Blazing Buffalo Hot Sauce: Ultimate Fermented Hot Sauce for Chicken Wings

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[Music] this is the sauce that I've been looking forward to making all year long so join me right after this and I'm gonna show you how I made it today instead of using a store-bought sauce we're gonna make our very own Frank's hot sauce is made with cayenne peppers and wouldn't you know it I've been growing cayenne peppers this year I've been planning this since the beginning of the year when I bought seeds right back in December last year I was planning this video I got the idea when I was making my Tabasco style hot sauce using peri-peri peppers these are the peppers I've just picked from the garden these are cayenne peppers over here and these over here are my ring of Fire's now I've got some more as well these are ones that I had in the freezer and ring a fire as well the reason I'm using both of these is because the ring of fire is about three or four times as hot as the cayenne peppers I have tasted and I have tested it really is quite a bit hotter but it keeps a similar flavor profile so we won't change the the flavor of the sauce we're just going to be adding a bit more heat now I'm adding heat using these ring of Fire's but I thought that's not enough we need to add a little bit more heat so I've got a couple seven part habaneros I'm only gonna add two I don't want this to blow your face off I want my wife to be able to eat this as well so I've got to make a sauce that she might want to eat as well but this is going to be quite spicy if you do want something that's going to blow your head off then just add a few more of these maybe some seven-part Primo's but keep the base of the recipe the same as what I'm going to be doing here make the majority of the peppers k/n because they have such a lovely flavor and it's spot-on for Buffalo style hot sauce so we've got our jars here we've got our caps and we've got our airlocks these are my preferred airlocks you can really see the action you can see if there's a negative pressure or positive pressure in there and we're be able to have a better visual of what's going on inside the bottle using these so these bottles are clean everything else is clean make sure you keep things as clean as you can you don't introduce any bad bacteria which is going to ruin your fermentation and yes this is a fermentation Frank's hot sauce is also a fermented hot sauce and to be honest it just it just gives that extra flavor that I really like in a hot sauce and the added benefit of course fermenting it it makes it a lot safer it reduces the pH increases the acidity and it makes it more shelf stable so the amount of sauce I'm gonna be making I'm intending on this coming out to about 3 to 5 liters of hot sauce so it's a lot of hot sauce but obviously I'm not going to be able to eat that all in one go so I need that to be something that is gonna last a long time on the shelf and it's not something that's gonna take up space in the fridge so by fermenting it and by doing some of the other processes we're going to be doing we're gonna keep this nice and safe first thing we need to do we need to weigh this glass jar so that we can subtract that from the weight of the peppers that we're gonna add into this so let's just turn that on so this jaw weighs 1292 grams so I'm just gonna make a note of that weight so I remember to subtract that when we add the peppers make sure your hands are clean again don't want to introduce any bad bacteria or any nasties into this I always recommend that you use gloves when you do this I buy a box of these they're lost ages they're just latex gloves try and get ones without powder on them because you don't have that going into the peppers themselves so there we go I'm going to start with the Ring of Fire and all we're doing here is we're just cutting the ends off and we're going to throw that in can't chop it up small if you want this is all going to go in a blender anyway so it's up to you so that's all the Ring of Fire peppers we've taken off the ends and we've cut a few of them in half a common question I get is can you use frozen peppers in fermentation I would say don't use them by themselves you need to add some fresh in so sort of what I've done here at least a half half ratio would be best you can get away with a bit less than that the problem is with frozen peppers and also when you cook peppers it kills the lactobacillus that's the bacteria that does the fermentation so we're just going to check how much these way I want to just get an idea of the ratio that I have here so that's one point five four five so that's with the Ring of Fire it's one five four five so one point five four five kilograms the only reason I'm doing this is just I want to keep tabs when I do make this again if I'm happy with the source then I'll keep the same ratios but if I want it a bit hotter or maybe even a bit cooler then I know it to change the ratio so just it's good to just keep tabs of what you're doing when you're making these recipes so let's now do the the kN and we'll see how much that weighs so that's all the cayenne peppers done let's weigh them out in points eight seven two and then we're gonna add in these two beasties over here the seven pot habaneros that just smells hot so it's 842 grams in total so it's 842 grams I'm gonna be putting it just above 2% so we're gonna put in around about 20 grams of salt just make sure that it doesn't have any additives in it any preservatives you want a hundred percent salt so it's just over 20 grams 21 grams and that'll work out just fine with our sauce although we're adding here is peppers and salt that's a no water no liquids nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is meant to be a mash which means you want to blend it up as fine as you can I don't have the best blender for this I probably need to invest in something but better but I'm just going to keep on blending it and get the pieces as small as I can get them so the salt actually brings out a lot of the liquid of this so when you're making sauerkraut part of the process there is adding salt to the cabbage and it actually draws moisture out of the cabbage quite quickly but it's doing a similar thing here and it'll just do it more so in time when you are putting the sauce in the jar try and not make a mess you don't want this dripping all down the sides of the jar and if you do mess just make sure you give it a wipe before you seal it up this actually smells really fruity it doesn't smell as spicy as you might assume nothing like some of the superhot sources I've made it smells quite nice so there we go I need to give that a bit of a clean sport on the edges but that is looking fantastic I'm just getting it off the edges as much as I can so we then just stick the airlock in so I'm not happy with the seal of this I've taken the grommet out of this I'm gonna add this grommet in instead and hopefully that'll create a bit of seal that's a far better seal and there you go we have our buffalo sauce really start fermenting it's the time now to go and stick this inside my fermenting fridge we're going to stick that in here it's been three days now since we put the mash into the fridge so let's have a look and see how it's doing that's looking good we can see the bubbles forming over there we can see all the bubbles happening there there's nothing on the top no growth or anything but I wouldn't expect to see that this early anyway but we'll put that back into the Furminator and we'll come back to it in about a week's time it's looking nice and healthy no growth on the top and we have little bubbles forming all over here you can see perfect doing very nicely we'll come back to that again in maybe another week or so it's time to check on the fermentation let's see how it is doing so have a look at that you can see that is looking beautiful you see all the air gaps that is creating that's just the fermentation happening I'm going to go and put that back into the furminator I wanted to create a second batch now the first batch that's going to be quite spicy it has a couple of the seven part habaneros in there and a good amount of the Ring of Fire but let's step it up a notch let's do something a little bit more interesting so we're going to use a similar base to what we did on the first fermentation except we're going to change up the proportions of the different peppers and as well we're going to be adding in not two but four of these seven pot habaneros I've already done the calculations here and we're looking at the first batch we did 70% of the peppers were KN and 30% of the Ring of Fire now the ring of fire of course are quite a bit hotter than KN so the 30 percent are gonna add some heat and then obviously the seven pot habaneros that's again going to add a lot more heat however in this batch we are going to change that up a little bit so it's 36% of these peppers will be KN and 64% are going to be the ring of fire so pretty much the opposite of what we did on the first source and then like I said we're going to be adding in an extra two seven Potter Benares so there'll be four seven pot habaneros let's get this ready to be fermented it has been just over 40 days since we started this fermentation and it is looking so good we still have the other extra hot fermentation going on in the fermentation fridge and that'll be ready in about another two weeks or so which is perfect because the next steps of what we're gonna do here is gonna take roughly a week if you've been watching my channel for a while you would have watched my Tabasco style hot sauce I made last year with Peri Peri peppers you would recognize this thing over here this is my stir plate my homemade stir plate I'll put a link up top just to show you how I built this did make a video on doing that and will just show you inside there so we have a computer fan we have a controller over here just PWM controller and this is just the power brick last year when I did the Tabasco style peri-peri hot sauce that I made I strayed away after that video I went and ordered a Erlenmeyer flask because I wanted to do a much bigger batch I've been planning it since I stopped that video I had been planning this video this is the flask I bought literally it came like a couple weeks after I finished that video it's a 5 liter flask and this can do a hell of a lot of hot sauce but just in case this one here was too big I actually got a second smaller one which is 2 liters this here is only 1 liter and I'm gonna be adding the same amount of vinegar as I have peppers so we only need a 2 liter flask at this point don't worry I have still got plans for this I've cleaned this out I've sanitized it I have made sure that it is perfectly clean we're not going to make problems the last thing I want to do is waste this fermentation so let me put this aside for now I want to open this up and see what it smells like I'm happy with that really excited about this so this is the milder one and it's gonna be interesting to see how it comes up I can see that this is fermented perfectly if we have a look in there you can see that's just looking lovely rich and red so we need to pour this into the Erlenmeyer flask luckily I have this which fits absolutely perfectly I cannot plan that any better so let's pour this in the smells in here are amazing okay so I've poured the mash into into here and we can see it's taken up a bit of space not exactly up to the 800 mil mark we're gonna now add the distilled vinegar this is just distilled white vinegar and we're gonna add the same amount of the pepper mash we're gonna add white vinegar I might even add a little bit more afterwards I just need to see how this settles in but for now this should be enough so one other thing we need to add before we add the vinegar is garlic powder so for this amount of pepper mash and vinegar we're gonna need 1 tablespoon of the garlic powder and we're gonna put that on top because I don't want to waste anything I'm going to just give us a bit of a shake don't like to waste anything okay let's take this and we're gonna start this process off now the one other thing we're going to need here is this little guy I'm gonna give it a bit of a spray with my sanitizer just make sure it is clean before I go and stick it in because I'm handling it with my hands I'm just going to give us a bit of a stir around so to get the magnetic stirrer to get to the bottom and I think it's on let's plug this in and start the process up I might end up putting a little bit more vinegar in I just need to see what thickness is going to be here and what I'm trying to achieve [Music] [Music] I think another quarter of a jar of vinegar is what's needed here so I'm gonna add this in as well which means we have a total of one and a quarter vinegar to the pepper mash so you can see how thin it looks at the top because obviously it's still pretty much just plain vinegar but with this process we're going to be emulsifying the vinegar with the pepper mash and you can end up with the sauce we're trying to make one last thing we need to do before we leave this for the next few days is to cover the lid and make sure that no dirt gets inside your or anything bad so all we do is we cover it with some plastic we take an elastic band and we just put it over the top and that's it so I'm gonna leave that now for a few days and we'll come back to this video once this is emulsified nicely this has been mixing now for 24 hours and you can see the changes in this already so you just take a look down there I'm gonna turn this off in a second but I just wanted you to see how this is all churning up in here so I'm just going to turn this off because it's making a hell of noise and another little tip it does make a noise try and put it somewhere where it's not going to annoy people my wife has really told me that it's driving her nuts I wanted to point out something why I'm actually doing this right I mean why not just put it in a blender and blend it up and there you go the problem with that is the liquids will eventually separate even with this the liquids will separate you know get the vinegar at the top and the the source sort of sitting at the bottom Tabasco does this as well so if you leave Tabasco for a long time it does eventually separate but not as quickly as a source that you just go and put in a blender so I've got an example this is a source that I've made so you can see there how this is separated this is just separated to the vinegar and then the chilli mash pretty much which is down here I made the sauce pretty much the same way I made the sauce that I'm busy mixing up now the big difference is I am stirring this with the stir bar for a few days this one I just put through a blender for a quite a bit of time but we can see how that has separated now that's not really the end of the world because I'll just shake this up which I'll do now and that sauce is back to being perfectly fine and the other thing that it does is it helps bring the flavors out of the peppers into the vinegar so when we're stirring it like this and we're going to do it for a few days but when we're stirring it like this it's going to impart a lot more of the flavors from the mash that we're going to extract from this right at the end I've let this go for a little bit longer than I expected just because life gets in the way but this is now done it's been going for about I think about two weeks now I actually was originally intending about a week it's done now and it's time to switch off the stove plate and let's get to bottling take the swears get rid of the stir plate for now it's time to get bottling there's just a few things we need obviously the source the serve spoon to help it go through funnel for the bottles we need a jug and the ball the last thing we need are the bottles that looks incredible do you see how that's all emulsified and the sauce underneath looks even better so let me just help this through here smells amazing I never get enough of it really I makes so much sauce and you know I do a lot of these videos but it never gets old I love doing this stuff if you have a look up here I'm going to be putting a link to a video where I show some of the ways that I use mash or used mash so this sort of leftover stuff down here here's a cool trick for you with this mash and particularly this mash here the leftover from the source it's going to taste amazing in other foods and it'll be ashamed to put it to waste so what you can do with us take an old ice tray or buy a cheap ice tray and portion this out into ice blocks freeze it and you got yourself pretty much chilly stock cubes it's a great way to use this and it'll last for ages look at that beautiful sauce that's the perfect texture just what I was going for here are bottles and we're going to now just fill them up [Music] there we go made a bit of a mess it's important to try and keep things as clean as you can this year I decided to step up my game a little bit and I got my wife to help me out we created these little labels these will be going onto the bottles I don't make these sources to sell I make these sources for my friends and my family and obviously I'll make it on video so you guys can see how I do it and hopefully make it for yourself it's always nice to have the little touches like this so let's finish up the bottling we need to get the caps on all of these and before I put my cap on the last bottle here we know what we need to do we need to give this a taste yeah that's quite a lot this isn't a terribly hot sauce mum I'm guessing I might be surprised but if you've had Frank's hot sauce is gonna be probably about twice as hot is that I would say Oh mmm probably a little bit hotter than the extra hot Frank's hot sauce that's kind of what I'm aiming for that sort of flavor profile but I want it a little bit hotter bottoms up well oh I love that that tang picture the back of the tongue oh really good really good in the heaters it's pretty damn good so obviously I'm doing two of these sorry mouths watering so obviously I'm doing two of these this one here is what I call normal hot which is why you see that on the label normal hot the other one is stupid hot so I'm quite interested to see what that's like as soon as we finish bottling here I'm gonna prepare the stupid hot version to do its emulsifying and we'll be able to bottle it the same as this in a couple of weeks time there we go we also gonna put a nice little seal cap on there make it look pretty cool and there we go we have bottled our first part of this which is the normal Hut and I think it's time to start preparing for the stupid Hut so next steps we need to do this source here which is the the really hot one it is the second batch before going to put this into the flask to be emulsified with the vinegar I'm just going to give it a bit of a test and we're going to see what sort of pH we're looking at this is my new pH tester I bought a new one a little bit more expensive than the other the cheaper one like this not because this one is not any good this is actually a very decent pH tester but because I'm making so many sources when I make my recipes I do test all my fermentations so the recipes I put together that you see on my channel I test all of them and they are safe as long as you follow the right procedures and get the fermentation to do what it needs to do so let's test this one so I can see that is 4.6 on the pH scale and I'm happy with that because I didn't run this fermentation as long as I would have liked if I went for another week probably would would be a bit lower 4.6 from a raw fermentation like this I'm happy with that 4.6 and below is what you're looking for would have liked it to have been around the 3.9 3.8 but I'm naturally not worried about it at all because I'm adding vinegar to this the same amount that I've got peppers so the pH will be much lower when the source is actually finished [Music] and same as we did before we're gonna be adding in garlic now this is a lot stronger the peppers I want the garlic to come out a little bit more then maybe it did on the other one so I'm gonna add two tablespoons of garlic into this [Music] it's time to finish up this hot sauce I'm really excited about this one I want to see what it tastes like it's been emulsifying inside this little jar here for about three weeks so quite a long time I expected I need to do it for about a week or two but it's been going now three weeks and I think it's gonna be absolutely perfect so let's turn off the stove plate and finish up the rest of the steps [Music] the smells again are just amazing [Music] now this one is going to be pretty spicy the last one was a good all-rounder it's probably about twice as hot as the Frank's hot sauce this one here I think is probably going to be about six to eight times as hot if not more so I'm being but conservative there but I'm just gonna take some from the bottom of the leftovers here that's quite a lot but this is my favorite kind of source Buffalo star sauce that Tang the spice and when you combine that with chicken wings you can't lose flavors are awesome the heat it builds it builds it's not instant it's getting hotter and hotter now but it's really good I think I was about spot-on with about six to eight times as hot as Frank's this is a very good hot sauce and I can't wait to try it on some wings don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet already there's gonna be loads more videos like this and I love making them I love having you along joining me for them and I look forward to seeing you on the next one thank you so much bye bye for now [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 1,113,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, buffalo style hot sauce, hot wings, hot sauce, fermented hot sauce, stir plate, cayenne, ring of fire, 7pot habanero, buffalo wings, fermented, fermentation, franks hot sauce, buffalo hot sauce, fermented buffalo sauce, fermented wings sauce, fermented buffalo style hot sauce, blazing buffalo, hot sauce recipe, how to make hot sauce, homemade hot sauce, fermented hot sauce recipe, fermenting peppers, stirplate, erlenmeyer flask, chicken wings
Id: dRkXaa8ttM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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