Installing A New Front Door [This Did NOT Go According To Plan!!] // EXTREME DIY HOME MAKEOVER

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if you've been following along with our DIY Adventures you know that we have been making over the front of our house we started by giving our sad flower bed a refresh then we added some really fun lights to the front of our house and today we're starting on one of the most exciting parts of this outdoor makeover a brand new front door the only problem is this project did not go according to plan I don't think it's gonna fit and I don't know what to do about it I'm gonna lose some windows are we cool with that this goes in this hole and the devil goes in the top one yeah but we'd better figure it out because we blew a huge hole in the front of our house and there's no going back so welcome to the adventures of my DIY wife and her non-handy husband [Music] before we get started we want to say thank you to nectar for sponsoring today's video nectar sent us the premier copper mattress and this beautiful Claremont bed frame the premier copper mattress has a cover that contains copper fibers copper is well known to help provide a cooling sensation and can help to quickly dispense any superficial heat transferred to it through touch helping to provide a cooler sleeping experience both of us are pretty warm sleepers especially Dean he is like an oven and so this was a major feature that we love about this mattress the top layer provides a temperature regulating cooling benefit intended to cushion the body at its most sensitive areas like pressure points with nectar's much-loved memory gel foam to contour and provide support and comfort where you want it the most the second memory foam support layer is intended to provide resistance against the body and keep you from sinking too far into the mattress the third layer the base layer is intended to provide support for all the layers above and to provide stability and structure nectar not only offers contoured support at a fantastic price but it also provides peace of mind with their industry-leading 365 night risk-free sleep trial and forever warranty there are 365-day trial period is three times longer than most other trials in the industry that means that you have a full year from the day that your nectar mattress is delivered to decide if it's right for you nectar also offers a forever warranty If you experience defects and construction materials or quality nectar will either replace or repair your nectar mattress plus every nectar mattress is shipped fast and free to your front door we have been using our nectar mattress for several weeks now and I can honestly say that we love it I knew that we were needing a new mattress and so we had been looking around already but I didn't know how much we really needed a mattress until we laid down on this and I was literally like this is the comfiest mattress I have ever slept on it's the most comfortable mattress I've ever laid on so I'm not just saying that for the camera overall we are extremely satisfied love the mattress and would highly recommend it to any of our family and friends if you're interested in checking out nectar mattresses be sure to click the link in the description below I mean this is a big day is it not it is this is a big day I've been waiting since we moved into the house this house four years ago to put a new front door on it let's back it up I want to go buy coffee no coffee for you all right so where are we going and what are we getting again we are going to a place that I can't ever remember the name of because they've changed it but we're going to get a new front door and I'm so excited about it this is actually pretty exciting because she has been thinking of this and talking about this for a really long time so I'm excited we're actually getting to do it dude I'm telling you these new Corvettes look like Ferraris or something find a spot darling find a spot after going inside we headed straight from the door section to have a look around [Music] ah babe I think we need one of these King Arthur [Music] ah babe we need to get one with the Texas Star on it look at that that's what we had at our first sauce do you remember oh it is isn't it I had a really clear picture in my mind of what I wanted and when I saw this door I knew that it was perfect so we went ahead and purchased the door and they loaded it up in the back of our minivan nice it fits it fit they always question me I'm like it's gonna fit I promise it'll fit they're always looking at it like ah is this gonna and we're like hey just put it in man it's gonna fit we've done it this is not even eight feet long it'll fit it's like six eight we're good she's a beaut oh look at her we don't need no truck get that truck out of here we got a minivan all right where are we headed to now back to Lowe's that's that's great awesome that's exactly what I wanted to hear like exactly this week it's Monday Monday let's get a new lawnmower huh John Deere you're getting distracted over here what's going on okay is it too early for this I mean we went into Lowe's to grab a couple of stain options sealer and a new handle for the front door I have been left behind I'm now looking for Andrea you can't slow down with Andrea or you will get left behind wait we found her he ran off and left me he was soft [Music] I was just trying to fed him they're Killers I just wish they made them bigger you know this reminds me of Levi and Asher [Music] before come back yeah okay I'll just leave it there oh check it out The Ranchero Maybe [Music] I want one hey how'd you get out so fast here's Slowpoke once we got back I started pulling the rest of the trim off so I could measure the rough opening of the door because we actually had friends coming over later that evening to help us switch out the doors and we wanted to make sure and have everything ready ahead of time girl but things don't always go according to plan and this is the part where we started figuring out that we had quite a big problem what did I say did I say 80 and a half I have no idea I wasn't listening this is 81 and a half so what does all this mean I don't think it's gonna fit and I don't know what to do about it that's highly concerning all right well what do we do next I'm asking my our friend who's an expert on this I will phone a friend so we're gonna phone a friend that's the next step I did try looking this up online and I was like I cannot find anything helpful on okay so I just wanted to look up what the actual standard the overall size so I know it's a 36 inch door but with the jams how big you know how wide how tall it is and it turns out that in our old house our door is just not standard and so the hole is about a half inch too narrow and I think it's a whole inch Too Short these old houses man come on man I think that means if we want to replace the or ever we kind of need to reframe that opening which then means taking the windows out why um this was supposed to be an easy thing and it's not it's not an easy thing why can't projects ever be straightforward and like they are supposed to be yeah so we feel like we need to pause for a second and explain a little bit of this situation because nothing was going according to playing okay so let's start out by explaining what the original plan was so y'all have met our friends Tyler and Justine before and it turns out that Tyler is really good and really efficient and actually really enjoys installing doors and so just through conversation he said hey you know what I could switch that door out really quick so the plan was let's have them all over for dinner and while we're feeding the kids and having fun and hanging out he could quickly switch out the door with deep which was supposed to be a one-hour job maybe less but then as we have already shown things didn't go according to plan in just a couple hours before they were planning to come over we started figuring out that the rough opening for the door was actually just barely too narrow and too short so basically Tyler helped us start demo on this front door area to really get an inside look of things we're gonna lose some windows are we cool with that and to be able to share with us what materials we are going to need to finish this project gravity can you do a pull up on it yeah and we even took a late night trip to Lowe's where I tried to show Tyler my waist look at this truck would you got the goods you got you gotta learn from the master you got to go downhill downhill Merry Christmas guys [Music] we've made it so basically to sum all of that up what was supposed to be a one hour project that I was not very involved in turned into quite a big project that was now going to be mostly on my plate and I hadn't planned at all for it all right so new plan this is not going to be just a quick change of the door we actually need to reframe around it and so step one in doing that is we need to finish demoing out we're actually just going to remove the side lights and then we'll sheetrock over that since the new door has Windows anyway so what in the world is a side light no it's the windows the windows on the side well I didn't know that maybe some other people didn't know that you act like I'm a silly goose there's a little bit of demo to do on the inside the outside and we'll take the older out and start reframing foreign the next step in the demo process was to figure out how to remove these glass side lights without breaking them is there a problem well I'm just trying to figure out how to get these out without breaking the glass I'd rather not pick up a little pieces of glass remember that time we broke that giant bathroom mirror ripped out [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that seems dangerous [Music] some of these are still coming down really well hey success these are like glued in place why do I feel like glass is about to come flying at me [Music] too close babe you're making me nervous oh it's stuck on a needle what seems to be the problem baby that's a dangerous spot whoa that's what I was hoping would happen perfect I almost silicone in good okay hey look I got two out without breaking them I'm feeling pretty good about that oh wait a minute oh he uses the big tools okay I'm gonna cut the door out all right so next step is to remove the door and the easiest way to do that is to cut through any of the nails or screws that are going through there so I'll just run this down the sides hopefully that'll make it easy to then tip the old door out we'll finish demoing and then framing [Music] okay this is like there's not even a gap for this I'm just gonna I'm gonna take the door off the hinges I can't even get the blade in there because this is not how you're supposed to install a door making me want to scream a little bit [Music] oh these are like baby screws none of these are even going into the like not a single big screen supposed to put like big screws nothing gets Andrea more fired up than when jobs aren't done right and she has to be the one to fix it that's true [Applause] [Music] I feel so strong right now after getting the actual door out of the way it was a little bit easier to keep working on removing the door frame look at that you're kind of in a dangerous spot [Music] just uh watch out for the glass there you know things were finally cruising along nicely until we started hearing some random banging that we thought was our kids until we walked into the bathroom that's right off of our front entry and made an unfortunate Discovery oh no everything's falling off my shelf in here babe oh no this was the bang we heard oh no my shelf is like Oh shoot no way I hope that toilet was flush I'm gonna worry about that later I don't care what is wrong with this project I would like to rename this project A Series of Unfortunate Events I'm like what the heck so Andrea decided to take out some of her anger on the demo no wonder it fell that looks like an extra spirited slam am I right I think we need to redo that bathroom now you think I think we need to redo that bathroom maybe so oh [Music] hey you know what that just hit me there's no turning back and we needed to remove all of the old siding and trim inside and out before we can start reframing this is such a violent job you are so well suited for it project [Music] it just keeps going on and on doesn't it yeah [Music] it's a little bedtime dinner you know how do you spend your fall evenings is it demoing your front door that's totally normal isn't it [Music] oh my gosh [Music] now we're thinking more just like a cave entrance Maybe [Music] demoing all around the door meant removing every last little bit of the old trim so we could start fresh with the new trim and siding and this was definitely way more work than either one of us thought it would be so this created quite the predicament because the sun was quickly setting and we hadn't even started on the new framing yet all right I got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a long night it's dark and we're just finishing demo oh yeah and there's no turning back there's there's no stopping I think demo is the hardest part that for sure took the most time I think I thought we had more Daylight but the Sun is setting before seven now and so it's dark I can just hear our neighbors saying about right now my what strange neighbors we have hey you know what actually can you hear that [Music] he's building a shed right now you know what maybe our neighbors think we're going to be best buddies actually after finishing up demo and doing a quick cleanup we got our saw out back and started cutting the wood for the framing yeah this is probably the most awkward way I've ever carried this what in the world [Music] now the camera makes it look a little bit later than it actually was but it was just after 7 pm and our goal was to get all of the cutting and loud noise done by 8 PM so that we didn't disturb our neighbors we pretty much never work on projects this late especially ones that involve using loud power tools but the demo took way longer than we anticipated so we were definitely feeling the pressure to get this done as fast as we could and of course having a giant hole in the front of our house added some extra motivation foreign [Music] I ended up not having to move the header which is the board above the door because there was an extra 1x4 board that came out easily during demo so that was a huge plus the metal level that there's the largest level I've ever seen Darwin no comment that's because she is in the zone ladies and gentlemen [Music] after attaching two two by fours on each side of the door I then used a Sawzall and a multi-tool to trim off the excess 2x4 at the bottom that steak sure is tough [Music] next I started measuring and then cutting the plywood sheathing that would be the first layer on the exterior of the house excited [Music] it's not long enough what I'll just cut my side pieces longer I just need to redo it a little bit this is the job that never is [Music] what lazy darling always forgetting your tape maker okay so we're cutting the sheathing stuff to go on the outside and instead of getting our air compressor out which is so loud I'm just gonna put a couple of Brad Nails in to hold it in place and then tomorrow I'll come back with the nail or the big nailer we don't want to make our neighbors angry so this is like the last thing we need to do that actually makes noise so hopefully nobody comes over here I would say knocking on a door but we don't have a door to knock on me probably come over and then they're like oh that's why okay [Music] totally normal okay so next we're gonna be waterproofing on the bottom of the door and normally we would use a silk pan for this but nobody has them in stock locally and since we are under an overhang here I did get some advice and I'm gonna end up just using the same flashing that I'm using on all the sides and then put a bead of silicone on the edge to like create the same effect as the sole pan and then also before we set the door I'll have several beads of silicone there as well so we'll be good you're such a pro [Music] don't eat it I was trying to see if it has that metal seal in there [Music] [Music] looks like giant duct tape [Music] we're getting close after I finish sticking the flashing on all of the corners it was time to do a dry fit of the door and make sure that it actually fits DNA professional door installers sort of at first it seemed like the door wasn't quite fitting but then I realized I just needed to trim the sheetrock at the top oh I'm probably gonna need to cut the sheetrock real quick with the sauce that's what it's holding it up top foreign [Music] once we have the door in place everything was pretty straightforward you pretty much just need a good level and a bunch of shims and then you loosen and tighten your screws until everything is square and there's an even reveal all around the door right now she's using the Jimmy's shimmy technique that is hard to say Jimmy shimmy technique Jimmy shimmy technique [Music] I realized the door needed to be raised up on one side but the sheetrock up top was still in the way so I needed to trim it back a little bit [Music] after several more adjustments we finally had the doors square and it was time to install the hardware [Music] this is what happens when you do projects at night this goes in this hole and the devil goes in the top one I didn't even think about that one at least this is easy and The Story Goes On [Music] [Music] foreign to finish the night Andrea sprayed whipped cream into all of the Cracks around the door [Music] this isn't your first late project is it I'm going away I think you need to go to bed darling no it's not as late we have we've gone way later than this before you know what I think we need a little bit of ice cream yes [Music] well man it is amazing what this girl can do with a hammer and a dream in her mind I mean can she work or can she work you know what I'm saying well this was supposed to be a really quick exchange you pull the older out you put the new door in but then of course things didn't go according to plan so we really didn't have an option Once you pull that door out and start tearing things up you have to put something back in place and so we got it done we figured it out we have the new door installed thank goodness there's not a giant hole in the front of her house yeah this is definitely one of those All or Nothing projects I mean there is no going back once you blow open a hole in the front of your house but hey you did what it took to replace that hole in the front of our house so can't complain so for all of Andrea's amazing hard work this week we are not finished that's for next week so she's going to be working on trim she's going to be staining this beautiful door she's going to be painting around it and really finishing out the front of our house and it's going to look absolutely incredible so join us in the next video [Music] nice come out of coloring book is that a Frozen coloring book yeah that's cool do you ever see me Let It Go too Let It Go Go Let It Go just like scared of me hey what are you doing oh you're riding your bike okay is it too early for this I mean I mean man could I get your opinion about September was too early now mid-october yeah I guess it's not too early to sell it but to put it up I don't know yo look at what we got here get those in there Bad Boys in there diaper drop diaper drop diaper drop we brought you the diapers mom behind me Holy Spirit gosh your eyeball yeah can we weird can you stop this project really did feel like one of those kind of fly by the seat of your pants project because it was supposed to be a quick thing and Tyler was gonna do it because this is like his area of X-Men and I'm like all right how do I do this again it's been a long time oh yeah this is a few hours by eight o'clock it's like oh neighbors don't hate us like what just after 8 PM it's a little nerve-wracking there though these like cut all that I can read your mind this is my editor camera over here
Channel: DIY Wife
Views: 139,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, diy wife, front door, front yard makeover, home renovation, home design, home makeover diy, how to install a new front door, new front door, installing doors, front door design, front door installation, door installation, front door makeover, installing wooden door, new door installation, home makeover, extreme home makeover, wood door installation
Id: CSMawNdQtyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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