How to Roast a Leg of Lamb | Tesco Food

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hi guys my name is adam and today i'm going to show you how to create the perfect roast leg of lamb i'm also going to show you how to make a really quick simple but tasty gravy using all the leftover juices here at tesco we use trusted farmers for our lamb which guarantees us a high welfare standards and all of our lambs are fared on a grass-based diet which gives us a beautiful creamy texture on our fat which is what we look for in our lambs today we're going to roast our lamb on the bone which means we're going to get a real rich deep flavor so the first step is to bring our lego lamb out of the fridge and up to room temperature this normally takes around 45 minutes to an hour but it means we're gonna get a really nice relaxed tender finish to our lamb and now we're gonna make our marinade so i've got some thyme here which i'm going to chop up this is going to add a really nice sweet and earthy flavor to our marinade next we're going to take our sprigs of rosemary and by holding it at the top we're going to strip down the leaves and then we're going to add this to our marinade this is going to give us a really nice floral hit with our garlic the easiest way is to use the edge of our knife and crush and then we're going to finally chop that up and add that to our bowl now personally i love anchovies in my dressing because it has a real natural seasoning so we're going to take some of these roughly chop them and add those to our marinade so we're going to bring this all together with some twists of crap black pepper and some of our finest cold pressed rapeseed oil and we're now going to mix this all together really nice and gently to really release all of those flavors and aromas so now it's time to put the incisions into our leg of lamb so i'm going to take my knife and insert it about a third of the way in all along our lamb so we're doing this to create lots of pockets where we can put our marinade in so it gets a great infusion so next i'm going to take my marinade i'm going to start to pour it into all of the little pockets we've just created make sure we spread it over all of our lamb and now at this stage don't be afraid to get your hands dirty it's really important that we massage all of these flavours into the pockets or incisions that we've created really take your time with this because the more we massage this into our incisions the more flavor we're going to get when we roast our like a lamb later so if you are using your hands to marinade make sure you give them a quick wash and get ready to add our potatoes and mushrooms to our racing tray so a little twist on our new potatoes here is we've done some hassle backs so what we've done is taken some really little incisions about two thirds of the way through the potato and to our little hasselback potatoes we're going to add our shallots and this is going to add a real nice sweetness to the finished dish so it's time to roast our lamb now our oven is preheated to 180 degrees and for our two kilo leg we're going to give it an hour and 15 minutes for pink an hour and 30 minutes for that more medium to well done so our lambs now rest in we like to give this 15 minutes to let all of those fibers in the meat tenderize so we get a really succulent cut i like to wrap it in tin foil just so we make sure we keep this leg of lamb nice and juicy so now we're going to make our gravy in our pan here we've got our roasting juices to this we're going to add our flour we're going to whisk this together for two minutes and let it thicken now that our gravy's thickened we're going to start to add our wine and our chicken stock so i've added my wine on my stock on a high heat and now i'm going to turn it down to a low simmer for the further five minutes so our gravy's been simmering away for five minutes and it's now started to thicken and we're going to add our resting juices this is just going to add all that luxurious lamb flavor to our gravy to finish it off now it's time to carve our lamb so to start we're going to take our carbon fork and insert just until we meet the bone and using our carving knife always carving away from us we're going to start at the thickest end of the lamb now when i carve i like to keep mine quite chunky and that's all you need to know how to create the perfect roast leg of lamb for your sunday lunch see below for the step-by-step recipe and more tasty ideas
Channel: Tesco
Views: 23,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3vuB_rpQs1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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