How to Make Photo Books in Lightroom Classic

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[Music] oh hello there i was just looking through one of my photo books that i've made in lightroom classic and i thought let's make a video about it and share with you so that's what we're going to do today in today's video we're gonna create a photo book in adobe lightroom classic so uh before we get started a couple uh things to be aware of um the this capability is only in lightroom classic it's not in lightroom cc or the mobile versions so you're gonna have to have the desktop version of lightroom classic that's step one uh step two is getting yourself a little bit organized and uh get ready to go and then what i'm going to do in this video is walk you through laying out a book the different options you have for doing that setting up a cover adding text to the cover adding text to the spine of the book so uh we'll walk through all the options we'll walk through all the bits and pieces so uh let's get started so let's head over to lightroom and uh take a look at what we're doing so all right so here we are in lightroom classic uh step number one for creating a book in a lightroom classic is to organize the photos you want to put in the book put them in a collection just for the book okay so um what i'm going to do here i'm going to do my 20 20 favorite photos i have about 97 photos in here right now and i'm going to choose from those i'm probably not going to have all 97 photos in the book but um yeah it starts with a collection that has been pre-selected if you will so don't it's much easier to do it this way because just trust me it is create the collection first it's going to have all the images you want to potentially include in the book you don't have to include them all okay that's step number one all right let's talk a little bit about uh what uh how this works the service that's going to be used and all that good stuff so lightroom uh and adobe have a publishing relationship for these books with a company called blurb so that's b l u r b dot com so um that's the service they use uh it's nice it's all integrated in the lightroom all the layout gets done in lightroom then you publish and you can send it right to blurb or you can create a pdf if you wanted to use it yourself or on screen or print to yourself so here we go let's get started with the book first step i have my collection selected my 2020 favorites picks um i have that selected and then my next step is to click on the book module up here in the top of the module area so i'm going to click on book now when you do that what lightroom is going to do is think for a minute and oftentimes what it's going to do is lay out you're going to get like all the photos one per page you're going to get a like 97 page book i would have here or 180 sometimes it's just crazy so the first step i always do after um after i click on book is do the clear layout so right under here in the auto layout section which is just below book settings i clear layout so i've got nothing here except for this is the minimal book you can have it's a cover and one page one photo and then outside back that's all this is so um before we do anything else um here's what i suggest you do this is the only place in lightroom and this is super important to do this the only place in lightroom where you have to save anything it's in the book module so as soon as you've cleared your layout go ahead and click up here right underneath where it says book it says create saved book click that now okay it's going to ask you to name the book uh it by default we'll put it in the collection where the photos are located so that's another reason to create the collection um so i'm going to click i'm going to create the name i'm going to write my initials and then 20 20 favorites that's what i'll just call it for now okay now double check these things over here uncheck include only used photos right now i have no photos used so i'm going to turn this off because i want to include all the photos and i i don't need to sync with lightroom i don't need to make virtual copies and i don't need to set as a target collection so for me with this book i uncheck all those okay i'm gonna click create okay and oh hey it did the auto layout again so i gotta clear the layout so i'm just going to click clear layout again and now you'll notice over here in my panels uh my library my organization stuff uh in my 2020 favorites pic there is a sub there's a new collection inside of that it's got a new icon it's the book icon so this is the book layout for that okay now i don't have to save anymore you'll notice the save is gone that very first step to save though is super duper important do that as soon as you make the book as you clear the layout because if you don't and let's say you clicked on a different collection or you left the book module all that stuff is gone it's gone it's the only time in lightroom you have to save anything so super important all right let's go back to the top let's talk about book settings then we'll get started with book layout so there's some decisions to make before you do anything and one of them is super important and that's the size of the book the size of the book because if you change the size after you get started with the layout uh the layout may change it may reflow it may uh result in images that are low resolution so choose the size first so let's start with our size and um the size options we have are let's see we've got five of them five five so we have a small square book that looks like this this is a seven by seven inch square book seven by 7 inch square then we go to 10 by 8 standard landscape that's this size 10 inches by 8 inches okay you could do an 8 inch by 10 inch you could do a portrait so it would be spined on the long side and then we have i don't have a large square the 12 by 12 inch i don't have one of those i do have the large landscape so this is 13 by 11 you could also do no you can't do a large portrait just large landscape okay so those are your basic sizes for this book i'm going to make a standard landscape it's a good size it's a nice this is coffee table size this big 13 by 11 the oops let's hold it here this is kind of coffee table size this is bookshelf size bookshelf size okay that's the size we're going to make so 10 by eight boom we're done uh what kind of cover do you want okay what kind of cover soft cover is is like this it's um it's a little bit thicker paper than the insides but it's still just a kind of a standard sheet of paper that's soft cover you can get any of these books in soft cover or hard cover so this is a 10 by eight soft cover okay and the other option is a hard cover dust jacket or hard cover image wrap so this is hardcover so it's a piece of cardboard and then what happens is you have two choices of what happens with the cover image this is called an image wrap that's what this book is the the cover the photo is printed and glued to the cover a dust jacket will be like a book you would buy a hardcover book where the that sleeve that it's a printed sleeve that's not attached it's just folded around i prefer the the image wrap it's just kind of slick and looks good okay gets wrapped around on the inside and then a piece of card uh medium piece of gray paper is glued over the top it's all finished nice and tight and really really well done so i'm going to go with a hard cover image wrap you'll notice my price you're going to see a price down here an estimated price it's 40.99 for these pages okay that seems like a lot don't stress yet i'll show you why not to stress in just a moment um this is the minimum order i think the minimum book size is 24 pages so even though i'm only showing three pages here to one page actually printed the minimum book size is 24 so that's what you're getting all right so um card cover image wrap what kind of paper do you want uh there are several paper types premium luster premium matte proline uncoated proline pearl you can you can read these okay uh i generally go with premium luster it's kind of a nice satiny look um my photos i do like them because i have a lot of contrast in my photos a lot of colors usually it seems like lots of blues oh there's some not blue um but i go with tend to go with premium luster you know let's see what the premium luster does premium luster is the same price as premium matte i believe yes and then we go to the pro line that's going to add about 20 the pearl and oh the pearl is going to add even more and then the standard is going to be the least expensive it's going to knock about 10 percent off and and lay flat books are the kinds with there's a special kind of spine so that when you open them you don't have this kind of hump in the middle they will this hump they'll just lay flat and those do cost considerably more looks like uh let's see there'd be about fifty percent more so it goes from forty to sixty dollars on a lay flat uh so i'm gonna go premium luster as my paper now the at you can change your mind later on you could change from to a different paper it's not going to change the layout you could change uh the cover treatment you can change from a soft cover to a hard cover and it's it doesn't really change the layout okay the size is the most important part to pick first though pick the size first okay we got one more decision to make well we don't have to make it now but i like to make it now we have the logo page the logo page and that's a little let me find it for you at the very end of the book if you choose the logo page there will be this nice little gray print of the blurb logo on an empty blank page and that will save you if you include it how much will it save if i turn it off it goes from forty dollars to fifty dollars so that's about twenty five percent more it's about twenty five percent ten dollars is yeah about twenty five percent of forty so it's a writer it's a pretty decent savings on books for myself i will go ahead and uh choose that option save that money if it's a client book i will turn that off because they don't need blurb advertising alrighty so there's our decisions uh what i'm going to do is go ahead and just kind of add some blank pages to this book so we can get started doing layout and then we'll start with the cover so to add some pages over here i'm in the page layout section the page section and i'm going to click add blank and i'm just going to add a bunch of pages and you'll notice my price is not changing i'm on nine pages now and the price is still forty dollars and ninety nine cents uh i'm going to keep going keep going keep going still 40 i think when we get to 24 it's going to jump up all right oh yeah so we are at 24 pages and it did jump up to now 42.67 so um we're just going to add a couple more i can always take them out later so i'm just going to go let's just get to about 30 pages as a starting point part of what i want with an um when you're doing a hardcover book you also get the option to print on the spine put the title on the spine put the title on the spine come on see there we go turn right side up there we go um so i'm going to do that and you need a certain number of pages to get a thickness to kind of do that so about 30 is a good number i think is a starting point oops that's good enough all right so i'm in a 45 book let's talk about one more piece of michael advice for you here before we get started um don't pay that price that 45 19. um there's always a coupon floating around on blurb well not always but almost always for example right now when i'm recording this december what today is today's december 12th uh 2020 if i go to the blurb website look there's a 40 percent off code and if you're brand new uh you join their email list you'll get a 35 off code so i'm gonna get a pretty significant discount here through december 16th which is why i'm recording this video right now so um these coupons happen about every two to three weeks so uh i wouldn't uh my suggestion is wait for a coupon if you can if you can 40 will save me 16 ish dollars that'll be nice okay and the book might be a little more when we get all said and done all right so let's get started let's start with the cover um my strategy for choosing a cover image is to kind of find an image that i think um that i'm most proud of for 2020 that uh works well for me that is uh in you know is representative of the year for me and this was a crazy year um it was full of lots of different things uh one of the things i i felt a little bit is like everybody felt a little discombobulated is the best word can that mean you can be bobulated if you're discombobulated anyway so um i'm going to choose an image i'm going to choose this foggy road picture for now i may change my mind later um you can change the size of this preview a couple different ways i can zoom here and the thumbnail and just now i've just got a couple pictures side by side or just one spread i can also switch here in the this view to just see one spread at a time or a single page at a time you have multi-page side-by-side pages or just a single page so i generally go with the multi-page and because i do want to see the pages side by side and the page that came before the page that came after so um i usually here's the view i want i usually want this view where i've got the pages that came before the pages that came after one of the fun parts i enjoy about doing this is the sequencing of the photos is uh the order they go in to create a story so all right so you'll notice when i created that cover i just dragged the photo dropped it on the the place i wanted it to go and that fills up the page with that image and lightroom has resized this to fit so let's say it's not the crop i want though it's a so what i can do is by clicking on the image i can now zoom so if i clicking on the zoom i can change the crop i can reposition and it will show you how it's doing okay now with this sizing what happened so i'm at 62 percent of my original image it flashed this little exclamation point and that's a warning that's telling you here's what it's telling i'm going to click on it so you can see what it says the photo may not print well at this size it will print at 155 points per inch and the minimum recommended is 200 so that's the warning you'll get if you resize an image too large uh to for the it to feel comfortable printing it so it'll look good i'm okay most of the time with my photos uh at 160 to 200 points per inch i'm okay with that if i get down to 150 or lower i get a little concerned so i wouldn't worry about this but that's not the crop i want so let's go back and then i'm going to reposition this by just clicking and dragging i do like the center alignment um so something like that boom so i'm going to leave it here for now i do need a back cover so what would be a complimentary this was taken the same day i'm just going to click and drag and drop this image over there another foggy foggy image so i kind of feel that represents 20 20 at least for me uh i discovered i took about half the photos i did the previous year so yeah uh reap do i want to reposition this crop or just leave it the way it was i think that works that's a pretty nice crop so let's continue with the cover let's continue with the cover so uh what i want to do is add a title to the front cover i'm going to add my website to the back cover and on the spine i'm going to put the title on there as well so let's start with the front cover so i'm going to click on the front cover and it's active with that gold bar around it so uh next step is to go down to uh the cell and the text and the type this area down here and we're going to add the text i'm going to do that in the page text in the text box i'm going to click on page text and it adds a box of text you can see it says page text so i can just type here and my title is just going to be super simple 2020. so 2020 is my title so now what can i do i can change the size of this i can change a little bit the location of where this goes uh so let's and i can also change the font so let's start with the font uh the font i use for my stuff is a font called axiforma uh i'm just gonna type that here start typing and it should go to axiform and there it is and uh we'll probably go we'll go bold here and then we're going to change the size how big i don't know i'm just kind of eyeballing um if you want to type a specific number i'm going to type uh 72 point the opacity so uh the see-throughness of the font the type is there if i wanted to change the color i could click on this color and choose that right now it's just showing black and white so i could change some different colors here's how i did that how i changed the color from black and white i clicked with the eyedropper in the the color area and i held and i dragged to a different area in the image and uh it was well actually anywhere on the screen it will sample a new color so basically now i've activated the colors and then i can just drag around and find a color that i like you can even i believe can you just type numbers here yes you could so you could type rgb if you know a number of a color that you have like i have a blue that i use a lot i don't remember the rgb off the top my head i'll have to look that up it's not that it's more like that but i think i'm going gonna go stick with black all right i'm gonna stick with black uh okay so that's my color let's i can change my alignment i'm gonna go write a line there uh there's kind of like it there in that as your face as you're facing the book like i did here i put it in the top left i was being artsy and stacked the numbers i'm going to leave them just like this or i could move it to the top so i'm clicking this text page text area has a a little rectangle when i select it and then in the middle of the rectangle is a a yellow gold square so if i just click on that yellow gold square i can reposition this vertically i can't really go horizontally i can't do left or right but i can reposition this up and down and then the other way i can play with left and right is in where is it it's the padding up here the cell padding the cell padding so that will be um you can see it's padding from the left and right it's basically a margin inside of this box so um i'm just going to eyeball this until it looks good kind of about like that it turns out to be a padding of 22. that feels pretty decent i'm going to come down actually a little bit so i'm going to click on that and then click on the and just pull this down right about there it's all eyeball thing okay so there we go so i got my cover done i'm going to uh on the back uh add my website address so i'm gonna click on the back cover the cover is one page okay so the front and back are one page so to add text to the back i can't use the page tech because i've already used that for the cover so for the back cover to put some text on there i have to use the photo text so with the back cover image selected now i'm going to click photo text and it drops a big box of text there it says photo text and now i'm going to type my web address which is msladec and it's a very large text so i need to change that size to be smaller and something like that you'll notice it inherited the font which is exit form of bold it inherited the color and the size from the previous settings so that's about 21 point i don't want black on black because you won't be able to see that and i'll just make it white and there we go so i've got to my web address i'll probably probably unbold that we'll just go to book don't need to yell my web address and we'll leave it like that for now i might fine tune all these things when i get when i show you the final version of this uh but that gets us started let's do the spine now that vertical uh this part of the book you uh when they're on your bookshelf it's kind of neat you can put a color back here and then add some text so here we go we're going to do that let's first click in the spine area and here's how you set the background uh the background is in this right below the type area it says background and currently it wants to add a graphic i don't want a graphic there i want a color so i'm going to click here background color and it's what i'm going to click then in this little square and i'm going to choose black and now that spine will be uh black and then here you can see it's already got a title area ready for me to type and i just click here don't i and then i just type my 2020. now you're going to have to fuss with this a little bit so um right now it's black text so i go back up to the character type area i'm gonna switch the font let me select all first so i'm gonna do command a um i'm going to zoom in so you can see what i'm doing here command plus to zoom in here let's scroll up a little bit come on there we go so you can see you can't see what i'm doing here because it's black on black so uh i'm gonna switch my font to exoforma again and uh for the cover because white on black i generally do those bold they just stand out a little bit better and i want my color i'm clicking on the color square to be white so now you can see it now unfortunately i'm going to zoom back out two a couple things have happened it's on the left top edge so i want to center align that so i'm going to click on the alignment tools below in the type panel so now it's in the center so i got to do one more thing and i want to move that more to the middle of the spine it's on the right now it would be right aligned against this top part of the spine instead of the middle like this the middle so i want to line that up so we'll do that in just a second all right so we were adjusting the text in the spine so it's more in the middle of that vertical area so i'm going to zoom back in again so we can see what we're doing all right so we're zoomed in and you can see it's on the right hand side so how do i get this back to the more in the middle all right so uh again we kind of have to work a little bit to get this to work uh to get this position the way we want so in order to finesse this in the position where i want it uh i have to do a similar thing to what i did on the front cover where i wanted it space from the right edge and i used padding to do that so i'm i'm still in the text area and i have the type and the text and right above that we have the cell and this is a cell like a spreadsheet if you will so uh i'm on the cell it's selected the text is selected the cell is selected it's got the yellow border around it to indicate selection and i'm gonna adjust the padding so i'm gonna click and hold and uh just eyeball this so i'm just eyeballing until it kind of looks like it lines up about in the middle okay something like that uh for me here with this type of size of font and this width of the the spine uh it's about 11 point for the padding i'm going to go with a larger font size because that's a little teeny tiny uh which now you'll notice it disappeared why'd it disappear because the padding is crushed so i need to readjust my padding to uh so i can see my font where do i go there we go my font's a little big here at 37 so we'll go smaller lightroom is doing a lot of work here so you can see it's a little slower i'm working on a 16 inch macbook pro that's about a year old uh i'm just going to type a number in here just to get around this i'm going to type 20 point for my font and we'll go back and adjust the padding again until it looks about eyeball good now you when when they wrap these books when they create these these are i believe hand done or on a machine either way there's going to be a little play so it probably won't exactly line up in the middle but you want to help them out by getting as close to the middle here as you can so let's go to about there eight nine we'll go nine oops ten is too much nine there we go i'm gonna zoom back out and then click off of it so i can kind of see better what's going on and that looks like it's in the spaces i want it okay so i've got my cover i put the the title on the cover uh using um uh the page text option i put uh my website on the back cover using the photo text option and then in the spine i put a use the background color to create a color there and then i just typed an adjusted size and padding to get it where i want it you don't have a lot of options with text layout here directly in in lightroom classic uh but it's enough for i think most situations to get you going um so that's what i recommend all right let's move on to the inside of the book and we'll start laying that out uh so here we go so we're gonna go to the um so i'm in the single page view that's why i could not scroll i'm gonna click back to this view uh so i can see uh the page plus the pages after so so page one because i've chosen the hard cover image wrap base uh this page is a continuation of the page that uh is hiding uh the seams of the image wrap so this is page one you can't print on it uh well it's not page one it's blank it's that gray page here's page one so it's the page on the right hand side uh i'm gonna click on it that makes it active you can see my options here uh well you can't see my options yet because i haven't shown you what they are the options are available in this little black pull down triangle so this change page layout so i'm going to click on that and here's all the page layout built-in templates so lightroom has some built-in templates that are fully customizable you have a template for one photo you have templates for two photos on a page three four multiple two-page spreads and so on so um lots of different ways to approach this usually what i do for this first photo i make it a full page photo uh and so that's what i'm going to do if you have one photo on your page here's your layout options that's down here in this area this is a photo with a border white border around it here's a full page here is a kind of a more landscape look a little more widescreen look with a border top and bottom so you can see all the options i won't go through them all you can include text here this one would include text top and bottom so you have a text box you can type there text you could type there so it's pretty cool uh i'm just going to go a single full page right now and i'm just going to start doing some layout for me uh well let's just pick the first photo here it's number one let's just go with that that's the earliest photo in my set uh i'm gonna adjust uh the crop a little bit something like that we're just gonna i'm just gonna leave that there um i'm going to show you a couple of ways to do pages and adjust things and then i'm going to skip ahead i'll lay out this whole book i won't bore you with watching me do that i'll lay out the whole book and then it will conclude uh at the end of what to do with blurb so my philosophy and there's again part of the fun of this is just like your photos are very personal laying out a photo book is also very personal so um i have kind of come up with a style i like usually what i'll do for i'll have kind of an introductory photo that goes full page and that photo will be here's a representative of what you're going to see on the next few pages and then oftentimes on following pages what i'll do is i will maybe just go well did i do that no actually last year actually i did one photo i just did one photo not just uh it was a really easy layout i just did one photo per page with the the white border i will show you how to do multiple photos real quick on a page we'll do that on page two so uh let me find a sequence of photos that's got a little bit of connected to them so some photos from the museum of flight we'll just grab those real quick and work on page two so let's say on page two i've selected it by clicking on it and i wanna go to four photos on that page what layout do i want i'm going to use this layout so it's for approximately square photos with a little margin in between just drag and drop your photos in um [Music] yep so i'm just gonna drag and drop layout tip something i like to do you'll notice i did that here let me go to the single spread so you can see that a little better i have there's just two airplanes here there's four total photos two photos of each plane uh i've put them the the same photos diagonally from each other so the silver uh lockheed electra bottom left top right the oh these are both lockheeds uh the lockheed uh blackbird uh top left bottom right okay so i like that layout works for me all right you can resize these boxes so if i want to resize the box itself i can do that i can make it larger and then resize this one so i'm just clicking on a corner and dragging so you can do some different layouts if you want so let's do this and i'm just doing this by eyeball so if i wanted to have like a vertical and uh and more horizontal i can do that okay just drag and drag click and drag you can you can make these skinny uh do all sorts of different things here okay so these layouts are pretty much infinitely adjustable you can adjust them however you would like i'm just going to undo to get back to where we were ctrl z command z on a mac so that's it laying out pages is pretty simple one of the cool things here in lightroom that you get is it's telling me as i look in the film strip down below my book layout each photo that i've dragged in is now has a number above it to let me know that it's been used in the book let's say i also use this photo on the page to the right now it's telling me this photo is being used twice there's a number two just above the photo photos that have not been placed do not have those little numbers above them pretty handy if you want to delete a photo just click on it hit the backspace and it goes away uh i'm going to do a do a couple more things here with layout just to show you kind of quick so let's just say i want to do another it's going to be the same layout those four kind of square layout let's do something a little different let's do some nature oh actually i have some my lego rocket my saturn v my saturn v there it is during process so that might be a good thing to put next to museum of flight stuff so this is a vertical photo it's going to crop it to fit that horizontal and there we go so uh let's say i wanted to oh i'm gonna play around and put uh i i want to put the combine these two but i don't want to re delete it at it so here you can just drag and drop within the page to move things around so i'm gonna put this photo in the bottom left of page three and it switches the two photos around and then i switch this one to the top right why not and it'll switch the photos around pretty cool so you don't have to delete and add you can just drag and drop and it'll if there's something existing that'll basically just swap the two that's kind of the super quick uh overview of adding photos to pages and doing some quick edits to the photos there's lots more you can do as far as adjusting margins and borders and things like that my suggestion is just experiment find the look you like and then away you go so i'm going to finish this layout i won't bore you with the details okay so i've got my book laid out took me i don't know half hour 45 minutes i now have a 53 page book of photos uh some single page single photos per page some multi-photos per page and what i thought i would do is show you one more thing real quick and and i forgot to mention this earlier and that you can have photos that spread multiple pages called or two pages it's called a two-page spread so that's what i've got here with this pano it panoramic image that goes across two pages and the way you do that it's real simple you just it's in the uh the page types and it's two-page spread and i've chosen the one that goes uh border to border let's switch it real quick back to kind of the look i'm using for this book which does include a white border around it i want to show you one more thing here i think this will go nicely in the center of the book especially in these kind of books that don't lay flat the center is kind of nice for a two-page spread uh if i'm doing my math right uh what i want to do is have that be page 27 uh instead of 22. so here's how you move a page it's just drag and drop but it's a it's critical where you click to drag so i'm going to click on the page so page 22 and 23 are connected if i click over here on page 21 because it's not a double span um it's just the one page 21 but here if i click on 22 or 23 it selects both now i want to move this to page 27. uh the way to move a page is to click on the bottom in that gold yellow border down there so i'm going to click down there and hold and drag and you'll notice it shows that it's moving and where it's going to go it gets inserted with a gold yellow bar so if i click down here release at 27 now it's page 26 and 27 and the other pages moved forward so drag and drop for moving pages around super simple so i've got my sequence the way i like i tend to sequence by a little bit by um mood and i do a little by uh this book which is for the year uh sequentially starting in january winter months and then moving ahead but then i try and group by color often or texture and things like that so that's what i've done and we're ready to go so you've got a couple options now of what to do with this book you can send it to blurb and they will print and return you one of these fancy awesome books if i do that it's going to cost me 55.27 with the book as specified here less my 40 discount coupon i'm going to apply um so whatever that math works out to uh the other option i have is to export this to a pdf so down here in the lower left click export to pdf and you'll have a copy on your computer with this layout and that's kind of cool so you can potentially throw that to your website send it to someone uh for client for proof if you're doing that kind of thing or just to have or if you want to if you have a printer of your own you want to print your own either single pages or if you have some book binding capability you'll get two files with that the cover prints separate from uh the the insides so you'll get two pdf files also you will not get the spine and i don't think you get the spine or do you maybe that's part of the cover i don't remember so there you go so we're done with our book we're ready to rock and roll uh depending on where you live one more last tip for uh working with blurb i live in the seattle area a blurb uses i think a bunch of different local printers or maybe they're all based here in seattle but at least in seattle uh i know i don't pay for the rush shipping i just pay for the standard shipping and that usually gets it here at the second day after it ships i'm assuming they have a a plant nearby here in the seattle area in the northwest uh usually from when i order uh to when i receive the book is is about six to seven days working days so it goes pretty quick uh you get these awesome books and then the advantage is now you can hold your photos and there's something so magical so awesome about that uh printing them on and putting them on the walls is awesome but there's something even more special i think about books of photos uh to take the time to look through these and remember the moments that go with that uh the this is a little book from when i went to london in 2018 with my wife and uh i just smile when i look at it it's it's it's different feeling than looking at it on my phone on my computer screen so highly recommend printing books they're great gifts for friends and family or for yourself or as i'm doing here a keepsake for the year 2020 i hope you've enjoyed that i hope it's been helpful if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below i'd love if you subscribe to this uh youtube channel we're gonna do more lightroom stuff and other photography things in the in the the days and months and years ahead so i would love to have you join me on that journey if you have any questions as i mentioned please leave them below love to hear from you and i look forward to uh further adventures here on this photography youtube channel so until i see you again have fun creating images and stay safe stay well and because it's the end of 2020 here's to 2021 [Music] you
Channel: Michael Sladek
Views: 6,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lightroom, lightroom classic, how to make photo books, how to make photo books in lightroom, how to make photo books in lightroom classic, photo book tutorial, blurb photo books in lightroom classic, easy photo books in Adobe Lightroom Classic, create photo books, photo books, photobooks, lightroom tutorial, lightroom classic tutorial, tutorial for lightroom, tutorial for lightroom classic
Id: qaM_svzjlrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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