Concrete Polishing inside a home. We made this room shine!

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good morning everybody we are on another job location we're in luzerne county you see the trailer behind me we had a little tight area to get in here through the yard but we are here i'm going to take you on a quick tour of the job today so you can see what we're going to do and we're going to go from there all right so i'll take you for a tour inside so this is i i'm going to say this is about i forget 400 square feet or so something to that effect but this is a beautiful addition these folks have put on their house that have uh reclaimed barn wood and uh you can just see the architecture and this is is amazing but i'm here to do the floor so um this is the floor we're going to be dealing with today this is a really good steel trowel finish they have a couple areas on the floor that they have marked out that they want some little pin holes filled so we're going to get our equipment in here we're going to fill these little pin holes these joints we're going to saw cut these open we're going to fill them with the polyurea joint filler this also is a radiant floor heating system so you can't put the saw blade too deep or we're going to hit a pipe we surely don't want to do that or that will change our day dramatically so we're gonna get our equipment in here we'll get started okay so as we unload by the way we're trying to beat the rain it's it's just starting to drizzle now this job has been postponed for months because of rain and then snow so now finally we're there and it's going to start raining which you'll see a little bit in the future here so we're trying to figure out how to get the heavy equipment up the ramp for some reason my camera cuts out here and you missed pushing the grinder up the ramp but now we're getting in position it's of course starting to rain and you'll notice that tire on the generator is going to go flat in about an hour except we don't know it yet and of course it will be a torrential downpour all right so we're just getting ready to cut these joints open these joints are cut they look pretty clean but what you don't realize is there's dust inside these joints that is going to affect the bond of the joint filler so there's radiant heat in this floor if i over cut and cut one of those pipes obviously you're going to have water leaking out on the floor so i'm just checking the depth here with a key i have about a one inch cut which is a nice deep cut so i'm going to set the depth of my machine i'm at about three quarters of an inch okay so that's the deepest that's going to go you just want to make sure you don't over cut and create a problem so i'm going to cut all these joints this blade by the way is not as wide as the joint so i'm actually going to do two cuts i'm going to run it down the left edge and then the right edge just to clean both sides of the joint i'm going to do that real quick we're going to fill these little holes and then we're going to start polishing this all right so now we're getting ready to fill all these little pin holes the joints we cleaned out i did not fill them yet obviously so we have a clear ketchup bottle you have to be able to see in the ketchup bottle have equal parts of part a and b marked on the ketchup bottle if they have markings on it when you buy the ketchup bottle that makes it really easy if not you know measure and do the best you can with a one to one mix so this is the cfs 343 fast set epoxy which we use this for cracks we in this case we're using it for tiny little pinholes this material is phenomenal it's set so quick it allows you to patch everything and get right back on the floor and not lose time waiting for material to set so simply pour i just realized i forgot my rubber gloves let me run out for rubber gloves i'll be right back okay now that i got my rubber gloves on um so this is a two-part epoxy uh part a and b i already poured the part b and that's the the clear amber color um and i'm gonna pour the part a in this is a little darker when this stuff dries it got kind of dries to a grayish color and it changes color when it cures it's not gray now it's when it cures so you just put the lid on you shake this up a couple times and that's it now i'm only putting a couple drops in these because these are small little holes so i'm just going to run around i know it's hard for jeff to follow me while i'm doing this but any little holes i see i'm just doing a couple of dribbles and what i'm actually going to do is we're going to come by with a floor scraper and shave these off once this stuff sets before we uh before we grind if we run the grinder over these and there's a big mound it's going to hook it and it could pull them out so we're just going to go around real quick like that fill these little holes and this stuff sets really quickly so you gotta you gotta move so at this point i'm just going to speed this up a little bit just because filling holes is not that exciting but this material sets in about i'm going to say a minute and a half in that ketchup bottle so you need to run around quickly and patch these holes before the stuff sets that's why you only ever see me mix up two inches max inside that ketchup bottle you will actually feel the bottle start to get hot after about a minute and a half and and once that happens you literally have seconds to get rid of this stuff so sometimes you're better off just taking the cap off and dump it in the trash can before it sets on you then you can reuse the ketchup bottle you can reuse those maybe eight or ten times depending how quickly you're going it's nice if you have cracks because you can move through the volume a little quicker with the holes it's kind of slow going doing a couple drops here and i there know if you can see the stuff starting to smoke but literally i'm gonna see if i can catch this in midair oh there it goes it's just starting to set now it's it's actually that's it it was a liquid 20 seconds ago so now of course this has to set up it's going to get hard right now it's like a hard gel but this stuff sets really really quickly so that was that now you can reuse these ketchup bottles if you uh play your cards right here you can pull that out and then you can reuse this on the next batch but it also helps too if you have like a small nail with you sometimes these holes get clogged up you can just poke a nail in there as you go that way you can keep reusing the same ketchup bottle for a little bit at least so that was it that's the 343 now we're going to fill the joints with the polyurea joint filler and we're going to shave everything and then we're going to start polishing all right so i have my uh dewalt dual cartridge caulking gun here which is phenomenal i'm going to purge the air out of this thing and you always watch the top of this static mixing tip i'm just going to push down on my knee and you see the material came up there it's only clear this is why you have to purge it that's only i don't know if it's part a or part b but it's the clear part so now i'm going to lock this and i'm going to start to purge this and i'm going to turn it upside down and pump that into that bag now it's grip if i would have put that in the joint that would never set that would just sit there like oil forever and it's got the tip in there [Music] a little bit low i'm just going to go back drizzle a little bit there so that was one two very convenient on your hand if you were to pull the trigger on a dual cartridge gun it probably would have been 100 pumps and this stuff is not necessarily easy to pump because it's fairly thick i'm going to first year on the next one now this time i'm going to start here all right so right now jeff is shaving these repairs off so you just take the scraper you gently shave them off and then once we continue our polishing process we go right over and we'll tear those out this is a very impromptu video i'm trying to show how this stuff drains into these little cracks here i don't even know if i have this in focus i'm trying to hold the camera and do this at the same time but you can see in the light there how the epoxy runs in there so you just kind of keep going back and forth on this this crack was really fine so i couldn't even get sand ideally you want to put fine sand in these cracks first but you can see how that drains down so this is all going to be ground off so you're not going to see all this overflow but you see it's starting to clot there you see the little air bubbles that's normally a sign that it's getting full the viewers apparently love detail work so i'm trying to show you in great detail what we do here stuff is starting to get hot in my hand it's barely draining down now so we're just about done uh so that's it then we're going to grind that off you won't even see that epoxy where it was there we're shaving these joints with the radiant heat in the floor the material sets up a lot quicker than normal and this stuff's just fast to begin with so i want to say we're like 10 or 15 minutes past the joint installation joint filler installation now we're just going to save these joints and then we're going to start our polishing okay so all the joints are are filled now all of our little repairs here are shaved so when we run the grinder over them it's not going to rip that material out so we're all set chip's going to hook up the uh the large grinder right now and we're going to run the 40 grit diamond over the whole floor [Music] these grinders these are planetary grinders so everything goes in a like a planetary motion so i just want to show you the pattern when you turn these you can see how the heads rotate like this so when we start grinding we always refer to it as a left edge and it spins this way so our left edge is cutting forward so it actually digs in a little deeper on the left edge than the right edge so we refer to it as a left edge so normally when jeff starts we'll go in a clockwise fashion doing the left edge first it cuts a good pattern along the left edge okay at this point we're just about ready to start grinding and jeff and i discuss our game plan we decide it's better to take a weight off of the grinder than have it grind too aggressively once you grind too aggressively and you're too deep you can't put it back so we took a weight off jeff's going to start here which in another 30 seconds or so we're going to realize we need to put the weight back on anyway but to be safe we take the weight off so we start cutting the first thing you do is you look at the scratch pattern or lack of scratch pattern as the case may be and we realize fairly quickly that it's not quite cutting as deep as we want it to and we have the softest compound diamonds available on here for extremely hard concrete and it's barely cutting it so i put the weight back on again and we start going so one thing i have to say about these first grinds is they are painfully slow and jeff knows that even better than i jeff is normally behind the grinder um that's that's his specialty for sure so um we're taking our time getting the feel for this concrete barely moving and um you always need to check your scratch pattern so i'm going to run out i'm going to get a a brush here and i'm going to start checking the floor behind the grinder to see if there's deep scratches in the floor if we're getting the deep valleys you know what we have it's very important that you see it early so you can correct it so i know it's a bit noisy here i just wanted to show this i mean we're basically in somebody's finished house here and it's very important that you have dust free equipment i'm going to get really close here it's going to be a little loud we're going to continue around the perimeter then we're going to do the middle here i'm going to do the edges with my uh with my hilti gt150 i have a fine wheel on that there's my rack attack card everybody always asks about this part by the way it's called a racket pack it works awesome okay so we just got done grinding the whole floor with the 40 grit diamonds i did the edges with the hand grinder i'm going to flip the camera and i'll pan around so you can see exactly what that looks like what we want to do to make sure this is consistent is we're going to grind with the 40 grit again going perpendicular to the first grind that way we don't have a pattern in the floor and everything looks consistent we always say when we're polishing concrete consistency is the most important part you don't want to see patterns in the floor at all i'll flip this around i'll show you what we have all right so here's the edges ground by hand now there's no dust on this that that hand grinder really sucks all the dust up there's a slight film on the rest of the floor but uh already there's no scratches in here so we're gonna have to go over the edges one more time with a 400 grit diamond as we go around here but this is what we have now if you look really close here you can barely see any scratch in the floor now but this is turning out really nice good consistent stone exposure the owner here built a little wooden bridge here for us to go into this back room back here which worked out really good it's the first time we did that and surprisingly enough it didn't tear that wood apart so we're going to get set up with the other 40 here we'll get at so as we start cutting again we're trying to keep those diamonds cool so i'm misting a little bit of water in front of the grinder there just so we get a good cut okay so we just got done running the second 40 grit diamond again we ran it perpendicular to the first pass i know it's very hard to see on video but that's our stone exposure i think this is going to turn out beautiful this concrete is really really nice we're just getting ready to do the 80s now and again the 80s now we're going to run perpendicular to the last pass so i'm i'm gonna set this on time-lapse show you what we have okay so we just got done running the 80 grit diamond now we ran over the whole floor real nice slow grind this floor is going to turn out really good it's uh it's showing some good stone exposure consistent stone exposure which is what we want so i'll flip this around i'll walk around a little bit and show you okay so again i know this is very hard to see here's a dust film on the floor again there's no airborne dust i mean this is open to the customer's house here fortunately there's no dust blowing through the air but this is really really looking good you can see the stones we're going to get there that's it so we're going to take a quick lunch break and we're going to run the 150s and i think we're going to call it a day all right so we just got done with our lunch break it's been raining all day so we're going to run these 150s now we're going to put the densifier down and then we're out of here i'll put this on time lapse now you can watch all right so now we're done with the 150s we're going to run a 50 grit diamond impregnated pad on here and uh we're doing this this is going to clean up the surface before we densify and then we're done for today this is what we're going to run next we're switching to a pad and then after that we have 100 200 and 400 resin button diamonds but that'll be tomorrow okay so we just got done spraying the densifier over the whole floor still puddled behind me here so uh that we're going to call it a day with that i'll walk you around so you can see that a little closer all right so you see the floor is still wet with the densifier so this is a clear chemical it just penetrates in there it hardens the concrete and when we're done the actual polished concrete is about 30 stronger than what the concrete was before we started so it looks dark now it's all patchy just because this is on here tomorrow morning we're going to come in there's going to be a white film on here and then we're going to continue grinding up to 1500 tomorrow so we'll finish tomorrow for sure and of course outside it's pouring which is kind of where we're stopping now for us to bring equipment and we're going to track water inside and you don't want water on the floor tune in tomorrow finish so now we're up day two right now i have jeff behind me he's running the 100 grit resin bond diamonds i'm going to give you a little close up so that's the uh 100 grit you're getting some reflection not much yet but it's going to start to pop soon we're going to run this then we're going to switch to the 50 edges and then we're going to do these 200 grit [Music] okay i know it's a bit noisy right now jeff is running 400 grit resin bond diamond i'm going to give you a little close-up to give the noise look at the gloss here [Music] okay jeff just got done running the 400 grit resin bonds i'm just going to show you a change out here so you see what these are so these resin bond diamonds uh they're exactly what they are these are diamonds impregnated in residence so these are for for the honing process let's put it that way so now we're switching from the 400 grit resins this is an 800 grit diamond impregnated pad so there's little diamonds in these ribbons here and this is just part of the cleanup process so this is the 800 grit pad i'll put these on i'll show you how to do that [Music] let's just have a quarter turn lock on [Music] forgive my head turn like that they lock on that's it dramatically okay so we just ran the 800 grit pad and then we actually ran it's a 3000 grit we call it a cleanup pad basically to take any remaining dust off the surface that way when we put the guard down we're not putting dust in the guard which can leave little um like smear track marks on the floor so i'll flip this around i'll show you what we have and now you can see the gloss so right now this is actually technically an 800 grit grind but again there's still some dust on the surface here you can see that reflection this really really nice reflection this is going to turn really good so we're going to put the guard down next we're going to burnish and then we're done so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so we just got done furnishing the floor so now we're done to a 1500 grit finish i'm gonna flip this camera around i'll take you for a walk through here and show you everything and let you see what we have okay so here is the finished floor it's got fantastic reflectivity there's still a slight dust film on this seems like you chase this real fine dust around for a little bit but this floor turned out really really nice so as i said in the beginning of this video look at this architecture and this this is just a beautiful addition they built on our house here this is a reclaimed pennsylvania barn wood and uh it's not done yet almost i know the floor was a big thing they want to get done here so uh we actually tried to do this in november winter came snow came i couldn't get in the yard and uh now it's march and finally i was able to get in here so this is just a beautiful space you're going to have many many years on this floor so thank you for watching thank you for watching uh as always if you like what you see please subscribe hit the notification bell or the like button or both or anything whatever i appreciate all your support we'll see on the next one thank you
Channel: Concrete Floor Solutions Inc.
Views: 55,133
Rating: 4.8959813 out of 5
Keywords: kehnel, concrete grinding, allentown, shot blasting, concrete polishing, polished concrete, crack repair, concrete floor repair, concrete staining and polishing, concrete polishing process, how to polish concrete, what is polished concrete, home renovation, cleetus, trump, home improvement, warehouse floor, showroom floor, pennsylvania, dustless concrete grinding, polishing concrete, concrete contractor, epoxy flooring, garage, epoxy store, best epoxy to use
Id: lOiozOS13q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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