how to save a half wasted day 🀧 *THIS WILL MOTIVATE YOU* (and it's not hard lol)

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thank you so you did it again it's now 3 P.M or 4 P.M or 5 p.m or 7pm and the day is mostly over but you still have all this anxious energy because you've been flopping around like an overwhelmed fish believe me I get it but it's never too late to save yourself and here's how we're gonna do it step one take a screen break if you've been on your phone all day take an hour long or even 30 minute long screen break from every screen this gives you space to seek enjoyment elsewhere my goal here is to allow you to have a fulfilling day after you feel like you've wasted time so I'm not going to prioritize stereotypical productivity like I don't know cleaning or doing your homework I am prioritizing feeding yourself making you feel after your day is over that you are satisfied and your phone is taking your energy not giving it after you fill up your cup a little it will be easier to get work done if that's ultimately your goal but today is not the day I'm talking about my thoughts on Brute Force productivity it's definitely challenging when you have external deadlines and you need to get something done even if it feels bad but right now we're taking a screen break step two start listening to yourself what is it that you would enjoy doing right now not what you need to do but what would you actively enjoy throw myself off yet it's only in your head you feel left out or look down on go through a list of options for yourself maybe that's drawing or doing art or maybe you actually need to start your reset with a meal or a snack for me I want to build this tiny piano toy because there is nothing like putting on The Jazz Studio Ghibli album and doing something with my hands it's fun [Music] listening to little you as in your inner child can guide you on a path to having a really fulfilling day if you don't believe me just try it it can get you up and moving in ways that you don't expect so I'm going to cut to the chase this video is sponsored by Teemo they promised me tiny building sets and I caved so fast we can talk about it in the future so I have a big box of things to show you I'm pretty sure a lot of you already know what Teemo is it's like the number one free app on the App Store and it's not just like one brand it's a Marketplace like Amazon or like Dollar Tree I finally got a case for my switch it has all this room for like game cards and stuff it says Ichigo on it in Japanese which means strawberry I can read Japanese guys do you know that I can only read hiragana and Katakana but four years of high school Japanese paid off and that I can sometimes read a word I wanted a water bottle that would actually fit in my bag because my other one is just like way too big this little kind of rectangle action so it kind of slips in easily by the way you can get free shipping and free returns up to 90 days and if your package is late they'll give you a credit to the store another thing I got which I've been loving is this floor cushion I've been using it to meditate guys it changes things like I've been able to sit so much longer like more comfortably the little things as it turns out do matter I also got these two Sun couches which are beautiful I love how they shoot little rainbows around my apartment the revive metal straws I have one that's like this exact boom generic cute and a little cleaner which I lost mine from my other straw so I don't want to talk about it I also have a code right here which I believe gets you an extra 30 off so feel free to use that if you would like they're also like new member deals if you download the app besides Mr tiny piano I also got Mr rainbow TV set and Mr rainbow computer oh I'm so excited guys you don't even understand I've been getting in touch with my inner child and my inner child loves this activity so I got this awesome like Tetris lamp you stack it up and it lights up like that and I've seen people on like Instagram with that so I'm excited and then I also got this and I don't know if I'm gonna put this in my bathroom or not it's basically this little mushroom that you plug into the wall and it's a night light like it has a sensor so it senses while the light is off and it faces through a bunch of colors adorable and Whimsical and last but certainly not least [Music] Mushroom House I feel like when's she gonna stop with these thank you I don't need to speak the little wagon with the bug I originally had a little Greenhouse picked out and then I saw that store added this and I was like okay yeah that's the one the delivery was pretty fast and everything arrived like in great condition nothing was damaged my camera died uh Rue thank you teaming for sponsoring this video make sure you check out the links in my description for all the products Next Step fix yourselves well that's not exactly what I mean you're already fine you're already Perfect babe step outside take a deep breath of air you don't have to go anywhere just stand right outside your door and if you want to go back inside go right ahead one of the reasons I love living in New York is I can just walk places no car necessary I'm going to the art store but if you find yourself wanting to stay outside a little longer do it your body knows what it needs and getting back to a state of satisfaction is about listening and following through sometimes you just need to provide it with the options I get the sense that I need to go get some paints and start painting I go to the art store and that leads me down a path of fulfillment my day is saved because a stranger smiled at me I went in there helping to spend like 30 dollars and then I think I blocked out a little bit because that is not what happened but I just kept seeing things where I was like I could do something with that too so mixed media paper pad these are gouache paints it's kind of between acrylic and watercolor also I'm low-key channeling my nervous energy into this art project I'm like very worried that there is a bit of a in my apartment my bed literally moved last night and woke me up [Music] [Music] I was literally just using this paper as a test sheet and then I liked where it was going so okay the yellow was supposed to be flowers but then it's kind of giving lemon tree Vibes so that's what it is I'm actually quite thrilled with how this turned out I found this crate I'm gonna put all my stuff in it I just want it to be a little more organized I'm going to leave everything here so that if I get the calling in the next couple days do any art all the stuff is already right here you're so proud of my little tree so cute and the last step is the same as the Second Step keep listening the more you listen the easier it will get until it becomes the flood of inspiration and excitement from the dormant parts of yourself this is what following your intuition means there's nothing about you that is incapable and it's not about listening to your fears and hiding which believe me I've spent so much time doing sometimes it is easier to just numb yourself out and I know what some of you might be thinking if I listen to myself I'll just stay in bed all day and if that's true so be it but I think you will surprise yourself with just how much you are capable of when you are seeking joy and that is how you say it a half wasted day thank you timu for sponsoring this video and thank you all for watching I'll see you in the next one I see you
Channel: iris olympia
Views: 5,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to save an overslept day, motivation, getting my life together, day in the life, study day in the life, get my life together, getting my life together vlog, how to save a wasted day, how to save a half wasted day, this will motivate you, productive day in my life, self care routine, that girl lifestyle, productive lifestyle, how to save a lazy day, how to be productive, productive vlog, how to get motivated, iris olympia, following your intuition, manifestation, TEMU haul
Id: 9ngQD4ado3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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