Edit Portraits with One Click? Luminar AI Sneak Peek

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in a previous video we talked about the upcoming features of luminar ai we anticipated that if these features were actually about to come the way we see it it will totally change the game and how we edit our photos however today i have something real we have our hands on the earliest beta version of luminar ai it is still an extremely developmental early stage though so today we're going to focus on the portrait retouching features of luminar ai we'll look at some new and also existing features that use artificial intelligence and see how they shape up our portraits we have a lot of examples for you and also a full retouch at the end so without any further ado let's get started magical world of luminar this time and this is the luminar ai interface now keep in mind as i told you this is a developmental stage so it might look different for you in the release version and it can be even better as you can see this looks absolutely futuristic so you have catalog where you have catalog of all images then you have the templates we'll talk about this later this is the edit tab and this is the export tab so how do you really import your images in luminar you can also import a single image by clicking on the plus and choosing edit single image or you can add a whole folder so let's go ahead and add a folder and before we do that by the way according to the image that is open right there the ai automatically suggests you some amazing templates have a look at it big city lights sunsets you can simply click on them and choose your favorite we'll get to this later this is a super ai filter that really does most of your job all right so simply click on the plus button right over there and choose add folder with images locate the folder that you want to add so i'm going to click on this one and choose select folder so here we have our examples for today's video by the way did you notice how fast that was keep in mind this is gonna get even faster with the release version first of all let's talk about the super cool iris ai feature by the way this is a brand new addition and this is one of the features that really got me excited it allows you to add different color iris to the eyes and also add some shine and enhance his eyes in brilliant ways let's take a look at it and by the way if you are interested in luminar and do wish to pre-order it do check the link in the description for more details so let's open our very first example this adorable little young superstar and we're gonna try to apply some iris ai to it let's zoom in and by the way if you move to templates it already suggests you some amazing portrait templates out there like easy portraits essence savannah you can just try them later we'll get to that later now let's go to edit directly the edit tab and here for the iris ai let's go to the portrait section right there you'll definitely find it inside face ai and then let's go to eyes and inside of that you have some iris sliders right so let's zoom in first so you can zoom in from right here as well or the simple controller command plus so i'm gonna zoom in 100 and let's move to her eyes and here's the great part you can choose any color iris you want so right here you have the original iris just click on the drop down i can choose blue brown green gray hazel so for this example let's go for hazel and let's see now this already looks brilliant so let's zoom in even more so let's zoom in 200 to see them better look how realistic they look by default you can also choose the crazy ones like cat or owl so these are some funk ones right over there so you can also go with gray that also looks great you can go with brown or blue blue looks interesting as well but i'm gonna go with hazel on this one now you can control the iris visibility think of it like an opacity slider for the iris but it's way more advanced because if you take the slider all the way to the left it doesn't bring back the original iris that would be too immature but for this example so i'm gonna keep it at about this level now you can also add some flair to the iris remember in photoshop we used to add some kicker light by using a curves adjustment layer and adding a little dab on the opposite side of where the light was falling it's the same thing so you can increase that and have a look it just adds that beautiful kicker light so i'm going to go with this value and there you go looks interesting you can also enhance the eyes even more with the eye enhancer so simply increase that and there you go have a look at how the reflections pop up right let's take a look at the before and after so this is the button for before and after so here's the before and here is the after just look at the difference my friend amazing now this definitely looks too much so when you zoom out so we can just take down the iris visibility a little bit and then the iris flare probably i think i enhance the ice too much so let's take it down but look at how much depth it adds to the eye it just is so beautiful look at this so that was iris ai my friend you can choose any color iris you want and the best part is you still keep the reflection in the eyes the next feature we're going to talk about is skin ai and the way it finds blemishes and automatically removes them still boggles my mind let's take a look at this example right so let's go to edit section right over there and then again we'll directly come to portrait section right now the face ai was already open from the previous example so let's close that and let's open skin ai right there and wait for it it is just a check box if you just check skin defects removal ai see what happens all the major blemishes gone automatically and it still keeps it natural isn't that amazing on top of that if you want to add softness to the skin you can do that as well by increasing the amount right there this makes the skin soft i wouldn't go all the way to the right because then it makes it too soft let's keep it natural and keep the value somewhere about right here you don't want to add too much softness when retouching male portraits now let us talk about a new addition and this ai feature is called body ai and the reason why it's special is because no matter what position the subject might be it still works it still allows you to add or reduce weight from the subject let's take a look at this example manually liquefying in photoshop can be time consuming but right here you can simply click on body ai now it is again inside of the portrait section and then you can reduce weight or simply add weight that's totally up to you and it sure does work with any position let's take a look at this example he is standing a little bit to the side right let's go to the edit panel edit tab right there and then i'm going to take the body ai all the way to the left let's add some weight to it add some muscle to it so this is the normal one and if we take it all the way to the left and the great part is it did not deform the arms so here is the before and here is the after if you were to apply liquefy to it and you were not very careful it could deform the arms but this does a pretty amazing job now let me quickly show you the composition ai feature that suggests you different crops for your image based on the golden rules of photography let's take a look at this photo so all you have to do is to come back the essentials tab in the edit section right there edit panel i must say and click on the essentials section if that is not already selected and then click on composition ai all you have to do is to simply click composition ai and it automatically does the job suggests you a crop if you're happy with it all you have to do is to hit enter and there you go have a look at this such a nice crop isn't it on top of that you can also straighten it automatically so if you open up composition ai here you can simply click on in here and it automatically straightens that as well now it is finally time for us to move to a full retouch session from beginning to end and look how fast luminar ai is or how good it does so here we have an image and we're gonna use the brand new feature called templates so all you have to do is to go to templates and it automatically suggests edits for this photo so it already suggested analog essence and also lifestyle so let's try that let's click on lifestyle and we're gonna probably try this one looks a little warm let's click on this one and it will automatically edit your photo and look at it it's pretty darn good so here is the before and here is the after it does most of the heavy lifting for you now keep in mind you can always change and customize things all you have to do is to go to edit and from there you can customize things right there if you think the exposure is too low you can still customize it now let's get back to templates i want to try something else so apart from the suggested ones using ai you can also scroll down and use something of your own so i want to try this experimental back right there there are some really good ones here so let's try cold flame look at the dreamy look in this so here is the before here is the after that looks fantastic as well let's try celebrate wow just wow i'm staying with it really not only the flare but the greeting on the image looks great to me and by the way you can change the flare if you want to you can also use something from your own personal collection let me show you how so let's go to edit now inside of that you can go to local masking section you can add basic adjustments skin ai face ai and then just add local mask to it as i told you ai is automatic but it gives you the flexibility to add or remove it from certain areas and also add ai filters on top if you want extras so let's go to texture right there and you can simply turn it off you can delete it by clicking on the cross or you can just simply turn it off if you probably want it later and let's go ahead and add some more texture i'm going to add some personal texture right there just click on load texture locate your overlays folder and from here i'm going to go ahead and choose overlay 2 and click on open and it looks pretty good but it looks dull you know why because the right blend mode has not been applied so let's change the blend mode from normal to screen so in the advanced settings right there change the blend mode to screen and there you go looks pretty darn good now you can increase the brightness so i'm going to go with probably this much brightness looks pretty good but at the top this is a little disturbing so we can always erase it choose the eraser right there and i'm going to decrease the opacity and just take it away slowly and gradually from right there we took a little away from there and there you go so here is the before here's the after makes a massive difference and here is the overall before overall after now you can stop right here if you want but if you're like me who likes to tweak everything let's start from the essentials so in the essential let's start with light and here i think the exposure is too much so let's bring it down a little bit by 0.2 also this has my favorite tool and you already know what that is curse right so you just can scroll down and go to curves and let's modify it a little bit so i'm going to make it a little brighter in the darks and that looks about right and also i want to just add more shadows so let's take it a little bit to the left just a touch there you go next we have structure ai right over there now it's not already added by default in this template but the way it works is that it uses ai to add structure to your photos add more details so in this case if you take it to the right it'll just add more details which in this example might not look right you want to make it dreamy so why not take it to the opposite side so instead of taking it to the right let's take it to the left to make it more soft and dreamy this much is good also we want to add some sharpening and what is sharpening it is simply adding detail so it must be in the details tab right there so let's go to the details and there you have sharpening so let's go ahead and increase that and by the way it's great to be zoomed in at 100 or 200 percent when you're sharpening so let's move in usually i would suggest hundred percent let's just increase sharpening and see how that looks now it looks pretty sharp but i feel we need to change the radius of sharpening a little bit which is usually the thickness of the edge so let's go to sharpening masking right there and simply increase the sharpening radius just look at the difference it looks much more sharpened also the skin gets too sharp we can soften that later that'll come later but for right now it's pretty darn good now to add more attention to it's the subject let's use vignetting let's open the vignette tab and the great thing here is that it lets you choose the subject and add vignetting around it it is not a generic one yet so you can click on choose subject and just click on the face maybe and then you can control the amount probably i'm going to go with 32 33 and let's just decrease the size a bit let's take the amount all the way to the left so that we can see how much size we want so about this much looks good and then take the amount up so about let's go with 44. so here's the before here's the after really just adds focus towards the subject now let's come down to some creative effects and you will find that inside of the creative section right there so let's click on in there and let's try mystical the best way to learn any slider is to simply play with it let's increase that and as you can see it adds a brilliant dreamy effect right over there have a look here's the before and here's the after i would definitely keep it and by the way you can always play with shadows and smoothness and see what works best for you usually default works just fine you can also add glow if you want maybe just a little bit of it you can also change the type of glow by just choosing from these drop down there are soft focus there is glow i'm just gonna go with soft focus looks very interesting by the way i do feel like the face is just too bright maybe there's a little bit of face light added and we need to reduce that so let's go to the portrait section and in the face ai section as you can see there's some face light added so you can reduce that that just reduces the brightness but i think it looked good this area just looks too bright for me how do i reduce that first of all let's increase the face light and then you can always go to local masking right there and then you can add something called basic and here we can simply decrease the highlights and then we can also try decreasing the exposure just a touch and then simply take the brush not the eraser just the brush and dab on that area or paint on that area that'll work just right there let's decrease the brush size and increase the opacity and dab one more time there you have it you have successfully taken care of that highlight now let's get back to the creative section and i feel like maybe a little bit of film grain can help us so let's click on that let's increase the amount the grain just looks amazing so let's zoom in to 50 and take a look now wonderful isn't it and by the way you can only notice it if you're watching this video in 4k you can also control the size and roughness so the size is fine you can just increase the size i'm just increasing so that you are able to see it because youtube compresses everything so you can also change the roughness to whatever you like this just makes it more moody and interesting time for us to come down to the portrait section right there you can slim the face if you want to so i'm just going to slim it just a little bit you can also use iris ai right there so let's open up the eyes tab and then again i'm gonna choose hazel i just love that wow it looks too dangerous let's decrease the eye visibility it's too much and then we can always add a little bit of flare you can also enlarge the eyes a little bit if you wish that just makes it a little more appealing sometimes but don't go too far please refrain from changing who the person actually is but if you want to do that you can and definitely we just love the eye enhancer let's take it to the right look at how the reflection of the yellow lights become more visible she doesn't have any dark circles but we can still just try the dark circle removal it doesn't make sense right here she doesn't have dark circles now i want to make the lip color match with that of the dress and yes you can do that let's open up the mouth section right there and simply increase lip saturation just add saturation you can add some lip redness right there and you can also darken the lips a little bit if there's teeth visible you can just brighten it using the teeth whitening slider right there now let's come to skin ai if you want to soften the skin even more but in this case it's already soft we can try increasing the amount just a little bit but it was already a little bit there done with the template by default so it's not really required trust me if you just keep going like this you won't be able to stop because there are so many great filters right there let's take a look at the before and after i'm just going to stop right here so here is the before and here is the after tell me that's not drastic it's crazy so just a few sliders and ai it makes a super cool image even if you just stop at one of the templates and just do very minor adjustments like exposure it's more than enough for most cases it sure is worth keeping an eye on what features or improvements we'll see in the final release version that you and i get but here's my workflow if you ask me how i would retouch portraits using luminar well i would use that as a plug-in for photoshop yes it will be available as a plug-in for photoshop or lightroom here's what i'll do i will still do dodging and burning i just love dodging and burning it's an odd i don't want to just restrict skin smoothing to a slider if you have a lot of images that's absolutely fine that would be excellent but if i'm doing a magazine cover and if i'm dodging and burning for four or five hours definitely it won't be any match for doing skin smoothing with just one slider right it just doesn't make sense you're just painting something for four hours and you can't do it with one slider so here's what i will do if the image has a major distraction that needs to be fixed or removed i will remove that with photoshop then i might do my dodging and burning that i really love no color grading no tone adjustment none of that just simple dodging and burning then on a new layer i'll just merge everything and convert that into a smart object and then apply the luminar ai filter to it why because we can change any values later and the great part is luminar ai works for smart objects i really can't wait to try this as a photoshop plugin and what i love the most is that this is a solution based workflow you get the image edited the way you imagined and if you're having no ideas templates are always there to help i hope i could show you something new thanks for watching this video and again if you're interested in luminar ai do check the links in the description i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep [Music] creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 198,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luminar ai, portrait retouching, artificial intelligence, luminar ai review, luminar ai tutorial, iris ai, body ai, composition ai, luminar coupon code, sky replacement, photoshop plugin, luminar vs photoshop, best photoshop plugins, photo editing, portrait photography, ai templates, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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