Stop wasting time editing photos.

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in one click here this image has gone from something that the client would be like yep that's my barn too yeah that's my barn i love that barn this doesn't look great [Music] make the studio blue all right now we're youtubing oh that's not a great cup welcome to the studio at night hello hi if you are new to the channel my name is jesse driftwood i make internet videos primarily here on youtube instagram i don't know i've been a professional photographer now for about 10 years i think my first weddings were in 2010 it's 2020. math one thing you have probably picked up on if you have seen my work is i am very easily distracted and one of these tools that's been incredible for me over the last year is an app called luminar now this video is sponsored by skylum so with that said this isn't going to be a full in-depth review what this is is me showing you a piece of software that has been incredibly beneficial to me over the last well almost a year little bit shy of a year this time last year i found myself just getting really bored and sick of my own image editing workflow so i started searching out other pieces of software that could spice up my work a little bit just something simple because well one i find learning new software is actually a really good tool to strengthen your skill sets and also rediscover things that you've forgotten about but more than that i was looking for something that would really streamline my workflow and so luminar ai which is officially announced publicly available today december 15th 2020. and that's what i want to dive into that's what i want to walk you through because i think you're gonna be very impressed i wanted a variety of shots here to show you because this isn't just like a landscape tool this isn't just a portrait tool this is a a very smart and versatile tool and while luminar ai is available as a photoshop plugin as a lightroom plugin the way i like to use it is as a standalone application so from the beginning you can import up here with this plus and you can either add a folder of images or you can edit just a single image so let's start with this it's a an image of some palm trees and a big blue sky in saint martin when i was there i don't know some time ago shooting a wedding so right across the top here you've got catalog obviously that's your images i can hit spacebar here and jump in and out of a single image but once i've chosen the image to edit we're going to jump over first to templates so you load up the templates folder here and the first thing it's going to do is actually give you some suggested templates and you might be thinking yourself what how is it suggesting templates and this is what makes luminar ai so unique what it's doing is actually 3d mapping and using machine learning and ai in order to understand as many if not all aspects of your image as possible so it's figuring out subjects backgrounds foregrounds depth focal length all that information in order to help you edit so from here the first thing it's going to give you is what's called easy landscapes okay so i'm just going to click the easy landscapes here and let's just see what it does first of all we click long exposure i mean it looks pretty great already we're done and if you want you can just do a little before and aftering dang substantial or you can use the tab button whoa cool so now that we have a template that looks pretty good we're going to move over next into the edit tab now in the edit tab you've got your standard what they call light which is you know your white balance contrast highlights shadows all that good stuff and we can tweak this a little bit one tab that i really like and i find myself using a lot here is this enhance ai feature what that does is it's actually kind of adjusting the color and contrast intelligently in order to like bring focus to the subjects of your image at least that's what it looks like it's doing um for me and as we crank this up you can see it's giving it a little bit more contrast and even all the way up i mean i probably wouldn't take it all the way up but it's not bad we've got the sky enhancer which i'm pretty sure it's just kind of kind of like darken those skies saturate them a bit and you could make it look real dramatic but that's not what i'm gonna do right now but we've got a structure here which is kind of like a clarity slider but because it's using a.i it's avoiding adding that clarity adding that crunch to parts of your image that would really fall apart so if it was a portrait for an example you're not going to get that terrible like look that you often get when you crank a clarity slider to the max as we move down into the color tab this is where i'll often use hsl so that's your hue saturation and luminance so basically we could say hey blue the blue sky we want you to be way brighter or darker or something like that the green same kind of thing we can adjust these individually once we are in this edit tab here over to the right you've got your essentials creative portrait pro and then local masking the essentials are where you're going to edit things like contrast vignettes white balance just the overall balance of the image we're not doing anything too wacky here but once we dive into creative that's where things start to get pretty fun we pull into creative the first thing you have here is sky ai and this is the first thing i had ever seen from luminar and it's actually why i ended up buying luminar for last year was for one specific image that i just could not get to a place that i liked and that was this image right here and then three minutes later in luminar it was this image right here so we can click sky ai here and we can just choose let's hit a dramatic sunset 3. wow like what i just it's not even the same image oh my gosh i've changed skies in a million photos in this app and somehow this one still surprised me like that really looks cool what's incredible is that it's not just knowing what sky and what isn't but it's masking in through these trees and around these hard edges which if i was trying to mask that out manually i would not do it because i it's just i'm just so i wouldn't i wouldn't do it but i want to do it and now i can do it there i kind of love this dramatic sunset 5 here because it feels realistic it feels like a tropical storm is coming or a tropical storm is just left and now you have this beautiful golden sunlight coming through and i'm going to open the advanced settings here because there's a few fun things that you can do there's some settings like closed gaps and sky locals which can help refine that mask if it didn't quite nail the edges around some branches or wires or whatever finally you get a sky defocus and i cannot stress how important this feature is i have just seen so many bad composited images in my life where like there's a giant moon in the background but the whole background's like super shallow depth of field and the moon is just sharp as anything so when you are composing images in you really need to pay attention to the depth of field and me as someone who likes to shoot relatively wide open in my photography i find myself often just cranking that sky defocus slider in this case it's actually quite a deep depth of field landscape so it doesn't really matter and then finally with this sky replacement setup one of my favorite sliders this year is the re-light scene so here we put a starry night image and it looks kind of ridiculous but what's cool is that we can crank this relight scene slider and you can see it's starting to darken the trees add more of the blue purple hues and it overall just has this look of a long exposure image it's like i don't i don't understand how it works so well so this is a photo not a great photo how about this one also not a great photo but i bring this up because a few years back i had to do some photos and videos at a chicken farm site total overcast day really boring all the photos look fine but it's the only day we had to shoot and we had a certain number of deliverables that they were expecting so what you can do in here is and right before anything at all i'm just going to jump into sky and we can just boom i mean it's it's almost too good to be true just by swapping out the sky in one click here this image has gone from something that the client would be like yep that's my barn too yeah that's my barn i love that barn so after the sky ai tab we have augmented sky now what we can do with this is we can add elements into our images things like birds and clouds and rainbows and what have you heck let's throw some mountains into the background if we really want to why what okay let's not put mountains in this image because the client would know that's not their barn moving along after that we have what's probably my second favorite feature of luminar ai which is this brand new atmosphere ai so because luminar ai is actually 3d depth mapping your image it's not just saying this is a face and this is a tree it's saying okay how far do these hills roll and how far separated are the trees from the person from the mountains etc etc so what you can do now is let's say we add a bunch of fog and you can see that really fogging out the background which is great but with this depth slider we can actually bring that fog forward so you'll see it'll start until it eventually overtakes the cans we can move that back and you can see so it starts just in the sky it takes over these trees down here so you can see it's sneaking up along the grass we can make this just a bit of a hazy day sometimes it's good to just fidget with like the exact sky you're using so it's not too unbelievable i think this works a lot better and let's just have a relook let's see where we were and where we're at now it's uh i'll tell you what the image is substantially better we can also come in here and add a sun ray so with that let's just pop a sun somewhere that's fine cranky obviously you've got these bonkers sun rays i just like to go strong at first and then i dial it back and again because it understands your image you can just watch these lights so let's just toss a little bit of a sun right here but now before and after we are really taking this somewhere and i am happy with it we've got this dramatic slider which as you can probably assume makes it real dramatic one thing i do love is this mood tab here so you actually can import luts thankfully it already comes with a whole bunch but i know a lot of you photographers and filmmakers have probably collected a lot of luts yourself over the years so you can actually bring in your own luts or your favorite filmmaker photographer's luts and even better than that is this is that when you slide your finger across here you get to see the luts in real time i don't know why this isn't standard in every app in the world but i always have to like click the wait for it to load et cetera et cetera but here's where we're really just putting a bit of a mood in the image and this like riverside i just think is really beautiful i don't know i i can't say enough good things about the app for scenarios just like this so there voila sky replacement sun adding mist haze adding very quick very easy and it can take your commercial photos from a poorly lit day into something really quite special you know what let's just grab my wife's face here beautiful now let's head over to the portrait section because if any of you have done a whole lot of like portrait retouching you know it is very tedious work so much so that i just avoid it not because it's the right decision but because i don't want to so we'll click the face ai here what's very cool about this is there's this face light slider so what i can do is figure out the faces in the frame uh and then brighten them for you and this works whether you've got one face or ten faces uh there's this slim face setting which i don't know that's up to you like if i turn it on here we can do two to two and it does like a really surprisingly good job with this the eyes section here is actually a lot of fun because not only can we choose to just fully change the color of wow my wife's eyes wow oh brown green gray this is fun cat that's not a color right here what we can do is up the iris flare now you're going to see right here at the bottom of the eyes it's kind of mimicking what would have happened had you had a nice bounce card or something under your model's face and it can just really make the eyes have a bit more life in them you can enlarge the eyes if you want to and you can go real big with these like like youtube thumbnail big ready i kind of love it but this is really uh like you're trying to make a wacky youtube thumbnail look but again i'm just going to leave that as is we can whiten the eyes eye enhancer as we slide this up the eye enhancer slider here is basically adding micro contrast to my wife's eyes already just helping them pop there's a dark circles remover which i'll tell you what not ashamed to say it i've used it on pictures of me ready and that's just helping lighten underneath the eyes here a little bit and then finally the improve eyebrows boom if you want to have a real punchy looking eyebrow i have quite thick little caterpillars here so i don't often use this but for a lot of people with thinner eyebrows they're gonna love this we also have here the lip saturation we can make these just pop a little more more red if you want and then here teeth whitening teeth whitening is wonderful because um well i drink too much coffee but more than that i find with my own image processing i like to lean onto the warmer side of things so while i could have just white balance for proper white what i can also hear is just fix these teeth here fantastic let's zoom out jump into the skin ai here and this is wonderful because skin retouching is a pain in the butt there's just a button here called skin defects removal ready let's see what happens and with one click you can remove things like freckles or pimples or any skin imperfections that you had that day and it does a really good job finally we can crank up the amount here it's giving the skin a more like glossy smooth look but not at the expense of flattening everything so you're not losing that the details of your pores or the texture of your skin i should send this photo to my wife right now i'm ready to export it i'm just going to screenshot it ready set let's see if she gets back to us now again this photo edit took me a matter of minutes like really just a couple minutes and i look at it now and i go yeah that's great like i don't know anything else i would want to do to this let's see what else we've got in here this is an example where i want it to feel larger than light so let's go to a big dramatic sunset you know what that's looking pretty good and we're going to defocus that sky to match the amount of defocus that we see here on the building i obviously want to put this back into 4x5 i mean that's just like kind of an awesome image i think it's so funny very easy now if we go back to that catalog you can also right click this and you can either just hit command c but the point is you go adjustments you can copy them go to another image paste them and now without any work this image has the same sky the same sky defocus and they'll just make sense and so that's luminar ai built entirely from the ground up a completely new piece of software that promises to just not only simplify but enjoyify the creative process if you've enjoyed this video the first thing that i would appreciate you doing go down click the link in the description check out luminar ai it is a super powerful bit of software that has saved me so so much time i think it's really easy to take yourself and your work just hyper seriously and be like this is the way art must be done and for me i just think that's a bit ridiculous i think you should experiment with new tools i think you should be excited about the future of image manipulation software because it opens so many doors for us ai is and will continue to change the landscape of image manipulation and i think it's for the better if only that it takes the worst parts of the process and automates it for you thanks for watching the video is done
Channel: JesseDriftwood
Views: 34,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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