How to replace or clean leaking sprinkler valve diaphragm

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hey guys it's homeowner scott again with another quick how-to video today i'm dealing with leaking sprinkler valves um as you can see they're dripping all down you see how slimy that is they've been dripping for a while and my wife noticed it actually i didn't so you can see there's even water build up on some of them so i'm real quick i'm going to try to clean these and hopefully stop that leak by just cleaning the diaphragms inside um so real quick hopefully show you how to do that so i don't have to buy anymore because i'm cheap as usual so um real quick first thing you want to do is you turn the power off for the electric here at your circuit breaker which i just did that already then i'm going to turn the water off for the that goes to these valves you should have one like this somewhere until it stops i'm also going to go over by my pump and turn that one off now i have a well pump so yours could be set up differently my water is running from the well so i'm turning it off here too okay and on my circuit breaker box for this was outside i just turned those off just to be safe so all that's off so let's begin i'm going to go and clean each one they'll all be the same this first this is your bleeder screw you can open that a little bit let some of the water out tighten it back up and this is your solenoid doing this with one hand like i always do filming with the other with my videos never done this before but it's just a matter of taking some stuff apart looks easy okay this is solenoid and this is a type of spring plunger in there don't lose that so that piece just goes back up inside of there this is some type of a switch i guess it just comes off that to the side now this is a twist off kind it looks like which that's nice i think some of them have screws it's coming off nice and easy that's just we have to do this with two hand so this piece this is going to come up over top of that and if you notice i want to set this down so i don't want to lose that there's a spring there okay set this down for a sec so that spring just kind of looks like it just sits over that and i think i'm going to clean that over there this little bit of nastiness spray that out [Music] and now you have looks like ooh the diaphragm that's nasty that's just let's gunk if this being peels off but it should just come off all the way around [Music] come on there we go okay that definitely needs cleaning set that to the side and this is just okay that's it okay so let me just start cleaning these up or i want to get a hose i think and just spray it all out wipe it down all right so i cleaned everything i even sprayed this out a little bit i don't know if you're supposed to do that or maybe suck it out of any debris because you don't want any debris in the system you know that just kind of goes back down see how much cleaner that is white wiped it it's in pretty good shape it doesn't seem brittle or anything which it just kind of slips over that push it down nice and tight then you see your spring well actually i might put the spring over over that first have to put the phone down so as you can see i cleaned that out and wiped it and put that spring there as you can see you just kind of push it down onto that then you take that cap go over top of it while you're holding this and screw it back down and i just lined it up the way these other ones were and the way it was with that bleeder valve and i'm just tightening it back down set that back on now i'm going to have to set the phone now because i got to get that back inside that hole while i screw that solenoid down and you just got to kind of play with these wires a little bit with your other hand while you're tightening it i have to put it down so that you can snug that back up and that should be about it hopefully i don't have to replace them i'm just going to go down the line on all these ones that it'll call slimy and leaking and then test it when i'm done
Channel: Scott Keeley
Views: 27,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qSljLRismfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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