Repair Replace Door Jambs Part 1

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welcome to Paul's toolbox I just got through loading up a few tools in my truck cuz we're gonna take care of a quick little job a very good friend of my mother-in-law's had a problem with the door jamb its it was rotted and she had a price of $800 to repair that in some small little knick knacks around her house so someone else tried to fix it for her and it was a little bit over their head so I told her don't worry about it I went and looked at it it's a simple little job I'm gonna take care of it for her so this right here cost me twenty-six dollars that's how it's gonna cost her to fix this now if you were to repair it yourself you can save a lot of money now don't get me wrong you're not gonna save 800 dollars because I think that price was out of the ballpark but you can still save a good bit of money by knowing how to do things yourself and you'll save a lot of money if you know what's involved with it because she wasn't sure if this was a normal price that's why she asked me to take a look at it so let's get started on it okay here we go what we're gonna do is take this brick molding off first then we're gonna take the inside trim off and we're gonna pull this out this is one piece we want to take this caulk out of here so we're gonna run a line with the razor knife and get a clean little line right here just to break the caulk loose that way we can pull this brick molding out without causing damage a lot of times the brick molding will rot too and you have a little bit right here easy fix you don't have to replace it we'll be able to fix this brick molding but when I'll replace it I usually use PVC I like to use PVC to go back on this because it doesn't rot its plastic the wood will rot and the PVC is already pre primed so you put it on here and you just go ahead and paint it you can check that out out that out at a Home Depot Lowe's Menards any one of your hardware outlets should have PVC brick molding we can take this out the way now a way to walk it out without causing damage would be to take one bar and put it in your crack take your other bar and put it right above it and you work one as you go and you slowly pull it that way you're not tearing anything off see back here you have your alarm system wires so you'll be careful with that I thought it was a doorbell at first but it's not either way you want to make sure you watch watch for things like that we're gonna slowly pull this thing out it probably has a nail in there you see how this is starting to come loose that's alright we're just gonna be careful we don't mess it up this tool right here has a carbide blade that'll cut nails so I'm going to slip it in you that was it that little tool is super handy and you'll see as we get this job done just how handy it is so I'm gonna leave this out because I want to I need to take that out right there without damaging it so we're gonna take this wire and we're gonna tuck it up out the way over here okay well we're gonna need to take these strike plates off and get these out the way this is a tool for taking trim molding off of your car and it works great for things like this it's you put it in and you can pop your clips off so I can get in little tight spots with this without causing much damage and we go back over Cox will cover that you see I can open it up once I open it up a little bit get my hammer in there over here slowly walk it out just like I did the other the trim is just like the other it's it's tacked in right here so I'm gonna pull the trim all the way off the bottom and we'll kind of twist it and pull it out without causing damage there you go this piece is out now we're gonna have to cut the top when you buy a door jamb it's gonna have a notch on the top and the bottom so we can go on the right or the left side of your door the top is gonna be notched so you just cut the bottom off to length that you need now you see how this goes in an L okay what we're gonna do is take this and we're going to take the shims from behind it on here out and then we'll be able to pop this away so this separates away from the top and I'll be able to get a blade in there and just cut it and take it out if I have to do it that way if I did not have room like I do here with these shims back here if I didn't have room what I would do is cut this straight across here and work it with my tool and as soon as I have a gap I could cut this and just pull those little pieces out if you're doing construction you really want to have one of these see those Sims back there they're not even nailed I always nail my when I put them in but I'm glad they didn't it makes it easier for me we take this now I can start working it off of there because like you said it's it's joined right here with a rabbet joint will push it out see how it came loose that's all we need to do miss Joyce told me ten years ago they replaced her door and cut the wire and charged her to rehook it up and didn't hook it up so it went into the wall here she's just gonna go back with Wireless we're gonna cut this and just get it out the way I measured from this bottom right here to just below where the the threshold goes here's my mark I will double-check it before I cut this and we're gonna take and peel this off I will cut that with a razor knife right there but we're gonna peel this back because we don't want the saw to hit that it'll mess it up and all you do is slide this stuff out simple all right I'm gonna flip it over cut it from the backside right at this point because that way I can have a nice flat piece of wood to cut I'm using the works exact track for this this is a great little portable saw I cut a lot of things with it it's perfect for a DI wire if you're doing super heavy-duty work with something you're not gonna want this I would like to see them come out with a professional series one because uh it's a great little tool great design this right here rides up and this is aluminum so it rides up and it goes against any board that you put on here one by you can take a 1 by and run it down a whole piece of plywood when you lock it down or even use a saw guide I can clamp it down on a piece of plywood this rides right on it and exactly where your line is that's where the saw guide goes and it's going to give you zero clearance cut it means that right where this is that's where your blades gonna be so you don't have to to measure back like you would on other saws what we're gonna do here is take a 1 by and I set it back behind here okay where the other frame is going to go and it's a piece of this scrap from this okay or from the old one so I'll take that and I'll set it there and that's where my frames gonna go okay so what you're gonna need is to get this angle right here it's gonna go just like this and the top fits but you see this part right here has to be trimmed to match to match the angle or you're gonna have a big gap right there that's why we're gonna get this measurement transfer it over to this and cut this part out so take this right here on that angle that we made the same angle and I'll see what it is I'm gonna trace it across and if you look you can line it up right here you see how it's on number two that's what we're gonna do we're gonna set it up right there I matched my square up with this and then I'm just transferring it over you I take my hand put on here as a guide so we'll just walk it out [Music] now I can take it right here and rip it through okay I'm using a 2-inch galvanized nails in my gun I always use galvanized nails when you're working with exterior I always buy galvanized nails for my guns because you never know if you're gonna shoot it outside or inside and it doesn't hurt to have it inside with galvanized but you have to have it outside galvanized alright it was like it's gonna be a nice fit we're going to put our shims here make sure we line everything up and then I'll start tacking it I want that back tight - that won't flex all right we're ready make sure you you don't put your nails too far in here into this track where you have to put your gasket back on so what I'm gonna do make sure my frame sits in there well take a look at it from this side okay we're good I'll put my shims back here and tie it in a pretty large gap in there and I don't want to just put some shims back there I want to have some solid wood especially where my strike plate goes so I cut a couple of pieces of plywood to put back there I'm gonna cut one another one because I want one here in the middle and at the bottom I made some plywood shims that will fit tight on some spots and then over here I'll just use some shims that that I have small gems and the shims that they came out of it but I put a piece of plywood right where the strike plate is because I wanted something solid back there where this screws in you want that to be strong right where your strike plate is I have a couple of nails up here that I want to get out snip them perfect now tap this back in carefully nice all right still looking good next I'm just going to cut that shim that's sticking out right here so let's get it this is only gonna take a second we'll pop this back in okay perfect everything's sitting just right we're gonna go ahead and put our trim back in here I have a video on this but really there's nothing to it you take this piece right here and you're just gonna tuck it in the slot we're gonna tuck it in from the top right here and it just slips right down into the group there you have it well you saw me using this so during the video and I'm going to be giving one away I'm gonna give you a saw with the battery the charger and the blade that comes with it so you'll have the whole complete kit to use this it's an excellent little DIY saw and I'm sure you're gonna like it now we're gonna choose one lucky winner from the first 200 people that comment so make sure you drop a comment on me subscribe because you have to be a subscriber and you have to have your notifications set so I can get in touch with you when we choose a winner I will send it to you once you get that reply you have to contact me within 10 days to claim this because works we'll choose another winner if you don't so make sure you get back with me I'll give you all the information you need all you have to do is go to Paul's toolbox calm once I give you that information and I'll give you the link you give me your shipping information your mailing information and we'll have one sent out to you don't forget to subscribe check out Paul's tool box calm five videos and I'll see you guys in the next project [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paul Ricalde
Views: 333,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Door jamb, repair exterior door jamb, replace exterior door jamb, repair door opening, replace door opening, repair replace door jambs, repair replace door opening, paulstoolbox, paul ricalde, rockwell tools, rockwell sonicare oscillating tool, worx exactrack, swanson tape measure, swanson speed square, swanson jab saw, stanley pry bar, stanley claw foot, ryobi brad nailer, ryobi cordless air strike, how to fix door frame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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