How to RIP your serves in pickleball

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hey guys Barrett here welcome back to another video today I'm gonna teach you how to rip your sirs stay tuned [Music] okay please don't skip this part this is super important there are a couple of disclaimers I need to kind of throw at you real quick before we get into the footage I was able to get out to the courts and record a whole bunch of footage of me explaining how this works but first before we begin I'm going to teach you how to hit your serves with a ton of power and a ton of topspin but before we get into that please understand that this is a tool that you can use not necessarily a serve that you should use every single time okay so this isn't like dinking right or is typically the same thing same kind of swing same kind of mechanics over and over and over again this is something that you pull out of your tool bag when you think it's a good idea to do so you're gonna see me serve the ball really hard in just a second I won't do that all the time in fact all right sometimes I don't even do it throughout an entire match so please keep that in mind that you know this is just a tool not necessarily a technique or methodology that you're going to use every time the other thing is that in order to sit to do this properly it's going to take a lot of work and a lot of practice if you practice the kinds of things I'm going to show you today it's gonna feel very weird very strange you're gonna be very uncomfortable you're gonna hit balls three courts down and stuff like that so please keep that in mind that this is going to take a lot of work so having said that let's go out to the courts all right guys let's look at some of the actual swing mechanics behind this kind of serve it can be a little complicated but once you understand sort of the core principles of the whole thing they're really begin to make sense and also you can then use some of these up these principles and your other and some of your other swings like your ground strokes and and stuff like that so the first thing we're gonna do we actually don't need these right now so let's put them aside and real quick the kind of power that you can get from a serve and pickleball does not come from your paddle it really doesn't come from your arm it really doesn't come from your wrist too much I mean it can where the power comes from is in your your core and your waste so oftentimes what I see is when people serve they'll serve like this okay notice my hands my arms here this is fine right you can get a serve in every single time and this is what people teach and that's totally fine there's nothing wrong with serving this way it's gonna go in you're gonna get the point going that's totally fine but you want to add some power we need to engage the hips so instead of moving my dominant arm and by the way if you're a lefty just switch everything around instead of moving my my dominant arm like this let's move my non-dominant arm at the same time so practice this just go like this notice how it's almost like I'm holding like a barrel right here okay and all I'm doing is I'm swinging both hands through like this I'm rotating my shoulders notice how my chest and my shoulders are rotating through at the same time now start to engage your hips as well and what you'll notice when you start doing this is you'll come off this foot when you go forward and you'll sort of come off your non-dominant foot when you go back and you're transferring the weight through so I'm coming back and I'm coming forward and all that weight and all that force is gonna go where right into the ball this is the key to getting more power in your serves so just do this look if you're at the office you know go into the closet or something and practice this and you can just do this all day long sometimes I'll do this if I'm you know I'm waiting for a video to render or for a podcast to upload or something like this I'll just stand here and do this all day long now grab your paddle now we can do it with the paddle as well just like this notice my hips my shoulders everything is coming through that's the base of mechanics of the entire swing when it comes to a pickleball serve a power serve that is but keep in mind of course like I said earlier if things start to go haywire and you're in the middle of the match and you're trying to do this don't worry about it practice this first this is not easy to do the first time around these serves can easily get out of control and that's the last thing you want to do when you're trying to play a consistent game okay so now that we've got this motion down we're turning everything through we want to focus on the actual paddle itself now in terms of the grip for a power serve the lower you hold the paddle down at the bottom the more power you're gonna have because you're gonna have more angle if you choke up on the paddle up here you're not going to get any to any kind of power it's kind of like holding a hammer right you hold the hammer at the very bottom of the handle right you don't hold it towards the head because you can't get any power when you're when you're holding it towards the head so the the more you can choke down on the paddle down here the more power you're going to get the trick to doing a power serve this way is when you're coming through the ball you want to get as much paddle head speed as possible okay power is not going to come if you lock your elbow and you go like this power is gonna come when you push through the ball and you break your wrist at the last moment that generates the highest amount of paddle head speed for these kinds of shots so the trick is and again our feet are gonna stay perfectly still okay when you come through you're gonna push your paddle as far as you can notice how I'm pushing okay and at the very last moment you break your wrist and you flip all the way up like that that generates an enormous amount of paddle head speed now when you start to do this for the first time be warned you're gonna hit some terrible shots I did it's normal its natural change is going to feel very weird at first if it I feel weird that means you're not changing so focus on when you're coming through the ball push the paddle forward and then break your wrist at the very last moment okay let's look at that from a different angle push flip push like that notice how I'm rotating all the way through push and you want that explosive point right when the hips are coming through BAM you want to be instant like that okay so here's a side angle notice how far the ball is gonna impact out in front of me look how far that is that's what you want push flip you can do this motion push push push flip like that you can do that over and over again and you don't y'all doing this you're not flipping it right here you got a push first the push comes first push push okay and that's how you do it [Music] now eventually you want to introduce the ball just do it graduate don't even worry about trying to hit it too hard at the moment just focus on the push and the foot push in the foot just like that push your foot like that okay so putting it all together now remember that you want to practice this before you start doing it out on the courts start slow ok so just focus on the rotation and hitting that ball out in front of you like that get the weight off that foot when you come through like this see how I come through it all when I do that all that weight is being transferred off of this side into the ball as you come through and then start to speed it up see how explosive that was just like that [Music] notice the explosiveness right all the hips all the shoulders and everything come right through the ball okay so now that you've seen how the serve works there's a couple of closing thoughts that I want to give you guys one thing that's important understand is that this is how the serve works for me okay based on the way my body works and so on if there's something that you need to change because your body works differently or because you prefer this or that feel free to do so there's nothing wrong with with taking away some of the stuff that I do and adding your own little flavor or your own sort of mix to things or nothing wrong with that I mean as you've as you know when you look around the the courts you see tons of different types of serves so there's nothing wrong with that also keep in mind this is gonna take a lot of work and a lot of practice if you're in a tournament and you're trying to do the serve and you keep messing up forget about it don't even if you're in the rec play match okay and you're trying to do this and then it's failing miserably scratch it just scrap the whole thing don't worry about it get a get a partner arrive 30 minutes early to open play and practice it there the key is again getting the hips and the shoulders and that point of impact all working all at once to create a high power high topspin serve so guys I hope that the video was helpful for you if you'd like to feel free to leave a like subscribe if you haven't let me know how it's how it works for you if they're something you do differently or something that you know you would like to add feel free to let me know in the comments I love to hear from you and as usual guys thank you so much for joining me I'll see you next time
Channel: Pickleball Kitchen
Views: 203,503
Rating: 4.8806176 out of 5
Keywords: pickleball, pickleball instruction, pickleball serve, pickleball how to serve, how to serve in pickleball, pickleball hard serve, pickleball fast serve, pickleball lesson, pickleball top spin serve, how to serve
Id: RNcV-0lPyNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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