's video i want to show you how you can simplify your image editing workflow be more time efficient while editing photos while still getting professional looking results with luminar ai so today's video is sponsored by lumini ai and i'm so excited to show you guys what this software is capable of i have a few different styles of pictures such as portraits i have group shots some landscape photography and also a couple of personal travel photos as well and i want to show you with how a few simple clicks you can get beautiful professional looking photos that are ready to post online or to share with your clients so jumping straight into it this is the luminar ai catalog where you have a catalog of all the photos that you've imported so by far the quickest and easiest way that you can edit photos in luminar ai is by using templates so i'm going to select this photo right here which is a close-up portrait and select templates and here to the right hand side you can find all of the templates that come with luminar ai that you can use to edit your photos with so depending what kind of photo you have up on the screen luminar will make some suggestions for you so this is obviously a close-up portrait and the main suggestions up here are all portrait-based presets so just to show you guys a couple of different examples if i go back to my catalog i have a street photo that i took in new york so i'm going to select that and hit on templates and now lumina ai will give me different template suggestions to suit the image that i'm working on if we go back to catalog and instead i'm going to click on this landscape photo that i took in yosemite and go back to templates the suggestions of templates will change now to landscape scenery nature to suit what the photo is that you have open going back to our original portrait image my two favorite templates are high key for a natural edit with skin enhancing and also burned film for a creative effect you can also adjust the opacity of any template you choose to make it more subtle or to make it blend in more into your image so you can either just apply a template and hit export if you're happy with what it looks like but if you feel like you want more control over your photos and your editing you can head over into our edit panel where we've got all the controls and sliders that we know and are used to when it comes to image editing but also so much more as well so heading back into our catalog i'm going to select this photo next and head straight into edit so we're not going to apply any templates to this photo in particular the first thing that i like to do when i'm editing a photo is my cropping so here we have composition ai where you can manually crop your image if you like but here we can use the composition ai button where lumina ai will automatically analyze your photo and pick a composition that thinks it's best for your image so here it's done a really cool job in cropping my photo i love that it's made the portrait a lot tighter so you've got more emphasis on our subject's face i think i do like seeing a little bit of the outfit so i'm just going to drag it here to the left and press ok to apply the crop the next tool that we have is the erase tool and you can use this to remove certain aspects of your photo so when it comes to portraits sometimes i find it really helpful to use this tool to remove scarring or blemishes or stray hairs that might be flying around in the background or coming across someone's face in this image in particular i'm going to use the erase tool to remove her tattoo so even though i like the tattoo i do want to show you guys how this tool works so i'm just going to brush over it here and select erase and then lumina ai will analyze the photo and there we go it's completely gone and it's done a really good job of getting rid of it as well one of my favorite tools that i've been having so so much fun using is the enhance ai so using it on this photo here we're going to bring up the accent ai slider and as you can see this is going to start balancing out the exposure and the color of our photo i do have another photo that i've taken that i really want to show you with the enhance ai because on this photo it just really blew my mind how this accent ai slider works so here's a photo that dan took of me while we were in yosemite as you can see it was during blue hour and the photo is very underexposed because we wanted to retain as much detail and light in the sky as possible as there were some very beautiful colors happening right after sunset so usually we would go to light and you could use your exposure control to bring out the details in the foreground but as you can see when we do that the sky is now totally overexposed and you lose all those beautiful natural colors that we had instead you could use your shadow slider and that will specifically bring out detail in the foreground of our photo while still retaining the sky but again as you can see the photo does look quite flat and dull and just doesn't look that appealing overall so instead of doing that and having to move a lot of different sliders to get your photo looking balanced you can use the enhance ai and bring out the accent ai slider as i bring it up you can see that we are retaining all that detail in the sky and the shadows from the foreground are being lifted but still retaining some nice contrast and color and not looking dull overall but yeah this is such an impressive tool i love love love the accent ai so much so here's a little before and after coming back to our portrait now the next thing i want to check out is the tools we have in creative so one of my favorite things here is using the mood tool and here you can choose a lut there are so many that already come with luminar ai and you can also load some of your externally downloaded luts as well so for me i really like what manhattan looks like it's got a little bit of a moody feel so i'm going to select that since we are editing a portrait i think the most important thing that i want to show you guys is the portrait ai tools that we have available so the first thing i want to do is go into face so face light is really cool as it will brighten up faces in a photo i've got this wedding photo open here what i love so much is that it doesn't matter how many faces there are in a photo the face ai tool will apply the face light and all these tools to every single face in an image so if i bring up the face light i'm going to exaggerate it just just a little bit so you guys can see and show you the before and after it's lit up every single person's face which is so handy and so time efficient when you're editing photos like this especially something like a wedding maybe some family photos or travel photos you can also um can't really see their eyes but you can do some dark circle removals and again it'll apply it to everyone and you can also do teeth whitening for example and as you slide it up it will widen every single person's teeth so going back to our portrait again i'm going to zoom in to 100 so we can see everything while we're doing the eyes so with the face ai you can do a lot of things to adjust what someone's eyes look like in a photo you can change the iris flare which is going to bring some light into our eyes and i really really love what this looks like so i've been really bringing that up quite high while i'm using this tool you can also enlarge someone's eyes so you can give them big googly eyes if you like you can also apply eye whitening so i might bring that up just a little bit not too much you can also use the eye enhancer which will bring out all the details in someone's iris which i think looks so beautiful and makes the eyes just look so striking in a portrait so i'm going to bring that down just about here you can do red eye removal but we don't have red eyes here you can also improve the dark circles under someone's eye as well and we also have an improved eyebrow slider as well which will darken eyebrows in a photo and i think it's really cool that each of these sliders detects where that particular facial feature is on someone's face so you don't have to be using any masking tools you don't have to use a brush tool literally just use a slider and it only affects that area of the face in face ai you also have some mouth options so you have a slider to choose the saturation of the lips a saturation of how red the lips appear as well and how dark the lips appear so i think i like the redness down i like the pink lips but i do like dark lips and saturated lips i think it looks really nice in a portrait and again you also have the teeth whitening slider so i'll show you guys a before and after so here you can see what the before looks like of the eye on the left and here you can see what the after looks like of the eye on the right next up we have the skin ai so this is where you can save so much time where you don't have to go and retouch manually like the traditional way that takes hours and hours here with luminar ai you've got a slider that's going to adjust the amount of skin retouching that's applied to a photo so we can use the amount slider to bring up the skin softening obviously you can go all the way up to 100 which is some very exaggerated results but here you can see how it's affecting our portrait i do like that with this skin ai you still have some skin texture even with the amount set all the way up to 100 so what i would personally do is just kind of bring it down somewhere in the middle here and for me i feel like that's enough skin smoothing and again you can still see all that nice texture so i do love a natural looking retouch to my portraits we also have a shine removal tool as well so as you can see we do have a little bit of shine here on the nose so if i bring up that slider it's just going to dull down any of those very bright spots on someone's face and then we do also have a skin defects removal ai tool where you can tick it and it will automatically analyze the image and get rid of any blemishes or marks on someone's face if there are any marks that weren't picked up by the skin defects removal button you can use the erase function that we were using earlier in the video just to get rid of any other specific spots that you wanted to adjust in a photo and then just the final thing that i want to do to this photo is actually warm it up a little bit i'm just going to go back into essentials select light and just bring up the temperature very slightly to warm up our portrait so i'll show you guys a final before and after of our image here so here we have the before and here we have the after and as you can see it looks like a polish of finalized image and you guys edited this with me we really didn't do a lot we didn't have to do any individual brushing or anything like that to get the photo looking like this it was a very simple process of just moving around a few sliders to get to this final point in our workflow so again here's the before and here's the after so i'm really happy with how our final image has turned out i think it looks really beautiful and as you guys saw in my catalog i have a few other photos from this photo shoot so usually when i'm editing an entire photo shoot i like all my photos to be edited in the same way so it's got a concise style throughout the entire photoshoot that we've done you can right click on the image you've edited head to adjustments and you can copy your adjustments and then you can select a few other photos from that photoshoot such as these this one and then right click on those adjustments and press paste and it will sync all your edits that you've done to that original photo to the rest of the images in that photo shoot so here is a before and here is the after so as you can see it's applied all the adjustments that we've made to our other photo including the skin ai the face ai brightening up the eyes so that is all i have for today's video i really hope you guys enjoyed seeing my workflow in luminar ai and seeing just how much time you can save when it comes to editing portraits or landscapes or travel pictures i would love to know if you guys have used luminar before let me know in the comments and also which one was your favorite feature from luminar ai today for me it has to be the face ai and just how it works so well in group shots but again thank you guys so much for watching i make new videos every single week so i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Julia Trotti
Views: 43,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion photography, portrait, portrait photography, julia trotti, photoshop, lightroom, natural light photography, natural photography, natural light fashion, digital film actions, canon, sony, photography, luminar, luminar ai, quick photo editing, simple photo editing, how to edit photos quick, quick portrait editing, quick retouching, easy skin retouching, easy portrait ediitng, easy photoshop, editing skin for beginners
Id: g_62IVIMEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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