how to RESCUE a HALF WASTED day after rotting in bed all morning ๐Ÿคง + notes

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so you told yourself that you're going to wake up early and be productive today but you woke up late and now everything is ruined the worst part we spend the rest of the day marinating in regret and then end up sleeping late again which makes this whole cycle repeat I had this exact day yesterday I woke up late told myself I was an absolute failure for 3 hours then felt more like a failure when I realized I did nothing all day except tell myself that I was an absolute failure for 3 hours the good thing I guess is that gave me inspiration to write this script so before you lose all hope besti follow these six simple steps that I did yesterday to rescue your half wasted day feel free to play this video and follow along with the steps or take this as a sign to get out of bit and play this video while you're getting ready stay tuned for step three five and six because they're a little bit unique but if it works it works let's go step one kickstarting your engine gaining the motivation to continue on with your day after you've woken up late might be the hardest thing of all time yesterday when I woke up later than planned I wanted to immediately jump into doing the tasks that I set out to do because I felt like I already wasted so much time but the thing is bestie do we ever go from just laying in bit to doing our tasks straight away probably not for me I just end up getting so overwhelmed I rot in bit all day so when all else fails the best motivator for me to get out of bit is to continue on with my morning routine even if it's technically no longer morning in my previous video that you can check out here I mentioned how certain environments or cues can trigger specific responses in us it's similar to how we feel like peeing when we go near a toilet or how we feel sleepy if you smell essential oils especially if you do this consistently so let's just think about this if on regular days you always do your morning routine before getting on with other tasks then on low motivation days completing our morning routine will still make us feel ready to tackle the next task and it just creates this cycle that keeps us moving forward and we already know all the steps in our morning routine so there's not much thinking involved there is nothing more demotivating than needing to get up put my planner down and use all of my brain power to tackle a huge intimidating task personally treating the afternoon like it's the start of my day just resets my mindset you just stop feeling like you've lost half the today and start feeling like there's plenty of time to do what you need to do that's also why I shower get ready drink coffee and act like it's the morning when I want to pull an all nighter it's just all about tricking your brain into going into productivity mode no matter what time it is doing your morning routine will also have the added benefit of having a sense of control over your day because even if we feel like the whole world is ending because we woke up later than planned at least we got one thing done I recently vlogged my morning routine so you can see what my mornings look like and feel free to check that out here if you're enjoying this video so far besti feel free to subscribe and like this video all right step two dumping your brain out once you've gotten out of bed washed their face and freshened up I want you to spend 10 minutes brain dumping everything that you need to get done once you have everything down on paper half the work is done trust me now bestie look at your list of tasks and note down the easiest task on that list just put number one there then choose one task as a will make me happy task this shouldn't be a task that's too difficult but doing it should just make you happy enough to sleep peacefully tonight then put number two there okay let me help you out here are a few examples feel free to screenshot this then pick another task as a will make me feel the best task label it number three this could be a difficult task that's high on your priority list but you don't quite have the energy to do it right now again here are some examples feel free to screenshot after labeling your three tasks it's time to start tackling number one aka the easiest task in the world remember bestie you've already completed the hardest thing to do today which is to get out of bed the second most difficult task is getting the motivation to continue and by doing something low effort and easy it just helps us get enough motivation to go on with the rest of our day once you've managed to complete task one try to complete two and then three but if you don't manage to do two and three that's fine on the other hand you can choose to do task three first and you just feel so good after completing it winwin either way and you don't feel the pressure to do anything else today because you've already got something done yesterday my easiest task was making the slides for Faith hims Academy my will make me happy task is filming the video for it and my would make me feel the best task is finishing a lecture for immunology and while we're on the topic of trying to get the motivation to study and be productive I feel it's really important for me to emphasize that you shouldn't need to force yourself to do anything if you just don't have the energy to redo your day that's okay just take a break but if this absence of motivation is prolonged or normal to you it might help for you to speak with someone I was off a brunch with my friend Tiff the other day and she asked me how I stay on top of everything and this is a very common question that I get from you besties as well and honestly even though I really love of everything that I do it can get quite challenging sometimes I've spoken about this a few years ago but one of the best ways I deal with my stress is to speak with someone who can give me professional advice on how to deal with it I've always believed that therapy should be accessible and affordable and that's why I'm really grateful for better help for sponsoring this video because that means you can get 10% off your first month of therapy this is also important because starting therapy can be stressful or intimidating so if the therapist that you're first matched with isn't the right fit for you you're free to switch to a new therapist in better help you can also pick when and how you want to have your sessions if you want you can video chat your therapist but if you're not comfortable with that you can always just call or text personally I prefer having a one-on-one video chat with my therapist because I just feel it's easier to connect with her that way so I'll leave the link to get 10% off your first month over here and in the description box below that's www.b films next step three check off some boxes during my Instagram live stream a few days ago many of you asked me to show you my planners and I shared a tip there that a lot of you found useful so I thought I would share it here too what I like to do when I have absolutely no motivation is to write down tasks that I've already done and just check them off it could be the simplest of things but it doesn't matter I started doing this because I would get so demotivated after seeing a planner full of things I couldn't get done so I started writing down my accomplishments instead so I want you to do this right now just write down everything that you've done so far today now take a look at your to-do list and don't you feel so much better I don't know about you but this just makes me feel a sense of accomplishment like I've done a lot today even though not really taking off all these boxes will also really help you get that momentum going because it just acts like a little reward and now step four do the easiest version of your task instead of a three hour our memorization session try creating flashcards or summarizing key points or even just notetaking with Netflix playing in the background it's much less intimidating but it still accomplishes the same thing at the end which is to reinforce your understanding of the material another example instead of a full workout session just go for a brief walk it's still physical activity but it doesn't need as much effort to do the other day I was so overwhelmed with the fact that I need to deep clean my entire apartment but I just ended up organizing my vanity these small victories can really boost our mood and motivation but we're still achieving similar outcomes feel free to screenshot this but here are a list of substitutes that you can use if you need it step five make little changes an advertisement will actually play in the next few seconds so if you would like to support this Channel please do not skip the ad thank you think about it when you're in your pajamas and lying in bed you automatically feel more relaxed It Go goes both ways if you change out of your pajamas you're more inclined to feel productive that's why I always say to set boundaries with yourself make sure you have specific areas music smells or outfits for specific activities don't study in your bed with your essential oils and your pajamas same thing don't nap at your study desk while you're wearing pajamas setting boundaries with yourself and making these little changes really helps your brain shift into gear don't underestimate these little changes because they really solidify in your head over time so for example back in high school I always listened to this playlist by Yuma when I was studying so now many years later whenever I hear a piece by Yuma I still feel like studying these changes don't even have to be big changes we still feeling a little off just put on a proper outfit turn on a brighter light or just study in another room but my personal tip and step six is to go to your favorite spot for a lot of us there are just specific places where we do certain things better for example we feel the best when we go to a gym to work out or we are the most productive when we go to a library to study let me know if you also feel this way but sometimes when I feel like I'm running out of time I choose not to go to these places because it feels like I'm wasting more time trying to get ready to get there it's like we've already done nothing today why am I going to waste more time trying to get ready and go there so we end up doing these timesaving Alternatives like studying at home or doing a home workout even though we know we aren't as productive doing these Alternatives it's much more effective besti to take that extra hour and go to your favorite spot and be productive for 2 hours then to try and study at home and then procrastinate for 5 hours my favorite spot to study is the State library of Victoria so if you need a little bit of motivation I've actually filmed a live 2hour study with Me session over there and you can check that video out here or here Next Step seven how to not get distracted at the beginning of the video I mentioned that you can play this video while doing the steps at the same time so if you're doing that then welcome back you should be at your favorite spot right now or you've just chosen to stay at home and put on a proper outfit but it's time to get some work done if you need more motivation to keep yourself going then I like to record a time lapse of myself doing the task I literally time-lapse everything from cooking to cleaning to doing laundry and everything in between you kill two birds with one stone you remove your number one distraction and you can see yourself complete your task which is so so satisfying especially if you time-lapse yourself taking notes look at that that looks delicious if you're a student and you need tips on how to get more motivation to study then check out my video here titled how to study when you don't feel like it trust me it'll really help you a lot now it's time for step eight give yourself a pet on the B congrats you've made it through your entire day besti even though you might have half wasted your day at least you've saved it if you have made it this far comment down below if you're sitting up or laying down while watching this video remember to join my free community called fa films Academy the link is down in the description box below subscribe like this video and turn on the notification Bell and set it to all so you don't miss out on any future uploads thank you for 1,1 120,000 subscribers and I'll see you all in my next video bye
Channel: fayefilms
Views: 148,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to rescue a half wasted day, how to save a half wasted day, how to save a half wasted day study, how to recover a half wasted day, productive day in my life, saving a half wasted day, rescue a half wasted day with me, save a half wasted day with me, how to be productive, how i rescue a half wasted day, how i save a half wasted day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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