How to save Chilli Pepper Seeds

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first things first you're going to need your peppers and you can see here these are all marked because if you've watched the previous video of mine you see that I try and isolate my peppers that I get my seeds from and that's just so that I ensure that when I grow these art again I get the same thing so for example specifically when I grow the peri-peri plants I want to make sure that I get peri-peri I don't get a cross between a peri-peri chili and something else so the others maybe aren't too fussed getting some crossbreeding saving the seeds is the same process no matter whether it's nice leaded pepper or not now what you're going to do is take the peppers you can see for peppers I'm going to do today and this is the seven pot habanero this here is the Naga brain chocolate that there is Peri Peri bird's eye and that one there is a Carolina Reaper now I'm not entirely happy with this one here I mean it's ripe so the seeds will probably be probably be okay but it's not the best example of the habaneros and the Naga brains I mean here you can see that's a much nicer one so what I might do I might just use one of these as well even though I haven't isolated I might use one of these better specimens as well and save the seeds from it just so I make sure that I label this one is being isolated this one as being not isolated I have some containers so these are just old takeout containers and that's just to keep them inside so the seeds don't go wandering and the most important thing you need to do is label them so I'm going to get a piece of paper and write down what each of these peppers are so we have our pieces of paper let's just label them so first we'll do the nagas brain chocolate that I didn't isolate straightforward what you're going to need to do is cut it in half now I would recommend gloves I'm being very careful here but please wear gloves these things can hurt there you go there's not a lot of seeds in this one but that's pretty much all you do I tend to keep it in the in the skin just open it up like this I don't take the seeds out so I'm just going to have it just like that I'm gonna take that and put that inside this pot and move on to the next one do the nagas brain isolated there's a couple seeds in there and those should be fine actually I'm going to open this up a bit more which trying to do is you're trying to let air get inside so that these can dry out going to be careful you don't damage the actual seeds themselves that's why I only use one pepper for the peri-peri because there are just so many seeds in here and put that in there the seven pot habanero so these are the seeds that we are going to be isolating today make sure they face upwards you want it to give it the best chance possible to air out and dry so you have a couple options for drying out your pods or your seeds the way I do it I use the linen cupboard basically where the boiler is in my house so this is my linen cupboard or my my boiler cupboard where we have the boiler and what I've been doing just to make sure that I have the correct temperatures you can see I have a min/max thermometer and yeah you can see that it doesn't go above 31 degrees Celsius in yeah so I've had it in you have quite a while and the boiler has been on because the heating has been on and so as the water been heating up as well so you want to make sure that you don't have the temperature go too high if your boiler or the little cupboard where your boiler is if it gets too hot that could be a bit damaging for the for the peppers themselves so I would recommend just just checking what the temperature is in there you don't need a min/max you could just get any little thermometer and stick it in there just when the boilers been on for about half an hour or so then then you'll be able to check what what temperature it gets up to the maximum temperature I would suggest is probably around 40 degrees but in here you can see I've got the peppers all in there boxes letting them dry just make sure they're all facing up and the other thing to take note here the reason you put in a little uncovered is because you want to make sure that the humidity stays quite low the humidity is what's going to pull the moisture out of these seeds and out of these pods and allow me to have nice dry seeds so we'll come back to this in a couple of days and we should have our nice dry pods and dry seeds so this is about a week and a half almost two weeks later and you can see they're drying up nicely so I'm happy with that we'll come back to it again in about another week or two and the seed should be ready to harvest so I think these should be about ready now they look pretty dry and they feel pretty dry to the touch so time to do the next step so the first thing we're going to do is put on some gloves because the last thing you want is some of these chili oils going anywhere near your eyes or your face because these are really hot chilies so first ones will do here will do the Naga brain chocolates these ones over here so you can see they're the the pepper itself is very dry not a lot of seeds in this one so we'll break that open and you can see the season they're lovely and healthy-looking so this one yeah you know the chili will never fully dry out because of the oils in it so going to take those seeds out and put them into a container so you don't have to do this I done it this year because these things were just so cheap I'll put a link in the description but you can use you can use little ziplock bags you can use those or little envelopes but you want this really to be airtight so these things here perfect little container for your seeds what we're going to do here is just carefully take out the seeds you don't to damage them you can use you can use tweezers if you like however I wouldn't really suggest it because tweezers will you know you could very easily damage the seeds so this year it's just a much easier method use your fingers my sister had got me this for Christmas I haven't used it yet probably works a bit better with fresh chilies I'm not going to use it today because there's no real need you'll see I easier this is doing it this way but that's another option I guess so we'll just get all these seeds out there's only a few in this there's a few more and the other one though there we go there's about about eight or nine seeds in there there'll be enough for for me to grow this on you should expect a few more seeds than that normally but that was a very small pepper so you can see there there's the seeds so that's that's that one done we'll do the same for the rest just remember to be careful with these little leftovers they are still very very hot you could use them if you want if you want to cook with them there's no problem at all I might not okay so this is my seven pot habanero that are isolated as well make another one of these little containers you see there's plenty more seeds in this that's a good weight just to get three seeds you don't have to keep buying new packets of seeds every year I know that's part of the fun of green peppers but can't get quite expensive and especially if you've got a plant that was especially healthy or especially tasty so it's good to get the seeds so you can grow it again next year wow they smell strong I think what I might do next years do a seed giveaway I'll think about it and see what we do that one's done we'll do the labels in a second my peri-peri lots of seeds in there it's quite a nice easy one you'll see the peri-peri obvious not being as hot as the the other peppers there's not as much oil in there so these actually do break up quite nicely you see all the seeds just falling out of there but the more hot ones the ones the first two that I've done they're pretty hot and yeah you're really you're really gonna have a bit of a different experience there and these yeah you can see that see it's pretty much just fall out you see there those are looking good don't really want to put pieces of the chili in there and the last one here is the Naga brain chocolate another really oily one you can see there it is dry it's not really going to get much drier than that but it's because of the oils it still has quite a bit of flexibility there it's just put more of a challenge getting the seeds out or as easy as with some of the best oily ones if you're thinking of doing this not necessarily commercially but if you if you are wanting to to package up a whole lot of seeds and you you're either selling them or giving them away or something I would suggest sticking to doing one at a time one type at a time you can see obviously I've done four here I'm trying to be careful about what I'm actually putting in but I think if you are going to be doing it for for sale or something like that just make a hundred percent sure you're definitely packaging up the seeds correctly there's too many chances of things going wrong it gives it a nice seal and what I actually do with these I keep these in the fridge so you just got to think about how nature deals with seeds you know in the winter the ground freezes over so you know so do the seeds that get dropped during the summer and the spring and the autumn so any seeds that do end up on the ground in nature could potentially get frozen so I mean I wouldn't necessarily keep these in the freezer but keeping the fridge no problem at all I have a little container in the fridge that I keep all my seeds in and that makes them last quite a bit longer so that's that one there and now all we do is we put a label on these there we go that's it now it's time to put them in the fridge and they're really for me to grow on next year
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 68,849
Rating: 4.8210526 out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, seeds, save seeds, harvest seeds, seed saving, chilli seeds, free seeds, 7pot, habenero, birds eye, peri peri, piri piri, how to save seeds, garden, gardening, seed, saving seeds, peppers, how to, growing, saving, habanero, how to save pepper seeds, uk, vegetable seeds, hot peppers, chili, germination, harvesting seeds, saving pepper seeds, how to grow pepper from seeds, germinate peppers, starting pepper from seeds, chilli plants, save, chillis, chillies
Id: rr8K7PYvgo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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