How to cook Roast Lamb! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] back back back in daddy's kitchen daddy i feel like it's been so long since i said that intro sure but it's only been i think a month because we kind of bulk shot a lot of our videos because i was out of the country before but we're back in the kitchen and it feels great to be here with you guys our family daddy you look good you come in with another bob marley shirt come on look at the colors is there anything in the back they might go tired let me see if you can get me out of the race what song was that bob okay very nice top very very nice top you know we have to shut out our our friend janice white who is in the flea market at what is it warden and eglinton in scarborough at merchant flea market you guys are always asking about these shirts and you can reach out to janice white she's in i o five at the merchant flea market in scarborough so go check her out and tell her we sent you but we're not going to waste any more time we're going to get straight into this because this one is very bougie this one's very exclusive this one's very top-up top and i don't think you've ever made this for us daddy no no okay so daddy without further ado tell the people then where we are cooked today roast lamb are you crazy very bougie okay i don't know that like i didn't grow up uh eating lambs it's very very different but daddy i love lamb and you cooked it a lot in your like you know chef in days well your shopping days haven't ended clearly but you know when you were working for the man lamb chops bruce lamb yes yes i want to cook it you you're here for it right okay all right daddy i'm just gonna get straight in let's get straight into it so okay these are all the seasoning i'm gonna use an herbs okay so did you wash yes i wash my lamb with vinegar and water vinegar and water why you do that daddy yes you have to wash your meat yes make it clean i agree i agree wash your meat guys wash your meat don't don't don't listen to this oh the heat is gonna get and i get it okay the science of it all but why are you going out of your way not to wash the meat wash the meat please okay this lamb is all meat no bones in it okay it's a roast get some roast see the mesh is over here just to keep it in place so are you going to take that off right now no you'll take this off when you cook it and finish cook when it's finished cook that's what it comes out because if you take this off before you cook it you're going to fall apart you're going to open up and unravel and you don't want that because you kind of want it to remain a roast yeah okay but you can slice it finish okay i'm excited okay okay all right all my seasoning black pepper mrs dash ginger garlic powder soul all purpose and flavor all right parsley so basil oregano and parsley and i have some thyme that i put inside here okay so all of those so sorry what is the measurement it's a teaspoon half tablespoon half tablespoon of each of these you guys half tablespoon each of the powder seasoning okay a tablespoon of the herbs oh and a tablespoon of the herbs okay and you just mixed it all up into this bowl okay that's pretty easy and i have some garlic fresh garlic here i'm gonna put some oils in here in the meat and i'm gonna put my garlic in it okay right inside of it for flavor for flavor okay all right i'm punching some holes so when's the first time you ever cooked lamb that did you remember at work at work it worked did you do like the lamb chops or the lamb roast just like this and i use the lamb do the lamb chops the lamb chops is on the menu okay so i have to do that every day okay yeah it's very good nice awesome yeah no i only recently like going to greek restaurants because i don't know i've been into greek lately but like if you go to a greek restaurant i find that they have uh lamb chops on the menu often or like little lamb pieces different ways different ways coconuts and i tried it with a friend of mine and i was like wow this is actually very delicious awesome daddy let me see let me let's see because i'm trying to make sure okay see y'all okay poke it right into the hole okay okay you guys see that get that flavor rolling because the last thing you want is this big old piece of meat to taste like nothing okay okay so when this cook all the flavors of garlic stirs right in it i love me some garlic that's for sure and garlic is very good for you okay so where do you get like a piece of meat like this oh costco okay nice could you go to like a butcher because i know some people don't go to class but you could go to a butcher for it too right yes okay and they would have it wrapped the same way i'll be wrapped and you have it um like uh ribs okay yep daddy ain't playing with that flavor huh you ain't playing with the flavor no i'm flavorful flavor your favorite flavor oh that's so funny shout out to favorite okay i'm gonna seize it now it's my powder season okay heat up pour it on i guess pressing a big thing yeah you want it there see there's a stick to it i would sprinkle it into those little cracks yeah if you can get it in oh guys this already looks good i don't know because maybe because i know what daddy can do with it or what it's about to become it just looks good even when it's raw and you know there's another trick with this you can have breadcrumbs with parsley in it and uh rosemary and this your weight that's what that bread comes with with oil olive oil and you put it right on here with the bread crumbs and what does the bread crumbs do does it like a crunchy outer layer ooh daddy that's perfect next time we have to try that that's a really good idea guys look at that lamb roast come on now all of mercy come on now this looks so good lad ready for dinner there's not a lot of salt in this no i don't use no salt so guys yes um like we're being even more careful with salt um so there's no salt here guys we don't do salt we don't do salt okay salt is the enemy right now if you want to use it you can use it but yes but don't don't overdo it yes you can you can use whatever you want to be very honest but over here we're really trying to you know live long so we're kicking the salt to the left to the left to the left okay you don't know that song daddy yeah okay i have a pot here with some oil in it okay then i'll use some gloves so i'm going to put my rose in it just to brown it both sides so you're browning it so why didn't you just put it straight into the oven yeah because i want it to have some nice color okay nice brown color okay and i don't want to make it stay in the oven too long because lamb is not something you hold a cook your meat get tough on you okay so if i brown it right now you partially cook a liquor away and then i finish off in the oven at least three quarter hours okay 45 minutes aka 45 minutes yeah okay so that's smart so basically you're just kind of nuking it first giving it color and then finishing it off in the oven because it'll be too tough if you do it the other way yeah okay okay could be where you want look at that y'all look panda rose my fire is high stove is on high guys you don't want to make this pizza and cry brown that's brown color you just want to catch the color and that's it nothing too expensive yeah you see that in there okay look at that y'all look at that it smells so good [Music] okay okay [Music] so what should they be worried if it looks a little like you know see how you have those little bird pieces and stuff this is not the season it's the seasoning so whatever is gonna do that right yeah okay so and i turn turn on this stove i turn on this total media okay so turn yourself down just so that it doesn't do that but i also see the little garlics yeah that's the garlic inside something about you put them back in it smells so good daddy yeah nice super nice i can't wait unfortunately all right so now it's time to put it in the pan how long would you say it's been in the pot baby alright six minutes five six minutes look at that you guys if you guys i wish i could give you guys a scratch and sniff type of feature youtube work it out because it should be illegal being able to smell this without you guys you guys should be able to smell what the rock is cooking when i when we were younger that's daddy that's all that you swatch do you smell what the rock is cooking give me a hug okay all right i hope it is 350. 350. we going in so that is no oil no nothing on it nope just as is okay so let me ask this question then what is the perfect thing to go with a lamb roast like this what are we what are we going to make as our side roast potato roast roast potato you can have mashed potato you can have rice okay what you choose but we doing the roast potatoes today cause daddy makes a mean roast potato we've owed them a tutorial on that but did they do that already i don't think we did i think we said that we would but we're failing in that area okay ready we're failing we never fail oh and you're sweating go go go go go cool off coco because i'm working okay i'm gonna put in my potatoes guys look at these potatoes let us know isn't it giving greek is it not giving greek potatoes like come on look how good these look when i do i put these potatoes i peel them cut them up mm-hmm put them in the water with a little salt and boil it for at least two minutes okay i just call it blanche okay so it's like this but it is still a little bit hard but not too hard they're going to finish off in the oven yeah i finished off in the oven i use the same season that i put on the ram on the potato and the potatoes okay okay okay so are we gonna check up on the lamb right now yes okay so potatoes going in lamb coming out for a check [Music] yes still not cook yet see that spongy okay okay that's what you test your meat still spongy still right inside okay so you're gonna give it at least half an hour more okay it's been in for what about half an hour now or more yeah a little bit 25 minutes no okay about 25 to half an hour and usually typically something like this would take about an hour you said yes about another one okay depends on how the temperature you wanted you wanted medium weird rear we're doing medium well right we're doing medium well so you're gonna take a little more time okay if you're doing well done it's gonna take at least two hours okay all right and your lab is not going to cook well done tough like a something tough tough tough tough tough toughing you don't want that you want a nice juicy juicy piece of leg daddy insists i'm not using the gloves you know insist very jamaican of you yeah check again yeah man okay you see first time it was soft no it's okay all right yeah definitely see the difference there that's good um oh wow so what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna leave this though set yeah i just saw that i know they just saw that y'all just saw that i mean we're going to leave a little bit of blood in there but i don't know if it's going to be that much so maybe it needs to be in there look longer not true lady but we don't want to get tough oh but that side didn't really happen oh yeah a little bit okay what i'm gonna do so juicy what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put it back for five to ten minutes okay come in i like the blood chicken you need a little bit just a little bit like this juiciness okay i'm gonna put it back ten to fifteen no five to ten minutes five to ten all right nice okay i'm gonna cut the net up so it's been cooling for about 15 minutes right that is yes came out of the oven after that five to ten minute re-up and now we're releasing the beast it looks so good guys it smells even better this is so interesting to me i've never seen this done [Music] see how this piece of garlic here you don't let this go to waste you're just going to eat the whole garlic like that scooped by you i love garlic but not to eat the whole clove all right i can't wait to cut in there i feel like it's still gonna be more on the bloody side why you think so i don't know okay put your cupboard oh don't get gassed perfect watch when you get more to the middle guys perfect can i see that oh look at the garlic guys look at the garlic cloves look look look look look at that oh my god hopefully you guys can't hear me salivating right now this smells so good so daddy you said that like traditionally uh see it's a little more on the on the medium side there and i think that's good that's good no that's great that's awesome um what was i going to say to you uh you said that they're like traditionally they mint a mint sauce sauce this goes very well with it okay interesting i'm not into that i i probably shouldn't knock it before are you giving that to me oh my gosh please wait wait thanks wow mommy you want peace come feed now [Music] that's definitely delicious definitely delicious okay you could just take a piece for me then you just gave me a little piece let me know i could be a killer where she come on down the price is right delicious right i want that monster okay juicy wow i guess i shouldn't knock the mint sauce before i try it if you know me i tell them if you buy lamb oh you don't really like them they really like all your tears you say because yeah because some people's lamb it's like maybe i smell their lamb and it's just so like i don't know lobby i don't get how to explain it but when i had it when i had it at the uh when i had it at the greek restaurant it was really good but i feel like yours is even better see it's bloodier on this side than you told you're just giving medium it's all good i'm not gonna lie it's juicy but my piece along from this side delicious all right so we're cutting this up daddy i guess we gotta go prepare their plate yes my people i'm going to share your plate oh my gosh which side y'all want you want this side or you want this side tell us down in the comments if you're more of a medium well side or a medium side or a medium rare size i don't know if this is medium rare it's more medium but tell us what you would like your lamb at how do you like it cooked and we'll prepare your plate in the meantime bottle mercy [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace and love always [Music]
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 144,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook roast lamb, how to make roast lamb, roast lamb, how to cook lamb roast, lamb roast, lamb and mint, how to cook like a jamaican, jamaican chef, deddys kitchen, daddys kitchen, jamaican food, how to cook jamaican food, jamaican meal prep, home cooking, home chef, certified chef, toronto chef, food network canada, flaws of couture dad, cooking channel, cooking show, father and daughter due, ika and dem, mama joans house, brampton chef, jamaican youtuber
Id: PCufheNnxzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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