How To Repair An Old Photo In Photoshop Pt 2 - A Phlearn Video Tutorial

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so James it's your birthday it's time to play take your shirt off quit the day do whatever you want watch and learn drinks and beers now it's time to burn um your shirt III don't know that rhyme didn't work out too well happy birthday James why you step cool Santa you used to have a cool son but a pear guys welcome to flooring this is part 2 on taking an old photo it's only 27 years old though that was this is a photo of my mom we'll show him what we did in part one look at that is that magic or what yeah you did a really good job I'm just magic it's amazing oh no let's make a stamp visible air okay we're gonna talk about it is genetic gotta get it from you yeah we're gonna talk about look I'll just zoom in so you guys can see all the awesome detail here you look like such a cool kid oh I do see I can still do the eyebrow thing what does that say I fly I leg into the eyebrow thing oh that's very good yeah you're like smizing like tear banks Tyra Banks Tara banks whoever Tyra yeah we're gonna be fixing all this creases up so the best thing to do when you have this sort of thing guys is you want to rely on things like the patch tool the healing brush tool and the clone stamp tool now here's the difference between the three the clone stamp tool just makes a J rekt copy of whatever you are sampling so it's going to just sample this and do it directly the healing brush tool is going to take the texture from wherever you sample and the color from wherever you paint and it's try to blend this together the patch tool basically is like the healing brush tool it just does it on a larger scale and it works a little bit more complex okay so did that just blow your mind yeah okay so I think I need the last one you do oh my gosh you're so good at that the brush tool yeah yeah cuz I have such a large surface too we've finished that's correct yeah not you but the photo so the patch tool guys if you are using the patch tool make sure you do it on a stamp visible layer because it will not work on a blank layer that's will it work on my arm it will work on your arm in real life yeah shipping option command e that's no exam visible layer you can do that on your arm just hit shift option command e on your arm - there we go Oh perfect see we got our patch tool here I'm going to click on destination basically this tool is very awesome guys you just make a selection like I'm just drawing it with you know the brush and you just click and drag this down to an area and let it go it's going to blend in now it's on destination here let's just hit undo and I want to make sure it's on source instead so we're going to click and drag this down and right about there we let go and it gets rid of your scratch for the most part now if you don't like like copied the good part you have it eliminated the bad part and copied a good point exactly now you don't have to try to do the entire area at once like if you want to just do that part and well in case you have color variation left to right Wow color ferry what what are you an hour student now ah you've been watching form too much yeah geez color but you're making me look bad here you can take care of like areas like that you know so you don't have to try to take care like an entire image at the same time now if it's something that you don't necessarily like like you know and like that as much all you have to do is not a big deal you just make a selection around it again and just reap a chit out if you do need to do any cleanup you can go back in with the clone stamp I'm going to just we're gonna do a little fast-forward and that's where we're gonna take care of all that stuff because the shirt is not that important this sort of thing it can take quite a long time and it's just kind of like it's how good of a job where you would like clicking this and putting it in an area that works now my advice for you guys is don't try to do like a huge areas at once just try to like do what I'm doing just take care of well you just have to match more up basically okay you know like if I want to match this entire area up to here that's gonna be pretty hard right yeah but if I want to just match this little area I can just go right there and that's gonna match it's gonna be a little easier yeah so take it one chunk at a time you're gonna take the stain out of the shirt - yeah you be eating some ketchup that day yeah I think it's it's probably part of the photo kind of probably part of the old-age photo yeah there we go now if it's something that you can't do with the patch tool feel free to use your clone stamp tool something like that oh I would okay we're gonna get into your face real quick I'll skip ahead and let's do that do your face so the face the thing that's hard about the face it's a lot more delicate and you can't really mess this up not really so so it's harder cuz you can't mess it up yeah well you should it is harder because you can you can't get away with as much being messed up like on a shirt it doesn't have to be exactly right you know what I mean yeah on a face if it's not exactly right like if it's just kind of like then it looks like you had yeah surgery to remove spots of sun damage exactly yeah so these areas like the Plastic Surgeons should really just do this in the heck with all that I know well in the future when we don't even leave our houses and we only exist on the Internet yeah Photoshop is going to be a big business yeah cuz you'll be get to like online fake date people and you know they do that already have like cyber relations with them see how I use the word relations yes I did I was very proud of that was for you thank you okay yeah we would have in two Fabri relations and I'll tell you I am stop that story okay thank you so we're going to take care of all these little areas and I'm still using the patch tool for all these so just remember guys patch tool just try to do the small stuff and you can see like it messed messed your nose up there a little bit so just kind of undo that and redo it okay now for your eyes yeah they're gonna be tough those are gonna be tough here's what I would do I personally and this isn't going to always be the easiest thing to do but I would personally grab my brush tool and then with the brush tool we can kind of paint in there the detail that we want and then if we need any more texture on that we could add more texture later with like a with the patch tool or with a clone stamp tool or a healing brush tool something like that alright you want to see that yeah okay so you're already looking a lot better right yeah bark a little bit to light up there but we can fix that with your eyes we're gonna make a new layer because we don't want to paint on this background there okay we're gonna grab our brush tool make this brush nice and small and basically we're going to use the sample and paint method guys so grab your brush tool we're gonna paint about 20% sample the color from where you want so hit alter option like we want that to be an eyeball right there right yeah that we good and now we just kind of paint in luckily in these old photos you're not really dealing with a whole lot of detail you're just not there's not you know that because the technology wasn't that yeah you tell exactly it's just you know there's these they're not as sharp and you know generally the scans don't contain as information I mean there were good cameras back then for sure but the scans usually don't contain a whole lot of information in the actual photo itself what's the scan you like scan this photo then right oh I see what you mean yeah yeah okay so it's just not you know you don't see every little pore here so it makes it a lot easier to just get these away and what I'm doing is just sampling this color here that's next to that little guy and painting it in so if I want something a little white girl a little girl yeah yeah I would say the little guys the scratch oh okay sorry sorry so we can see just with a brush tool we're able to do that a lot and it's not you know it's not perfect and this is this is something that's not incredibly easy to do because you have to basically repaint someone's eye but when you're dealing with an area like this that has so much detail it's very hard to just you know there's almost no detail here that is usable so you kind of have to reconstruct all the detail and whatever you method you use whether it is like a patch tool or a clone stamp tool something like that whatever method you use you're still going to have to reconstruct that detail so this is where this sort of thing gets a little bit harder but my personal preference is the brush tool just because it allows me to sample these colors and paint them in and I don't really have to worry about like them plus that's so close up you know when you go back to the regular version that has distance ya you know automatically that looks just fine exactly yeah exactly so you know we could go in here and clean it up a little bit more you know maybe get rid of this scratch a little bit more in there not scratch not one to you you don't like that one like that one alright so this is the technique we're using guys now I don't want to keep you on phlearn for like another hour and a half but if I were to do like this photo and you know want to make it like ball or good I'd probably spend about another 20 to 30 minutes trying to make it good because you will lose especially if you're painting someone's eye you're gonna lose detail in their eye your news like highlights and things like that yeah that sparkle the sparkles oh gee you gotta go paint all that stuff back cuz this isn't Boston so I need to have sparkle exactly Boston has buses where the sparkle lives yep for the sparkle motion and I wasn't BJ back then I was Bobby you were Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby I can't do that Bobby doll I can't do that Bobby Barbie Barbie this the trick is the evilicious my mom's named Barbie that's the English translation oh yeah I know but it embarrassed the heck out of me because embarrassing me right now talking about it because you know my generation was when the Barbie doll was invented because the woman who made its daughter was named Barbie and her son was named Ken really yeah you didn't know that is it your mom ah right we wish did your mom invent Barbie uh one not the whole series no she invented it at the store well at the hospital at the hospital okay that works yeah so if you guys remember from episode 1 we basically this area we use with a patch tool now I'm going back in here and just cleaning it up with the clone stamp tool because the clone stamp tool is just gonna work a little bit better to get that edge yeah you need the edge yeah if you don't have the edge you don't have anything really alright so those are our techniques on how to clean a board edge right there more edge right where right there right there see those dots you got oh yeah there you go there we go now we got the edge we want yeah the edge we desire so huh we're so edgy we're looking pretty good right I mean we have this right up there look good I just had creases that's true but from our original photo which is here oh my gosh we've cleaned that up quite a bit and you guys can see this isn't taking a long time so I'm not going to watch the rest of your day but basically use those brush tools things like that for those small detail areas even if you have a mouse guys it's going to work you just have to like take a little bit time if it's in an old photo it's a lot easier than a new photo for the larger areas use the patch tool and if you need to clean up like a transition like we did for the shoulders yeah that's a great place for the clone stamp tool if you guys have any questions for me or my awesome mom let us know in a comment box below we're going to help you guys out next episode so cool we're actually taking the original distress information and we're going to be putting it on another photo it's gonna be awesome now I'm going to go switch to you guys the end version of this so you can see that I actually did complete it and you're watching it right now and it should be very beautiful and just like your mother there's like my beautiful mother guys thanks for watching phlearn have a great day we'll see you soon Hey hi
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 265,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How, To, Repair, Old, Photo, Photoshop, Photography, Phlearn
Id: N-D7DoblvSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2013
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