how to STOP PROCRASTINATING and GET WORK DONE | free template

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when I type the five quarter approach on Google literally nothing comes up because I just came up with it one beautiful morning when I was super overwhelmed with my work you know those days where we seem to be rushing all the time and yet get nothing done so I came up with the simple idea to chop up my day into five neat chunks or quarters and you know what it was a total Game Changer it sounds so simple but it's an amazing time management technique that not only helps me power through all my uncompleted work but also keeps me motivated throughout the day so of course I'm going to share it with you in this video bestie I'll show you how to follow this five quarter approach schedule it'll help us stop procrastination and complete all the work that we have piled up I did design and create a template for you to print out it helps you prioritize all your tasks because I know how overwhelmed we might be feeling right now so stay tuned till the end to know how to use it and how to get it let's start first we're going to wake up at 9 00 am this daily schedule is super flexible so you can start it at any time of the day whether that be 9 A.M in the morning or 2 p.m in the afternoon but I'll just say 9am to keep it simple for this video I love waking up at 9am because it allows me to divide my day into five quarters the first quarter is 9 A.M to 12 p.m then 12 to 3 36 69 and finally 9 to 12 a.m if I'm procrastinating a lot recently I feel a lot better knowing that if one quarter of my day doesn't go as planned I have four other quarters to make up for it it's a really great way to stay motivated throughout the day and not feeling like a failure right when the morning starts because my procrastination usually stems from feeling overwhelmed and scared by my to-do list that looks more like a receipt right now and so many of you on Instagram unfortunately also feel the same way so I will go on my phone for one to two hours right when I wake up because I was just trying to cope with all the anxiety but then I would feel horrible for the rest of the day now I give myself 9am to 12 P.M to use my phone eat a good meal and get ready remember this is all flexible so if you really have a lot to do you can wake up at 6am so you can start your work at 9 00 am and you might say so what's the point in all of this these days I'm only starting my work in the afternoon anyway yes that might be true but there's a significant difference in the mindset if you only start to do your work in the afternoon because you felt like you wasted your entire morning due to procrastination then you're doing your work with feelings of guilt and stress on the other hand when you intentionally plan to start your work in the afternoon you're in control this is why I love the five quarter approach because it allows me to section off one part of my day to do whatever I want in preparation for the next part of my day which will be more intense Now it's 12 pm we're going to spend 12 P.M to 3 P.M organizing and prioritizing our tasks yes three hours might seem like it's a lot but the beauty about this time management system is that if you finish early you've earned yourself some extra rest time until the next quarter of our day it makes the whole day feel less crowded and more manageable so let's start by writing down everything that you need to do this looks like a lot so let's start breaking it down let's start by picking out all the tasks that can be done in five minutes or less I did Design This template for you to print out and it'll be in description box below the only payment that I need from you is to like this video comment a pencil Emoji And subscribe because we're about to hit 1 million and that's my dream then we're going to categorize the rest of the tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix it sounds really fancy but basically we just have to ask ourselves is it urgent or is it just important or is it both important and Urgent sometimes when we're stressed we'll think that everything is important when that might not be true so on the template that you've printed out we're going to divide our tasks into these quadrants question one is for things that are both important and Urgent like your quiz that's due tomorrow we'll always do these tasks first quadrant 2 is for things that are important but not urgent like creating a resume or a study plan we'll schedule these tasks for later quadrant three are for things that are urgent but not important like finishing your homework or calling a friend think about whether you really need to do these things or not if you do try delegating to someone else if you can't then do them in your free time Quadrant 4 are for things that are neither important or urgent so we're gonna get rid of them bestie we don't need any additional clutter in our lives by sorting our tasks into four separate categories it really gives us a clear understanding of what can wait and What needs our attention right now if you still don't understand how to use the Eisenhower Matrix or you want to know how you can use it to avoid burnout then I highly recommend that you check out my video on this topic it should pop up here after we're done sorting our tasks we still have some time before 3 pm so let's hack away at our two minute tasks I know it's annoying but trust me completing all these little tasks will give us a burst of accomplishment and relieve some of that anxiety anxiety if you can't finish all your two minute tasks by 3 pm don't worry we can always do them tomorrow from 1 pm to 3 P.M again so it's finally 3 P.M we are feeling motivated and organized so let's get into some of the heavier stuff now we're going to focus on getting our Quadrant One tasks done those things that are both important and Urgent these are our priorities and there are two different time management techniques that you can use to make sure you can complete these tasks the first time management technique is the really popular Pomodoro method where you spend 20 to 30 minutes doing your work and taking five minute breaks in between each session this time management technique is really good for anyone that has a short attention span or has trouble focusing but for me personally I don't like it that much because it breaks my focus right as I'm getting into the zone so if you're like me and you don't like to break your focus when you're studying or working you might prefer the flow time technique you pick a task and keep going until you naturally feel like taking a break I like making sure that I finish one task before taking a break I did talk about more productivity and time management tips that I don't really like and what I feel you can swap them out with in this video that you can check out here now let's talk about napping many of you on Instagram have shared that you love to nap and guess what me too good news is that napping is amazing for productivity when you do it right so let's schedule it in I always tell myself that I can have a 20 minute nap anywhere between 2 P.M to 6 PM maybe I'm tired after doing one task so I decide to have a nap at 4 30 PM or maybe I have a lot of energy today and I decide to reward myself with a nap at 6 PM whatever it is schedule your naps in and keep it between 20 to 30 minutes anything shorter or longer will make us feel tired and groggy and not refreshed so we've reached our fourth quarter from 6 pm to 9pm this is the evening stretch so it's the perfect time to start winding down from our day but also continue to be productive because we have lots to do in case you forgot we are human so we need to eat let's block off an hour-ish to eat we can also use another hour for self-care spend about 30 minutes to an hour just doing something that you love whether that be watching an episode of kdrama taking a super long shower working out or just catching up with your friends and family I know we're behind right now but it's been six hours of productive work so you deserve a break if we keep pushing hard we're just going to burn out and procrastinate even more for the remaining time in this quarter let's focus on quadrant two tasks the ones that are important but not urgent the evening is the perfect time to work on things that are related to our long-term goals and personal development things like planning our revision schedule working on a personal project or finding scholarships they don't have immediate deadlines and working on them can bring significant benefits in the long run so we're going to use our evening hours to make progress on meaningful but often neglected tasks also I'm giving you an estimated amount of time so you can rearrange your time however you like now it's 9 pm and we finally arrived at our final quarter which is 9 pm to midnight if you're a night owl this is the perfect opportunity to get your work done that's why it's time to get back into our Quadrant One tasks but if you've watched my video on avoiding burnout you'll know that working on urgent and important tasks all the time will definitely cause you to burn out that's why we're only going to work this hard until we get ourselves back on track so after dedicating some time towards completing Quadrant One tasks spend the rest of your time planning what to do tomorrow so that you have less things to think about when you wake up since you don't need to spend 1pm to 3 P.M planning anymore you can just use that time towards completing all your unfinished tasks in quadrant one or completing all your two minute tasks if you've made it this far comment down below all the things that you need to get done right now that way you've already completed one step of this daily schedule and we can motivate each other too make sure you have watched all my Vlogs that I uploaded on YouTube shorts like this video subscribe and turn on the notification Bell and set it to all so you don't miss out on any future uploads thank you for 985 000 subscribers and I'll see you all in my next video bye
Channel: fayefilms
Views: 288,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procrastination, stop procrastinating, how to stop procrastinating, how to get free robux, how to stop procrastination, procrastination tips, stop procrastination, how to beat procrastination, how to stop procrastination and be productive, how to be productive, how to be productive study, fayefilms, study tips, productivity tips, how to overcome procrastination, productivity, cycle of procrastination, ted talk procrastination, solving the procrastination puzzle
Id: p5eZNfirZn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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