How to safely remove pits, wiper marks & scratches from glass

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[Music] barbecue seasoning isn't our yeah we're not here to show how to barbecue corn or anything like that now metal wrap this is an old detailer's trick you want to cover up things like wiper arms so you don't have to detail them later you just wrap them up with some tinfoil that or use a tube sock you got an extra two i you know i forgot my two socks today so uh and you're also dating yourself if you're calling them too see how fast that is and it's completely covered up then later on i gotta take a toothbrush and get all the little splatter dots preventive tips people preventive tips and you can wrap up your lunch with it later on well they're dual purpose all right we are back again thank you all for tuning in to another edition of auto geek's live detailing classes with the one and only mike phillips and the talkbox me where's cardboard mike cardboard mike didn't make it today obviously he didn't have enough to eat so he withered away um but what we are doing today is we're showing a new coating look at that that's an amazing coating and you can wash it you can wash it and wash put it back on put it back on now but what are we doing today we're going to do glass polishing okay and why would you want to polish your glass well there's two kinds of glass polishing there's topical glass polishing and subsurface glass polishing and we're going to show how to do the subsurface type this is the hard type and that would be like wiper marks pitch yeah scratches wiper marks scratches topical is uh like tree sap and all the others no mostly like road fill road film okay so every time you drive your car in a rain the car in front of you throws the water on the highway that mixes with the oil from all the cars that leak oil onto your car and over time it builds up road feel all right i got you all right so with that and water spots and water spots yeah and um so hard water if you if you're unfortunate and you live in uh apartment complex i have a hard water and you get stuck with the sprinklers right next to your car and well i got another term what's that drizzle stains oh well so sometimes when you wipe your glass on your car and you can see where water has drizzled down it over time and left a stain so that's called drizzle stains so that would be topical polishing okay cool all right so that is what our topic is today i want to say thank you all for tuning in also remember to like share and all the other jazz you know subscribe hit the bell all that good stuff so that we always know when we're going live and plus all your questions and comments write it down or all your questions and everything like that write it in the comment section so that way i will jump behind the computer and we'll get those asked throughout the show and also we have a question and answer session at the very end so if we don't cover it at the beginning or during the show we'll try to get through all the uh questions speed round remember speed round at the end of the thing that's right go real slow yeah he's wanting to go really slow today we have low energy mics so we're going to try to hype him up people um so with that being said looks like you have tons of products and you have a whole bunch of stuff so why don't you go over what we're going to be doing and i'm going to go back over here okay uh you know every time um every time i show polishing glass on any social media platform i get asked a lot of questions about it and most the time people are asking if what i'm doing is removing scratches out of glass and most the time it's not most the time all i'm doing is polishing the road film the drizzle stains and the water spots off the outside of the glass because over time it builds up it builds up on the paint it builds up on the glass and for that you can use you know a water spot remover any kind of polish in fact um if you've ever looked at any of my write-ups a lot of times you'll see the car with the compound on it and you'll see it on the glass and what i tell people is what when you when it comes to removing the stuff on the glass not scratches but the stuff on the glass so a road film basically and water spots glass isn't that picky whatever you're using on the paint if it's clear coat safe it's probably glass safe so whatever's on your pad after you're done doing the hood or the roof run it over the glass okay and uh i kind of learned this because i started out detailing cars in oregon and you gotta understand in oregon it rains a lot and so a lot of times my customers would come to me with neglected cars with water spots in the paint but they also had water spots on the glass because it rains a lot and here's the deal you cannot detail somebody's car make the paint all shiny and give your customer back their car with water spots on the glass so i always practiced polishing all the glass on all the cars and then kind of one of the things i learned is if you wash the car and then polish the glass you'll end up getting you know splatter around the edges of the window frame and on the side windows you got that fuzzy gasket or rubber gaskets and you get now you got to clean it again so here's what i did as i learned that when i'm dieseling a car this would be back in oregon the first thing i would do is polish all the glass then wash the car and as i wash the car i would get all the splattered out of the thing so i don't gotta repeat steps makes sense so that's one type of glass polishing it's top i call it topical glass polishing and it's something every detailer should do and you can use any quality compound foam pad wool pad microfiber pad gear driven free spinning work by hand doesn't really matter it's not that big a deal but it is important to do but what we're going to show today is the really hard thing to do and that's polishing out scratches that are in the glass wiper marks here let me go ahead and i'm going to show them yeah these are wiper marks and this car's got it really bad that's why we chose it to show you and and um and i'll tell you a little story i probably have more how-to articles on polishing glass than anybody breathing and because of that i often times have people contact me through various methods and ask me how to polish the glass on their car i tell them what they need and they buy it and then the next thing i hear from them is i gave up it was really hard i told him it was hard and uh and it takes a lot of muscle it takes a lot of time and the reason it takes muscle and time is because glass itself glass itself is hard okay it's not going to give up you know itself materials you braid it like paint well so because it's hard it becomes very difficult to polish now i'd also say that a lot of people that have had major scratching problems in their glass after trying to polish it out with the product like this car pros sarah glass which contains cerium oxide what they've done is just given up and had the windows replaced and that's fairly easy to do on say a modern car but i i do know that i've worked on a lot of classic cars and here's an example about a year ago uh believe it or not they found two 1967 shelby mustangs in a barn i know as the year 2019 there are still cool cars waiting to be discovered in barns and the windshields on them were very scratched up so i machine polished them out they could have replaced them but they didn't want to not not so much to ruin the originalness of the car but because they knew once they pulled that windshield out they were going to find rust and that was going to start a money pit hey let's fix the rust here hey now look it went down here okay let's hey let's just tear the whole cart apart people don't want to do that so it's easier to polish out the glass than it is to do a full restoration on something because you found some rust in the channels where the glass is held into the window frame and so anyway so uh there are times and reasons to polish glass versus try to replace it and it has to do with uh the unexpected expenses you would discover trying to replace or uh fixing rust you'd find in classic cars and usually if you think about a classic car an older car there's a really good chance the glass is scratched up because it's been through so many owners in overtime so it's gonna be scratched up anyway so when it comes to polishing glass there's two things you need to know besides subsurface and topical and that's the type of products we use this is a product from car pro that we carry it auto geek so after watching this if you want to try you can go to audigy can get this and the pads and this contains what they call a rare earth mineral mineral called cerium oxide i'm going to get up close so just keep it there not same time it won't available its own scratch behind so there's some magic going on there that i don't even understand and not really care to understand i just know it works so magic voodoo in the bottle magic voodoo juice i sometimes i just don't care to play the chemist you know i just know it works i've been doing this for years anyway so if you want to take scratches it starts with having the right polish not any polish will work you must find where it lists cerium oxide as an ingredient the next thing you're going to need is a glass polishing pad and um i'm going to hold one of those up for that way i can just tilt it up right there so that way yeah right there this is a rayon glass polishing pad it's very hard okay very hard coarse and it's going to work together with abrasives to abrade the glass to level the grass so you actually don't remove a scratch you remove all this the glass around the scratch and it levels it and it visually disappears but physically or you don't actually take scratches out of glass you just level the surface if you can wrap your brain around that one oh it's kind of the same as paint too same as paint yeah you never take you don't actually remove a scratch out of paint you remove all the paint around the scratch until you level the highest part of the surface of the paint with the lowest depth of the scratch and it visually disappears but here's here's a couple tips so these are real important first if a company that sells a polish also sells a pad by the system and i'm going to tell you this because one of the ways i found out is i tried one company's polish in another company's pad and when i went to polish on the glass it actually put scratches in now think about it if the things i have to remove scratches or putting scratches in and that's all i got i'm stuck because i'm not going to be able to fix the scratches i just put in because the things i bought aren't working so think about it if there's a company and they make a glass polish and they also sell a pad to go with it don't skimp out by the system okay because someone else has already figured this to fountain that's why they're a matching system so you need the right products you're also going to need um some some water every glass polish i've used and i've used about four or five different brands is water-based and as it heats up it dries up and you want to re-liquefy it to get some more use out of the braces because they're not completely used up through a few passes so you want a little bit of a clean water i put a few drops of soap in there just to keep it from evaporating also to lubricate the surface a little bit so a little soap always helps you're also going to need an interface pad okay so what this is is it's a foam interface pad that has velcro hook on one side and velcro loop on the other side all right and this will go between your backing plate and the glass polishing pad and what this is going to do is if you look at a windshield even though it looks flat it's actually got a curve to it it's going to do two things it's going to maintain 100 contact between your rayon pad and the glass surface but it's also going to smooth out the action of the buffing because for example all these polishers they have a backing plate the backing plate's hard the pad is thin is hard you put that on there and you got this hard thing spinning around a circle it's not a comfortable feeling and again it's going to take a long time so you're going to be if you don't have the interface pad you're going to have this not a good feeling for a long time so you really need the interface pad and and that's an important component of it besides that i think pretty much then you could use any tool so a lot of times people ask you know what polisher can you use and pretty much anything that'll spin a pad in a circle or oscillate a pad it'll work rotary buffer gear driven polisher free spinning polisher um pretty much anything you know can you do it by hand um you know maybe if you're the rock you know or you know but maybe but i think you want to be there for a while he's going to be there for a while too i think you'd rather go wrestle than paul's glass now can you i know that you said about the um i know the 3401 is there can you use this yes all right i know that you want me to bring something you can use your name or any polisher now when it comes to the 3401 you can use it but the thing is is that thing comes with a five and a half inch backing plate and almost all the glass pads i know of on the market are five inches so the backing plates too big but flex does make a four and 7 8 backing plate and then you could get this of course put the interface pad center it up and then put the rayon pad on top of that so you could use the flex but you've got to get the right backing plate and yes we sell those at auto geek i point that out because every time i make a post anywhere someone always says mike where can i get this stuff and i'm just like do you not know where i work so anyway so we carry all this stuff now a few years ago most of the time by the way by the way by the way when i got into glass polishing this would be about 13 or 14 years ago back when i was still at maguire's everything i ever read about polishing glass said you had to do it with a rotary polisher now i know a lot of people either a don't own a rotary polisher or b maybe they're they haven't got you know worked their way up the tool hierarchy and purchased one yet because they are a little bit more of an advanced tool so one day i thought to myself well what's the difference between a rotary polisher and say a porter cable well obviously one is gear driven and only spins a pad and a circle and one is free spinning and spins in a circle and oscillates it but i just thought to myself well if you could put that pad on there and mark your little backing plate with your felt marker and then maintain pad rotation isn't it in a way doing the same thing and my little brain said why yes it is so i went out and tried it and it worked just fine and the reason i did that was because i knew a lot of people didn't own a rotary but a lot of people owned things like this and so it opened up the world of glass polishing to anybody with any kind of orbital polisher and that that article actually probably dates back about eight years ago so been doing this a long time and uh yeah you can use any tool you just you know the fastest way to do is going to be at the rotary all these other tools will do it it'll just take a little longer because they're not as powerful besides that yancy i guess i'm ready to walk over here and start show people how to do this okay now uh um is this something that i know that time is of the essence of this now it's not something that you're gonna be hey i gotta go out in 20 minutes you're gonna want to spend good question so um so here's how i typically would approach polishing on a windshield and it's usually the windshield that has the most common scratches and they come from wipers especially when they're tin foiled up yeah they should roll off this is a detailing technique because uh most people that know me know that you know i'm not ocd some people think i'm ocd i'm not ocd i'm lazy and at the end of polishing this out what i don't want to do is take you're going to throw splatter okay so if you don't cover up the wiper arm you're going to have to run a toothbrush down all these edges and it's real pain in the butt so find a way to remove them lift them up cover them up and that's why if you look at the car i've covered this thing completely up now some of you may be going well that's just a little bit extreme isn't it and i go if you if you think that you've never polished glass because this is not extreme and i'll tell you we're probably still going to get splatter up here it's that messy and the thing about that is is this abrasive polish this cerium oxide if you get much of splatter say on the hood of someone's car and you go to wipe it off it'll scratch the paint so you don't want to get splatter dots of glass polish all over the car you want to cover the car up okay excellent one of the techniques i'll share with you that i've done in the past is i go by a painter's drop cloth a plastic like a two mil even a one mil painter's drop cloth and i'll cover the whole car up affix the plastic and then cut out the window the thing i don't like about doing that is is then you're gonna throw that big chunk of plastic in the garbage and it's going to end up you know it's just not eco-friendly um these here are the autogee cover-up towels i use these all the time for covering things up and then i can wash them and reuse them so every detailer out there should have you know half a dozen of these depending on the type of work they do but they come in real handy and of course they also got the ivan car stuff logo on them okay uh anyway so when i go to paul shadow windshield what i'm going to do is i want to divide this up into four quadrants usually i will locate the um the mirror here okay and that's center of the windshield and then you think of a straight line down there and then you can either divide it up no here's a here's a section and here's a section or you can cross hatch it so here's a section and here's a section and of course do the same thing and then you're going to spend solid buffing time about 30 minutes minimum on just one quadrant so you divide this up into four sections 30 minutes so uh i timed myself one time i buffed out the windshield on a honda accord that had wiper marks like this solid buffing no getting on my phone no messing around two hours that didn't include any of the setup time that's just solid buffing and um so definitely plan accordingly on this yeah she's just got to plant accordingly okay so let me take some of the stuff i'm going to need over there all right and um i got towels i think i'm good all right now there's there's there's another thing that makes a polishing windshields at least more difficult than say side glass or buffing out a car um and here's here's what that is in fact it'd probably be better if i walked over here to show you this okay so when you're buffing out a car typically you're either buffing out a horizontal panel or a vertical panel so you'd be on a horizontal panel like the hood you're going to hold the polisher and push down on a fender or a door you're going to hold the polish like this and push in look at the curve of a window the curve of the window is at like a 45 degree angle so instead of pushing down or in you're going to be pushing down at an angle for for hours and you're gonna have to brace yourself and you're gonna find it becomes very tiring okay it's not an easy thing to do cardio and i guess that again that's why i say most of people that have over the you know over the last decade that have contacted me and asked me how to polish glass after i share with them when i get a follow-up they say yeah i finally gave up it was really hard well it is it's difficult to do if it was easy to do everyone would be doing it all right now um i had a i think this would be a good place since we're saying how hard it is how would you charge for this oh god that's a good question because i really don't do this for money i teach it in all my detailing classes um you know if you think about detailing a good dollar amount per hour when you have a detailing business to cover your overhead your expenses your material uh you know because everything wears out is you know aim for 100 bucks an hour right you know at the low end you know i know guys that do it for 25 and 30 bucks an hour say the low end is 50 bucks an hour so say you got three hours into this at 50 that's a 150 bucks three hours into this at 100 bucks it's 300 bucks you know so you know pick a range in there that matches your services but i would say that this is not for most people something you'd want to add on to your detailing business you could but again remember it'd be something kind of like a headlight repair like another feature that they could add on not something that you're gonna you know say hey yeah your windshield's bad yeah you're not gonna add it you're gonna add it you're gonna it's gonna be an add-on it's gonna be upsell but but again if it's someone's if you got a car this this is bad by the way this is as bad as i've ever worked here let me get up close again if it's this bad you know you might just tell the guy hey you know take a hammer and whack it and call speedy glass if this was a classy car a 1964 gto and it's scratched up again if you were to pull the windshield out of a 64 gto you're going to find rust down in here and all of a sudden no one's going to want to put a piece of new window in when there's rust there so they'll go hey i know let's fix the rust well once you start following that rust where it goes pretty soon it's like okay let's pull the motor out let's take the interior out let's pull the body off the frame let's restore the car you've just opened up a huge can of worms so instead just polish out the glass and a lot of those people that do the restorations they'd rather fix the original glass than getting a new glass out and there is some truth to that and because i do bring a lot of classics down here um i i polish out a lot of scratches and classic cars for guys okay so you see i covered that one up with some tinfoil but this one here because i need to get it out of my way i'm just gonna um pull it up is that in your way nancy no okay so the first thing you want to do is you want to clean the glass you know just to make sure there's no rock or something on there you know some debris that could actually scratch it when you start buffing it so that's just uh one of my favorite products the sonax glass cleaner i use it for a waterless wash for a prep wash all the time now um while you're talking about cleaning would you want to clay this before to get any stuff anytime yeah it just depends like look if it's covered with overspray paint you could uh this isn't covered with oil spray paint so uh but you could there's nothing against that but usually when you're gonna take something as aggressive as cerium oxide in a pad on a rotary or any d.a whatever's on there is gonna get obliterated okay just trying to okay i'm gonna put a tape line down here because i'm not gonna do this whole thing in fact um i was talking to yancey i have my big my last big three-day class of the years coming up at the end of september and what we're going to do is we're going to start this this one section and we're going to leave the rest for my class to finish out and uh and that's because of my detailing class this is one of the topics i cover and what i usually do is i get a i get a windshield that's this bad and i set it up in the class and i let everybody cycle through so if there's 20 people in the class everybody 20 people take a turn pretty soon it's pretty easy one guy does it it's a lot of work 20 people you know what what's the old saying hey it's it's tom sawyer white washed my fence no no if any hands make light work or something oh well yeah you're going okay so there's my tape line and you can ask you just to make sure you can easily see scratches actually that the the far side away from you is where i can really see them really okay now here's an important tip we're going to break the rule but this is to take my word for it you've got to follow this rule the first time you want to go polish glass you get all your supplies together never start on the driver's side windshield because if something goes wrong and you put your process put scratches in you don't have anything that fixes it because the things you bought to take them out are putting them in and this has happened to me you just made a safety uh safety a risky a risk situation for the driver so always start on the passenger side for us with our lights to capture it on camera we needed to start here otherwise i always start on the passenger side but that said i also have confidence in the things i'm showing you it's never you did it a couple times it's never failed me okay so out of all the tools that are there i'm just i'm gonna go ahead this is one of my favorite tools it's the cordless cordless pe 14 because i don't got to mess with the cord this is such a handy tool last week we did that boat detailing class and i used the cordless rotary to pull sanding marks out of gelco remember that okay so here's a five inch backing plate five inch interface pad line that up take my carpro rayon glass pad line that up i'm ready to start polishing glass okay so this is another thing you want to do is always shake this really well and does that settle yeah it does the abrasives i think do settle on it i know you know i always like it when companies put things in a clear bottle so you can see if it did separate out and then you know to shake it but since you can't no because it's in an opaque bottle just as a good rule of thumb shake it up now this is another uh in my detailing classes i teach a lot of things that require or use what i call the buddy system okay this is one of those things where it always helps to have a buddy to miss the glass with some water the reason why is because if if you don't have a buddy to do this you're going to be polishing it's going to dry up on you so what you turn the polisher off set it down grab your bottle grab some water mist it on put the bottle back down grab your polisher it's going to take you twice as long so like if you're going to do this for yourself get the neighbor the wife the girlfriend the son you know somebody sit there and just missed a little what does it take a lot but it takes a little bit it helps to have a buddy so is that a hint that is a hint okay so i we have a timer now let's i want to buff this for 20 minutes straight okay and i do have a timer i'm going to put on so as soon as you start i'm going to hit the timer then i'll come over and grab the water bottle okay yeah and then usually what i tell people if they ask me how long mike does it take to do a quadrant i would say about 30 minutes so we don't want to board it but we're going to do a solid 20-minute passes because the scratches in this windshield are so deep it's going to take that much work for you to see a visual difference on camera okay let me all right one last time oops hands right in the way one last time no no no drop that okay all right that is where we're what we are removing people those are the what are you doing what side are you doing i'm gonna do this side right here oh you're doing that okay so all right those are the wiper marks that we're going to be taking and i will start the timer i just wanted to give them a good i got an idea how about i miss the water you run the buffer how about uh we can swap like a tag team like the rock exactly all right here we go ready and timer going ask me how hard i'm pushing down mike how hard are you pushing down really hard oh and now i know why you wanted me on this side because you're throwing stuff it's kind of messy just let me know when miss me okay if i had to guess i'd say i'm pushing down about 20 20 pounds easy i'm pushing down hard now do you have to worry about heat um it's not a good idea to get the windshield hot because it has that layer of safety plastic or safety film between the two sheets okay so if you get an accident you know the glass doesn't shatter and get into your eyes i'm going to add some more product here too um so but when you're doing a section this big when you're buffing here it's cooling down up here when you're buffing here so you don't want to sit in one spot no i don't see one spot no okay and i've done that before okay you want to hear a really horror story that was with your watch on the ferrari so one time wait wait until we're done with that so that way it's good yeah forget don't forget to ask me about scratching the ferrari glass on the inside i will okay back to pushing hard [Music] and what speed do you have that on uh this on the four on the flex what they i think is about 1500 okay i can't tell i got my contacts in the things that are supposed to make you be able to see not when you're nearsighted okay miss me i'm gonna go check the time real quick all right you've only been there for three minutes got 17 minutes [Applause] okay i'm gonna add some we're good so i i like to make you know three or four good solid passes add a little water three or four more good solid passes then just add more product okay now you don't have to wipe this off in between no you want to leave it so that way whatever's not used up gets used up yeah that and it would make the job 20 times longer no i understand that i just yeah somebody out there might be asking why we're not wiping in between nope just keep on going you call that your slurry your glass polish blurry then just do the same thing with regular section passes overlapping yeah pretty much now since these are uh wiper marks pits are a little bit different would you do the same thing where you just worked out one area let it cool don't overwork it then just slowly work that out is that how you would handle a pitch yeah [Music] that's hard it's really hard i know it's really hard over here yeah this this finger mine you know but now you can definitely see why you want to cover stuff up because this does sling it's not like a foam pad or a wool pad that's grabbing and holding the product in it's actually slinging some of that stuff out it's just the nature of the pack yeah probably about another 15 minutes at 10 minutes let's wipe off just a little section and look okay don't add any water okay i want to add fresh abrasives okay so that's what i'm adding here is not just product but it's the abrasives all right let me get my all right we got six minutes before that so the guy that owns this car one saturday he comes down here and he asks me how to do this so i get everything out tape off the car set him all up show him how to do it he buffs for like two three passes and goes oh my gosh that's hard many stops and i'm done now after we're done with this it's a good idea to seal it or coat it put some sort of thing on there is it good to go yeah yeah i'll show uh my favorite glass coating all right [Music] now is this pretty much safe for all types of windshields i know some they have like a coating on the outside you know if um i i'm not an expert in that but that's what i've been learning is that some windshields now come from the factory with a coating to create a hydrophobic surface so the glass stays cleaner longer and if you do this to that you will obliterate the coating so be aware of what you're working on is another one that's where google comes in handy google or skynet as mike calls it or yeah skynet or um you know contact some glass polish company someone that actually does this for a living you know this is not my core you know no you don't make windshield you don't make automotive glass well first of all there's in most cases most not all but there's really no case to be buffing the glass out on a brand new car no very true that's where that coating would be so this is a 2002 i have no idea yeah i think it's a it's a camry le i think corolla corolla l.a so it's uh what 18 years old it's not new water yeah a little water thanks buddy you're welcome and also another tip would be also we have a a a screen a window screen on the inside that's dark in color so you can use either you know your uh sunscreen that you have inside or just make sure or put like a black sheet or something so that way it kind of lets you see the scratches a little bit easier okay abrasives embrace not just abrasives all right i'm checking there's you got about three minutes before there's really no buildup of anything that's just the color of the product that's on there yeah when we're done we'll show that [Music] from what i can see right here is seeing not as many [Applause] or any at all [Music] okay a little water use those forearm muscles just look at this way you don't have to go to the gym tonight all right i think we got just a couple more minutes yeah you got two minutes till 10 minutes [Music] water no let me grab some more abrasive all right plus it gives my muscle just a brief break there but this is why people say oh i tried it was too hard well it is hard like wet sanding yeah i really want to learn how to wet sand do it once i'm never going to do it again now would you use you can't use this same system for headlight repair i know the answer but i'm sure maybe some people out there might be asking about it no not really plus you know what there's so many headlights repair kits on the market all right did someone prove toothpaste works that's on youtube so it's got to be true then there's that new uh steam one that just steam it and it goes back water [Applause] and as you can tell i'm not putting a ton of water on there just enough to miss the surface okay how are we doing time wise we got about one minute i do believe we got 30 seconds okay we want to wipe right now one more solid pass one more pass all right you do that i'm gonna go man the camera real quick [Applause] okay now remember i said it was messy oh it's i'm getting that right now you trying to figure out how to do a smiley face a nose oh okay yeah i'm not very artistic like you that is messy and uh let's see yes there are splatter dots everywhere on the roof so you know say my word or don't but i'm telling you this is a messy job and if i was going to do this on the car it was a detail i'd do this before i even washed the car here actually okay let me pause the timer now this is uh this is the part about live tv tv or live video where i'm just like going oh my gosh i hope this looks good if not we go back to my old slogan right it's not my car from what i can see is definitely an improvement obviously there's more work that needs to be done but it's definitely an improvement gosh from where i'm standing it looks pretty good no i i can catch a couple of the wiper marks still there but it's definitely we'll do that side and it should be a stark difference between the two or i drew the smiley face that scratched the paint or the glitter glass no not really okay hold on here no now i tell you that what i'm looking is a day and night difference no it is it is like i said i can still see a few you know right on the edge but can you drop that wiper for me yeah hold on let me uh let me wipe it again yeah one more clean cloth it's pretty streaky smeary here streaky smeary that's technical terms people acting like that's hard work beginning of that 100 streak free so it shows up on cameras the challenge how does that look looks good all right do me a favor drop the wiper hold it for a second okay all right 10 minutes of polishing the left hand side is before then let me pin back a little bit and the right hand side is after definitely a big difference you can tell where you didn't go straight up to the glass but um oh yeah huge difference huge difference okay so that's ten minutes of polishing and i'm pushing 20 minutes hard but here's the here's the point with more time you just keep working you just braid the glass keep working the scratches out and uh you can get it done it's just time time energy labor okay he wanted to take over this side and i'll be the mister oh you want me to do it or we could just do questions i mean i think everybody said that's how you take scratches out of glass so you did half of what we promised we can go another 10. let's do it let's do it let's do it let's see if we can get her i'll push a little harder push a little harder the people calling me obviously do not know we do live broadcasts at 3 p.m all right and this time we'll pull the tape off okay yeah yeah okay water or miss me yeah where i can see this right along there yeah well that's because you're going to open it there's a physical height difference no no i i understand that i understand that i'm gonna go braces okay really putting the old pe14 through the paces here check my battery level wow down to one bar i got one behind me over here [Applause] got in the cart [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay miss me now your second passes they the same speed as you work with paint the only thing that's different is the pressure uh pressure i'm trying to move slow but um what happens if you go too slow it'll dry up where your pad is and it kind of jerks you around okay okay now go with product again all right so it gives me my muscle just that little bit of break break start pushing down again i'll tell you this is hard work i told you you have to go to the gym today and uh and ac doesn't have to go to the gym and it's faster with this tool any other tool is going to be slower you know just less power true because you can't really push down especially like an oscillating um a direct orbital one not a direct orbital just a regular orbital one you can't press you you can press really hard not as hard as your press got to maintain pad rotation okay miss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so using like a g9 or porter cable or any other uh random orbital expect at probably another tenth quarter of time to it yeah about that where you use a rotary or direct 341 or direct drive it would be about the same oh yeah probably about the same all right yeah i'm going braces now what about long throws what's the advantage of having a long throw just uh a little bit more violent of an action going across it i've only done long throws enough to test to see if they would work and they work it could be because of the long stroke they could actually work faster you would need somebody that had the inclination which you need to get to get a windshield and do fair testing comparing tools your class yeah my class oh i'm pushing really hard yeah i missed [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] now i notice that you're kind of doing up and down up and down that you kind of do a zigzag that just make sure you get equal coverage everywhere or just the way that you're pushing that's just tired muscles that's getting lazy there i think my battery's about to die you have another battery right there oh time for a fresh one all right you got five minutes well look at this way mike will be able to see on his way home no doubt sunrises won't be a big bad thing for him or sunset that's when i always noticed when i had wiper marks is when the sun sentence yeah glare or at night when the headlights are shining oh yeah that's really bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know we should have did a tick tock of this and people would be doing this as a fat if you get that funky little thing in there be like the people putting paint cans on a string and putting it out all across the garage i'm gonna go for a bracelet i figured out your little pattern here [Applause] um a couple years ago at one of my big three-day classes we had a gentleman here with the 1968 camaro uh rally sport had a bunch of scratches in the passenger side glass and my class completely took them out now here's the benefit sometimes taking the you know sometimes just to take those old doors and window frames apart real complicated don't always seem to go back what is this piece i don't remember this when you have a perfectly good working window there's another time you might want to just go ahead and polish it versus replace it okay miss me hey you got about less than three minutes left remember he was saying around 30 minutes as usual average time we're doing 20 just so that way this video isn't five miles long um or five hours i'll go miles okay awesome uh but no so you are going to be spending a lot of time doing this it's you know it's not a quick i'm happy just to finally show it i've been wanting to do this for years and it's once people see how it's done hey they know how it's done b now they know what they're getting into exactly [Music] but the results seem to be very rewarding so they're not trying to talk you out of it if you have it and you want to tackle it just let you know that there is obviously a mess and time frame you're gonna need any more water no i think we're good i'm gonna go ahead and head back over [Applause] [Music] you got one minute [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay i'm done you're done i'm done all right well you have 20 25 seconds left oh that'll be that'll include your wiping okay so kind of like paint polishing um when you buff out a swirled out panel on a car after you say do eight section passes and wipe off all the shallow ones are gone usually what's left behind the the random reds random isolated deeper scratches so now as i wipe this mess off here when we look at it we're going to see probably most of them are gone some still remain the ones that remain what are those well they're deeper they're the deepest going between all my screens here real quick um here's a good question i think that is kind of relevant to what's going on right now uh no no no no can't bring it in why can i not bring you in all right well anyway somebody asked on facebook oh no on youtube have you ever tried 5000 trisac to help give you a head start on glass polishing yes i have i did not want to show that as my first glass polishing video on camera like this just because um you give someone an inch to take a mile i mean someone could take and get themselves into a real dangerous situation if they were to sand oh yeah i was machine sanded you could take trizak and machine sand glass and it will flatten it out but you better damn sure make sure certain you've got a system to pull those scratches out right because it's one thing to uh take you know a windshield that has some scratches and buff with something like this and maybe make an improvement but you're no worse off than you were when you started if you start right in with sanding discs like the tri-zac you're going to fog that glass over instantly and if you stop you're screwed yeah you can't drive it yeah you can't drive it so you know there's a huge difference in them but yeah trisack 3000 5000 uh probably even the 8 000 you can machine sand glass and level it that way and pull it out in fact i had an audi r10 down here that we did this to i think that looks pretty strange i just remembered uh you tell them about your your oh drop the wiper arm for me too the ferrari okay so while you're doing that i'm gonna get some close-ups of this stuff so because i can see it from here no that's awesome and okay so one time this guy hired me to buff out a 1987. hold on left side people is the before the right side is after that is 20 minutes worth of sanding or polishing so that is what you can do you can see the deeper ones you know some random ones in there but the longer you work on it the more the better results that you'll get all right so sorry mike didn't mean to cut you off okay so one time this guy uh had me buff out a 1987 ferrari gt something and uh yeah i'm out of clean towels here um so you know i buffed out the outside that was my job i'm all done i want to get my beauty shots here it is all beautiful same camera i look at the car there's some smudges on the inside of the glass they're just absolutely ruining my beauty shots someone's going to look at the beautiful paint i post they're going to go look at those smudges so i'm thinking well not really the best glass cleaner guy in the world but i jump inside fire some glass cleaner a couple towels and i start wiping the glass and my wife had just bought me a brand new watch and it had you know the chain the the the steel band on it which being brand new the edges were very sharp and as i'm making a wipe here's the lesson always take your watch off as i'm making a wipe i see this once this one smear that just won't come off and it wasn't a smear it was a scratch i put in so i i came back here to the shop out of geek and i had just enough of this experimental glass polish some companies sent me that's all i had i didn't that this wasn't even invented then so it wasn't on the market i had i took and i cut down a little tiny pad out of one of these and i got a little tiny little flat backing plate and it was all i could do to get this in between the steering wheel and the windshield and then work that scratch and i would make about 10 passes stop and put my hand on it to see how hot it was it's hot let it cool down buff buff buff put my hand on it let it cool down fill it make sure i was feeling to make sure it cooled down before i buffed again and i i don't know if it's been so long since this happened i'd say i probably spent at least an hour taking a tiny little scratch out uh because it was right there where the owner was gonna look you might go oh i don't know where that came from so uh but yeah always take your jewelry off before you work on a car which i'm guilty of i usually gotta wear my watch when i do video work or detailed cars but i see a lot of other people that wear rings look i got no rings on so any questions oh we got i didn't know if you were done or not you want to hang out there for this question does that look good no it does yeah i mean from right here i can see a straight line straight line okay and so and again here's the point anything i didn't get out of 20 minutes of pressing hard with the rotary uh i could get out just by buffing more or making yancey come buff more but that's what i told people i go usually if you divide the windshield into four squares four quadrants and spend 30 minutes on one quadrant you'll get it to where i see it it is here now so but it's a lot of work and again you know again i've been i've been teaching this for years and so many people say oh i tried that it was really hard i quit i get it it's really hard people quit i don't quit but nothing in life is that's worth it is is easy so come on i don't quit i get the job done atta boy all right with that being said let's move right on to question and answer time with yours truly mike phillips you ask we answer all right here we go let's go back to the very beginning here uh let's see here all right here's a good one allen uh any tips for small rock chips in glass uh it's called rock chip repair guy you know again you gotta you gotta understand that here you don't remove the chip you level all the glass around it until you level the surface to the lowest depth of the chip and if you got something that your fingernail drags into or an ink pen would go into that's pretty deep when you're talking about glass and first of all if you were to just stand in that area you would create a visual distortion you know glass polishing should really be done over a wide surface area so you don't distort the glass by making different levels on it uh no rock chip you know i've removed pits okay so tiny pits tiny pits but rock chip snacks get replace the glass or have someone come fill it yeah it's like a serum that's a resin some sort of epoxy resin or something okay let's screw this one a little bit off topic any tips for polishing clear coated plastic panels are in a bmw i3s brought to a detailer you marred the owl of it and microfiber pad and compound he knocked it down some with polishing but not enough and what is this where is the surface located it's uh polishing clear coated plastic panels clear coat well you cheated just like clear coat if it's clear coated yeah if it's clear just can you just step down to another polishing we had a couple corvettes here that had carbon fiber roof panels but there's clear coat over the carbon fiber so we treated it just like we treated the hood paint um i if it's not looking good then i'd check take a look at the abrasive technology you're working with what brand are you using you have rocks in a bottle there's good stuff when there's crap on the market you know anybody that's taken a class from me watched anything i've shot in video or ready in my articles know that the two words i talk about the most are abrasive technology there's good stuff and there's bad stuff and i i can't tell you how many times i've seen someone say hey i'm having a hard time polishing the car the pain out of my car i'm removing the swirls and scratches but it looks funny and the reason it looks funny is because the stuff they're using is cheap and it's micro mar in the paint and it's that's you're making the clear coat less clear so you might remove the swirls or scratches but now you've got micro marring and all comes down to bracelet technology okay all right now here's this kind of going to be a two-part one um but they go along with with each other uh how long do those pads last between uses and how do you clean those pads i've actually thrown them in the washing machine have you yeah because i'm lazy let me uh zoom in since we're all right i will show you the part that wears out the the velcro the other interface well could could you people in the viewing audience see how hard i was pushing down i was pushing down and so what happens is you generate a lot of heat and so then ask yourself is heat going to make the interface pad last longer or last less long less long less loft so uh this one's still in good shape but you know usually um it just everything you know heat and pressure are going to take its toll let me let me see that yeah there's there's nothing wrong with these so far you can show me that the face of the so that way you can see no the other side that's what it looks like that's just spent product and a little bit of glass some glass on there but what i've done is i've just taken and only washed these by themselves okay i would throw these in here with microfiber towels but i just throw them in the washing machine and you know i figure if they come out i use them if they don't i'll buy some more so but they always come out all right uh i understand i throw everything in the washing machine i throw my cyclo brushes my wheel brushes pretty much everything goes in the washer it doesn't always go in the dryer but it does go in the washer okay are all glass manufacturers the same pppge i don't know we don't make them so yeah i'm not a glass expert people know me as a paint polishing guy but this is something that i've done a lot of okay uh here's another one uh can you use detailing spray i take it you're trying to say that for the misting part instead of water oh yeah you could you could use anything spit would work [Laughter] moisture liquid so for me my answer is whatever's closest to my hand you know if there's a water to swash and it's right here i'll grab it before i walk 20 feet to grab water okay so all right here's another one marcos uh hi from portugal hey i use stair glass and a rayon pad but directly attached to the backing plate i've marred the glass was it because i didn't use an interface uh you know it it could be it shouldn't have been you know i would look to see if something was dirty first but i'll tell you the interface pad you probably found out is very hard a very it was a very unpleasant feel to run a hard pad and hard backing plate over a hard surface you need to get something in there where there's some cushion it'll smooth the whole operation out it could be but i i wouldn't think that though okay but here's the question did you start on the driver's side or the passenger side well if only he could talk to me um let's see here let's go to nick does the flex x ce 10 8 have the same backing plate as the 3401 is that the new flex the super beast it might be see people go by the part numbers i give them nicknames there's the super beast the beast and the sea beast the cordless beast the super beast is the new version of the 34 ohm with the plastic housing um in in tool companies if you're watching this don't don't market your tools with part numbers it doesn't work you know look what rupes did bigfoot okay the boss the boss you know boss 15 boss 21. pick a cool name for your tool um if but the answer is no the back let's think about that for a second here i can show you the the only backing plates that fit the 3401 they're very unique and they only fit the 3401 all right hold on this is solid the gears you see there isn't something that comes off this backing plate and these will not fit onto any of the new flex tools the finisher or what i call the supa the super beast okay all right go ahead and hang out over there so that way i'm not sure swinging people all over the place well i'm going to go even better i'm going to walk over here and grab my super beast oh well there you go all right while you're doing that i'm going to bring up another question where's my soup we have chad atkins here's should you also make sure no chips impacts on the glass before starting so heat from the machine will not stress the glass and possibly spread uh that that's probably a good idea you know um well i guess for me i i can't actually remember ever working on any glass that had a chip in it big enough for me to notice but yeah if you're pushing down hard with the tool um and there's a rock chip in the glass and it's not filled already with that resin that they use and there's a good chance pushing on it and heating it up is not going to make it smaller well if you've ever been like out in a cold area and you have a crack in there you hit your your heater your defroster first time in the in the winter then it just watches it grow what's the opposite of smaller okay so here's the beast in case you guys don't know this thing's nickname is called the beast and you can tell the beast by the aluminum head it's gear driven eight millimeter aluminum head and then this is the super the super beast it's missing the r on the end of super that's his name supa and it's got the plastic head it's also eight millimeter gear driven and the backing plate this uses in this backing plate that goes with the flex are completely different so no they will not work the good news is is this ships with a five inch backing plate so you can use it with the factory backing plate in fact i'll show you i'll show you that um i only i i i turn and churn the large one on mine because it's got enough power to do so where is the beast the sea beast i don't know well i'm going to go ahead and answer this one real quick sure what is the purpose of this well roberto that is the purpose he must have came in yeah you came in late it's just to remove i don't know safety actually that's the big thing on this is safety you want well there's all kinds of reasons to get scratched out of glass well safety you're seeing through why do we polish paint where do my seabees go i have no idea um just go ahead and go back over there uh if you buy this stuff you put it up here okay and then here is the sea beast again gear driven here it's just the cordless version can you get the word there i'm getting there all right okay so the three different eight millimeter gear driven tools from flex the beast super beast the sea beast and this this the the new one this one comes with that size backing plate if you ever buy one of these i recommend you get the big one because it's got the power to turn and turn big pads you might as well put it to use all right here matt you must uh tuned in a little bit late what are you using you missed the start um you just want to know what the compound was and it's this the siri glass let me get right up in there focus that is what we use basically we use the glass cleaner to clean we use siri glass as the compound then what are those pads uh they're called the glass polishing pads they're ray a car pro rayon glass panels has some and lake country has them yeah but i i again here's the most important thing i've learned from experience you yeah you want to buy you will you have someone makes a polish they make a pad you want to buy them together okay okay no that's okay that's fine i'd yeah all right um the reason i put this out is because grills makes a glass polish but it doesn't contain cerium oxide so it's not for removing swirls and scratches removing water spots and film okay thank you uh what speed is mike using i think that we answered that i was on four those aren't four that was on the rotary if you're on uh say the g9 you would have it on a five or six i can't i can't read that i think it's like 1400. uh oh yeah i'd be maxed out on any of the free spinning tools i'd be amazed alright what about the 3401 34 maxed out six okay all right so you know sometimes there's something to be said for speed you know making the tool go as fast as it will go helps you to go as fast as you can go there's something to be said for speed okay um the question that we asked earlier about the bmw yes he used optimum black pad with hyper polish okay eco-friendly clear coat extremely soft the d3 doesn't know anything else but the optimum system yeah optimum makes good stuff but you might have to step outside that line and grab something uh you know um menzerna makes products there that was the foolproof for soft paint endster that's the guy's name enster so i'm talking to you directly instead hold on let me bring you up so that you're not a voice from the nether um was the black pad the microfiber pad or was it a foam pad that's the only thing that i'm not clear on so yeah post that in there and then i'll get back with you um all right here let's go to here remember we're going to put a coating on here too this one's funny unfair to mike they didn't switch way to go faster with a rotary and a larger pad that's the largest pad that they make is it not yeah well available to us are five inches five inch glass pads so we are using the largest pad that we could yeah uh to tell the truth if you had a bigger pad you take uh the rock you know it took more money it's more muscle yeah i think i like a lot more muscle the small pads are kind of nice on rotary by the way when i teach my rotary class at my detailing classes i start the students out with five inch foam pads and then bump them up to eight inch wool pads but they start out small you gotta walk before you can run and yes nicole i'm not doing tic tac i just thought that was funny that was a bad joke obviously it's like a lead balloon uh product to the link for the window scratches yes uh andy oh and anybody else that's watching this if you're watching this on youtube or on facebook all the products are listed in the description uh then also you can go to auto geek and there's a link there also that i posted in both of the comments where you can go there and for a week it'll be up of all the products that we use here uh or you just go to the actually i can tell them how to get there you can go to autogeek on i mean you'll see a front page ad that shows up with tune in mike's live classes click that and it'll take you straight to the page is it okay so you just you do something in your i do do something is it necessary to use the interface pad i think we've covered that yeah yes it allows the patients [Laughter] you know you don't have to use the interface pad but it's going to whatever tool you're using to make it easy so if you got here late okay so look at the backing plate it's hard the pad is thin and hard the glass is hard so you got three hard things and it's not gonna be a smooth action for you and your muscles to work for hours so you put the foam interface pad on there and it it just smoothes it out you know same thing when your machine's sanding you know it does they have an interface pad or a foam-backed sanding disc smooths out the action of the tool okay uh let's go here sean we really need everybody to tune in at three well yeah we know i can't help it i can't help it uh hey i'm just glad that they tuned in love you all for being here okay same process on the side windows like a foggy dodge truck windows yep same process same process all right uh happy here from india okay let's go here harish i think i said your name right i really wanted to try it okay i'm stopping now uh happy to hear from india how do we know it's time to add more abrasive is it is it so not was it was not so clear while mike was polishing yeah there's there's no i don't i know of no can you feel it or not really now what i do is is is i know that the abrasives are hard so they're not like breaking down so what i want all i'm trying to do is just get the most bang for my buck so i'll tend to do like three to four section passes and then mist on water because it'll be dry three to more section passes add product three to four section passes add water three to four section passes so basically it's just familiarity with the product it's a formula that's worked for me for you know 11 years now and i think this next question is awesome absolutely uh awesome question and obviously he's been watching some of our other videos so hector zapata yes i said such a thing as a test spot for glass polishing or just start on the passenger side out of the driver's view well um that's a good that's a good point starting out on the passenger side is your test spot okay if you got to the point where you've bought all this stuff and you got a glass in front of you that don't look good you know your test spot is on the passenger side that or you know don't buy anything and don't do anything at some point you got to jump in the water now you could do something like go to the wrecking yard and get a piece of glass out of the wrecking yard salvage yard and test it on something else to learn or you know or you could use the back window or side window or you know just some old plate glass from a house so you could go that far but you know the things i've shown you here the brands the tools the techniques i've never had it not work for me the the my big thing is is if a company that makes the polish also makes the pad buy the two together you start mixing and matching things and you will you can run into problems and when you run into problems again now think about it it's harder to fix with clients if the things you have to remove scratches aren't removing them they're putting them in you don't have anything else so now you're stuck you don't have everything so stick within a system it's called synergistic chemical compatibility all right that makes totally perfect sense okay we have two oh you're oh you talked it on both facebook and man this guy's double tuning in he's on both facebook and youtube and auto geek our sponsor we carry all this stuff so it's really easy to get it all and it brings it right here hello from the netherlands goose burkhoff uh do you have international shipping yes we do it all just comes down we'll there you'll place your order then they'll the international shipping department will get a hold of you and tell you how much the shipping will be so that is yes we do ship internationally okay here this i'm gonna segue from this one right into your next demo right here i'm still going to do some more uh questions but this next question segues right into what you're about ready to do so and on with it alex can you use ceramic coating on glass you know um i you know i'm not there's so many ceramic coatings on the market here's my joke okay and it's not really very good but i'll do it for you okay and the amount of time it takes me to turn in a circle there's another ceramic coating on the market that's the first time i've seen that joke okay okay that's i mean everybody and their brother is bringing out a ceramic coating to try to cash in and make big bucks from an unknowing unwashed masses okay so um here's what i know about ceramic coatings is a prep work be bonding so um what i do is i try to trust the chemist if the chemist you know pick a brand you trust and if the chemist says you can use this on blank then i like to just trust the chemist that i can actually use it on the thing he says i can use it for other than that you're guessing unless you can get a hold of the canvas now sometimes we can last week we used a coating that is marketed for boats on or for cars on urethane paint on gelcoat which is polyester but i contacted the chemist and he said yes mike you can do that so you know it depends on how deep you want to dive what i want to show you here is my favorite glass coating um now that we've um let me zoom in on it now that we've uh now that we've i've i think i need to get you new contacts because you stare the labels are very same um okay so we polished this i wiped it off with glass cleaner and a microfiber towel so theoretically there's no residue on here but just as a normal protocol you want to use a panel wipe the other one this is a panel wipe diamond surface prep spray you could use ipa i guess but you want to make sure that there's no residual oils left from this on there to interfere with the bonding of the coating and plus you're doing the job you might as well do it right okay clean microfiber towel now when it comes to glass coatings you know i may i don't i don't mean to ruffle any feathers but you know i've been driving long enough to know that when these things rub across the glass over and over again it micro abrades off whatever you put on there i come from the days of when the only thing on the market was called rain rain axe and you put rain x on your window water just flies off but as you use you know as you wipe your wipers go over the glass it slowly wears off so you put some more on so i'm not a big fan of the companies that market products that last for multiple multiple years because i just think instead of trying to find something that'll last for years find something you like and use it often you know it's going to wear off so just put some more on it's not that hard so i cleaned it and then this is a product that i like for paint and glass it's called diamond surface coating hold it right there okay so now here's why i like it most coatings on the market and all you guys that install them will agree with me they make the paint feel rubbery okay and what that means is you take a clean towel and try to wipe your paint and the rag sticks and your hand moves away because it's it's rubbery the finish is rubbery this leaves the paint filling slippery almost like a paint cylinder a wax so i like it for that reason because i like my car paint to feel slippery not rubbery but it also works great on the glass but the thing is is it doesn't last for a year if you use your wipers all the time like we did in florida i already know that so i'm not disappointed i just put it on every time i wash my car i missed a little bit on and let me show you my little technique for this here's your basic little wax applicator pad right so i'm going to take i'm going to take and put my hand on here like this and i'm going to take and i'm just going to draw my fingers right here does anybody know why i'm doing that because you're going back to kindergarten making a turkey no so now i know where my fingers go they go here if i drop this on the ground and it lands the right side up i'm completely comfortable with picking that up and using this the side that i'm putting the coating on because there's no dirt on it because it landed on that side and also when i go to use my expensive coating if i didn't know from this drawing on the back of this i wouldn't know where to put it on here and i don't want to just put it everywhere i want to put it just where my fingers are going to be so that's why i put that little drawing on there and if you read enough of my articles you see me doing this kind of stuff all the time it's my own techniques but maybe it'll help you that's what we're here for you so now i put a little bit on the end where my fingertips are going to go i put some on here then just spread it around just like any other coating there's no magic to it you can make a cross hatch or you can make a circle or you can draw your name if you want to but just get the stuff on there and i'll tell you this stuff it just it works really good if it didn't i wouldn't tell you that but it does wear off it that's one thing i hate is because i use the same product too and down here you know when it's raining i'm just like okay this is nice water's going off but as soon as i hit the wipers for the first time i'm like ah now i know that it's on a downhill swing well what i don't like is when people sell me something and try to blow smoke and tell me it's going to last forever when i know it's not because this piece of rubber is going to rub over and over again it's going to wear it off it just happens so find something you like learn to use it often all right now let's go back to the questions and answers let's go here where do you keep the pads after used well we kind of answered that i'm gonna throw them in the washing machine and i'm gonna store them back over there in the pad cabinet all right here's another one and it's kind of more tool related how's the cordless flex rotary power compared to the regular dewalt or makita rotary oh the uh it's good um here's you want to know something interesting since you asked question when i teach i didn't he actually did when i teach my big 3d three-day classes um like this one is coming up i've got 15 to 16 cars coming in i got two street rods they're going to wet sand and they're going to learn to use the rotary buffer on and over there on that table can you scan that table over there see all the tools that's only a portion that's only a portion of the tools yeah the rest are all in boxes no the other ones are against the wall over there oh in the cart okay so i'm going to put out all the i got about 15 of these i'm going to put all these out and then i'm going to put out the dewalts and the makitas and i got three m's guess which ones get grabbed first they're quite excited they always go first and all the people that don't get one they're like ah yeah i got to use at the wall yeah you got the wall you know so i mean everybody can make up their own mind what's best but i just demonstrated this last week taking a wool pad a six and a half inch wool pad pulling sanding marks out of gel coat the thing is is you come with two batteries keep the other battery charged up when it's when that one runs out slap the other one and throw that in the charger but the walls all those other ones are good but they were called full size this is called compact lightweight also just so you know the gears in here are stainless steel and they're machined the gears and all the full-size ones are stamped and they're steel and they growl and that's why when you turn up speed you got to put some ear plugs in with this one here you can turn this on turn stereo on and buff all day long because it's quiet but it also costs twice as much but it's a quality tool it's kind of like one of those things in life you get what you pay for somebody needs to make a meme out of your little grouch girl face right there i caught it out of the corner of my iron screen oh that was hilarious all right here let's go back to questions what causes water spots on windows okay so i have an article go to google and type this in what's in the water mike phillips and i have answered the question about what causes water spots on paint or glass forever and when what people do is they focus on the spots the spots on the on the glass or say the spots on the paint and what i do is i put their focus back on what the hell is in the water okay what is in there that is so corrosive that it's etching urethane paint or it's bonding and staining hard glass so um i i don't know but i know that like some people like when i used to live in irvine that's a very a traffic intense industrial area lots of road pollution lots of brake dust exhaust fumes all mixes up gets in the rain lands on your car there's acid rain you know there's alkaline rain if you're out in southern california where all the forest fires right now that ash in the smoke mixes with moisture and dew or rain and lands in your car and leaves an alkaline spot so it there's all kinds of things there's iron in the water there's all kinds of dissolved minerals in the water so when the water sprinkler hits your car hits the windshield and it dries and all the solids remain behind it's just a pop-pory mix i mean it's just all kinds of stuff okay what's more important is to not try to figure out what it is but how to get it off okay all right moving right along we got some more questions a little bit long all right uh will sarri glass mark stain plastic good question um well the abrasives will abrade plastic or scratch it but i mean like if you're doing like a compound out some will turn the no but here's the deal like this right here there's a there's a plastic look here's a plastic rear view mirror okay i covered it up see if i had not covered is that what that is is that your magic trick if i had not covered it up and it got splatter everywhere and i took a little cloth and wiped it that would have probably scratched it it wouldn't have been surrey glass's fault it would have been my fault for not covering it up so would it be let's just go there all right so say let's go there let's go there so say you didn't do this you didn't cover the car up like we let you guys see there and you have splatter marks all over yeah would it be best just to come back in and wash off the car instead of trying to wipe it off yeah no i would get a phone gun out or a phone and just can't try to encapsulate that stuff and get water and rinse it really good blast it off and you could probably do a pretty good safe job but here's the the deal let's let's take it even further if if i'm polishing the glass i'm probably also probably detailing the car so then i wouldn't care you know i would if i'm going to polish the glass and then wash the car if i would have scratched the glass because i got paul spider on there and run the wash mitt over i really care because when i'm done with that i'm going to bring it inside and buff it out okay see so that's why in my detailing classes when i teach the order to detail a card and the first thing you do is engine detailing glass polishing and headlight correction because those are the three things that get the outside of the car messy so why would you want to wash the car first and then get it messy that's walking backwards in the process i teach guys to always walk forward in the process everything you should do should be making the car look better cleaner more detailed never going backwards okay all right that works um let's go to this shelf life sometimes i'm just so serious i know he is uh shelf life of carpool ceramics um i have no idea no idea keep it in a cool place in the house yeah don't set it in the sun and keep it next to the kraken all right let's go here this is nice louis cheers from guadalajara hey how are you doing uh thanks a lot all right oh good question could you use this on quartz quartus countertop ceramic coating or in countertop or would it have a bad because of water spots um i don't know the answer that question i answered it kind of earlier i would find a product that where the chemist said it's made for that surface okay and then use it because otherwise you're just guessing unless you can contact the chemist okay all right chandler always wondered where can one find the shelf between the two cabinets those are craftsman uh cabinets and the shelf is craftsman also so probably at a home or low note seriously is out of business oh that's right yeah uh lowe's i think picked up those yes uh if not you can go online it's uh craftsman i'll say these we've had them for a couple years uh these have been here since 2010. it's been here for a while why pads disintegrate they need to keep in cool temperatures yeah well everything where's that even you and me yeah drive your car it wears out your tires wear out the motor oil wears out everything wears out if you use it if you don't use it it'll last forever all right let's go here do you have an engine detailing as a topic coming up for i think we did a video did we do it live we have a really good one that we filmed but we said we were going to make two new ones uh one was going to be well we did cosmetic but yeah yeah we yeah we have a cosmetic one so go in if you're you are on youtube so if you go into the live detailing classes playlist go down you'll see a cosmetic one there but we will do a water we'll do a wet wash it's called wash engine detailing all right that's when you use a running water so sprayers pressure washers and degreasers engine degreasers and brushes and brush it and all kinds of other cool stuff okay then there's my secret technique oh you have a secret it's really corny okay and this will be the last question let me go ahead and get me out of there and we did cover this before and it actually mike if you want to walk over to the other side sure this answers that question okay which tool can you use yes okay so they apparently got in late on the video feed yes that's why okay so you can use any tool you want to okay here's the and this is uh rupez bigfoot 21 mark iii or 15 mark iii this is a griot's garage g9 here's the lowly porter cable all of these will work okay here's the difference more power more speed faster so gear driven will try as far as i know i hate to make a blank a statement like that because long strokes do have an amazing cutting ability especially on flat surfaces like this so it could be like a 21 millimeter long stroke free spinning orbital random orbital polisher would out cut a rotary maybe but the thing about a rotary because it's gear driven you can push down hard like i was showing in this video and and there's something to be said for pushing the abrasives into the glass causing them to take little bites out to abrade it and that's how you remove strils and scratches is you level the surface but any tool in fact we were joking around earlier if you're the rock you know the wrestler i am you could do it by hand it's going to take a long time so all right no i thought that worked oh that's funny um oh a little story about that you see the little happy face here when we first started out uh videoing we always had to put these around there so that way people knew where to look at the camera yeah hang it right underneath the camera lens because the camera lens is black and you know now you know where to look all right so that is our little demo for the day we're running an hour and a half i guess that's an average that we're doing now so um i do want to thank each and every one of you i mean right now we have 399 that are on there live right now um i am so happy that you all take time out of your day to watch us talk about stuff that you're interested in and i'm seeing that mike is probably going to go that way and i think i'm going to get stuck doing the cleanup no we're going to save this for my class coming up no the cleanup i don't think he's going to be able to clean up yeah someone's got to clean that mess up yeah this one's got to clean that mess up so um like i've said before be sure to like share follow hit the bell subscribe you know spread the love people uh yeah i get a lot of positive uh feedback from the classes i rarely see anything negative you know we try to keep them kind of fun uh have interesting topics some that other people have never covered speaking of that if you do have topics i saw there's a couple people that are posting them in there uh if you do have a topic that you would like us to demo for you or pick his brain about and it's something that we haven't thought of yet put it in the comments down below so that way we're always looking for new ideas um actually this car has i think this one could be a pretty good uh project car cause this one is headlights but what you haven't seen underneath that is probably a good thing but um michael we're going to help you out with your car that's another one that we're going to probably end up doing because those are almost the same color as the paper i say we try toothpaste toothpaste hey we could do myths on the different types of youtube things that show you how to fix those you know you never try to sand with the rotary you know why because you sand and it goes in it's not called sanding when you use a rotor it's called grinding well that's what kind of started off as a grinder so do we know what we're doing next week i know i say this every time you know i want to show how to remove how to work by hand so how to use a compound to remove swirls and scratches oh good topics yeah so i have people come up to the you know i primarily answer questions on our discussion forum but everywhere and so many people come up and say hey i got a car scott swirls of scratches i i don't own a polisher i want to do by hand and uh you know i always step i tell people the same thing it takes more skill technique muscle experience and perspiration to actually work by hand than it is to take a simple tool like this turn it on and just do this you know but there's a whole lot of people out there that can afford a car and insurance and gas but they can't afford wall street because they're they're paying for that car insurance right yeah pay for that car that insurance i have a perfect outfit for you for next week then what's up mr miyagi yes whatever just have your little i'll get you daniel sam's little head drop there's a general on the forum that had a problem with an alpha romeo you got it all scoured in the trunk lid wants to try to fix it by hand and see the thing is is most of people that show you how to work by hand they show you putting a compound and they show you doing like this rub that's not how you work by hand so tune in next week and i will show you how to work by hand and that comes in handy like if you're wet sitting in a car and you can't get you got a real thin patch and you can't get your rotary buffer in there then you got to come in here and take it out by hand and like where the doors door door handles yeah you can't get in by the mirror underneath the mirrors yeah but there's there is a correct technique to removing swirls of scratches by hand using compounds polishes and cleaner waxes i have i have a separate bank account that you can pay me and i'll send him to remove your swirls and scratches by hand he won't know promise no all right so i won't show promise all right so what do we tune in next week same time thursday at 3 p.m eastern always always all right so um you're cleaning that right yeah that's easy all right all right so so next class clean there you go bye-bye
Channel: Autogeek
Views: 212,635
Rating: 4.7413001 out of 5
Keywords: How to detail your car, best detailing products, how to clean cars, Exterior and Interior detailing tricks, how to clean car interior and exterior, interior and exterior car cleaning, car detailing, car cleaning, auto detailing training, car interior exterior cleaning, Auto Detail, Clean your car, Detailing, Automotive care, Paint Care, Fix Car paint, Autogeek, Mike Phillips, car care, fix car paint, car detailing classes, best car detailing class, Detailers of youtube
Id: t15n7ATZpVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 46sec (5446 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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