Alien pepper! And my final harvest for the year (2018.E21 Garden Updates)

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in today's video I'm gonna be showing you what I'm gonna be doing with those things behind me I'm also going to be taking you into the greenhouse where we're gonna be picking the last of the peppers for the year it's really getting cold and it's time to start wrapping up what's going on in the greenhouse and start preparing for what's gonna happen in 2019 let's talk about those things over there those are IBC totes there's two of them and I managed to get a pretty good deal online there's a company fairly close to me that we're selling these for probably half the price of what I've seen them normally at on eBay so I managed to get two of these and they used to have ad blue in them which is just something that cars use it's got urea in it so it's water-soluble I'm not too worried about it in terms of my garden and I need to give them a good clean anyway though it is water soluble search should be able to clean up quite quickly which is why we have our pressure washer down there there in pieces because normally they're the plastic things are inside the cages over there and the cage normally has a floor but I had to pull that all apart because I don't have a big enough space to bring this through to my backyard I'm all closed up in here and if you look at the front of my house we only have a small pathway down the side so what we had to do is pull it apart and my neighbor gave me a hand to lift it over his fence over here which is why the ladder is there so taking it apart was the only way we could really do it because these things are pretty damn heavy so that's the first thing we're going to do we're going to give these a good clean and then I'll explain a little bit more about how I'm gonna use them we get to have some fun with the pressure washer so let me get started with that and I'll be right back with you so for the moment we've just put this over here on the patio area we're not going to be using the patio for a little while we have the other one sitting here behind the solar panel so it kind of hides it and it doesn't look too obvious so it's sitting over here I was thinking of putting them you know one over there one over here but I think I think I might actually be able to fit it in behind there there's a bit of a gap just over there I'm still deciding what exactly I want to do there let me give you a bit of an idea of what the plan is so here's my garden and what I'm gonna be doing is I will be using the existing tanks that I already have which is about a thousand litres 1,200 litres and those are all behind the greenhouse and I am going to be adding on to them the two 1000 liter ivc's that I've just been painting so a couple times this season I've actually run out of water and I've had to top it up with the tap water and I don't like using tap water in my garden I prefer using rainwater with the 3000 metres I don't think I'll be running out anytime soon but also I'm going to be setting up some irrigation into the raised beds and this is what its gonna look like I'm gonna be using PVC pipe at the moment that's my idea I want to use PVC pipe and I'll be running them along the beds just like this that'll all be controlled by the controller that's sitting inside the greenhouse and that I'm using already successfully at the moment with my chilies and I'm just gonna be doing a couple things to make it work with the outside as well as the inside and I'll give more details on that as I start developing it but I've got some ideas and I'll keep you updated as I start building the system up let's get ourselves into the greenhouse and start picking some peppers it is the end of the season for me we are going to get our first hard frost very soon I'm sure we've really had some sub-zero temperatures all my plants are pretty much dead inside the raised beds but the greenhouse is actually stall right at the moment but I want to pickle the peppers that we have there because I've got some really good ideas for a bit of a special source the first ones we're going to be picking completely will be these Perry Perry peppers so let me just pick all of those you wouldn't think that it's coming into winter when you look at this it's still pretty incredible so I already have picked a few but I just kind of thought this is kind of take quite a while and I doubt you guys want to watch me picking a whole bunch of peppers I thought the best way to do this would be just take you around the greenhouse we'll have a look I'll show you what I am going to be picking and then I'll show you at the end what I have actually picked so we can see loads and loads of these Perry Perry I said before I'm six foot four the this this roof over here this this beam is at about two meters and you can see these plants are just so high up and still thriving actually so I'm even picking all of these there's this quite a lot to do here and we can see there's even more inside here it's just a real forest of red it is seriously pretty in here we've got some of these carbon arrows a few more have come up I pick quite a few lost timers in here and we have some ring of fire some more ripe ones here also going through the greenhouse to look for any seeds that I've isolated any peppers that I've isolated and we'll be picking those today as well so we can harvest some seeds here we have again more Perry Perry over here mixed in with some KN quite a few new KN that have come through they'll just start ripening at this time of year and have some seven pots habaneros so that's good we'll have this one here which which will be picked today this is one of those that we've isolated no more in there at least we'll get a few seeds from yeah but we've got quite a few of these seven pots ready so that'll go well in the idea that I have and over here I've got lots of jalapenos so I'm quite happy I've actually got quite a few of these store we've got loads we can pick I was messaging back and forth on my channel with one of my subscribers this morning and I was saying that I'm interested in making some cowboy candy with the jalapenos so I'll be doing that and should be videoing it hopefully I'll have some time to do that as well we have some right how the Pinot's looking really nice so we have a pepper in there but I'm not sure that that peppers gonna get right so I'm gonna pick all of these peppers and I will show you the results of the harvest so I've finished picking the peri-peri peppers off these two plants and I thought I'd just show something here I hate doing this I hate having to cut my plants down but it is that time of the year so it needs to be done but these are the two plants that I was comparing from the beginning of the season I was comparing them one that I topped so this one here is the one I topped you can see I have marked it with that little dot and the other one over there is the one I didn't top so these are the branches that I've taken off of them it's but unfair for me to measure how many peppers came off each of these because I've been picking peppers all through the year it's bit difficult to isolate them completely like that but there's the branches of here a lot taller than the other ones so these the branches are cut off and these ones over here from the one I chopped these are a little bit bushier but to be honest there's not much in it and I think that probably produced similar amount of peppers we can have a look at the base of the plant as well and you can see the kind of growth that's come up from the bottom nice thick stem on the one that I chopped and very similar on this other one as well I think this one looks a bit healthier so I'm actually going to be overwintering this plant and a couple others as well and this is how I overwinter I just literally chopped it all way back I might even put this in a smaller pot but for the moment I'm just going to leave it like this for now and we'll see what we do about later on so here's the Trinidad doodler the Frankenstein plant that I've been following through the year and unfortunately I wasn't able to get any isolated seeds from this but what I am gonna do is I'm going to overwinter this plant so I'm just going to trim it back I'm just trying to think about how far back I actually want to trim this but you can see it's leaning over but it's getting quite top-heavy I'm thinking that I will trim it just above here and yeah just trim these things off so we'll do that and harvest the peppers off of this and what I'm gonna do with this is just overwinter it inside my small greenhouse which I'll show you that in a future video I won't be doing that today but I will explain in a future video how I'm going to be doing that and obviously I'll take you through the season while the off season I'll take you through that and show you how the overwintering works out so let me just carry on with this but I just wanted to show you what I was doing here before I actually did it I think this one here I'm just going to do right at the base if that's not nice and clean you should try and make your cuts as clean as you can this is depressing but has to be done and it won't be long before we starting our next season so shouldn't get too unhappy about it but still never nice all your hard work just getting chopped up all your hard work getting turned into mulch but that'll just go back into the compost and we'll be using that again next year still got quite a bit to pick anyway back to work so I've just come back this plant here which I just showed you and we've done some trimming on a few others here I was just about to get on to the nagas brain chocolate over here and I look up the top here and look at that that's more fizzy ation isn't that the weirdest looking thing so so I'm trying to figure out is it something in my soil that's causing this that is the strangest looking pepper that's meant to be an augur brain chocolate but that's definitely fussy ation you can see the way the stem was over there and obviously the way that pepper is looking so a bit strange I mean the likelihood that I have fascination on multiple plants I mean we've got this one here we've got some other very thick ones I mean the seven pothead I mean that's really thick but didn't look like obvious fashion but this one here definitely has some strange things going on so another plant probably that I want to maybe overwinter and see what happens with it next year very strange one other thing to point out this happens at least to one of my plants every year so this is meant to be a km just to point out what a KN pepper looks like that's a cayenne pepper this is what's on this suppose it KN there's no way that's a KN and I just ate one it was rather spicy I'm not sure what they are they look a little bit like maybe tabasco's or something like that they don't taste like Tabasco but those are certainly not KN but I'll put them in anyway they're gonna be picked and I will do something with them there's a proper KN on the floor next door to it strange here I better continue before this light disappears it's not long before the Sun is going to be dipping behind the fence I'm done for the day the Sun is going down and I'm not gonna have much light anyway to film in just a little while but I've got a lot done I am tired it's been it's been a long one but you can see in there it's not looking very pretty in there anymore but out with the old and get ready for the new next season so it's always a bit of a shame we've spent so much time nurturing and growing our peppers and our plants to have to do that it's never nice but we've got a lot of peppers from this and I will go through those with you in the next part of this video they're about 12 hours for me and a few seconds for you so until then I've had a good rest and it's time for us to get back inside the greenhouse now we're gonna have a look at the peppers that I picked yesterday and we'll see how we did this season so the greenhouse is looking pretty sorry for itself it's not a nice sight but we've got to make space for the next season and of course we've picked all our peppers so let's take these peppers out of here and get them somewhere so we can have a look true and see what we have so start off with these here these are my carbon arrows and tabasco's I've just labeled them up and not a lot we have quite a lot of these we really made a few sources with these the carbon arrows are quite quite a nice pepper they spicy as well I didn't get a lot of the Tabasco but at least I got some if you remember last year I had problems trying to grow my Tabasco because it ended up being something completely different but we actually got some Tabasco this year and I will be overwintering my Tabasco plants make sure that I can have maybe a few more next year while we're looking at these these are a bit of a mystery plant I'm not sure exactly what happened there they look like tabasco's to me actually but I have tried one of them and they don't really taste like Tabasco these are meant to be KN peppers actually but they look quite similar I don't think they are the same my peri-peri I'm quite happy with that I didn't think I'd have as many after a ride obviously already been picking quite a lot of them but that's quite a decent amount I'd say about half a kilogram there this is my one that I've isolated so I can get seeds from that to grow this on next year so these are sugar rush peach and you can see they're not all perfectly ripe this is what it should look like that's not ripe enough but again season is coming to an end as we saw the greenhouse is getting a little bit of a light frost at the moment and I'm sure it's not gonna be long before we have a heavy heavy frost that is the sugar rush peach actually quite a nice pepper a really really good flavor unfortunately I wasn't able to isolate any of these because I did want to grow these on again next year so I might have to buy seeds for this so in here we have our pepper juice cayenne and naga brain chocolate so these here in augur brain chocolate didn't get a lot this year I have picked a few but probably ended up with maybe eight or nine altogether so not a great harvest but I think it needs quite a long season I will be getting the seeds out of these and growing them on next year and then k-n these beautiful peppers here we have an isolated one this one here I've just tried to string around it so we know that that's an isolated one and we'll get seeds from that for next year and these peppers I am going to make another source I think which I'll mix with these ones here which are my ring of fire so these are my ring of fire got a decent amount they probably have a nice small jar of sauce from this over here these are the super f1 chilies and the Trinidad dubler so the Trinidad dubler these ones here these are really hot peppers that'll add a nice bit of flavor to our sauce we're gonna be making and then the soup F ones I'm just gonna harvest the seeds from these and again just keep them all as something to grow again next year these are just so abundant the super f1 plant actually has a load of new peppers on a lot of new green growth which is amazing to me but they just never stop I think I've had three harvests from them this year we have our cardi MOA bonnets which are these ones down here the orange ones and then we also have in here the seven pot habaneros which are these beautiful peppers here and I think I have an isolated one in here as well somewhere down the bottom again I've got a lovely sauce idea for these as well and finally my lovely jalapenos look at these things so like I was saying earlier in the video I'm gonna be making some cowboy candy with these I've never made that before but it looks interesting and right up my street so definitely be looking into doing that there's some beautiful peppers in here I won't need them also my brothers actually here at the moment and he's gonna be taking a few of them one of our favorite snacks when we're having a barbecue is to fill these up with cream cheese and wrap it up in bacon and I think I've shown that on video before but that is such a tasty treat so that is all the peppers and that is it for this season in terms of what I've been able to grow it's always a bit of a sad time when it gets to this part of the season where we harvest up all our peppers and start preparing the greenhouse for the winter but it's just part of that cycle and it needs to be done so I'm gonna take these peppers inside now I've got to start up a new video on some sources that I'm creating with these I've got about three or four I think I want to do with this so that's it's pretty much for the harvest for 2018 but it's not the end of the videos for the year we still got some update videos to come and definitely got a lot more source videos coming but this is the last of the the updates in the greenhouse in terms of what's growing and what we're doing with the peppers but what we will be doing now is going through the whole process of preparing the greenhouse for next year so thank you so much for watching and if you haven't yet subscribed please consider doing so it really helps me out helps this channel out and helps me carry on providing these videos for you thank you again and we'll see you on the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 33,941
Rating: 4.9533076 out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, fasciation, trinidad douglah, 7pot habanero, peri peri, jalapeno, end of the season, 2018 harvest, big harvest, final harvest, pepper harvest, final pepper harvest, cayenne, ring of fire, frankenstein plant, naga brain chocolate, nagabrain, fasciated plant, fasciated pepper, alien pepper, october, update, growing hot peppers, piri piri, irrigation system, diy irrigation, automated irrigation, automatic irrigation system
Id: ou-HXNt5HbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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