Blender photogrammetry remesh, retopology and uv

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hi in this video I'm going to show my blender photogrammetry cleanup process we're going to create and cleanup photogrammetry scan with topology like this and you v's like this into a mesh with nearly all quads and then to grieve in it and rebuild some geometry so we're going to have you v's like this and we're also going to generate a bump map some metallic and specular maps as well let's get started okay brought the asset into blender and the first thing we're going to do is set up the shading so the textures are on the model the image the model came with to photoshop files for 1/4 inch Eden but I just exported those and put them into JPEGs one for the first you dim and one for the second you didn't so let's put those into blender now so gets there shading Network we can input a new image texture delay into color and open up our image to be number one so as its set up for you dims we need to what is actually already detected you dims because of the file structure 1001 and it all looks great ok so I'm going to turn off the wireframe and with that with the the unit movies are quite messy with this and they're spread across two year you Daan's which isn't always ideal for some game engines so we're gonna read apologize it and then you via in just matching one you didn't so just the one square so it's traditionally you could go in where in maya for example you could use quad draw or we can manually remodel this and then shrink wrap it on but we're gonna see if we can do automatically read apologize it automatically let's start so I exported the FBX into an obj just to convert it and I'm gonna use a piece of software called this off what is called instant mesh instant meshes it's free and it's basically like the ziri mesh tool in ZBrush it also gives you a bit more control over the geometry and how it is getting rematched so we'll do that now so or in our mesh it's fairly a strange way of rotating that's fine so we can choose if we want triangles and quads or this version of quads but this is quite messy so we're going to use all quads and then solve this this panel here where it shows you the lines is basically showing the edge flow so if we wanted to go in and make some changes or if we spot anything that needs changing so for example if we wanted the edge flow to flow with this geometry that with the brickwork we can paint in our own stripes so try and match our our guides as best as possible but we're gonna very simple way to start with and we're gonna make it even less that's polygons than this we're gonna aim for around 8,000 okay now click solve again it's gonna need to go through that then we'll click solve and you see these are the new quads that is created we can check see if there's gonna be any errors oops but it all looks good so far it's not really anything any major things that just pop out or we've got issues like this here where we've got multiple lines converging into one and creating a kite but that should be fine and same here as well that is their singularities so that's where the where they join together so it's trying to cut down on edge loops and joining them together you can see here we can actually move these so if we if we didn't want this one here for example we can pick it up this bit fiddley to grab we can pick it up and move it it's quite slow it's recalculating all these times but if there was a specific piece of detail we wanted to keep then we can move these points away from it but I think this is fine we'll give it a try so I'm gonna export mesh we don't want to smooth it at all because we can do all that post-processing in blender afterwards and I'm going to extract the mesh and see it's a lot lower polygons but we're gonna subdivide it afterwards in blender I'm gonna save it so you're for this retopo one we tape I wonder BJ so now if we go back into here clean model we can bring this into blender okay so I don't want to move this there our original scan at all so I'm gonna call this scan Ross can and I'm going to call this reset by one okay so first of all I'm gonna turn off the Select ability so now I can't select the raw scan by accident so that I can only only move our retopo one and it just worked pretty well so I'm gonna hide this and begin to start begin to start analyzing it see if we've actually made any errors or if there are any errors in the in the reat apologizing read apologized version so this is going to cause an issue here and go into edit mode so this one here is gonna cause us some issues we've got a weird shape here so I'm just gonna click X dissolve vertices and that's fixed it so with these automatic automatic methods that they are always going to cause some problems that are just unavoidable but if we wanted a perfect mesh then we'd have to do it manually in court draw something or manually in blender so what I'm doing now is I'm just going round and seeing if we can see any weird if there's another weird one here so that's going to cause us an issue because it's no edge here it's just a quad then another quad but we have a weird weird angle so I'm gonna do the same and just dissolve vertices it's gonna make two triangles which is fine it's fine that we're gonna have we are gonna have triangles in this mesh and that is fine we've got some weirdness going on here as well so you got just one random cut it's not ideal so X and dissolve edge and like if we wanted to we could fix this kind of thing by dissolving face or deleting face what does our edges then we create this and we can click there this is Auto merge so to map that vertex vertices is gap on top of each other we they'll just automatically merge so I'm just gonna basically snap them turn on the snapping snap to vertex and there we go there's merged so these blue lines are crisp or sharp edges we don't really want any sharp edges so I found scans usually work better when it's kind of softened so I'm going to select all the edges right click and clear sharp and that's gonna make everything soft so if we turn off turn off the Y frame and go into object mode everything is soft which isn't isn't good for now that's because we need to fix some of these issues so you can see this this one here is causing a shading issue it doesn't really know what to do so I'm going to go back into and just just delete it and that's getting weird dissolve vertex so I guess having it off turning it off edit mode help folks it kind of highlights the shading issues see whatever this weird thing over here yeah what is that and then we can just get rid of this one too it's a bit tedious going through all these but so much quicker than doing the whole thing by hand so this is actually just a face that's broken so just go to face mode and do the face and just delete faces no weird thing we had one here so this is an ideal I'm just gonna turn off snapping for one just move it so this is weird again dissolve it completely get rid of this well and I don't know what is going on here move this out mm-hmm so happens if we dissolve it creates this M gone isn't ideal it's fine to have triangles but try and keep down the end guns I think if we just turn on stuffing again and just merge it pop here that's fine now what's this in here that's where we got this line going through here and an extra hidden face so they going to face mode I'm gonna see if I can uh we just got a weird face in here let's just delete that and delete this edge oops a dissolve edge sorry and we can quickly delete this face then go into edge press f press f here and f again yeah that's a lot nicer so I got another Wade looking thing here and Wham the way I'm judging if I should delete it or move it is it's kind of splitting this square in half so if we delete it it will create a quat which is what we want well two triangles here that I'm just going here and oops delete what dissolve edge so well it's weird face what if we delete it there's old facing us no delete and you're gonna do the edge that ads about texting yep and going in gone and then we can connect the innocent measures should not cause these end guns but they're fine for now it just is gonna it's gonna need just tiny tiny bit of cleaning up oops I mean I guess that's fine but that's just me up and then connect those two it's good all right we got this weird thing over here oh hey full-stop oh we got to Wetlands what is this okay I think that is mostly cleaned up let's have a look at this so sometimes it's useful to actually see what could be causing that weird error then it seems like goes in quite a bit which is why this is messed up so I'm gonna see if we can just fix that yep yes sometimes it's useful to look from the inside as well but I'm going to start unwrapping this and see if we get any more errors which I'm sure we can fix later on got an end gone here which isn't ideal so we can fix that by just joining these two I just okay so to go start using we go to movie editing and but first let's give this a new material so I'm going to give it another image texture and create a new one call it UV and annex a color grid and we make it for game so because there's no UV sign to this sign to this model it's just gonna pick a pick up random thing so let's start unwrapping it highlight everything and naturally let's start making our cuts so I'm going to go into edge mode if you hold down alt it will select a loop and this loop hasn't gone all the way through which is fine so I'm gonna shift o to layout get edit and if I if we want to widen our camera view we just go to change that to 24 then we can get in a lot closer and looks like that is cut all the way around so we go right-click mark seem good now I'm going to cut around the perimeter to separate the ground from the structure so typically you want to click here and then click control click and it will find a shortest path that connects your two clicks so it's very helpful for moving and creating these seams so I'm gonna try and make it a straight line straight as possible doesn't matter if you get a little bit of the floor good and that is that click mark scene now this bits disconnected now we got this pill here see if we can get a loop around to get that loop cut and now this part here go in I'm holding down control there we go if it's a little bit tricky because it's a bit tight in there yeah that's good moxie we also it's also kept got connected here so we can just find and go mark scene and what I'd like to do is actually separate this wall here cause like this is another piece of another structure so I'm gonna make a cut all the way down like that mark seem to break it off and I'm gonna make a cut to disconnect the kind of hole that we'll have here so if you can imagine and have a hole here and on the other side I think I have a hole here so I'm going to do the same this side and here I'm gonna leave that hole there I think that's fine so we can start go back into a UV unwrapping select everything with a press you unwrap and you go for all looks good flaws so the floor is here so you got some bending what could that be besides this but here so we cut off desperate for example she's creating that bulge boxing everything you unwrap and that sticks up so we'll have to make a cut down here to unwrap that no that's fixed this right here good good okay we got C issues here and we've got these weird huge triangles that is because there's an N and gone or weird triangle thing and so we can spot that by clicking shift shift H and then that will highlight where it is if you like actually I like the whole island shift H strong this one first just make some more cuts maybe it'll work itself out today we're gonna have to cut up here I tend to make cuts on all they're like right angles and we are going to want to separate the inside of this with the outside so we can make cut around this door basically and around this archway so I just noticed a weird weird thing here which I'm just gonna sort out by just moving it yeah okay just find it out and what else this arch here so if you get errors like this just press n going to here where it says view clip turn that down I'm gonna say for our leads into a tree so I just grabbed it zoomed out makes you okay now hollow everything you unwrap now we separated some insides and outsides good stove on hairy head shhh where is it that's this you can also this grid also shows these errors like this what is going on here just go into that it so there's a some vertex stuck in here I'm just gonna see if we can grab it's our vertex it's an edge dissolve oops dissolve edge go to vertex dissolve this vertex connect PC quad connect these two triangle triangle I think we're just gonna have to try and you like this to fix that well maybe if we get rid of this one and then could IPC okay let's unwrap that again you see that fixed hello error a perfect and if we go to view overlays stretching they're not show stretching got quite it's not bad blue is good red is bad I think we can separate there the roof from from the walls so I'm just going to go around cutting that we go some way to our hair which we'll fix in a second just gonna make that same what is going on here see me you need to dissolve this and then just move that then make that cop gun good so what I'm actually going to do here is I know in the geometry this is extruded whereas that doesn't look good so I'm going to remodel this a little bit by dissolving this connecting these two gonna turn snapping back on you know okay that's fine I turn this on so I can kind of see and you know move this back grab this face click it eat and extrude I thought I better scale this scale flatten it we gotta you seen us gonna grab this Yeah right this time that's better so I'm going to go down here cut okay Paulo everything you unwrapped that's looking a lot better coughing this was this sister here okay that is because we need it's an inside wall and an outside wall it's connected with this here sorry Luke cut that not quite okay seen up to here see if we can separate it all ready that should be better on right hip good excellent got this here which isn't really doing much this cut let's see what this is yeah so I think we can just cut this all the way up now we have some overlapping which is not good so I'm gonna go down here still overlapping now it's because we need a cup basically let me see don't miss this bit here we just need to cut because inside and outside says cut up to here round today and then down circuit unfold stay with us an overlap edge next this bit here yeah I'm probably gonna go into here and clear this yes he had a casino location o'night has good let me just go this weird thing [Music] so if we cut this off think that or fix that perfect and already is looking good I mean that's fine because you can just expect how that will unwrap itself although we've got some warping here which we can fix by doing that there we go better and I separate this ceiling from here and this one just go and cut here to here no might be that search we're going to give it more of a full screen no I think that's all right ah yeah I think that's fine although actually that's clear that scene and I'm going to cut it down here so from here to here to here which I'm not on the other side yeah all right oh it's alright unwrap it again go back into yeah you can see this is the ceiling so what I'm going to do is go around and orient each one of these the best I can so that all the letters are facing the right way so got four yeah I'm actually going to cut this inside and outside wall off so it can be its own little island well I have marked some reason why did I cut oh yeah oops where is this bit that's good okay so that uv-map it's good although this thing Ziegel a pin so if we write everything quick pack UV pack then click on this rotate then we can make it so blender won't rotate what we've already rotated so we'll keep our rotations or we can allow a blender to rotate it as much as it wants to find the best use of space but I'm going to keep our rotation because I like it good now next stage is to save the project and we will project or shrink-wrap our reach apologized version on to you on to our high res mesh that you see here we're not getting much detail so this would be that projects all button in ZBrush which is what I'm used to so let's go let's go subdivide surface let's turn this often and that will make it all smooth we can up it to two I'd say we can change simple so it doesn't smooth out but capital clock is it's what we're gonna go for and then we can go to add modifier shrink-wrap then we tell shrink-wrap what to shrink to say roast again here and you can see if we turn this off and on where's that there it is shrinking or projecting on that so I'm going to say project and because it's only doing positive projection we say do positive and negative and we've got some errors which we can fix later on so that's that's quite good some areas around the edges which is fine but let's see if we can fix that by turning it down to one no it's still what those errors put it back onto we can change the limit so it will only project a say like half a meter scale on this object is incorrect so I have to see the scale can do add mesh plane this is a one meter plane yeah one meter plane so if we move there by one meter I'm sorry this is a 2 meter by 2 meter playing the radius of the plane is 1 yeah so each grid is 1 meter so we can actually change our limit to say minute point 0 1 although 0.01 105.1 you can test this and till it's you can see it start deteriorating the projection but I think that's fine delete this the latest plane if we want even more detail we can subdivide this yet again and you see we're really starting to get all that detail but we are getting some strange spikes so the way we can fix those spikes is actually let's see what yeah it's just it's probably the leaves or something that's turn you know a shader we can turn rough the spec all the way down so he can spec on overall scan sorry so we can actually sit that's probably like IV isn't it yeah so what I do is I probably smooth out this mesh a bit which we can do we're going to it's actually copy paste take a walk it's quite large rename it to scan clean up so sculpting turn off symmetry gives you this one and we can get in and kind of smooth this out a little bit can hide this raw skin and face way too strong oops yeah way too strong at the moment so it's done it right down and just smooth it out a little bit it's just to avoid those large spikes here as well make the brush with small you had eyes just that's not good is it mainly just round the back where there's IV growing but yeah we this is um that's fine for now and then we just hide that go back into this one and tell it to target to be the cleanup we can and actually get rid of one of these spikes in the sculpting there we go that's a lot less up the radius up the strength relax it I'll simplify it and I'll do flow I'll go back into that later on but as you see we have a all the detail in our nice match here which is welt apologized let's turn that UV the wireframe back on there we go next stage is to bake the colors so let's do that it's pretty simple let's go back into the shading so baking is where we get the color from this one and bake it or project these colors onto our new UV and because they're perfectly overlapping with that shrink wrap modifier we can do that easily but first we need to prepare our model so let's take off take off this and do that back on here we need to give it a new image texture so I'm gonna make it a 16 K texture that way we can reduce it afterwards the original model came with 2 8k textures so in theory we won 8k by 16 K I'm just gonna do an 8 K square for now then we can resize that later on just gonna take a while because 16 K is quite quite large there we go as cool this color color baked 16k just make this a UV grid for now and that is good hook this into the base coat it's going to take a while to load all right so to start the baking process let's turn them both on you see they're overlapping quite well bits poking out either way which is fine this is gonna be a trouble issue these grates here we can do that what we could do those okay we'll figure that out later on it will project fine Australia go to the render tab go to cycles baked option hey we want their diffuse color margin okay so I'm gonna go click on this one control click to that one selected to active so the selected one is going to bake to the active selection it's ray distance this is like the projection distance I'm going to go ahead and use the projection distance which is point point zero three so selected two projection back to the render 0.03 we don't need the cage rarely use the cage for baking even though this is quite a complex model and let's go ahead and bake double check all our settings I don't need yeah I mean this I think this is gonna work so it's gonna take a while so let's bake nothing selected no valid selected objects that's because we forgot something important okay so here's our retopo one you can't bake two things with these modifiers on but if we apply these modifiers we're gonna lose the low the low quality version the low poly version so you know copy paste it's gonna take a while cuz it's quite quite large polygons got retopo one let's call this retopo to baking or bake baker baking we also extending to copy death so we can just delete up so we're gonna re re sign this we can hide our and rename this to retopo lo retype oh hi fake can apply which will set in stone this subdivision so we can't change it anymore okay I took a while to apply this it shouldn't take that long and we can apply the shrink-wrap as well there we go so if we slow the retopo hi bake and on the clay it looks like this and we can't do anything about it we can't go to lower subdivisions and the wireframe is super dense but clean clean but very dense okay so we can go to scan none of this say scan clean up onto the retopo bake go to render Cola bake no valid selected objects why is that okay I'm it I made a silly mistake I turned off the select ability of our selected object using this was actually hidden so yeah so this scan to this one go to the render bake and yeah it should be all good bake and you see it is texture baking 0% it's gonna take a while so I'll get back to you when it's finished okay that has finished baking now and as you can see in this window we've got all our detail so brickwork looks good so let's go ahead and save this image as color make 16k dot PNG save image as and then if we open it back open up in our files we should have a image which we can be it's quite large 290 megabytes and yeah it looks like it not text it's pretty good okay so let's have a look assigning that in here so I'm going to open up a new image input texture image texture open clean model 16k baked like that plug it into here and there we go oh we didn't even need to bring in great so this is our wreath apology hi we'll go back into our wreath apology low it applies the same material which is this one and we've got the UV and I mean that's apology of this which is great so we can even lose our subdivisions and I guess who's the shrink-wrap if we want yeah looks looks pretty good to me we tell this although yeah the lots of issues here but we can fix that simply by turning these back on so now our next task is to make some other material maps like we can bake our normal make a specular or metallic now we can do a displacement as well a height we can do that all from our image texture here okay okay so I've got this image opened up in Photoshop and I'm going to scale it down to 8k there we go it's going to reduce the file size and make it a lot easier to render and if we have a look at this text yeah it's still readable which is good I think yeah next I'm going to come but this color map to a detailed height map or a bump map so here we go gonna make it black and white start with then push the levels yeah then go to filter other and high-pass now if we zoom in to around here can change the radius so only just the few details come through see yeah probably this one for about two looks good now I'm going to save that out to the same place as bum bump bake 8k yeah that's good or else I forgot to save out the egg came Asian of this so let's do that now you save this as color baked a K kind of a cake a I'm gonna go into the bump and find this text and we don't want this text in set so I'm going to go and just paint it out with the brush so these bolts and they keep these bolts will protrude but I want the sign to be flat good and I'm just going to save over that PMG okay so now we need to open up a new program called materialized so this program is free it's going to convert our diffuse map into a normal height metallic smoothness or roughness edge and ambient occlusion so I'm going to load that in open it is clean model and it is the a K color baked select okay so I'm going to create a height map because that will help with the other maps so it's not a true height map because we're not actually baking any geometry so you can play with these settings to get something that we want remember white is out and black is in so these darker parts in the cracks here will be out here will be out sorry here will be in here will be in which is not necessarily what we want please recess okay well I'm gonna go with a displace it's not never going to be as accurate as doing it from the geometry which we'll do later on yeah okay so I set that as height map then I'm going to create a normal map which is I have some kind of micro details on which is gonna help us yes and kind of the texture of the bricks here so I'm gonna I'm not you're gonna up the contrast on that a bit yeah that's normal okay this one's gonna be quite fun this metallic or spec map so black is shiny white is not shiny so this is gonna I'm gonna have this as very high contrast and just is just going to give it a subtle subtle effect in the shadows where water might be or moisture to give it a bit of shininess set that as metallic I'm going to create a roughness or smoothness I might not use this one much yeah I'm gonna go with that it's quite high contrast and now we can save project say that as material take select and that should start populating folder okay material bike height material bag the few we've already got that one material bag normal metallic and I think that's it nice smoothness or roughness okay so now let's bring these back into blender and start setting up our material so it looks slightly better okay going to turn these okay so we can sell our normal map by deleting this image texture we need to set this to open clean and it is the normal set this to no color plug it in a normal map hello goes in here to the yellow one and the purple goes into the normal just wait for it to load and there we go let's see if that makes if we can tell the difference boost the strengths I say ten yeah I guess that does ten very soft oh I don't know if it is actually worth it we're having major issues on this okay we can fix this later on okay so next put in power height so I mean let's put in our roughness now or smoothness smoothness that goes into no color goes into our roughness and we're gonna have to bump up a spec TLC it and add it in and RGB curse flip it they're starting to make the tops shiny as if they got water on see you around on the floor hit you can up that or change the contrast a little bit and if we actually bring in our in our spec map which is metallic we can copy this pump that into here and then into our spec that way we can decide what is going to be shiny or not it looks like it's just rained or something I did we can see what it looks like flipped yeah night or the massive yes just crashed let's see if we can reboot that so after reassigning the materials and fixing the issues with the bars here by remodeling them with boxes got quite a good cleanup and here is the wireframe so you can see it's all quads nearly all quads very easy to retexture things if we wanted to go to retexture this sign it being extremely easy we could just go to the photoshop file and just text right here along with the bricks if we wanted to change the color or change the types of bricks we could easily do that just with image texturing in photoshop so we've got quite good detail as well as some roughness and spec maps to make things look kind of wet in the interior here you see on the walls you can see some shine as well as on the floor here as well where it looks like it has been wet and drips from the rain say there we go looks pretty good great thanks for watching and I hope you've you've learned something
Channel: Jack Lynch
Views: 26,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, zbrush, photogrammetry, remesh, retopology
Id: gfH_oEMmKCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 49sec (5629 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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