how to be THAT girl🌟: 5 things i wish i knew in highschool

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we all have that one cool girl in our head that we want to be whenever I think of that girl I think of her nails her hair her perfect face figure Social Circle lifestyle and you want to be her you copy her mannerisms you try everything you can to look like her but stop that's not how it works you have to get into her head so here five tips I wish I would have learned sooner in high school to become that girl number one make friends cautiously so you might be thinking what the hell is she talking about do I have to tiptoe around every single person that I meet no what I'm trying to say is be magnetic not Goble don't tell all of your secrets to someone you just met they might just use that against you in the future try to find out what people's intentions are whether that's by observing them in other type of social situations or just by you know trying to see how they treat other people some people might just befriend you to use you because they think you're smart or because they think you're pretty and they'll gain friends through that way but be careful who you're telling your secrets to it can end really badly if you tell the wrong person number two copycats do not admire you I'm going to let you in on a little secret the people who admire you are not the same as the people who copy you those that admire you will be loud about it they will praise you they will tell you they will say oh my God I really like your shirt or I really like your hair those that just quietly cofy you you should watch out for them I'm telling you jealousy and insecurity are real and they will make people do crazy things jealous people will make up rumors about you spread lies try to take you down so the next time I see a girl who just copies me blatantly I'm going to watch out because that girl does not want good things for me number three self-discipline is your bestie self-discipline is your best the only thing that got me through high school was the fact that I was super duper self-disciplined I would never watch my kramas or go out with friends unless I was done with my homework or my work that I had to do for the day I wrote everything down whenever it was assigned and I got it done as soon as possible procrastination did not get me honestly when I had time and I knew I had the time and it wasn't due like the next day share I would procrastinate a little bit but if I knew this was something urgent I would get it done as quickly as I can before I moved on to anything else like I would not leave my room and I would just write the whole essay through one sitting and be done with it and then I don't have to worry about it because I'm anxious I'm a really anxious girl so being self-disciplined is the best way you can help yourself in high school School Number Four clean up after yourself my fourth tip would be to clean up after yourself whether that is your own body your mind your room your surroundings your relationship a healthy body and Healthy Mind are equally as important none of this would be happening if I didn't have the right mindset for it so go take that everything shower go do your skin care do your makeup if your mom bra doesn't want to do it it's not going to happen so make sure that you're always trying your best to get yourself out of a mindset that's going to drag you down trust me I've been there like my skin breaks out you know my weight fluctuates there was a time where I was really depressed and I was really really skinny and now that I'm happier I gained the weight but none of this was happening when I was depressed I was always in bed like never leaving the house no social life whatsoever but now you know I've changed my mindset and it's different I go out with friends I go to cafes I do my makeup I plan cute outfits so take care of your mind take care of your heart and take care of your body cuz those things are going to be with you for longer than anyone else's number five confidence energy and bravery okay here's my final tip energy confidence and bravery can Outlast anything people only look at your appearance your your outer shell so they can sense your energy they know when you're confident and things like that you know and those three things can help you through any situation when I told a friend I was making this video she was like you're the perfect girl to do it you're so confident and in my head I was like no I'm not I have my insecurities I have my fears I have anxiety like it's all there but sometimes you just conceal it and nobody can see it honestly put aside those fears and try if you don't try nothing's going to happen but if you do try literally who knows you can't control anything that happens the only thing you can control is yourself so if you try that thing something great might come out of it 3 months ago if you told me I would be sitting here filming a YouTube video I would laugh at your face because what me social media YouTube there was no way in hell but look at what I'm doing now and although I don't have 100K subscribers I'm happy with the content that I'm putting out and I enjoy this process and isn't that all that matters your own happiness what other people think about you and what other people say about you literally does not matter you won't even remember it after 3 months those people are irrelevant they're jealous they're insecure and they need to work on themselves you just keep doing you and become that girl trust me
Channel: miriam chang
Views: 2,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r3M0BrGjLlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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