I Edit Your Photos! Submission details in description

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are we live i think we are hey everyone welcome to i edit your photos i'm so excited to be doing this just waiting for the chat to catch up i think there's like a delay hey yay okay it's working it's always so awkward starting a stream hi guys i have the chat down here so i'm looking down that's why um thank you so much to everyone who took their time to submit your photos i love love love the photos that you guys submitted there's some beautiful portraits landscape images animals i saw like squirrels so i'm very very excited to edit your photos today um i think that should show you the screen with me in it hey hey drum branch i've got the chat on like the ipad i'm still like getting used to it i feel like it should be touch screen to be able to scroll through it but i got to move my mouse to it like another window so can you guys see the screen lightroom and myself hey chris thanks for joining chris by the way did my logo design you guys should check them out okay so i'm going to scroll through lightroom i've imported all the photos that you guys sent me if you don't see your photo here it's because there might have been an error in downloading it but i tried to download everything that you guys sent me so as you can see each of the photos has a number so if you see your photo remember what number it is and let me know in the chat because i really want to edit the photos like of you guys who are watching right now so i'll just do a little scroll through all the images my computer's lagging a little bit um just a couple of rules please don't guilt me into editing your photos i'm very emotional um i try my best to like get through as many photos as possible and if i don't get through your edit today then i do want to do these live streams maybe like every two weeks just regularly throughout the rest of the year and also please don't spam the chat as well just to give everyone a chance to be able to talk and to have their number seen as well you'll be put in a little time out if you spam the chat dan is moderating the chat oh my god my mouse is gonna die i'll have to move to my wacom tablet oh my god it's so laggy why but yeah there's so many cool photos i love there's like this cool astro one i reckon that would be fun to edit and some like really creative shoots as well i love this one did i scroll past the squirrel one that one was so cute i hope you're here i really want to edit that video oh there it is the last one in the batch okay i'm just going to pick a random number um 113 130 whoops too far damn so many beautiful photos i know right i was so excited downloading them also like all your um like messages in your emails are very cute excuse me very sweet i loved it okay so this is by um i'm very sorry if i don't pronounce your name correctly suv sub renewal souvenir all the names today will be pronounced with an aussie accent um and also uh i've changed the file names to your instagram handles and if you don't have instagram i've just changed it to your name so if you like the photo and you want to check out more of these of your work you can go to their instagram which will be up here and i'll leave the camera settings up as well because i think it's cool to see what something was shot with um and oh so if you're submitting now dan is downloading some of those submissions in the background so in like half an hour i'll just do a little pause and we'll import more of the images that you guys are submitting okay so this is a really cool picture i feel like it needs to be warmed up it's quite cold but i like the golden hour look and that green lens flare is really cool is my screen brightness up no okay too much exposure that seems like so much work downloading everyone's photos and renaming it it is a lot of work it's one of the reasons why i might be procrastinating this i edit your photos series but i had dan's help in downloading the files this time so we got through it a lot quicker i think we had over 200 submissions i'm gonna add a little s curve i feel like this needs some warmth you guys will see in this i added your furnace that i love using the blue curve to add like that golden hour look to photos why did you change your editing technique using clone stamp tool ever since i started using frequency separation to retouch my portraits i have used the clone stamp tool i feel like it's better than the brush tool underneath the texture layer because i don't know the brush tool kind of it's like one solid color whereas the stamp tool changes its color depending where it's sampling from and i'm gonna try and make it a little bit more reddish i didn't see my number but i saw my photo dog with the yellowish background i like that love using frequency separation but it takes so long yeah it is a pretty time consuming process i feel like the more you do it like the faster it gets like sometimes i can retouch a portrait in like five minutes not to flex um but yeah i feel like it does take a long time it's worth it though the results are really natural but still look very beautiful i feel like we need more reds in the shadows and let's go for like a yellow highlight in the split toning do you guys like this new color grading tool in lightroom i feel like what if we add like a little light leak or something and then like add a color yellow oh that's pretty i feel like the the light leak from the lens needs to be like offset a little bit with like a yellow light leak um okay let me do a before and after of suvranil's image i'm sorry so there's the after and there's the before it's a very pretty photo love my backlight um 59 would be cool okay let's do image 59 59 ooh that's cool okay so this photo is by adina imagery on instagram um you know i gotta do my matte blacks here because we have so much like darkness here in the background i think it would look really cool but i'm only going to do like a subtle curve because the lighting is already quite strong so i don't want to overdo it this is a really cool photo you got my name correct yes i wonder if we could saturate the reds a little bit i like again those light leaks are super cool so if we just saturate them a bit they'll stand out a little bit more which i really like maybe i want to saturate the skin tones just a little bit as well if we need to bring just slightly down the luminance just because like that little spot on her face is a bit bright is it possible to move your face to the left side of the screen um okay hold on one second is that better oh yeah because i'm covering this adjustment panel sorry this is an incredible portrait yeah it's beautiful by the way i started editing photos on my ipad with the pencil so much better and faster flow than working on a desktop laptop yeah i agree i love editing photos on the ipad i do feel like i always have to finish my editing process on my computer though so i'm always syncing the edits from my computer to my ipad and then finishing up on the computer oh a little bit of like magenta in the shadows there looks really cool again accentuating those light leaks but it's also very flattering for the skin tones as well to be a little bit in the pinky side and then i might go a little bit warmer for the highlights and that's a bit too green sometimes the color grading gets stuck on that line instead of moving around that's really cool man i don't really want to do too much to this photo because i love the way that it looks okay let's see that's the before and that's the after actually i really love that sometimes a simple edit is all you need i like that her hair stands out a little bit more with the edit too and i like the saturation on the skin as well okay let's do i see number 35 for black history month let's do it ah this is so beautiful i love oh green fields like this so nice and that's a really nice portrait too okay so i am seeing there's like quite like a dark shadow on her face here i'm wondering if we bring up the shadows if we can just bring a little bit more detail back into the face there like that looks pretty good and then because that kind of makes it look like contrast i'm going to bring down the blacks to add some contrast color grading is so easy to tinker with on ipad that pencil accuracy yeah i feel like the tone curve is so much better on ipad as well here it's like super finicky i'm having to move it around whereas on the ipad it fills the whole screen and it's just smoother when you put the points down yeah i feel like this one doesn't need the matte blacks see i can i cannot edit with matte black sometimes it's hard for me but okay i feel like it's a little bit too green i might bring up the pink slightly and maybe desaturate the green grass a little i love her hair color too so pretty maybe the skin tones a little bit warmer by moving the orange hue watch your videos every day i love even watching them back oh thank you i love making videos um usually i start editing a photo by color grading it in lightroom and then i go to photoshop to retouch so if i were to move this photo into photoshop i would um get rid of this little leaf that's up here in the top corner oh a little bit of orange in the mid tones is nice and the shadows i feel like we should do yeah like a green it's kind of kind of has like a film look which i really like that's so pretty maybe some pinks give it the orange and teal look let me bring up that saturation i feel like this photo suits being very vibrant warm happy um i feel like the the skin tones might be a little bit too much now though okay let's check it out oh wait maybe a little less saturation a little more vibrancy okay so this photo is by brandon's bliss on instagram this is the before and this is the after it's a very pretty photo can you speak italian no i cannot i do speak a bit of spanish my accent is horrible because i don't really practice it a lot um yeah and i i went to italy with dan a few years ago and my little bit of spanish got us by um 138 please uh oh okay and i'm gonna do christa uh christopher's photo next image 75 okay 138 75 cute okay this photo is by fell hoo zero zero on instagram i'm gonna start by bringing down the exposure and just kind of balancing out the lighting in general in this photo your accent is perfect for saying bokeh dan and i we were joking around one day because i i used to get a lot of comments about the way i say bokeh in my videos but i feel like everyone's kind of gotten used to it now but we were like we should make a video where i have to talk about bokeh a lot and every time i say bokeh i need to say a different word completely like bouquet bucket bookie just as like a little joke maybe we should still do that okay i feel like for this image the greens are way vibrant i might play around and maybe like make them a bit more orange yellow give this image a bit of like an autumny feel that's pretty espanol colombia never been to colombia before i'm from my parents are from argentina and i went with my dad a few years ago to see my grandma and it was really nice the food there oh my god we ate so much food while we were there i didn't think i've ever eaten so much in my life next time i'll join but not sure if it will be good enough there's no such thing as good enough or good or bad or anything we're just having fun so yeah submit your photos it doesn't need to be like anything in particular like i accept pet photos sunset photos tree photos anything um have you italian heritage i'm both my parents were born in argentina so i always say i'm argentinian but i think my great great grandfather was from italy and my grandma was from spain and then they moved to argentina so i do have a little bit of italian heritage but i didn't really grow up with it and then i feel like we need a bit of an adjustment layer down here might bring down the exposure a little and warm it up in that bottom corner your multitasking skills are on point right now thank you it's really hard like reading talking editing i'm glad you guys appreciate it okay i need still a little a little more warmth i don't know i like my warmth okay i'm happy with that it's got like a autumn kind of vibe a little bit moody so here's the before by philho and here's the after okay so next we have chris brian's photo number 75 excuse me oh pretty so his simple ports on instagram and yeah chris did my branding so he did my new julia trotti logo and the new digital film logo which i need to upload today um on my website love seeing all of the creativity yeah i know it's really cool having just like so many different styles of photos okay this one i'm gonna give it my kind of edit put into lightroom in a moment okay let's mount the whites a little bit because there is quite a lot of highlights up here and i want to bring up the mid tones just to brighten up the model's face okay let's try bringing down the highlights um i feel like there's a little bit of vignetting yes but i will get rid of the distortion correction i like distortion sue me okay let's warm this up what position the rf so the r did you have an r5 chris i don't remember light flares are so tricky yeah but they're really cool actually have all the images i've edited so far i had light flares in them lens flares sorry let's bring up the blue so her skin tones don't look too yellow and then for this one i actually want to brighten up her eye slightly so let's bring up the exposure make the brush softer yeah eos r with the rf2870f2 that lens is so beautiful i love that lens let's bring up the red slightly and the oranges and the yellows no no yellows i love the green in the background it's so pretty really enjoying this yay hadn't uh how to know my photo number just down here each of the thumbnails have a number so as i scroll through you'll be able to see your photo i'm trying to pick photos that are in like the high numbers and then the low numbers so we can jump around and you guys have a chance to have a look okay let's do something super warm for the shadows this time usually i always go for like a cold like a cool colored shadow but i think like orange or yellow would suit here and then i'm gonna go for a cool tone in the highlights am i no let's do yelling you guys will see a theme such a beautiful airy shot i know it's so nice maybe like a purple midtones here okay so now i feel like the skin tone's a little bit too pink so let's just we'll bring up the hue of reds and orange a little bit more and maybe saturate the blues because her eyes were really blue and now they're not blue actually we can also use the adjustment brush i love doing this and do the iris enhance like that but i don't want any more exposure because we already did the exposure and maybe i'll just bring um the white balance down there we go that's better now her eyes stand out a little bit more so this is by simple ports on instagram chris bryan here is the original and here is the after very pink soft and airy kind of edit okay i'm seeing number 167 and then 27 okay something in the 20s 167 27 do you guys just like say like repeat to yourself the same thing to try and memorize things 160 oh snow oh that's so cool okay first things first let's straighten this image up that's cool i wonder wait it's still not straight there is the brooklyn bridge crooked or the light pole i think that's good i love this splash of color oh my gosh actually we need to have her in the center of the photo i want that little bit in the shot and then i'm wondering if with this tool can we get rid of this this is like a photoshop job um maybe not okay well just imagine in photoshop we've stamped out that security camera what are you streaming on i stream with obs okay we the photo is quite warm but i want to see if we can edit it to be quite moody and have the red really stand out in the photo so saturation up orange pink purple yellow can you speak french um nope i cannot oh we were watching lupin on net i was gonna say instagram on netflix the other week oh i just noticed that little bit of the building let me crop that in okay yeah so now it's clean and that was a really good show it was like the opposite of sherlock holmes and we watched it in french with english subtitles just because i don't like it when the audio like overdubs don't match up with the lips so yeah we did that that was fun did you guys watch that are you still accepting images yeah you can still submit dan should maybe be downloading in the background i think yeah let's go crazy without curve that looks so cool by the way when i say like oh that's so cool that's so pretty i'm not complimenting myself but like the actual photo the edit is only as good as the original photo okay and then let's do blue yes blue yeah really really love these cold tones and you can get blue with the red channel too but i don't know it's like a it's such a sciony blue i really like what it looks like maybe like a tiny bit in the shadows or maybe the highlights mid-tones yeah let's do a little bit of these science here in the midtones you could probably clean it out my brush was set on here oh yeah you're right yeah let's see oh yeah i must have been like what yeah that's confusing sometimes oh that's so much better let's try this as well why does it want to keep sampling from the flag no and we'll do this little oh it's not perfect but when you zoom out it looks good so we get the idea do you understand polish um a very little amount so in case you guys don't know dan is polish and we go to poland quite a lot and his family over there like the like the older side of the family don't know how to speak english so i have been trying to learn a bit of polish but it's like it's a difficult language yeah i feel like i can understand a little bit i'm too i'm scared to go extreme you know i'm just i have to go for it america can you edit with your new preset yeah i wanted to do some edit from scratch and some with a preset as well that's pretty kind of has like an autumn look to the trees bringing the blue channel down oh yes let's make that coat stand out okay so this photo is by esoteric frame on instagram and this is the before and this is the after bit of an extreme creative edit but i like it it's fun doing that stuff sometimes and yeah i really like it without the security camera though it's super cool yay um uh okay i said 27 next oh i should scroll sorry i'll scroll slower nicely edited thank you oh that one's cute well i think it's windy outside it's like pushing the window it scared me oh that one's cool too 27. oh this one's cute uh so this is by teabag x heidi on instagram that's really nice see if we can bring the highlights down i feel like we need just an adjustment layer here just to bring up the brightness a little um how can i make you choose my submitted photo if you just uh let me know the number of your photo in the chat i'll do my best to try and get through as many as possible today um but please like don't get mad i'm not ignoring anyone or anything on purpose just it's hard to like edit and do chat at the same time and there's a lot of photos too this is a really cool idea live stream edits i'm genuinely excited yay i'm glad i'm really excited too these are really fun to do and i feel like it's a bit challenging as well having to edit like in so many different styles but it's very fun and i want this to be like a regular thing on my channel yeah maybe let's do like vibrant for this photo that's cool so yeah i was thinking we could do this like maybe every two weeks and because i'm doing it's 10 am 10 30 am now in australia um next time i might do the stream at night instead just because i know you guys submit photos from all over the world so i want everyone to have a chance to have their photo edited we want squirrel i know that squirrel photo is so cute um okay greens goodbye that looks so much nicer like a little bit muted i do love those yellows in the background though that's really nice and i really want to make that flower a bit more saturated do you reckon we can add another lightly to this one is that too much i like that maybe if we bring down the clarity and dehaze a little bit dreamy gets excited about stuff uh can you please show the numbers again okay i'll do that when i finish this one okay that's really nice there are little pink mid-tones uh oh tyler tarbert thank you so much for your donation thank you for your work you've helped my photography a lot my photo is 14 but if you can't get to it that's okay okay i'll do 14 next um oh yes orange for the shadows and should we try and do like a cool color yeah a little bit of cyan in the highlights there that's so pretty okay so this is the before and this is the after i'm really happy with that i really like that light leak actually that turned out really nice okay let me do number 14 and then i'll scroll through all the images and oh this one's really cool why do i have two okay i think this one is with your instagram so tyler tarber underscore photography on instagram and i'll see if dan's downloaded more pictures little text i'm also just waiting for my mouse to die do you guys have the apple mouse do you know the charging port is down the bottom i will never get over that okay so i want to keep this one moody i like the way it looks maybe highlights instead of exposure i watch you for two months but every day and i really like your videos thanks for always making such good videos i learn a lot from them oh thank you i'm really yeah i'm happy you guys like them i'll keep making them if you keep watching them also can i just take a moment to appreciate that you took a really straight photo out of camera my photos are always so crooked i don't know why i always have to straighten up my photos when i edit them in lightroom the apple mouse i know it sucks why is the charging port on the bottom okay it's tricky balancing out like the shadows with the very bright sky in the background if i bring the highlights down here that's cool and then i feel like we need a bit more contrast do you reckon actually an adjustment layer would work if we do a range mask for luminance yes okay so now we can just edit the sky apple need to come up with a mouse pad that wirelessly charges the bottom of the magic mouse yes now there's a solution to all of our problems i know imagine that if it was just charging as you're using it brilliant hey just some blue yellow yellow this slightly vibrant yellow oh but i wanted to go moody for this photo green green is cool man no color i'm too in oh that's nice a pink okay cool um [Music] thank you so much for your donation hi julia you've given me a lot of inspiration my photo is one two three but if you can't get to it that's totally fine thanks for this opportunity i will give you a free cookie if you do 93. okay one two three okay i'll flick through all the um thumbnails and then we'll edit one two three purple bring the blue luminance down okay i really want to saturate this up hawaii vibes in 170. i couldn't send my photo because of my poor connection um please give us another day to try next time thank you julia um yeah if you keep an eye on my instagram stories i had posted like a week ago that the submissions were open so you can keep an eye out there but the live streams i like scheduling them like 12 hours beforehand but you can submit it now and dan will download it or you can submit it now and it'll be in the next live stream instead let's go purple shadows okay i'm happy with what that looks like i'm happy continues editing okay that's cool that's called like la vibes in my opinion i know something about like the that kind of gradient in the sky so this photo is by tyler tarbert photography this is the original and this is the after very cool okay so let's do i'll scroll through all the thumbnails again and then i'll edit one two three hello from bosnia don't stop creating your videos provide so much value to those learning a craft and thank you i won't i really enjoy making videos i feel like it's like actually the most fun i've ever had with photography in my whole life it's a very it's a lot of work like you have to put a lot of yourself into it but it's definitely worth it she used a luminosity mask amazing tool yeah i actually got that tip from another live my hello from another live stream that i did and that has been like my favorite thing ever it's really handy for that exact kind of picture where you have a super bright solid colored background and a very dark like subject i feel like that's when it works the best but yeah i use it a lot for my travel photos especially if it's overcast whether in the sky is super plain that one's cool i like that nathan kim thank you so much for donating hi julia love your content thank you all right let's do one two three is this a good time for you guys like is it early late good oh that's a nice portrait um let's see if i can straighten it up it looks a little offs yes i think new photos are not synced yet yeah not yet i messaged dan are you watching dude oh yeah he's texting me hello one minute there's another bunch in there okay i'll edit this photo and then i'll download the new photos okay so for this photo i think i really want to get her to stand out in the photo and have the background be quite dark so i'm actually going to bring the shadows down which is weird for me i normally always bring the shadows up but i like that and then let's add net curve new photos 3 44 usa west coast time i'm hoping that's pm right oh that looks really cool nice and contrasty i actually just like it with the bottom half of the tone curve done making so many notes you've taught me so much julia so thankful would love to see what you do to my photo 153 i used one of your presets to edit but curious to see what you would do to it awesome one five three one five three um oh yeah we gotta do some preset edits too okay i want to saturate the skin tones a little and the reds too just to make like her lips a little bit more saturated and then in luminance i want to bring uh the luminance of her top down just so it's i think a light just turned off and i want to saturate the top as well it's doing blue green please oh i like those little pops of in the background with the yellow slider i actually want to bring the saturation of the jeans down yeah i think a nice natural looking edit for this is nice nope these primary colors are really funky to deal with sometimes bring that down a little okay i'm happy with that there's no way the clone tool would get this would it that's a photoshop job i'm assuming we may as well try i feel like it would look really nice without that pole there so let's just see let's see what lightroom can do kind of no no i tried daniel trody my dad thank you for donating uh okay so here uh no no wait one more thing uh i feel like the jeans could still be a little bit darker so i'm just gonna bring the exposure down there and then in photoshop i would use the stamp tool to just remove the little pole but here is the this is by argus photos here is the original and here is the after just a nice natural edit because it's a very beautiful portrait your dad is the cutest i know love that um okay so i'm gonna switch it to me and then i'm gonna download import the rest of the photos that's so cute that your dad supports you yeah he's always like watching and commenting on my videos it's very nice thank you dad folder three mine's a fujifilm that's so sweet that your dad tunes in and supports you how is evie doing she is so cute she's great oh my gosh so dana and i ordered a new mattress which arrived yesterday and it was amazing it was like the best night's sleep i had flamingos sorry i just got distracted by a photo um yeah it was like the best night's sleep i had in a long time and it turns out evie really enjoyed it as well normally she wakes up when i wake up so i got up at 7 00 am and she didn't get up she just looks super sleepy in bed she didn't get up till 10 am so i think the mattress is approved by evie she loves it um okay screen plus me oh no they're gonna be all out of order i'm sorry okay i'll scroll through them again and i'll read some comments wait can i sort by why is that stuck how do you sort by develop no um hello let me cancel that why did i get stuck hello everyone did some skip yeah maybe it's like doubles that was weird okay now you're gonna import lightroom thank you oh filter how do you sort by import date can you do that oh here i don't know you are soup that's a compliment i mean i do love soup there are some sorting options under the develop tab um where how do you even lightroom do i have to add them all to a collection maybe because i want them to stay in the order that they're in so you guys that have seen your photo on the left side i think you can sort [Music] in any of you click the icon at the lower left corner of lightroom to bring up the sorting options lower left this one this one this one oh am i missing something what is going on whatever comes to mind thank you so much for your donation but booty what does that mean just edit something okay uh forget the sorting options let's just i'll just scroll through again so we can have a look in my lightroom it's upper left of the little thumbnails that's so weird i just i normally have like a sorting option it's just not here today i'll figure it out so next time when we import more images it doesn't do this why is it lagging do 179 or the bokeh gods are mad okay i must please the bokeh gods okay i'm gonna scroll this way i think it's less laggy 179 179 179 oh yes i'm so excited to edit this uh oh mitch lally loving the stream julia missing you guys heaves can't wait for you come back to visit and shoot soon yeah it's our turn to come to queensland and visit you you guys should check out mitchell's channel he's got an awesome channel all about photography just like mine and he's got a really beautiful um photography style as well which i really love and we did a collab video on my channel and his channel check it out uh whatever comes to mind i ran out of money oh don't donate if like that's all the money you have please but thank you um this photo is gorgeous oh it's a 35 mil photo of course that's why i love it so much um that's the oh the canon 35 the mark ii i love that lens but look it's it does have like that little lens flare that's always bothered me even with like a lens hood i would still get a crazy lens flare on that lens but it is beautiful like it's super sharp oh it's so cute i love him okay let's warm it up oh gosh no dog pictures please why you don't like dogs i love dogs i gotta say guys no one submitted any cat photos it's really looking forward to seeing some of your cats love the idea of editing images in live mode cheers from frank pali photography thank you yeah i feel like this is really fun and i get a chance to like hang out with you guys and edit pictures like it's fun um yeah let's lightly this up because that's very pretty sunshine i should have slipped an image of evie yeah you should have did next time oh do we go for the crazy light leak or i think the more subtle one and then i will um actually no i like the sharp bokeh maybe some dehaze make it a little bit a little bit wider that's cute that's such a nice picture it's beautiful uh whatever comes to mind thank you again for your donation i used to take pictures of cars only but because of your channel i now do portraits my clients like them and i love to see the smile on their faces i know isn't that one of the best parts of doing portrait photography is when you show the person that photo and you get to see their reaction it's it's a nice moment it's a nice feeling ah this dog is too much he's so cute oh my mouse died iv 202 thanks for all your great content thank you for donating and for watching and sending your photo as well i really appreciate it let's go wacom tablet the only problem with the wacom is that i can't scroll and my chair is a bit funny for it i have to say like sideways okay oh my gosh i love this picture all right we're going to be adding this photo for the rest of the live stream oh i think that's good i like the little natural edit and wow the color grading made a really big difference sometimes you're like editing and you're doing like the tiniest little things and you're like oh my god this isn't even changing anything and then you look at the before and after and you're like wow actually did a lot okay so this photo is by phil phil jelena's phil phil jelena's photos on instagram um everyone's instagram is up here in the file name this is the original and this is the after alfred reyes thank you so much for donating been following your work for a long time and your style has inspired my work thank you my photo is 83 and my friend emma who's in it is a big fan that's sweet okay 83 i think i said another number before but i can't remember i'm so sorry oh god the wacom issues oh this one's really cool so the instagram is dazman10 and this one we're gonna have to get funky with it all right all right all right all right what are we gonna do what are we gonna do let's go big curve so i want it to be like moody you know i'm off julia more branding work is calling have an amazing day and i can't wait to work with you some more on our future projects you're the best thank you chris thanks for joining and submitting your photo too i'll chat to you later let's go blue oh no i promise i'll charge my mouse next time how annoying that's cool okay i want to get rid of the it's like a bright blue thing like light on the forehead and then bring down the luminance of blue as well do i need to super chat for an edit no no you don't blue i love you julia that's very sweet i don't think that is their photo 83 did i get the wrong one it's a cool photo there okay i'm gonna bump up that motion blur saturation in the middle okay this one needs i think like a dark blue here in the shadows purpley blue and the highlights i like the magenta sun do you guys do this to units move your mouse around the whole circle and just see what every single color looks like i like that green and it kind of offsets the blue a little bit which looks nice you guys are trying to trick me i like that i wonder i kind of feel like chopping cropping out chopping up the arms just there i feel like like maybe just the face is cool composition yeah because then you got like more attention here on the face so this photo is by dasman 10 and here is the before and here is the after oh i love that it's got like a neon kind of vibe to it um aisha daniel thank you for your donation love your work inspired me to use manual mode my photo used to be 170 oh no i can't scroll over to the next page but i think it changed i think that's what it said dan can you find out maybe which photo that is i have to sorry i have to turn off settings my screen from turning off so i can see dan's messages because he's also taking a look at the the chat as well and letting me know stuff that i missed oh oh my god do you ever forget how to read display and brightness auto lock off okay so now we're gonna do number 202. where is that they're in order oh this photo is by jonathan senecal is how you pronounce it this is so cool i need to zoom in wow love the sharpness look at her eyelashes they're amazing um yeah all the submission details are in the description of this video also if i'm editing your photo you can um put an instagram story and tag me in it so i can share it later when i finish live streaming to my story as well um i like seeing you guys sharing that stuff okay what do we do oh a boy named jamil thank you so much for donating uh julia please what is the name of the recorder you use to record your evf during your videos i use an exun but to be honest i don't really say what it is i don't recommend it that much we had a lot of issues with it and it's not very clear when it like transfers the images if you want to use it like to be able sorry i'm going to edit while i'm talking um to be able to what's the code when you're like shooting live and your client is looking at your photos i would recommend definitely using an atomos in an atmos instead just because the connection is so much clearer and easier for people to see my screen recorder is a bit dodgy um oh okay so this photo has very bright and very very dark um tones just gonna be tricky to balance out so i want to map the whites no probably not uh what was your first photo camera and do you recommend the sony a7c yeah i really like the a7c i just uploaded a video actually showing how i have it all set up and what my favorite focus settings were i don't know did you guys like not we're not interested in that video i feel like no one really wanted to watch it um but yeah i really like it as a photo and video camera i wouldn't use it for like a wedding for example because it only has a single card slot but i do use it for like portrait photo shoots and also i kind of want a face to be in the center and also vlogging as well like just making videos and videos for my instagram and stuff like that so yeah i really like it and my first camera was actually my family's point and shoot camera like a long long time ago was like i don't know maybe like a two megapixel camera and my first like proper camera was a pentax so called k100d was a digital camera and with a kit lens and i actually uploaded a video doing a photo shoot with it like two years ago on my youtube channel so if you want to see me doing that check it out i think it's called like photoshoot on my first ever camera or something but yeah that was a fun experience there was like no buffer i could take three photos and then i had to wait like a minute um for the buffer to like reset so i could keep shooting the lcd screen is so bad you can only look at it from one angle um otherwise how do i delete otherwise like the whole lcd screen would go like green and it also took only four double a batteries so and it didn't even last the whole shoe and we shot for like 15 minutes and the camera died so yeah that was fun this is cool i like this picture so i think i actually i'm gonna darken like this area of the face just there and then i want to do the iris enhance to her eyes here and another one i also want to bring up the exposure slightly on her eyes to make him stand out just because they're like right under the hood it's like causing a shadow just over her eyes just a little bit and then maybe i can bring the highlights back so it's not so matte okay and now let's add some warmth into her skin and i want like purpley for the shadows here and i'm seeing there's like a green cast bring that out yes yes hello from brooklyn i've been to brooklyn before it was really nice i hope you guys are all doing well okay i love that so this photo is by jonathan senegal this is the before and this is the after love it um the next photo i'm going to edit is i did 83. i need to move this back my hand's like hanging off the table my god the chat's moving so fast um okay 66 please love your photos cheers from portugal what what 66 okay where it disappears maybe we can do some preset edits uh hayley flanagan thank you for your donation need to go to bed now midnight in scotland but if you want to edit my pick of a rainy edinburgh day 180 i'll be watching this in the morning okay i'll let it next 66 [Music] yeah let's do a preset i love this oh that's pretty i'm gonna do just one so this is with the earthy presa this is by jodah frodo three on instagram love that with a 70 to 300 millimeter lens i've been using the earthy pack for a lot of things actually i like that the green is nice um do you guys mind if i do some preset edits because that way we can get through a few more and you can see uh what it looks like 97 with any of your presets okay let's do that quickly oh okay this is gonna need a preset but also some adjustment brush let's see earthy one and bring up the highlights she kind of stands out a little bit more love that that's a really cool photo it's such a nice portrait of her and then with my adjustment brush i just want to brush over there's like quite a big shadow across her face up here so if i do that and then just bring up the exposure and just add a little bit more contrast by bringing the blacks back down that's so pretty and also i would crop it just so her face is in the center of the frame i love my center framing it's so good that's pretty um next we have 180. i'll try and scroll a little bit less like janky 1 80. oh that one's so cool oh that's in london is that in london i said it with confidence and then i was like oh i'm not i'm not really sure this is by hayley flanagan photo oh no edinburgh sorry you just said that in the chat by the way um by hayley flanagan photography on instagram this is a beautiful photo oh my gosh i think i i jumped to london because oh now they're all closed i took a photo like this when we were in london with dan and there's just i don't know how to explain it but the blue hour in the city of edinburgh london has like this really magical feel to it um which you captured in this photo so i'm gonna actually start with the lens correction and get rid of that a little bit of the vignetting so i just feel like it was a little bit too strong for my liking okay let's do a curve definitely want to go for the blue look with this one and really saturate oranges and reds i think that'll look nice nice um i saw someone i didn't know if that was for canon or sony but if i could do reviews for cheaper 35mm lenses i did one i used the the new samyang 35 1.8 and i have a photoshoot of that on the a7c and that's a budget 35 and i also uh oh tyler tarbert thank you for donating question do you still find a place for the a6600 in your workflow with the a7c being so small and full frame it's hard to see the need for both um i never owned a a600 but i do see your dilemma in having both those cameras be quite similar i guess it really depends like what you need it for for me with vlogging i would prefer to use the a7c because it's full frame and that way i can use wider angle lenses because i've got like weak shaky arms when i'm holding up a vlog camera so i prefer little lenses that are wide angle whereas with a crop frame camera it could be helpful if you do you know if you need that little bit of extra reach in your photography depending what kind of like photo or video that you do they're both really strong cameras i think it really depends on i have a hair in my eyelash it really depends on what you need it for in my opinion and then budget 35 i also did a shoot with the rf 35 is it a 1.8 i think which i'm working on and it'll be out on my channel really soon but spoiler it's a really nice lens okay mid tones i want i think like let's go like reddish and then shadows will go blue and let's bring back those mid-tones actually i think it's the highlights that i want in the red rather than the mid-tones oh my god there's just a hair it just keeps getting in my eye purpley ricardo durant thank you for donating love your presets thank you for all you do for us beginner photographers my photo is 21 if you get a chance i'm gonna write it down because my brain is starting to not function thank you so much that's very sweet and yeah i wrote it down so we'll get to yours soon hey calibration what what do you guys have like a favorite lens that you shoot with are we all like in the 35 gang here or let me know in the chat what you guys like shooting with okay the blue i think we need some of those cyan blues in the in the shadows of this photo 85 1.4 55 zeiss oh i have a video with the 55's ice coming where is it a sony lens but yeah i finally finally had the chance to use it and it's really nice it's actually a comparison video between um between the 50 and the 55 i need to have a sip of water i'm hitting a wall 30 on crop frame is so nice i use 35 but i want to get an 85 yeah 35 and 85 together is like my perfect favorite combination of prime lenses sigma 56 1.4 i love it for me a 6400 you're doing amazing julia thank you thank you just tagged you in ig i love i love when i finish a stream and i go to ig and i get to see all your perspectives of watching the live stream it's super fun uh do you plan on doing a review of the sigma 35 f2 yeah i would love to um photo 128 i'm gonna write it down 120 eight okay we're back so this photo is just it's too blue you know gotta turn it down i can't just make everything blue oh my god i'm dying with this tablet i want my mouse back okay a little bit of green so we'll bring the tint up into the pinks a little bit more okay that's looking so much better sometimes all you need to do is drink some water and everything will be okay yeah i like that with the pink and the blue i love getting to edit photos um like with different split toning that i wouldn't normally use if that makes sense um okay okay okay and then a little bit more pinks in the shadows tint i'll saturate the reds and the green primary okay i like that so this is by haley flanagan of a rainy evening in edinburgh this is the before and this is the after oh it is 105 now not 83 okay oh my god i just caught that in the chat as it disappeared 105. this one i love this one okay so this photo is by logata strokes on instagram this is a really nice watcher i love um portraits taken in like direct harsh sunlight they're so pretty this also looks like europe maybe i'm gonna bring up the warmth a little and there's actually there's like quite a green tint to the photo so i'm gonna bring the pinks up very high as well i have the amalfi presets and i love them thank you 1 17. um yeah i love them too i have to stop myself from using it because it's like one of my favorite presets now i'm obsessed with like the earthy pack i feel like it just suits so much like you can see it there in the top left hand corner just as i scroll through there's so many cool options nice okay i'm gonna bring the highlights down the shadows up let's not do a blue curve i feel like i did the blue curve like all the images let's just stick to the color grading instead so for the mid tones i like to focus on the skin tone so i'll probably do quite a warm orange and then in the shadows i'm going to go for like a and purple highlights i think i'll just leave on nothing will i maybe like a little like the tiniest bit of yellow so then here i'll bring the tin up into the pinks a little gorgeous portrait yeah it's really hello nice hello did you need a mess me too why did apple decide to put the charging port on the bottom and then i think i need to bring the saturation down slightly yeah that's really nice and warm yeah i like that could even do with slightly less shadows too okay so this is by legata strokes and this is the original and this is the after beautiful portrait i love the eyes you could also do the iris in hands here as well oh midnight adventures thank you for donating can you talk about your decision to start a youtube channel was it awkward talking to a camera in the beginning yeah also my photo is 5354 landscape pick cool let me write that down and then i'll talk oh yes okay i'm back in the mountains thank you do you wanna say hello i'll jump back into the chat he's moderating ah it's not on iris enhance iris yeah i love that little iris enhanced it really helps sometimes um okay so 128 ooh that's cool let me start by straightening it straightening it up oh my god okay um so i decided to start a youtube channel because i was doing wedding photography full time which i love and it's super fun but i did feel like i needed something else to like fill in my time during the week so it was you know wedding photography is typically on the weekends and then you'd just be editing wedding photos throughout the week and i was like i feel like i've always gotten a lot of questions about like my photography and stuff on social media because i've been posting to social media for such a long time and i was like oh i really want to start a youtube channel because it's like always something i've been interested in but i've always been way too nervous to talk to the camera maybe i spin my aspen preset looks cool for that how do i do that there we go i just need to bring up the warmth slightly and then i'm gonna add an adjustment layer and bring down the exposure on the bottom half of the photo yeah so i was always i was too nervous to like talk to the camera and my sister and i were going to the us on a trip like just a holiday so this photo is by dale behind lenses this is the before and this is the after with my aspen lightroom preset and i was like oh let's film a vlog because that'd be a cool way to like practice talking to the camera and we're doing something fun so it's like not really any pressure and it's just kind of for us because i didn't have any subscribers back then and so that's just kind of how it started and we spent two weeks in the us we were in la for a week going to theme parks and one week in washington doing like road trips and hikes and things like that um and vlogging like every single day i'm gonna do 117 and then i'll do 53. oh that's nice i love that location uh um armando pozzo photography thank you for donating love all your videos you inspire me so much in my photos got my first wedding offer oh this week congrats my photo is 1.99 that's exciting okay is this one oh blue bells looks quite cool philly this is oh this is a jpeg photo so i'm actually gonna bring down the sharpening if you guys have my presets you would know i love my sharpening bring down the exposure a little and maybe bring up the white balance slightly and also the shadows just so we have some more contrast that's nice so this is with my blue bells preset and this photo is by kylo.ren unscore underscore underscore on instagram and this is the original and this is the after yeah i like bluebells because it's like a blue and moody preset so it really suits like that style of photos i'm going to sleep but i'll be back live tomorrow for sure good night thank you so much for joining um what was i talking about yeah so i feel like i gained a bit of confidence talking to a camera while filming those flying fun flan fun vlogs for ourselves and then i was like today and i was like let's just do it let's just give it a go see how it goes and yeah the rest is all on my youtube channel if you guys want to watch you can switch to uploaded like old by oldest and you can see i used to be very like nervous talking to the camera like i don't know it's been fun i think it's the best decision i ever made actually i'm very happy making youtube videos letting your fan down by not doing 118. um ah another snowy picture oh that's so cool i love that please don't kill me into editing photos guys does your sister have a channel too no she doesn't have a channel my photo is 23. let me write it yeah those vlogs are still up on my channel if you guys want to watch them it was um i actually i still watch them back every now and then so does my sister because it's just like fun memories but it was our trip to washington we went to so many national parks and we we did so much driving oh my gosh this is worth it oh that's nice i like the blue on the on the trees in the background i'm gonna do an adjustment layer for the road change it back to temperature bring down that and the shadows i don't have super chat to reach you do one three two please okay i'll write that down i've got i've got a little list of numbers i'm gonna make the reds a little bit more like purpley looking okay oh and i'll saturate the yellows too much okay i like that so this photo is by christina george's cue joe jessica i don't know i'm sorry if i don't pronounce your name correctly um here's the original and here is the after i love oh my god i love like her facial expression and her pose is like such attitude to it it looks really cool i love it yeah the edits like fresh with like the super blue trees in the background um so next i have uh 53 and 54. i'll just pick one though [Music] uh okay i'll do this one midnight x adventures on instagram i could do a preset but i feel like oh that looks cool with the mouthy everything looks cool with the mouthy but i feel like there's a lot of colors and things going on so let's just edit this from scratch so let's do a contrasty edit without like the matte blacks going on that i do all the time maybe just a little bit a little bit i love this photo there's like so many layers every time i say the word layers i think about shrek and donkey with their onions and layers talk does anyone else do that donkeys don't have layers that's really nice do you know what i wish you could do so you know how you've got this and it just comes down from one side i wish you could have the same gradient that you have in photoshop where it's like um it only gradients like this inside bit and then it gradients out to nothing on the top and bottom does that make sense that would come in so handy unless you can do that and i just don't know how but i would add one of those gradients here to the center of the image oh you know what i could just use a brush um kelsey gilchrist thank you for donating i submitted my photo 33 because this is the one i practiced with when you taught split toning would love to see how you split tone if possible yeah let's do 33 and also oh stephen stephen bosky hopefully that's how you pronounce it it's nice to see you here hey julia just got off work and ran to my car to catch this 40 please hell yeah um yeah so i could just use a brush that's what i was but like honestly one of these tools would be really handy as well so i feel like this center bit could have a little bit more contrast a little bit more contrast some more warmth and then i'll just do one more here with just a little bit of i like that blue if we do like a full-on kind of gradient like blue to green to like warm down the bottom that's nice no come back i just want to bring the black slider down on this one and then i'll add a little gradient here i feel like this we could uh maybe do with less clarity and i'll bring down the exposure highlights shadows warmth yeah that's looking cool let's do like a greeny look for this one concentrating now i like that warm look with the reds here and then we'll balance it out with some cyan highlights yeah okay so this photo is by midnight adventures here we have the before and here we have the after i love it i love all the layers donkeys don't have layers um let's do 40 because steven is very busy yeah this is a cool one wait bethany rachel that's not correct is it maybe the wrong number do i get the wrong number from you steven um okay let's do number 33. oh that's a cute beginning okay this one is definitely gonna i'm gonna use some adjustment layers for this okay so to start with i'm gonna crop out this down here in the bottom and i'm gonna crop this here a little bit as well there's a lot going on in this image in terms of like lines and stuff so i want to minimize as many of them as possible so i like that the bottom half of the image is just like these blocks i think looks really cool and okay i like that so let's bring down the exposure okay so for this photo for the colors i'm going to go for like a natural look so i'm going to add a bit of warmth and just keep it quite vibrant ish warm looking sorting it's in the library hit the letter t for the toolbar the toolbar i always have that hidden because it annoys me that's where the sorting options are um would you guys want me to sort it by import date or have you like memorized your number now let me know in the chat what you guys prefer me to do okay now i'm going to turn down these greens here because they're quite vibrant and i feel like if we saturate those reds it would look really cool and i'm going to change the hue of these poles so they look more red i don't know that color just looks really nice okay so i'm happy with the colors of that now i want to use some adjustment layers and just kind of bring in some more attention to the dog to the doggy i prefer you to keep going by our memorized numbers already memorized keep it keep them okay okay i'll keep it um but next time i'll before i start the live stream like i'll open lightroom and i'll just order them correctly because yeah i want to be able to keep importing images as people submit them but not if it's gonna mess up the whole order of everything [Music] okay and then i'll do another adjustment layer here a bit too extreme maybe bring the highlights down and then i will use the brush just this little area here is super bright just bring that down and a little bit of the saturation down a bit of warmth oh no too much saturation anyway okay nice okay so this photo is by kels gilly on instagram this is the original without the cropping and then this is the after this is a really cool picture uh oh okay so stephen dan found your photo i'm just going to edit stephen's photo quickly this one and then i'll do a few now after this one with some presets so we can get through a few more images this is a beautiful portrait i feel like i need to kind of straighten it up a little there actually i'm going to start with this here so i'm going to bring down the highlights i really love how you've got like just the light on one eye and then the shadow on the other half of the face the real thank you for your donation can you edit 84 here's the love of my life your aesthetics are amazing it is a joy to watch your videos thank you yes i'll add it to the list i'll do some non-super chat ones next because i feel bad i want everyone to have a chance of course and then i'll do 84. okay let's add a tone curve i always find it um tricky to edit photos that don't have a lot of color in them i don't know if you guys ever feel the same way i feel more comfortable editing like colorful images so it's fun getting to edit some different um styles actually i don't know if you guys remember the gfx photo shoot that i did at the beach i uploaded that i think that was the first video i uploaded this year i can't remember but that one was tricky to edit because it was like no color she was wearing a white dress she had like orangey red hair which was cool but everything else was just so desaturated it was really hard to like figure out what to do but i'm happy with how they ended up yeah i feel like there's still a little bit of a greenish tinge that's cool i'm gonna bring up the saturation of oranges a little bit just so her skin tone stands out a little more and i might bring the yellow saturation down slightly not because of her hair but there's like a slight yellow kind of tinge to like the location i feel like it looks a bit nicer when it's desaturated it like brings more attention to her face and i'll get rid of some greens too okay let's add a turn curve i always bring the blue highlights of the tone curve back up just so skin tones don't look super yellow but i like the warmth that the blue channel adds that's pretty okay and then i'm gonna get rid of some more greens again yeah i feel like when i edit a desaturated image i like to add color with the turn curve and the color grading as well that's cool that's giving it like a it looks like an old style movie kind of feeling yeah and a little bit of warmth here in the shadows let me see if i want to do anything with the mid tones that that yellow looks really nice that's so pretty a little bit more pinks okay i'm happy with that so this photo is by photographs by stephen on instagram and this is the original and this is the after that's a very pretty photo i love it uh could you do 95 next please let's hear it for my non-binary best friend 95.95 nice oh there's some good colors here oh i'm going to start off by removing this person in the background [Music] the clone tool in lightroom is funny sometimes what is that okay i need to like feather that a bit i don't know is this just mirror is that no okay um so again that's something i would definitely do in photoshop i have so much trouble with this clone stamp tool in lightroom oh my god okay what am i going to do for this um i think let's accentuate like the autumn look bring up the shadows we're cropping it out be an option yeah we could do that actually i think i'm going to mat the highlights or the whites on this one a little i love that you bring up the white balance a little actually i like it where it was i still don't get why the lightroom clone tool is so bad compared to photoshop yeah it's really annoying it's good like if you have like a single thing in a very plain kind of background but as soon as there's other stuff going on lightroom's just like nah i can't do it so with the hue let's make this like an autumn scene love that i'm going to saturate the yellows for the scarf because that scarf is really cool and the orange slightly too and the reds no not the reds beautiful person right there yeah let's bring up the yellows and the greens i feel like we could do more autumn okay every time i do something in calibration it's always important to go back and adjust the skin tones because calibration kind of affects like everything in the photo and we don't want them skin tones looking funny so i feel like when it needs to go back into like kind of more pink area and a little bit more orange and always looking at the before and after really helps just to make sure you haven't pushed it too far okay let's go a little bit yellow for the mid tones i'm going to really accentuate that warm kind of autumn feeling to this one and a little bit of purple for the shadows that's pretty okay and then i also want to just do a little bit of exposure oh no a little bit of exposure on her right eye stage left because the eye back here has a lot of light coming into it but this one's a little bit darker so i'm just gonna balance them out [Music] okay so this photo is by concrete limbs on instagram excuse me so this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after with my edits yeah that adjustment brush over the eye makes a really big difference a little tip for me sometimes it sounds so aussie randomly wait did you say 93 i'll do 93. we've been live streaming for like two hours now my gosh ah that's so nice i'm going to edit a couple quick quickly with my presets that is such a pretty photo oh my gosh look at that location pose lighting wow wow oh my god i'm having mouse troubles i'm gonna bring down the sharpening a bit and bring up i think it's did it start raining maybe yeah bring up the white balance a bit and the highlights slightly i think it'll look nicer a bit brighter like that and i'm also going to crop in the photo slightly i love how like these branches are just like swooping in in the corner but i do prefer my subject being in the center of the frame i mean they're still swooping okay so this is photography by den this is a beautiful photo this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after which i used my aspen preset for that's so nice what was this shot on 35 guys i love all the 35 mil photos and that's with the 35 mach 1 right yep it's raining okay i was like what is that is that my computer uh 93 85 did we do 85 oh yes [Music] i love this one this one's by taylor elise photography on instagram what's that okay um so first one i want to do is straighten the image i guess that's a little hot or house or something in the background and get them in the center and i'm actually going to crop her leg out even though it's cute like hinted that she's got it up but i think it'll look cleaner maybe without the leg hmm oh bluebells is really nice for the snare hair whoa that's pretty might bring up the white balance a little oh i really want to go back to the snow i think the last time i've seen snow was when i went to colorado with dan and our friend kong and that was like two years ago now or something okay that really doesn't need too much i might actually i feel like maybe the saturation on the red is a little bit too much oh my god i thought that was my mouth and died again it was just my tablet and then the other thing i want to do is again this is not going to work because of the clone tool in my room but um in photoshop i would get rid of this little like square i feel like it's a bit distracting heel ah it worked okay yeah i like that without the little square so this photo is by taylor elise photography on instagram this is the original and this is the after with my blue bells preset and a little bit of tweaking um okay i wrote some numbers down before did we do 40. no no that was the wrong one 23 33 yes 1 23 oh this one's cool okay this is by marvelous visuals which um yeah this one's going to need an edit from scratch for sure how do you open all of it okay command this one's gonna be like a bit of a punchy edit 132. i think i wrote that down yeah oh i have that after this one so i'll do one through two after this let's bring down the contrast i kind of like it with the background disappearing almost i feel like like a vignette would be cool here actually that looks nice with the correction oh what am i doing it's not how you add a vineyard vignette here we go just to make a leg stand out a lot more i don't know i feel the vignette option in lightroom also looks really kind of fake to me we'll use some adjustment layers instead okay so let's do an iris enhance and then we'll do a graduated filter it's a shame about the blue tech in this photo though yeah i wonder if you had the patience you could get rid of the blue tack in photoshop but i feel like you would be there for quite a while um i find sometimes when i'm editing i like looking at the little thumbnail i feel like it helps for some reason make sure i'm not going too crazy on things let's do one more like here that's nice and one more here okay i'm gonna have to use the brush tool for this shirt to get rid of that that's too much i think like a hint of the shirt looks fine okay and then let's use this let's saturate everything right yeah the only thing is that i find so tricky is when you want to saturate like an orange outfit or the golden hour you're also going to affect the person's skin so let's see what we can do in here maybe if we make it a little bit more on the red side and then bring up the luminance of orange and then we can also do some midtone and highlights to kind of help the skin as well without affecting the color of the pencil like that's really nice and then maybe like i don't know what color for the shadows like a purpley that's quite nice let me see before and after yeah i like that okay so this photo is by marvelous visuals here's the original and here is the after that iris enhanced thing is really satisfying to see the before and after of um and then i have 132 oh cute uh alison co thank you for donating hi julia thank you for inspiring me for the past sounded like i was going to start a video hi everyone hi julia thank you for inspiring me for the past four years i would love it if you could edit my photo number 70. oh sure and oh there's like a really cool portrait with two people and um like some florals in a studio which looks beautiful i'm gonna edit that next little face dj gc thanks for donating 162 or i'll eat my cereal without milk let me write it i mean cereal without milk is not that bad i guess it depends what what cereal it is if it's like wheat bakes you need milk yeah i'm gonna actually keep it low contrast i think i went too overboard with the contrast and i want to do some lens correction here where'd it go so i feel like the vignetting was a little bit too much and i'm also going to do an adjustment layer just here because again there's like another little you can see it's like dark and then it goes to being lighter so i'm just going to bring up the exposure so it's a bit more balanced out all right let's bring up the white balance and the tint and then in saturation i'm going to bring up the oranges a little and the reds and the bubble so i love that purple backdrop i can't tell is he getting like held up or is he laying down on something purple it looks really cool and i kind of i want to bring the hue of the purple to be a little bit more cool toned as i feel like it would suit his outfit or her outfit better and then with midtones i want to add some warmth to her face yankee ola bird thanks for donating please do 30 my first time shooting in a studio cool check it out and let's see the shadows the shadows look nice doing a complimentary color because you kind of like tie the image all together so i'll go for like a blue here and yeah i'm gonna keep it quite light and airy i think that looks really nice so here is uh this photo is by mahmoud abdul haiti abdulhadi sorry um this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after very cute portrait we really need a compilation of you saying hi everyone as we fans need that i did a video like that actually it was a dan do you remember was it the bloopers video or was it just like a end of year video i think it was in like 2018 or 19 and i did a little compilation of like 10 different hey everyone's it was a lot i don't know um okay so let's do there's a picture we're in a studio i think it was near the beginning this one 26. so this photo is by arnold mnts moments on instagram this is stunning what the heck blue bells coming through that's pretty okay i really like that actually i'm gonna use that as a base and just bring up the luminance um i feel like i'm gonna try using a graduated filter here on the side of the photo and then i'm going to use another one here to brighten up the photo i think the light source might have been up here so it's a little bit brighter in the top right hand corner and a little bit darker in the bottom left hand corner so just so it's like balanced out but this photo is crazy wow i'm actually going to bring the highlights down so it looks a bit cooler okay that's the i was looking for that um taylor sanford thank you for donating if you get a chance could you do 90 it's a self-portrait taken during a rough time your videos have helped me get through oh okay so this is the before this is by arnold mnts on instagram so this is the original straight out of the camera such a beautiful photo and this is the after that's really cool 199 we have uh thank you for donating i'm sorry i'm terrible at pronouncing names uh 199 we have a photo by a poso photo on instagram uh so first thing i noticed is the crop we've got it's like 16 by nine so i'm just gonna make it back to original and i'm gonna straighten it because the horizon line is very prominent so i think that's good um might even crop in a little bit so we have slightly less sky in this shot just like that lots of talented photographers yeah i agree and let's bring up the exposure and bring down the highlights all right i think i'm gonna edit just a couple more my eyes are getting really tight it's 3am here but the livestream is so enjoyable that i can't leave and go to sleep thank you so much julia and dan for your efforts all thank you for joining i can't believe it's so late oh my gosh i can't stay up late to save my life i could probably do it to save my life but like normally i don't like staying up late actually want to bring down the saturation a little it's 5 am here oh my gosh i think next time we'll do a australian nighttime stream so this one is in the morning um in australia so it's well it's midday now um next time we can start it at like maybe 9 00 p.m australian eastern daylight time so maybe that'll be better for some of you guys it's like i don't want you guys to be like sleep deprived you know let's add some reds i like them reds okay and then i want to try again the range mask and see if it works here yep so that way we can bring down the exposure a little of the sky oh i like that with the pinks and those warm shadows are really nice as well okay so this is by a poser photo on instagram this is the original before and this is the after okay i think i'll do a few more photos with my presets and then call it a days i'm getting really tired um but yeah we'll do this again in like two weeks time oh my god let's do the squirrel how about another animal pick for a change oh here it is oh except i don't know if it'll work um because it's a jpeg but we can try um so this is by tushar dorani um i definitely have to bring down definitely have to bring down the sharpening because it's a jpeg maybe completely oh it's a pretty low res picture but it's cute let me bring up the pinks okay by tushar dorani with i think i put my aspen brains there i don't remember what i clicked so this is the original and this is the after um arnold montez you just edited my photo i stepped away but came back to you editing it what an interesting edit i loved it thank you you're fantastic yay i'm glad you came back in time uh two one seven oh okay i need a fifth bit oh that's a nice picture this is by philography that's actually a really cute name i like it uh what shall we edit with i i like i feel like a mouthy we need to warm it up oh that's pretty that's such a nice photo further i feel like what camera was this shot on there's like a lot of dynamic range okay and then because she's in the snow she does have a little bit of red cheeks so i am going to bring the red saturation down just so it's not like as obvious and luminance to bring it up that's really nice okay i need a bit more contrast and a bit more warmth okay by philography this is the before and this is the after with amalfi 162 is next did anyone take the flamingo photo in the chat let me know i was on sony wait but what camera like the a7r because they were i that was zoomed in quite a lot actually oh i like canyon for this one that's that's a really nice portrait it's going to bring down the highlights slightly and also just uh straighten it up that happens sometimes in portraits where the background is crooked but the person you're taking a photo of is also leaning it's like hard to figure out which way you should straighten it for so i guess that's with like the buildings but you could also straighten it for the woman in the shot too actually yeah i prefer it straightened up for her okay so this photo is by daniel yassen95 on instagram this is the original and this is the after with my canyon preset okay next oh it was an a7 that um snowy portrait next we have number 80. oh that's cool that's really cool i've always wanted to find a location like this to do a shoot in i feel like disposable film will look really cool it's like a bit of like a grungy vibe either that one or that one i kind of prefer the more de-saturated version so i'm going to bring up the shadows quite high just because the light on the side of the bridge is a lot brighter than on the subject and then i actually want to bring down the exposure here though new and add another one that's cool and then in hsl i'll try bringing the luminance of orange and red and purple blue orange and red up just so she stands out a little more in the photo so this photo is by haseena kasam on instagram it's a beautiful shot um this is the original and this is the after with disposable film i thought it'd be cool with like you know a grungy look because of like the location it's really nice okay next up we'll do the flamingo shot which i saw somewhere now go grid while i was importing oh there it is there it is look at it look at it it's such a cool shot what dick oh my god look look at it oh my god flamingos are beautiful like they don't even look real wow just a moment please i think oh we need something like vibrant oh that looks cool i like that okay let's fix it up a little oh that light as well is that like from a sprinkler or something this photo is magical i'm wondering can we can we heal out this bucket can we do it can we do it oh oh grab the flamingo's leg why are you like this lightroom it's not perfect but it gets the point across okay let's saturate this flamingo and then i want to add a gradient just here to brighten this part of the photo up i do like the background looking dark but i want the flamingo to stand out more oh my god i love her i love her okay so this photo is by is the lord on instagram and i edited it with i think aspen again because it's just like a natural edit nothing christopher wait your message was hidden because of your emojis body time okay so this is the before and this is the after not a perfect job on the bucket cloning again i would do all that cloning stuff in photoshop where i have more control over stuff i wonder if we should crop it in oh it's just so magical where is this is it's like a zoo or something i wonder it's just beautiful okay enough um let's do number 30. yeah this one's cool is that in a that's like a mirror right or is that dust that looks cool it really matches like the sparkles on a dress too um i'm feeling a blue bells moment for this one again i do like how that one yeah look at that blue color so pretty um okay i'm going to start by bringing up the exposure and i really want to straighten this photo but i don't want to crop i love the way she's cropped in this image let's just see if we straighten it i guess that's not too bad i don't know i feel like really dominant lines are very distracting when they're crooked in a shot wow i love that i actually wouldn't do too much else to it her skin tones look great as well i love like the magenta highlights okay so this photo is by yankee o photo on instagram and this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after edited with blue bells i hope you guys don't mind i just feel like we can get through like a few more images this way me oh my god i'm living for it the flamingo man it's so cute so beautiful they look so otherworldly you know um 184 is next um this is what i'll do when i finish the stream i'm gonna remove the photos that i edited today and leave all the rest so that way next time we do the live stream it'll be like easier to like see more photos and also you don't have to like resubmit them so i'll just keep them here oh this one's pretty oh what are we going to do for this i feel like an earthy moment an earthy moment you know oh okay which one i think this one earthy five that's so pretty that's such a beautiful shot oh my gosh i love it uh the only thing i think we need an adjustment brush for this one just on her face because the sun is hitting directly on her face but just here like where her arm is is already in the shadows so i'm just gonna brush over her face roughly and bring down the saturation a little bit oh beautiful and i do like the low contrast look here but i will just try and pop that up a little bit uh dj gc thank you again for uh donating 162 girl with pink hair also dan you're the man he is okay so this photo is by tim celeste gorgeous photo this is the original and this is the after edited with earthy i wonder if this uh sorry i know i'm just i just finished but i'm just gonna bring the blues up so they're a little bit less green looking um so 162 i already did 162. girl with pink hair what wait wait i'm confused am i can i read one 162. okay uh i don't know 52 sorry can you tell me am i am i doing something wrong 52 that's a cool one okay i'm gonna straighten the photo i'm looking at just the railing lines for them to be straight i love her pose and like this grass and the mountains in the background where did you take this this is so pretty please don't forget 84. okay thank you let's see florence might be cool that's like like a bit of a film a film look i like that i think we need to warm it up and pop down the highlights that's so pretty and [Music] let me just i want to try bringing up the exposure down here not too much though yeah that's cool okay so this photo is by v underscore s senge24 on instagram uh this is the original and this is the after which i edited with florence it's a beautiful photo i love it um let's do 84. yes okay i think we need to straighten this up just a tiny bit that's cool um wonder if i can clone that out i'm pushing my luck with the clone tool today oh no there's like a whole shadow there as well i don't think so no okay it's not too bad there i feel like mountains looks pretty cool it's got a nice like red touch which really suits that brick in the background but does look a bit too saturated for my liking let's see i feel like there's a little bit of chromatic aberration where is that lens correction manual difference there we go so i like it when yeah i don't like it when you can see a little bit of fringing um mine is number one guy on the fence golden hour okay i'll edit that one next thank you for donating i got a hair in my eye again okay and then i think we need to it's like very bright in the bottom half of the image so i'm gonna add another gradient filter and just bring down that exposure and add a little bit of pinks to the tint and then i also just want to brighten up kind of this half of his face as well gina are you here oh gina hey so i just saw dan's text message i was like what let's just brighten oops brighten that up slightly and i'm going to just again bring down the saturation there's like a little bit of red reflecting from the bricks here yeah that's nice whoa we just started bucketing rain okay so this photo is by the real sins uh cinema on instagram this is the original straight out of the camera and this is with my edits with the mountains preset can you guys hear that that's really loud um 114 gina oh i love this i love the green caramel latte on instagram oh with the xf 23 millimeter so this was on fuji what camera were you using that's pretty uh i like palm valley can be really cool because it's got a very film what's that word coda chrome kind of look to it i like that a little bit of pink and then i just want to go into hsl with the hue on the blues and just bring the blue denim jacket to be a bit more blue and a bit less green yeah okay this photo is by caramel latte on instagram by gina so this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after that's a beautiful photo or is that in australia looks really nice coda is kodak yeah but like you know the vibe like the greens the deep greens so dan's got his own chat in text messages fuji chrome um oh my god i have to choose a number we've been streaming for two and a half balance guys maybe i'll do like three more what my photo is 193 now okay you're back yeah sorry i'll figure that out for next time so the numbers don't all just change halfway in between this stream 193. cute okay um could go for like a faded kind of vintage look is cool uh this photo is by karo frames and i think it looks like there's a bit of like distortion in the frame i like the the bit of vignetting and let's do okay i'm going to crop it in a little bit tighter around the feet yeah i like that okay and i'll bring up the luminance there and i'll bring down the luminance of magenta just so you can see like the like the top of the head a little better and i want to saturate those purples i love how the the tips are purple that looks really beautiful um and then the last thing i want to do is add a i don't even remember lightroom tool names anymore an adjustment brush uh just to efface yours just to bring up the exposure and the shadows one tap on exposure actually that's too much okay so this photo is by caro frames on instagram this is the original and this is the after edited with new york thought it would suit because new york is quite like a vintage soft looking preset with her hair like kind of matches with the colors um and let's do 194 i think this is going to be the last one guys oh this one's cool this one's by dale gomez photography on instagram yeah this will be the last one but we'll do another live stream in a week or two weeks so we can get through some more pictures okay let's do this one by scratch okay how much can we save the exposure quite a lot now i'm going to start by balancing this photo out and i'm going to use the graduated filter just because it's like a bit dark on the top half of the image just to bring up that color that's cool i've been watching your channel for two years now i love your content thank you i really appreciate it i love making videos so i'm glad you guys like watching it and i'm gonna bring the white balance down even more and try and bring the tints up a little okay i'm actually i'm gonna get rid of the yellows uh here in hsl that's cool oh sorry and i said number one and 103. i've seen you you've been in the chat like this whole time next i really want to mat the blacks just so we can't see there's like a little bit of um noise in like their hair so if we map the blacks you should not be able to see it wow more than two hours past didn't seem like it at all yeah to be honest like um i feel a little bit tired from editing but it doesn't feel like it's been two and a half hours that's pretty crazy oh i like that little bit of pink alright let's go to the mid tones see what we can do okay definitely blue for the shadows like a blue purple uh i was wondering if in the future dan could give us some tips on videography would love to learn more on that subject and also editing videos yeah dan do you want to make a youtube video i can do videos on editing video i added all the videos for my youtube channel but dan dan is the hands on the camera for video okay i love like what their faces are looking like in this shot i think i think we need a vignette where is it if you need so here i want to make this side darker not too much and then i'll do a new one and i'll make this side darker as well [Music] so i feel like it's really cool that the main light source is like here in the middle so i want to emphasize that and then i'll do one more at the top okay so this photo is by dale gamma's photography on instagram this is the original and this is the after with my edits beautiful photo maybe julia and dan together yeah we could do like like a video filming and editing video i always it's like we can make a video video about video you know my shortcuts yeah so i think i like mountains for this one because mountains can work like if you've got like a backlit photo it can look really soft and beautiful but if you've got like a shadowy photo it can also have a grungy look to it which is cool i'm just going to bring up the white balance that's cool all right so this photo is by ferc chick wheeler on instagram this is the original and this is the after it's a really cool photo i love those glasses actually they're awesome that's cool and um i think uh was it 103 103 yeah okay 103 is the last one yeah this one's so cool oh my god i love that seashell i love how like minimal this photo is it's beautiful this is this is a shop by loon.dd on instagram i feel like my new york presa would really suit this let's go like that soft look i think the original one uh oh and it's a jpeg as well so i'll bring down the sharpening so it doesn't look too overdone yeah i love new york is a very pastel kind of preset which i love using that's so cool and actually i really like kind of the green look of the sky i might i'll have a play around and see what it looks like blue thank you very much for your time thank you guys as well for your time because i know it's not easy like submitting raw photos does take a little bit of time so i appreciate you guys as well actually a little bit more blue looks nice because you still got the green here and then it kind of has a gradient out to the to the blue and i might just bring that down ever so slightly okay love that um so this photo is by loon.dd on instagram this is the original and this is the after which i edited with new york it's a beautiful photo i love it oh i love that little detail you've got like the dots on her fingers as well that's cool any plans for skillshare we talked about that in a past livestream yeah i would love to do something for skillshare i've also been um trying to plan out some of my own online workshops as well it's just they're such a time-consuming like thing to work on and i feel like sometimes i have time and then other times i get like caught up in making videos and just like doing my daily work and stuff but yeah it's definitely something that we want to do maybe this year we can finally like get around to doing it love the way you say bokeh okay hi julia 31 i think is mine okay i'm just going to do sam's because we're always talking on twitter and instagram and stuff 31. and then i'm done oh i love this i picked up some new workflow tools watching this yay i'm glad okay what are we gonna do with this this is such a cool picture i like mountains i mounted this really cool when you want to edit something like pretty but you don't want it to be too pretty you know what i mean but i'm gonna do some tweaking so we need the orange luminance down thank you heaps julia and dan for doing this for us and taking the time to sit and talk with us as well so nice to communicate during lockdown appreciate all the work you do thank you i'm glad you guys enjoy this it's gonna be a regular thing and then let's saturate those cherry blossoms oh i really want to do a cherry blossom shoot again i already did one i want another one now i'm greedy that's looking nice i think we need like a little less exposure on this corner okay wow sam this is such a cool photo this is by sam kersengreep i'm sorry for my pronunciation again um on instagram this is the original straight out of the camera and this is the after that i edited with mountains such a cool photo also what a cool outfit like oh my god that top is so cool the shoes are really cool love it oh the earring wow that's cool and this is with the a7r ball right i'm pretty sure that's the camera you use this was so fun yay would you consider doing a nighttime after blue hour portrait bts on your youtube yes i actually did one recently with the a7r iv actually i just um do you guys want to see that it's like a it's a blue hour shoot with the a7 r4 so it is quite grainy i personally kind of like grain in my photos i don't mind them at all but um yeah i need a workout there's so many videos i need to edit imagine evie with a cherry blossom that would be so cute actually we have cherry blossom trees just down the road maybe we could take her she's she wears like a little harness sometimes and we like have supervised time outside because i don't think you should let cats out to roam the streets because they kill birds and other stuff um but yeah we could take her with that to her into a cherry blossom tree maybe she could like climb the tree would be cute uh is it overwhelming keeping up with 410 000 subscribers um it's not so much overwhelming i think the only overwhelming part is that i try to get back to as many comments as possible but sometimes i just can't and i have to accept that like because i really like responding to you guys and i appreciate everyone who takes the time commenting on my videos um but yeah sometimes like work kind of takes over and it's hard to get back to everyone which is um thank you for editing my picture it was so nice the preset looked good thank you the white dots are traditional part of indian culture oh i like it i feel like it yeah it looked really nice in the photo as well time to kick your feet up and have a tea wine thank you so much for your time today so many beautiful photos you have a great community i agree but i actually have to edit oh no edit film a video now after this live stream at least like my hair makeup's done so i'm good to go yeah i would love for you guys if you haven't watched it yet to watch the latest video that i just uploaded it's about my favorite focus settings to use on sony and like to be able to capture movement when your subject is moving around and also like to photograph different styles of subjects as well i'm just like stuttering here i'm trying to talk and i also it also includes like how i have my sony a7c set up as well because i get questions about that like every day on instagram and on my youtube channel on the a7c videos so it'll be really cool if you guys were to check that out and yeah uh what else i have a new video coming this week as always and i think that is it but yeah in two weeks time we'll do another i edit your photos i'll schedule it again so you guys know where it's happening and i'll post it on instagram twitter all that stuff so you guys know when to submit photos and if you submitted you don't need to resubmit i'll keep all of these here in my lightroom catalog there's a piece of fluff flying around in front of the camera okay i'm gonna switch it back to me hi okay so i need to figure out how to close this all right bye guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys all next time bye
Channel: Julia Trotti
Views: 31,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion photography, portrait, portrait photography, julia trotti, photoshop, lightroom, premiere, adobe, natural light photography, natural photography, natural light fashion, digital film, digital film actions, canon, sony, photography
Id: pq_Vik6uJec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 26sec (10166 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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