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Nice work! For newbies, you can also repair old photos with professional photo restoration services.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alexhamber 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys and welcome back to another Photoshop tutorial on the channel today we're gonna be trying to repair or mend this old photograph now this is one of my old family photos and I thought I'd go ahead and try and replace this but before we do and before I get into talking about how we're gonna do that it'll be great if you guys could go ahead and subscribe to the channel and also like this video if you do enjoy if you wanna see any more tutorials on Photoshop or Lightroom we have a massive Bank of them on our youtube channel so go ahead and check those out now if you wanna go ahead and check out on our website I'll leave the link in the top of the description there is a couple of free Photoshop actions that will be on the website when this video is up so go ahead and check out that free action on the website but without any further ado let's go ahead and start doing this edit now okay so this is the photo we're gonna edit I'm gonna go ahead and unlock the bottom layer and then just duplicate it so we haven't before after that we can look at now the few tools we're gonna be using today are going to be the lasso tool and also the clone stamp tool and occasionally we may be using the brush tool and we're gonna start off with the lasso tool now I'm gonna show you what this can do now the idea here is we're just gonna select areas like this will draw around this selection here this little tear in the paper now this layer you got to make sure it is rust right if you don't have to do that press ctrl click on your keyboard or right click and select rasterize layer' now this layer has been rasterized which then means we can go ahead and edit this layer so if you press shift delete on your keyboard or shift backspace you get up this fill selection now with this fill selection it comes up immediately with color black or white or something like that just go ahead and click on the contents thing here and select all content aware you can just leave all of these things alone and then select okay and Photoshop will go ahead and do its magic now the idea here is you can see what it's done is it's taken information from a round verse selection and it's basically said well whatever is going on here should be repeated up here and it's just duplicated that there so if you go press the command D on your keyboard it then removes that selection so this is quite good to do if you want to get rid of some of these really quick big ones here and it's only really useful if you've got a background that isn't too complicated so for example the curtains in the back are perfectly fine for example on the the shirts or the jackets that's also perfectly fine because it's just one block color so if I do that there you can see this me and work now this won't work on the face as well for example around the eyes it wouldn't work or anything like that it will work on the forehead but anywhere where there's too much detail it won't really work because it doesn't really it's not that smart but I'll show you how to do those later so you can see if I just go ahead and do this you can actually work through pretty quickly now if you're doing one of these edits I do recommend you do it systematically it's very easy just to get carried away and do it I've just done go from here to here back up to here and just start to remove some of these big scratches just because it's actually quite satisfying to watch now you can do it that technique but if you if you do it systematically where you start on one corner and work across systematically you're gonna find you get more of it done quicker and just because it's harder when you get through the Edit it's a lot harder to recognize where all of these tears are once you've been looking at the image for ages you'll know what I mean if you start to do that so I'm just gonna start on this top corner and go for a shift delete and then select okay now once I've done this already it does remember that I've got the content-aware it's selected now this is a good example of where it almost works you can see it deleted the most of those tears but what it's done is taken a copy of somewhere else in this image various parts of this image and pasted it on top and obviously we're taking a copy from there are a couple of tears increases in the image so we're gonna go ahead and touch up those little areas later but you can see how quickly we can start to get this image to look a lot better than it already did so for example I just take a really big selection press shift delete and press content of where you can see just how quickly we can start to edit this now here is a really good example of where it went wrong if you get something like this turning out where you obviously it's just duplicated this area here and just moved his ear up obviously that's not good enough that's just gonna weird so first command or ctrl Z and what you're gonna want to do is start then to do smaller selection so like that for example should be fine and then try it again and basically it's just a matter of trial and error you can see there that won't work but if it gets too close to something like a bit more detail that's when you're going to start to get those errors okay so that's how you do that type of restoration the second thing we can do is come down to the clone stamp tool which is this little stamp tool here you can either select it on the toolbar or you can press S on your keyboard now if you go ahead and press of the close bracket key you can the close square bracket key you can actually increase that brush size and if you press the close open so the open square bracket brush you can decrease the size now come up to here and make sure you're on roughly thirty percent zero percent hardness you don't want to go any higher than thirty percent in fact I probably will put it down to 20 percent okay now the way this tool works is if let's say I am trying to sort out the forehead here what you do is you get the brush tool you select alt on your keyboard and select an area of the image that is similar to where you are trying to repair in this case I'm trying to repair this crack on her forehead on her forehead so I'm going to try and duplicate the colors from here just on her forehead I'm not going to set the cars from over here not a not from over here just on her head because it then will fit better now if you had hardness on 100% you'll actually see exactly where you've drawn which is why you've put it on somewhere around at 0% I put it on 17% but that should work just fine so I pressed alt on my keyboard and what I'm gonna do is just click and you can see how that automatically layers over that crack now what you can do is then zoom in and reduce your brush size and then just come up here and literally just paint over that crack using the clone stamp tool and you can really see how quickly you can start to repair and here the problem you're gonna get is it starts to look like a complete to sharp line so you can then come to the brush tool press B on your keyboard then press option or alt just to select your color that you want and alternatively you can come down here double click on that and then you get your color picker tool like this select the color that you want to fade in so for example it's in there and then gonna get my brush tool put the opacity on about 40% and I'm literally just going to paint across that line there and then press alt again maybe slightly darker deep my brush size and all I'm doing is trying to blend in that sort of sharp harsh line that we introduced when we use the clone stamp tool now I've done that really quickly I'm gonna go ahead and go and try and do this edit really quickly but those are the basics on how you would do it so for example now I want to fix this I here now one of the things to take in mind is faces ants for me if I would just I don't know take you for example this side of the face cut it out duplicate it and flip it the face is going to look really weird and faces aren't symmetrical so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get that suit or we're gonna click on around the eye and we're just going to cut out the eye now I know I said the face isn't symmetrical but if you're using just small details this is a really quick trick to sort it out and face it quickly so we've got one eye that's perfectly intact that we've selected hidden comes your keyboard and press command J that will then duplicate that specific thing that you've outlined and you can see here I now have an eyeball that I can just move around floating around the image so I'm going to go ahead and place it roughly over where it should be I think about there it's probably just fine and then going to press command or ctrl T on my keyboard control click on that and then click flip horizontal they give us the tick up here and then place that image there obviously that looks completely wrong but what you have now is the ability to replace that eyeball because you have the information from this eye that wasn't there or isn't underneath that at all okay so push command T and I'm just going to rotate this I rotate the eye until I get it get it roughly in the position that I want it to be and I've put the opacity down so I can see where the eyeball is underneath if I turn it off and on again I probably ought to move it left a bit and down a bit and I think there we're probably looking at what we should have so if we go ahead and put the opacity back up to 100% we're almost good to go now this looks really weird cuz you got a weird cutout outline the way to fix that is come down here and select a mask tool you'd only use the rubber tool or the eraser you want to use masks all the time while you're using Photoshop the eraser tool really you shouldn't be using if you can help it I'm going to come up to the brush tool decrease the size and you can see here it's put the background at all the foreground color as white I'm now gonna select black as my foreground color now you can press D on your keyboard to reset your color palettes and then X to switch these two around and you want black to be your foreground color so I'm just gonna go ahead opacity on my brush 100% and then I'm going to go ahead and just a raised or mark out the outline there and all I'm doing is I'm making the eye or trying to blend the eye in to the image now the problem we've got here is this side of the face is lit up this side of the face is darker but we're gonna try and sort that out in just a minute but you can see already the eye is beginning to fit into that image now if you use a brush tool I recommend again you have your hardness on about 0% hardness and which then feathers out a lot more the problem you've got there is the feathering also goes into the image so you want to come again press X on your keyboard make white the foreground color and then paint back in the iris that may have been removed while you were removing the outside okay so I'm going to go ahead and just label this layer I and then I'm going to come down here I'm going to come to the brightness and contrast and I'm literally going to clip that layer by pressing alt - the layer below it and drop the brightness just a little bit until I think it's probably about the same that it should be because of the light on this side of the image and say that's just been done really quickly if I go ahead again you can just make any final adjustments and just paint in that eye okay so if i zoom out if you hadn't known beforehand that the I had been damaged obviously I need to sort out the crack here and the crack here but you wouldn't really notice from this far out that the eye has been duplicated from this side and placed on this side so again if I just turn off the eyeball that's what we had before and now that's what we have afterwards so that's how we can go ahead and sort out those fine details like that other things like here for example the corners of these corners of the jacket colors and you can go ahead and use this stamp tool to do those one thing I like to do is I like to just go ahead to the selection tool and just sort out the big creases and then go in and do the little details later on using the stamp tool so once again coming on to the lasso tool if you press L on your keyboard that's a quick shortcut and I'm just going to draw over hat and we're gonna cross our fingers and hope this does something I'm going to the layer here press shift delete and then enter the problem we've got I think this is too large a selection to actually work but we can see oh no it actually does work it did a pretty good job they're trying to repair so you can see how quickly you can actually begin to repair these images and it just becomes a quite analytical process you've got to be patient it will take a few hours to do but after a while you'll actually get there and you will have completed your image and it will look quite cool afterwards it's always fun to see the before and after to see what it looks like so I'm going to go ahead and just spend the next few hours of my life trying to repair it or trying to repair this image and I'll probably get back to you once I've done with it and I'll show you the before and after but all we're doing is just using those techniques I taught you we're just going through and we're just going to try and just continue that all the way around the image until we get basically what we're looking for you okay so I have gone ahead and finished the edit what more or less at least so you can really see the difference that it's made if I show you the before photo that's what we started off with now I was really worried about this area here on the left and especially this area here on the right these two areas we've got these massive tears in the paper I really thought we'd have a lot of trouble removing this and saving this part of the image and you can really see how the lasso tool really does help in these areas so if I turn on the after again you can really see how much difference is made and how much the image we have saved it's kind of like mr. magic button you turn on and off again and you suddenly have the image returned it's really fun to just have a look at it before and after all the time but that's how you can go ahead and really save your image now there is one last thing that you guys can do to save your image just a little bit more and that is using the brush now when you use the brush tool you want to go ahead and create a new layer and you want to come over to your brush tool here and you want to select a hardness of about 50% to 0% it depends on where you're painting and we're only going to use the brush tool in areas that have a block color so say for example here the waistcoat vest type thing or black mainly you can't see much change in shade on here or alternatively on a hat especially underneath the Hat here or these bits of hair so we're gonna be using the waistcoat and maybe the hat as an example so let's start off with a hat if i zoom in just to work on this one area what we're gonna do is like I say to get the brush tool but beyond your keyboard to get up increase the brush size to whatever you need using the closed square bracket or decrease using the open square bracket and then press option or alt on your keyboard and depending if your Mac or Windows and we're just going to select a color so let's say we start here I first option and you can see we get up this color picker tool and this top semi circle shows you the color that you are selecting and the bottom is the color you cited previously so we're gonna select this color here and we're literally just going to paint around the image so we're just painting the underneath of the Hat the rim of the Hat and we're gonna decrease the brush size and get as precise as we can and making sure that we really don't go over the edges too much and we're just gonna keep to the actual line of a hat as best we can the idea is we're just removing this little white spots that appear in the image just because of the old wear and tear of the image now when you get to a point like here where the image starts to change color press option to get on your keyboard and you can just continue to paint round then we're gonna come to here but it's optional again and it's quite important that you continually make sure you update the color and you want to choose a color near to where you're working so you see there I just selected roughly where we're painting it it's very close to where we're painting and all we're doing is just re basically repainting in the color that has been lost you don't have to spend too much time on it especially if it's just one block color just make sure you kind of keep to roughly where the image is that should be just fine and it's gonna do a corner again now I'm gonna try up here now the one we've got up here is the Hat does have a few creases in it so we may end up just losing the 3d texture off the Hat but again if you want to just fix some of the image again it's quite ideal if you go down to hardness 0% and just paint it again it just helps them blur the colors together just a little bit more and I'm just coming in and painting over the Hat now I'm gonna go ahead and finish this hat and show you how much difference it makes okay so I've gone ahead and I've just painted in the Hat there now you can see here where we could start to get a few issues obviously this looks like it's just been painted on because we've got these block changes in shade I try to keep to it as much as I could without sort of making it too obvious that I've painted just in one block color so I've tried to keep some of the shades in there the best way of doing that is just constantly pressing alt on your keyboard and re selecting a new color but you can see roughly how that works so if i zoom out I'll label this layer here hat so we go so we can see what we're doing and you can see how that's basically we just painted of a hat and got a new look there now obviously that does look like it's just been painted on like a clipart sort of hat but if I turn it off and on again you can see the difference that's going to make if we can fix that so one thing that's really cool to try and do is you can do two things one come to your opacity and just lower your opacity just a bit let's say 50% and what that does is it really fixes just some of those light spots and just sort of fills them in ever so slightly so it's less harsh than the eyes less obvious that there is any damage over there on the Hat so if I turn that layer off and on again you can see the real difference that's brought to life in the image second thing you can try is just put the elastic back up to a hundred percent for time being come up to filter come to blur Gaussian blur and all this is going to do is we're gonna choose a value that merges these colors together so you can see here what it's done is it's really faded these colors together quite nicely and mix them so it's less harsh probably means we've got this sort of blur look going on on the outside now from here we have two options so we can decrease the greatest or something like four where we have less of a blur around the outside but still some mixing going on in the middle I prefer to do method to where we increase or leave it on about 20% or we've got a nice look there press okay come down to here select mask tool press B on your keyboard make sure you reselect your color palettes of black as a foreground color you can press D to reset it and then X to switch these colors make sure black is your foreground color and once again we're gonna zoom in here and we just get them very nicely coming to control click and put our hardness on about sixty percent or you could do up here and select hardness sixty-three percent or something around there is perfectly fine doesn't have to be exactly sixty three percent and all we're gonna do is we're going to paint so I'm just clicking pressing shift to make sure I'm getting these sharp lines that aren't wobbly and we're just painting around the outside and you can see here what's actually happening is by using the mask tool we're painting away some of that layer and what we're doing is just selecting the areas that have leaked out because of the Gaussian blur and we're just removing those using the mask tool just to kind of give us that sharp edge that we're looking for in the image just so it doesn't look like this image has been over edited and repaired and you can really see when i zoom out I'm going to show you how much of a difference this does make and these little areas here decrease my brush size come in and do a slight bit more of adjustment if I ever get if I go somewhere I don't want to compress X and I can paint it back in again oops just like that okay so here we are that is the Edit just done there and now if I turn this layer off you can see the hats before and how that looked and now after we've used the brush tool just to repair those final parts of the image and so it really does bring it back together again now I've gone ahead and I've done it on the vest just to give you another example here on this layer here I did this earlier so they call that vest and I turn that on I just use the exact same technique and I painted over the areas now you can really see why you need to choose an area that's just one block color and it wouldn't really work on the jacket here because there's so many different shades but that's basically it if you want to go ahead and repair your image there are a few more touches up we can do here and on the face around here but I really think that's best we're really going to get the time being so go ahead save your image and export it and you have done so if I just group all of that together I can show you what this image look like before and then if I do all of that edit how it looks like afterwards so there's the before and there is the after so I hope you guys didn't enjoy this tutorial and it was useful it's been a very long tutorial but I just been useful if you want anything more like this in the future we may do a colorizing a black and white photo in the future but we'll see in the next one like I said they forget to Like and subscribe I'll see in the next video live long and prosper
Channel: MATT 'n' SEB
Views: 59,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorials, Lightroom, Instagram edits, how to, how to repair damaged photo, how to fix torn pictures in photoshop, fix torn photo, repair ripped photo, photoshop restoration, photoshop restore old photos tutorial, Photo Restoration Work, how to restore old black and white photo to color, black and white to color, old photo restore, colorization, colorize, colorized, color, colored, photo, photoshop, restoration, cs6, photo shop, adobe, Film Colorization
Id: d0ShFrIAGtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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